Chapter 1
Layla POV
Well breakfast wasn't so bad, at least mom was smiling and laughing. The ride to school consisted of silence after I put my earphones on and looked out the window. And school wasn't so bad.. not all of it at least. An old friend was in this school, a guy who grew up with us but had to move last year when his father got promoted. Jack's one of the guys to know in this school apparently, he doesn't do any sports which surprised me seeing as he too was a cheerleader back in our school but when I asked him why I understood why he left.
"I'm telling you Lay the team at this school sucks and to make it worse.." He stops and looks behind me.
"She's at this school, I'm sure you remember her." I turn to look where he was looking and I felt my blood boil. Brittany the one girl I've always competed with since little age, our team's have always been rivals and it's always either been her or me to win the competitions.
"You've got to be kidding me." I say turning to him.
"No, if anything meeting her just made her more annoying. I have no idea how her team stands her, you're a 100 times better than her in every aspect." He said just before his eyes move behind me again.
"Look who it is, I can't believe they let something like you into this school." I roll my eyes before turning to look at her.
"Oh you mean civilized and grounded people? Oh wait you have no idea what that even means." I say giving her a fake smile as a bunch of 'ohh's were heard.
"You have nothing to back you up now. You left your team back where you came from, you have nothing.. unless you wanna fail at making this school's cheerleading team even close to good." She said smirking making me bite my tongue before smirking.
"Don't underestimate the power of a talented captain." I say tilting my head.
"Are you saying you're gonna join the cheerleading team? Ha I wanna see you try and make that team good." She said with a laugh as I clench my jaw before she looked behind me to Jack.
"Hi Jack." She said flirty before I roll my eyes and take a seat.
"You're on." I say just as she started to walk away making her laugh.
"What the hell did you just do? I'm telling you the team sucks!" Jack says panic in his voice.
"One they can't be that bad, second she gets on my nerves! Someone needs to put her in her place." I say crossing my arms over my chest.
"They are that bad." Jack said and I sigh.
"Then help me, please. You're one of the best cheerleaders I know please." I beg making him sigh.
"The things I do for you." He said making me smile and hug him.
"Thanks!" I say as he chuckled rolling his eyes.
"They have practice today after school at the gym." He says and I nod.. that's what lead me here.
"Close your mouth, I told you." This can't be happening, is it even possible?
"How.. why do they even have a cheer team? Do they even compete?" I was almost speechless.
"Layla! Hi!" Eliza smiled and waved at me as she ran my way.
"You know her?" Jack asked as I face palm.
"She's my soon to be sister in law." I say and he shakes his head.
"She's pretty." He said and I look at him.
"And way to hyper." I mumble as she made it to me smiling.
"Are you here to join the team?" She asked excited as I'm still trying to think as to what the hell I'm suppose to do.
"Just give her a minute to process." Jack says making me hit his shoulder as he laughs.
"How.. just what the hell am I suppose to do? God why did I say that?" I'm pulling on my hair slightly before taking a breath.
"I told you didn't I?" He says and I shake my head.
"Yes but I swear I had no idea a cheer team could be like this.." I say.
"I know we're bad.. but we could be better with your help." Eliza says and I look at her.
"My help? This team is gonna need a whole lot more than just my help." I say sighing and looking at them.
"We don't even have enough guys, or people to be able to do a good routine." I sigh before walking towards them.
"What are you doing?" Eliza asked.
"Alright listen up, I'm gonna ask a question to all of you and I want you to really think about this. Why do you cheer? Do you cheer just because your parents made you? Maybe because you thought joining the team could look good on a collage resume? Or do you cheer because you want to?" I ask as they all stayed quiet.
"Ok... raise your hand if you want to be good." I say as slowly they all raised their hands and I sigh.
"If you want to be good the first thing you need, is good practice and time. This team nor any other team will ever succeed without it, this team just happens to be behind.. way behind. The way you move, your number of people, your coordination, routine.. this team is gonna have to start from scratch and if we wanna catch up then we gotta put a lot of work into this." I say.
"Excuse me but who are you?" A brunet girl asked with an attitude.
"I'm someone who absolutely hates losing and practice are not going to be easy with me, that being said I do guarantee results." I say.
"Who died and made you captain." She said with a glare and I sigh.
"I guess you're the current captain? What have you been doing? Doing elevators along with extensions as a serious stunt is not something that will impress people and that dance routine was used in one of the competitions last year by one of my rival schools and it was basic." I say as she scoffs.
"I wanna see you do better." I raise a brow as Jack starts walking to me.
"Alright what do you wanna do?" He asked placing his hands on my hips.
"Liberty with a tick-tock then Scorpion and a high toss for a basket or a kick single, think you can handle it?" I ask teasing making him chuckle.
"I may have been out for a year but I can still manage your fat ass." He says making me laugh as I place my hands on his wrists.
"Double jump." I say and feel him nod against my back before I jumped once and on the second jump I separated my legs shoulder length before he caught me and my hands where on my sides.
"Liberty right leg." I say feeling him bounce once before extending his hands and grab my right leg before I raise my left leg until my toes are lined with my knee and extend my hands up.
"Tick-tock." I say and he bounces before I change legs doing the same with the other as I hear gasps.
"Scorpion." I say placing my leg and hands down as he turned me and I took my leg in my hands pulling it back doing a perfect scorpion.
"Basket." I say before feeling the bounce and I hit my thighs with my hands before he caught me in his hands and placed me down.
"I got my whole team to do that in my first year and a half. I can help you become better if you want." I say and I see all of them nod.
"Alright." I say smiling.
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