As the two of you head out of the ceramics store, you're holding your owl while Taehyung holds his squirrel bowl in one hand and some boxes for both in the other. You smile over at him as you two laugh.
"I can't believe you managed to piss off those parents enough to where they left the store." Taehyung says before shaking his head.
"Oh come on, you know I was right." You respond before letting out a laugh. He immediately nods his head before opening the small trunk in the back of his motorcycle. He opens the small Styrofoam box and carefully places the squirrel bowl into it before handing you your box. You begin doing the same while he stares over at you.
"You were right and those kids sure did love seeing their parents angry like that." He says before smirking over at you. "I'm surprised you didn't keep going though."
"What do you mean by 'keep going?'" you question as you put the lid of the box on. He shrugs his shoulders before biting onto his lower lip as he glances around. "I yelled at them and got them to leave the store."
"I don't know..." he says before drifting off. You furrow your eyebrows for a second before looking over at him. Tilting your head to the side, you hand him your Styrofoam box and he takes it. While wrapping his and yours in the spare hoodie he keeps in the trunk, he lets out a soft laugh. "I feel like you could've pissed them off more but you were holding back." He shrugs.
"How so?" he shakes his head in response to your question which causes you to narrow your eyes at him. "Since when do you hold back from telling me things? You're always blunt, why the change?" you question.
"Because this is something that... I don't know..." he drifts off before smirking to himself as he glances down at the cement sidewalk. "I just... I'm kind of surprised you didn't just grab me and kiss me to piss them off." He responds.
Your heart stops upon hearing this. Your eyes widen as you stare over at him.
You gawk at the man, jaw dropping as you hear this.
"I didn't know that was part of your job description as a bad date bodyguard." Is the only response that's able to escape your mouth.
Taehyung's smirk fails to fade from his face. He feels your eyes on him before looking over at you. Upon making eye contact with you, the smirk goes away and he turns expressionless.
After a few seconds, he blinks.
"You do realize that if we're going to be a couple at this party, you can't be shocked if I flirt with you like that, right?" he questions.
You close your mouth as realization hits you.
"Oh my gosh, Tae." You state before reaching your hands up to cover your face. You let out a soft laugh, now embarrassed of your reaction. "You completely took me off guard."
"Well, if that's just me talking about us kissing, what are you going to do at the party if I lean in to kiss you?" he questions.
You stare over at him, parting your lips as you get ready to speak. You then take a deep breath while staring over at him. He stares over at you, licking his lips for a moment as he waits for your response, an eyebrow now lifted as he urges you to reply.
"Then..." you start, voice slightly coming out shy and hoarse. You're hesitating and growing nervous. "Then, I guess I wouldn't have a choice but to do this." You rush through the rest of your sentence, not allowing yourself a second to stop yourself. You step forward, determined to have the confidence that he has.
He stares over at you, eyes slightly widening as you step towards him.
You wrap your arms around his neck and allow your lips to crash against his.
Once your lips are pressed against his, he doesn't hesitate to place his hands onto your lower waist, pulling your body closer to his. You slightly stumble forward as he does this. This is partly because you weren't expecting him to but also because your entire body now feels like you just chugged fifteen energy drinks.
Your stomach is spinning. Your mind is blank. Your heart is beating so quickly that you're scared you're going to pass out. Your arms are numb and your legs feel like jelly.
This is a kiss you've never had before.
This is the kind of kiss that makes time stand still. The kind that movies and shows try to portray on TV. The kind of kiss that everyone is certain they'll never get to experience just because of how unrealistic it sounds.
However, here you are, experiencing it.
As your lips move together for a few seconds, you both forget about your surroundings.
That is, until Taehyung's leg slightly brushes against his motorcycle, causing the alarm he installed onto it to start blaring into your ears.
The two of you immediately pull away from one another and he starts frantically attempting to turn it off. You are still in shock of what just happened but flinch at the sound, using your hands to cover your ears. The two of you are physically breathing heavily.
Taehyung's hands are shaking as he tries to fix the alarm.
You stare over at him, biting onto your lower lip before reaching your hand up towards your face. Pressing your fingers onto your lower lip, you take a deep breath before shaking your head in an attempt to snap yourself back into reality.
The alarm is now off but you and Taehyung are still shaken up.
After a few seconds, he looks over at you and immediately smiles.
"Well, if you do that at the party, we're pretty much golden. We wouldn't even have to say anything to get our point across." He states before running his fingers through his black locks. You nod your head before biting onto your lower lip as you smile.
The two of you stare at one another, maintaining eye contact for a few seconds. The two of you immediately start laughing over how much the kiss affected each of you.
He's now dropping you off directly in front of the dorm building.
As the motorcycle parks in front of the building, you start removing the helmet off of your head. Running your fingers through your hair, you look around before getting off of his motorcycle.
Taehyung smiles up at you as you hand him the helmet. Taking it from you, he smiles softly before looking up at you.
"Thanks for making pottery with me." he states before parking the bike and getting off. Taking your owl out of his trunk, he smiles over at you.
"Of course, it was really fun." You smile. As you smile, he starts getting off of his bike. "Where are you going?" you question, causing him to look up at you.
"Walking you to your dorm." He states before stretching his arms. "You didn't think I'd let you walk to your dorm when it's this dark, did you?" You lift your eyebrows as he says this. He then laughs softly before nodding his head in the direction of the building.
As he does this, the two of you walk towards the building. While entering, he opens the door for you.
Upon arriving at your door, you two pause once you see Seulgi and Sunmi waiting by your door.
"I hope she's alright." Sunmi states, causing Seulgi to nod in agreement.
"If she doesn't get here in the next ten minutes, I'm going to call for help." Seulgi states.
You and Taehyung glance at one another before you let out a soft cough. This causes the two to look in your direction. Upon seeing you, Seulgi's eyes are filled with anger. Sunmi's are filled with relief.
This only lasts for a few seconds before the two are giving each other a look. They're smirking at one another.
You look at Taehyung who is glancing down at his feet, trying not to laugh.
"Hi." You speak up, waving in their direction. "Taehyung and I just got back from hanging out. Did I freak you guys out?" you question.
The two look at one another before looking back at you.
"We were..." Sunmi states.
"But don't worry about it." Seulgi finishes before waving her at Taehyung. "Hi, Taehyung." Taehyung grins before waving at the two of them.
"Well, we should probably grab some dinner, right, Seulgi?" Sunmi questions, causing her to nod in agreement.
"Yeah, we really should." She states before looking back at you. "We'll see you tomorrow, Y/N."
"It was nice seeing you, Taehyung." Sunmi states before the two walk past you and Taehyung, making their way towards the elevator.
You and Taehyung can hear the whispering and giggling that the two are doing as they walk away. This causes you to roll your eyes while Taehyung merely laughs, shaking his head. It then grows quiet between the two of you; quiet enough to where you can hear people talking through the thin walls in their dorm rooms.
You sigh before looking over at him.
"They really killed the mood, huh?" you question. This causes him to nod his head before laughing.
"They did... but that's alright because you and I were about to part ways for the night." He says while laughing. You nod your head before you make your way towards the door that the two women were standing at earlier.
Taehyung follows you before leaning against the wall near your door. He waits patiently for you to take your keys out. Once you get them out and are able to unlock the door, he smiles over at you.
"Well, thank you again for hanging out with me." He grins before handing you the ceramic owl. You take it from him and smile widely before holding it up. "This will go right on my desk the minute I get inside." You state. He nods his head and smiles.
"Right where it belongs." He states before nodding his head towards the owl. "I'm really proud that you were able to paint that without thinking about the interior design rules you learned in class the whole time. It turned out really beautiful." This causes you to smile before looking down at the owl.
"Well, thank you for convincing me to paint without thinking." He nods his head, licking his lips for a second before making eye contact with you when you look up at him.
"Any time." He states. The two of you stare at one another before he then clears his throat to speak up. "Oh, by the way, were you able to listen to that song I recommended?" You smile before nodding.
"Yes, it helped me fall asleep the other night. Thank you for recommending that." You state. He smiles.
"No problem." He shoves his hands into his pockets for a second. "I'll text you so we can plan that first practice date." He teases with a child-like grin on his face. This causes you to laugh softly before nodding your head.
"Okay, yeah. Sounds like a plan." You state before he then nods.
"Okay. Goodnight." He states.
"Goodnight." You respond before giving him a smile and wave. He waves over at you as well while starting to walk down the hallway. As he does, he takes a few glances back at you every few seconds with a wide smile on his face.
You find yourself staring at him as he walks away. Eventually, his figure looks like he's the size of a doll as he gets into the elevator. He waves at you one last time and you do the same. Watching the elevator doors close, you then open the door to your room.
Stepping inside, you close and lock the door behind you. Letting out a deep breath, you lean back against the door. Licking your lips, you taste the strawberry flavor of his lip balm. This causes your body to feel the same adrenaline and dopamine spreading throughout your body like it did while you two kissed.
"Oh my gosh... I can't believe I did that..." you mumble to yourself before giggling and starting to get ready for bed.
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