When Taehyung woke up, the first thing he noticed was a hand running through his dirty brown hair.
"Momma," he purred, closing his eyes again with a small smile, even though he had a bad feeling. "You're supposed to be resting~"
Instead of the usually lullaby that his mom would sing, he heard a chuckle and a snicker. His eyes widened and his heart went cold- the comforting warmth long gone.
He pushed the hand and person away, knocking them off the couch. He heard a groan, but ringing overtook his hearing as he pushed the blanket off.
Taehyung gave a sigh of relief once he realized he was fully dressed, not a single item of clothing out of place.
"Ow.. that's gonna bruise like a bitch," the familiar voice of Jeongguk groaned in pain once again.
"You deserve that, you fucker," Namjoon called out, from what Taehyung suspected was the kitchen- probably because he was making a piece of toast with jam on it.
"What did I ever do!" Jeongguk complained, still on his stomach on the bare, wooden floor.
"You're just an asshole," Namjoon shrugged while shoving his piece of toast in his mouth.
"What time is it," Taehyung back away from the two, almost knocking a glass vase off a table. "And why am I here?"
"It was too late to walk you home," Namjoon mumbled through a mouthful of his food. "And you broke down on how we couldn't call your mother."
"And you were freezing your ass off," Jeongguk got up, rubbing his shoulder.
"I- I wanna go home," Taehyung gave a pout. "My mom is sick. A- a- and... she's all I h- have."
When Jeongguk noticed Taehyung's waterworks starting to water, he went up to Taehyung and grabbed his shoulder. "No more crying. At this rate, my house is going to flood."
Jeongguk felt proud of himself that he was able calm the broken hybrid, but that triumph he was feeling left when more people barged in, making the hybrid run and hide behind the couch, beanie falling off in the process.
"My favorite dongsaengie!" A man with flame red hair barged in with another falling behind with his head in phone.
"What?" Jeongguk sighed, crossing his arms. "What the hell do you want?"
"Well I was wondering-"
"Hell no," Jeongguk stomped his foot. "Plus I'm a little busy."
"Were you..." the shorter one looked up, arching an eyebrow. "With Namjoon here?"
"No! Just- no. I'm thinking of a way to get a- a f- friend home," Jeongguk covered his face with his hands.
"Who is this said friend?"
"Hoseok- it's not your business-" Jeongguk stormed, narrowing his gaze.
"His name is Taehyung," Namjoon interrupted. "He's a- teen that Jeongguk saved." About to say hybrid, Namjoon rethought. Probably because he didn't want to die at such a young age- murdered by Jeongguk.
"Where is this friend?" Hoseok pressed.
"Behind the-"
"Fuck off," Jeongguk snapped, "he's not your business."
"So he's behind the... something?" Hoseok hummed, pacing around.
"The couch, obviously," the man with the phone rolled his eyes. "Why else would Jeongguk be standing protectively in front of the couch?"
"You're so helpful sometimes," Hoseok shrugged.
"Leave him alone, Hoseok. Taehyung is already freaking out."
"I just want to know what your friend looks like~"
Sighing, Jeongguk knew he couldn't fight three to one- him behind the one. "Taehyung-sshi, come out. It's okay."
No answer came. If Jeongguk didn't know exactly that Taehyung hadn't moved an inch, he would've worried a bit. With another sigh, Jeongguk walked over and crouched next to the opening to behind the couch. Inside- behind- was a Taehyung wrapped up like a burrito in one of Jeongguk's blankets, the same exact one he was sleeping with.
Jeongguk cooed for a small moment before motioning for Taehyung to come out. All the boy did was hide his head in the fuzzy blanket, curling in closer to the wall.
"Taehyung~" Jeongguk used a "puppy dog voice", hoping maybe it worked on hybrids also. The dog hybrid did nothing, staying in his little cacoon.
Jeongguk tsked, wondering if he'll even fit. Knowing he had to get Taehyung out somewhere or another, he groaned and squeezed into the small opening. Taehyung noticed the lack of light from Jeongguk blocking the lamp and took his head out of 'his' blanket.
Taehyung made grabby hands towards the boy, pouting. Jeongguk had no idea what to do, just kept crawling towards the teen. When he got close enough, Taehyung latched himself onto Jeongguk, shivering- despite being in a coat and wrapped with a blanket. Jeongguk was so shocked that he hadn't he noticed Taehyung had quickly fallen asleep, curled up into his warm chest.
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