Chapter 2
Jeon Jeongguk was a dumbass.
Only a mere two days after the event (a nice weekend which Jeongguk spent thinking about many, many things) he was back in school, and contrary to the small belief the boys hoped for- Jeongguk didn't change.
In fact, he somehow became worse. It wasn't enough that he was pretending like Friday never happened and the boys were being 'fucking weird' and Jeongguk 'isn't even gay'- but he was going out of his way to show he's still the annoying spoilt douchebag he always was. This.. confused the boys a little bit. Though not gravely, they didn't think Jeongguk would suddenly become a shy little twink who sits on their laps and begs for their cocks- but they expected some change. Perhaps an apology? Even a small mumble about how he knows he's an asshole? Just some simple fucking self awareness???
I mean, the boy was waddling around school, hissing slightly when he sat down, had noticeable small hickeys on his neck, and way way more all over his body. He couldn't even look the boys in the eye, for every time he did the thought of what he allowed to proceed on Friday came tumbling in his head- and his mind cluttered with images of him getting fucked by all these boys.
"If there's one thing Jeongguk can top, it's self denial. Because he is balls deep in it." Jimin said, sitting down on their usual lunch table.
"It's almost like he wants to get his ass beat again." Namjoon said, and Hoseok snickered. "Maybe he does."
"Oh come on, guys. Did any of us actually expect him to change? We got a good fuck- that's all that came out from this." Jin said.
"A lot more came out of Jeongguk. What're you doing, anyway?" Yoongi asked Jin, who was typing on his laptop really fast, food left ignored on his side. Jin barely gave him a look, continuing to type really fast.
"Bio presentation we have to give in class. Told Gguk to finish his part at home, but as you can guess.." Jin trailed, and then Taehyung reached forward and closed his laptop shut. Jin scowled, but Taehyung pressed his lips together.
"Don't. Don't do shit for him. He'll be the one who fails." Taehyung said, and Jin snickered, raking his hand through his hair. "Last time I didn't do his maths homework for him and he got in trouble- he told my plug I was a snitch and none of us got weed for two whole months," Yoongi grumbled, and Hoseok scoffed.
"Right. But he did, because little rich boy gets everything he wants." Hoseok gritted his teeth, and Taehyung just chuckled, looking less annoyed than everyone else about this.
"Yeah, but it'll be different now." Taehyung said, and everyone quietened down when they saw the black haired boy walking up to them, dressed in his regular outfit of skinny jeans that probably cost way more than its worth, and a black t-shirt. "Jin you're done, right? Don't want Mrs. Yin giving me detention again. I've got shit to do after school." Jeongguk said, and Jin looked up at him.
"Then you should've finished the presentation at home," Jin said, and Jeongguk scowled, eyebrows furrowing.
"Are you fucking kidding me? I told you to finish it- didn't I?" Jeongguk snapped, but then looked even more frustrated when no one moved an inch or looked scared.
"..Anyways. Hey let's go to that pizza place after school-" Yoongi started, and Jeongguk scoffed. "Y'know what- fuck you guys. Go eat your fucking pizza, I don't even-"
"Gguk, you can literally go to the library and finish the presentation right now instead of wasting time," Namjoon said, and Jeongguk gave him a look, resting his hand on the table. His eyes darkened. "Did I fucking ask?" Jeongguk growled, and Jin was about to say something, but Jeongguk slammed his hand onto the table.
"Jin- you better do what I told you to-"
"Or what? Did Friday seriously just go over your head? We didn't fuck you for fun, we did it because you're a little bitch-" Jimin started, but Jeongguk glared at him. "Shut the fuck up, Park." Jeongguk warned, and the guys all looked more than aggravated, and Jeongguk was about to throw another tantrum, when he felt a hand grip his wrist.
"Jeongguk," A voice snapped, and Jeongguk turned and saw Taehyung, his silver hair falling on his darkened eyes. "Go to the fucking library and finish that goddamn presentation." Taehyung growled, his voice low enough to reach beneath the depths of earth.
The boys all stilled when Jeongguk visibly froze, and watched with amusement as Jeongguk looked at Taehyung with big eyes. Taehyung seemed a little pleased as how Jeongguk shut up, and turned to look back at his friends. Jeongguk stayed there for a few seconds, processing what was just said to him, and then Taehyung turned sharply and gripped onto his waist.
"Gguk, I don't want to repeat myself-" Taehyung spoke sharply, and Jeongguk nodded feebly, bunny teeth tugging on his bottom lip as he turned himself around and walked out the cafetaria, hands fumbling with the end of his t-shirt as he did.
Once he was gone, the boys burst out laughing, and couldn't help it at how Taehyung gasped as well. "Did you guys see that?"
"I seriously can't figure this guy out. One minute he's full on yelling at all of us, but the moment you raise your voice a little he runs away?" Yoongi said in confusion, and Taehyung smirked a little, taking a sip of his energy drink.
"I think I know why." Namjoon said, and Taehyung's eyes looked at him, and saw his lips turn to a grin. "You're the only one who hasn't fucked him,"
The guys all nodded or made sounds of agreement, but Taehyung just let out a pfft, shaking his head. "No way-" Taehyung started, but the boys looked more than adamant on their new theory. "Think about it! He's being a dick to all of us 'cause he thinks we won't do anything anymore, y'know?" Hoseok said, and Taehyung looked at them questioningly, and then hummed.
"Well, good thing that's never going to happen." Taehyung said, and then stood off his seat, making the boys snicker. "You serious? Gonna leave the boy hanging?"
"If it means he won't be an asshole to me, yeah. Clearly whatever happened on Friday went in one ear and went right out the other. He got us to fuck him, and frankly, I don't wanna do shit for him," Taehyung said, and saw the boys partially agree with his statement.
Jeongguk came through before the class and finished the presentation, the teacher seemingly very pleased by their work. Jin walked up to Jeongguk and saw him tense when Jin patted his lower back. But when Jin leaned in and whispered "Good boy. Did very well," Into his ear with his warm breath tickling his lobe, Jeongguk did his best to not show the bright flush of his cheeks, and ignored the way something between his thighs twitched.
After school, he went to the pizza place with them, and tried his hardest to act how he always does. Pushing past people, being rowdy, giving the water a hard time. The boys felt embarrassed by his behaviour, and kept telling him to shut up or quieten down, but he wouldn't budge.
"Jeon- don't you dare-"
Jeongguk smirked at Namjoon's worried face and poured vodka from a little flask he had in his school bag straight into his soda. Hoseok kept trying to grab it out of his hand, but Jeongguk laughed and poured some of it into Hoseok's glass as well. There were people all over the restaurant, annoyed parents and pissed off waiters, giving dirty looks to their table. Jimin rolled his eyes, hearing another murmur from Jeongguk about how they were all 'boring' and 'a bunch of pussies'. Jimin reached for his phone and decided to text Taehyung.
hes so FUCKING annoying oh my god
you better throw him over your lap and spank him before i do
"Who're you texting, Park? That chick from the party last week? Jeez- you literally threw up on her shoes-" Jeongguk laughed, but then Jimin looked up at him, not in the mood to take any shit.
"Still have a bigger dick than you, Jeon." Jimin snapped, and a soft snicker roamed the table as Jeongguk's eyes widened. He looked at Jimin for a few seconds, and then gripped his glass tightly, looking away.
"Shut the fuck up," Jeongguk growled lowly, and Jimin smirked upon seeing his discontent. The boys obviously looked like they were stifling laughs, so Jeongguk just cleared his throat.
"For your information, none of you were any good anyway. Didn't last more than a minute," Jeongguk let out before thinking, letting his cocky and petty side take over. A silence fell over the table, and Jeongguk suddenly gulped down his drink, wondering if it was the best idea to open his mouth.
Before any of the (rather annoyed) boys opened their mouths, Taehyung stood up, previously sitting beside Jeongguk. "I'm going." Taehyung announced, taking some money out of his wallet and dropping it onto the table to pay for his meal. Jeongguk turned to look at him, and then saw Taehyung not even give him a side glance and walk out, running his hand through his hair.
Jeongguk paused, and then turned to face the other guys. He was about to make a comment, but then noticed Hoseok and Namjoon also stand up. "Yeah, it's getting kind of late." Namjoon said, a blatantly obvious lie, since it was only 4 pm and they hung out till later at times. Jeongguk saw as all the boys stood up, giving him one excuse or another, or just a glance, before walking out of the place, leaving Jeongguk alone.
Jeongguk felt timid, eyes upon him, some knowing who he is, wondering why he was alone. Jeongguk quickly put some money down to pay for the stuff and grabbed his phone and rushed out of the diner. He felt a pit in his stomach when he saw his friends standing in a circle against the wall to the entrance of the pizza place, probably not seeing Jeongguk. He saw puffs of smoke, so assumed they were smoking.
"- so fucking annoying," Jeongguk heard Jimin say, and then heard nods of agreement. "Annoying might be an understatement."
"I swear to god- one of these days I'm just gonna snap and beat the shit out of him and none of you will be able to stop me."
"Shit, I'd join in."
Laughter. The put in Jeongguk's stomach grew. He stood against the other wall, hearing their words, being exchanged as if they'd had to discuss it far too often. He didn't like this- didn't like how they were talking. It wasn't in a way where they degraded him, because when they degraded him the tone was calm, only meant to push his buttons. These words being exchanged were full of anger, clear annoyance evident in their voices. He didn't like it. Didn't like the knot in his stomach, a knot full of guilt.
He stepped forward, and upon his appearance, their voices quietened down, and Namjoon just let out a forced chuckle and pressed the cigarette between his lips.
"Hey," Jeongguk let out, feeling smaller, unsure, insecure because of the way they were all looking at him. Like he was the wrench in their clocks, stopping them from having the time of their lives. "Um- I-I had some-some beer? Back at home- and- my parents aren't here. So if you guys wanna-"
"We're busy." Yoongi cut him off, and Hoseok snickered. "Yeah. Homework."
Jeongguk always spoke before thinking. "Oh come on- don't be lame, just get one of the nerds in school to do it for you." Jeongguk scoffed, and Jimin hummed.
"Or we could do it ourselves because we're not fed everything with a silver spoon and actually need to work to get somewhere," Jin said, and Jeongguk saw Namjoon laugh again, and it made Jeongguk feel pathetic.
"It- I didn't mean it like that. Well- um.. are you guys doing it togeth-"
"Jesus Christ, Jeongguk-" Jimin snapped, shutting Jeongguk up. "Can't you take a fucking hint? Just fucking leave already!" Jimin said sharply, and Jeongguk felt himself still.
He waited for a few seconds. Perhaps for an apology. Maybe a mumble of just kidding. Maybe for one of the guys to defend him. Taehyung- Taehyung always defended him.
But now Taehyung was just looking at him, the look on his face confusing for Jeongguk, for he couldn't tell if he agreed or felt sympathetic.
Jeongguk felt like saying sorry. Felt like walking up to them and admitting that he's an asshole, and maybe even confessing that Friday was the most fun he's ever had and he wouldn't mind all of them fucking him like a rag doll every fucking day.
But he was a dumbass. So he just gave Jimin an angry look and then snapped "Fine. Don't wanna be around you fags anyway," before turning around and walking away, the pit in his stomach growing.
Taehyung looked at Jimin, who put up his hands in fake defence, and then rushed over to Jeongguk- who was reaching for the door of his car, and gripped his arm. "Gguk," Taehyung said, and Jeongguk tugged at his arm. "Fuck off," Jeongguk let out, but Taehyung could sense the tone in his voice.
So Taehyung flipped Jeongguk around, pinning him against his sleek black car. Jeongguk tried pushing him off by placing his hands on his chest, but Taehyung only moved closer, and Jeongguk didn't want to push him off- so he just meekly kept his hands on his chest, looking at him cautiously.
"Y'know," Taehyung whispered, digging his fingers into Jeongguk's waist. "Maybe if you weren't such a bratty little bitch all the time, I'd want to fuck you." Taehyung said, and Jeongguk felt his breath hitch at that.
He squirmed in Taehyung's hold, and then meekly let out a "T-Tae-" But Taehyung shushed him with his mere glance. "You know what you need, Jeongguk? You need someone to tell you what's right and put you in your goddamn place. You need someone to dominate you, fuck you senseless." Taehyung growled, and Jeongguk felt his eyes growing bigger, fingers tangling into Taehyung's button up.
"Clearly what we did on Friday had no effect on your dumb spoilt self. But if we need to take control to make sure your little princess complex goes away, doll, then we will." Taehyung growled into his ear, and Jeongguk whimpered a little, just nodded, hands clutching Taehyung's shirt tightly. Jeongguk pressed his legs together, giving Taehyung a doey eyed look.
Taehyung smirked at what Jeongguk's eyes conveyed, how Jeongguk bit down on his lip and gestured at his car through his eyes, blinking his lashes. God, Jeongguk felt desperate and a little floozy, but the truth is, he'd been thinking about Taehyung fucking him since he left him in the bedroom that night.
Jeongguk never knew someone, especially someone like Taehyung, could have such as effect on him. He'd always been his sidekick best friend who would do things for Jeongguk, but suddenly, suddenly Jeongguk noticed how broad his shoulders were and how big his hands were and how big his dick was and-
"Oh, baby." Taehyung said softly, brushing the pad of his thumb on Jeongguk's bottom lip. "Lesson number one, things won't be handed to you when you want them."
Jeongguk opened his mouth to say something, but then Taehyung turned around and walked away, placing the cigarette back between his lips, leaving Jeongguk flustered and flushed. Jeongguk got into his car in an instant, breathing really hard, cock definitely tenting his boxers. Fuck.
And when he began driving away and heard their loud laughs, he already knew he was fucked. Literally.
The next four days were the craziest days of Jeongguk’s life. So far.
On Tuesday morning, things started out quite normally. Jeongguk spotted his friends standing by the lockers, and then fearfully walked up to them. He saw how Jimin glanced at him, and just looked down, choosing not to speak.
Classes were normal. Everyone was normal. Just- Jimin was being weird. As in, they kept bumping into each other and Jeongguk never knew what to say, just remembered Jimin telling him to ‘take a fucking hint’. And, to be honest, that kind of hurt. Because, how many hints had Jeongguk not noticed? This clearly had been going on for a long time for the boys to be so aggravated by it.
Jeongguk has a lesson of study hall every day. He spends them bunking, hooking up with some girl, smoking weed behind the school with one of the guys, or in this instance, in the library, with his head in his hands.
He had his maths homework splayed out in front of him, and yeah, he could just go up to some skinny kid with big glasses and give him his homework (and threaten to stuff him into a locker if it wasn’t done) but Jeongguk didn’t want to. Didn’t feel like the right thing to do right now.
“Ggukie’s studying for once?” A voice came, and Jeongguk looked up, and saw Jimin and Jin standing there. Jeongguk let out a snicker, scratching his head with the back of his hand.
“Eh- just felt like finishing it for once.” Jeongguk mumbled, and then saw how Jimin and Jin were still standing, walking closer to him. Jin crouched down a little, and smiled at the boy.
“Guess what, Gguks? Ms. Yin’s giving us A’s for our presentation. She said our research was great.” Jin said, and Jeongguk smiled a little. He noticed how Jimin was still standing by the table, though Jin was a little closer. “That-that’s great.” Jeongguk said, feeling genuinely good with how Jin was smiling at him.
“Let’s go.” Jimin said, and Jeongguk turned to him. “Go where? Wanna go smoke?” Jeongguk asked, and Jimin gave him a look.
“Was I talking to you?” Jimin spoke sharply, and also smirked when Jeongguk tensed. Jeongguk frowned, glare forming in his eyes. “How the fuck was I supposed to know who-”
“Come with us, Gguk.” Jin said, and before Jeongguk could say anything, Jin gripped Jeongguk’s shirt and yanked him off his chair. Jeongguk followed them silently, walking behind the two boys, seeing how they were walking up the stairs to the second floor of the library where very few people were. Jeongguk followed them, until he saw them walk through some aisles, and then stop right in the last aisle in the library, where the books about geology and other stuff lay.
“Rocks? The hell are we doing here?” Jeongguk asked, and then felt fingers wrap around his belt loops and pull him in. Jeongguk stilled when he felt a chest against his back, and then felt hands running down his sides.
“We could drag this along and ease you into it,” Jimin said, standing in front of Jeongguk, still looking quite angry. “But we don’t wanna waste time. And there’s only 20 minutes of this class left,” Jimin smirked, and Jeongguk gulped, and then felt Jin’s lips press against his neck.
“You know the stuff I said yesterday?” Jimin said softly, and then wrung his own fingers into Jeongguk’s belt loop, both boys sandwiching him. “It’s all true.” Jimin whispered, and then Jeongguk felt Jimin’s hand travelling down, reaching his crotch and giving it a squeeze, making Jeongguk feel a little pliant, bucking into Jimin’s hand.
“You’re an annoying,” Jimin whispered, finger digging into the button of his jeans. “Bitchy,” Jimin unbuttoned his jeans. “Bratty,” Jin unbuttoned his plaid shirt. “Spoilt,” Jimin pulled his jeans down. “Little slut.” Jimin growled, and Jeongguk gasped out when Jin ripped all the buttons of his shirt open, and Jimin pulled his briefs down, leaving him completely naked as his shirt fell to the floor and jeans were pooled at his ankle.
“Guys- s-someone could-” Jeongguk started, but then felt Jimin tug at his cock, making it grow harder. “S-see- see us-” Jeongguk gasped out, feeling both the boys press their mouths on him. Jin’s hands were on his waist, while Jimin had on his cock and the other on his nipples, tugging on both of them. Jimin went straight for the left side of his neck, while Jin went for the right.
“Oh, is that embarrassing, Ggukie? Someone walking in and seeing Mr. Playboy all naked getting fucked right in the middle of the library, huh?” Jimin teased, and Jeongguk couldn’t help but notice Jin was more quiet, just massaging the sides of his waist. “Or maybe a teacher will walk in? Or the librarian? And see what a filthy little whore Jeon’s son is,”
Jeongguk squeaked out when Jin placed one hand on Jeongguk's lower back, pushing him over, bending him in half. He felt hands on his hips, pulling them back so his ass was pushed out. Everything was going fast, and he still couldn't figure out if this was a sort of punishment or them just taking pleasure on him.
Both those ideas were hot.
Jimin and Jin were fully clothed, which is perhaps why Jeongguk’s cock was standing fully erect, barely being touched. He saw as Jimin unzipped his jeans and took his cock out, rubbing at it. Jeongguk looked up at Jimin, who smirked.
“Whenever you open your fucking mouth I ust want to shut you up with my cock,” Jimin growled, and Jeongguk didn’t know what Jin was doing behind him.
Jeongguk felt himself open his mouth and looked up at Jimin, eyes growing bigger in want. Jimin smirked cockily and then gripped Jeongguk's chin, tugging it up. "The next time any of us see you doing annoying shit, Jeongguk, this is how we'll treat you. With 0 respect." Jimin said, and Jeongguk felt Jimin press his cock between his lips. "But I think you want that, don't you? Like being treated like a little slut, don't you?"
Jeongguk moaned around Jimin's cock when Jin's tongue lapped over his hole, and he felt himself arch his back a bit more, fingers gripped onto Jimin's jeans. "Take it- take it you filthy whore," Jimin growled, fucking into Jeongguk's mouth and making the boy let out a high-pitched hum, vibrations making Jimin tip his head back.
Jin pulled apart Jeongguk's asscheeks, licking over his hole, slipped his tongue in and working its magic, his plump lips sucking on his soft rim. Jeongguk's cock was leaking, precum dripping down it. Jin reached his hand forward and tugged on his cock, making sure to smack his palm against Jeongguk's ass every time he squirmed.
"God, he likes this, Jin. He really fucking likes it-" Jimin laughed, and Jeongguk felt his cheeks burn in humiliation. He's not supposed to like this, not supposed to be so willing, so needy for cock. But he was, and at this point, Jeongguk wondered if this was what Taehyung meant. He'd get his lesson.
So when Jimin came down Jeongguk’s throat, and Jin tugged on Jeongguk’s cock and let the boy cum all over his hand, and fucking his tongue into Jeongguk’s tight hole- Jeongguk knew. He knew to shut up now- not piss them off. He’s annoying, he understood. Perhaps this is how he’d get tamed.
They didn’t leave him naked and writhing in the middle of the cold library like he thought they would. They helped him get dressed and then walked him back to his table, sat him down, Jin even putting the pen in his hand and opening the book in front of him. Jin kissed his forehead, and whispered “Good boy,”.
And Jeongguk smiled a little. Good boy.
Tuesday was eventful, Wednesday was consequentially even more eventful. After yesterday, Jeongguk walked out of school with his stomach feeling fuzzy, not wanting to smoke or drink or anything, just lay in bed for a while.
It wasn’t everything, and Jeongguk still felt a bit empty. In fact, he’s starting to wonder if he should start listening to what the boys were saying and applying it to his day to day occurrences, because right before his study hall, he had lunch. And he kind of sort of got mad that Namjoon and Hoseok were flat out ignoring him and got mad at them.
He kind of sort of called them ‘annoying ass cunts’ and then flicked his middle finger at them and said ‘suck my dick’. Probably not the best idea but he couldn’t help it, getting ignored and Jeongguk just weren’t a good mix.
So later, twenty minutes into study hall, when he found himself completely naked in one of the empty music rooms, sprawled across Namjoon and Hoseok’s laps, he definitely knew it wasn’t the best idea.
“Repeat yourself, baby. Tell us what you called us earlier,” Hoseok growled into his ear, and Jeongguk felt two fingers pumping in him, one belonging to Hoseok and one belonging to Namjoon. Both had different yet similar lengths and were working them in different rhythms and it made Jeongguk harder than ever.
“S-sorry-” Jeongguk let out, but then felt a sharp slap to his ass which made him let out a cry. “Say it, you bitch.” Namjoon growled this time, gripping onto Jeongguk’s bare waist. Jeongguk had never heard Namjoon so angry, and it made him grip onto Hoseok’s shoulders tightly, grinding down onto their fingers.
“G-Gguk said-” Jeongguk let out, gulping. “T- to suck my- m-my- ah-” Jeongguk let out, Namjoon’s third finger entering him, completely lubed. Jeongguk whimpered, closing his eyes and taking in sharp breaths as Hoseok pressed in a fourth finger, and god, Jeongguk’s head was spinning, the stretch really big.
“Bet he could take both our fists at once,” Namjoon said, and Jeongguk received a hard spank on the ass. “Both fists and our cocks,” Hoseok added, and then slapped Jeongguk’s thigh.
Jeongguk was shaking. He turned a little, gripping onto both their shoulders, before rutting harder, riding their fingers, which were circling and jabbing into his prostate, making him arch his back and mewl.
"Fucking pathetic," Hoseok growled, and Jeongguk couldn't take it, feeling light tears rising to his eyes as he felt their fingers go in deeper together. He began bouncing on their fingers faster, knowing how pathetic he looked, how much like a slut he looked.
"Y'know what you are, Gguk?" Namjoon said, slapped Jeongguk's ass with his free hand and seeing it jiggle a little, the black haired boy biting down on his lip, eyes squeezed shut.
"M' a- a slut," Jeongguk choked out, and then felt another hard slap on his ass.
"Gonna badmouth us again, Ggukie?"
Jeongguk shook his head, Hoseok's and Namjoon's third fingers slipping in, making the boy's mouth drop in a loud, loud moan, fingers digging into both their shoulders. Holy fuck, he was so fucking full, full to the fucking brim, he couldn't breathe. Couldn't fucking wrap his head around it. Didn't- didn't want to wrap his head around it- just wanted them to pull their cocks out and fuck him silly, leaving him with his hole loose and mouth drooling.
"There you are," One of them whispered as Jeongguk came embarassingly soon without being touched, still bouncing on their fingers, eyes teary, bottom lip bitten. "Good baby. Such as good boy. Won't do those things again, will you, baby?"
Jeongguk shook his head, and whimpered when they took their fingers out all at once, leaving him gaping and sniffling at the sudden emptiness. Jeongguk saw them both get up, snickering between one another and using some kind of hand wipe on their fingers. "F-fuck me?" Jeongguk asked, gripping onto Hoseok's jacket. Hoseok looked at him, gave him a look, and Jeongguk knew what it meant.
"Please." Jeongguk added, and both boys looked pleased, like his lesson had been taught.
"Maybe some other time, baby. If you're good, we'll fuck you." Namjoon said, tracing his thumb down the doll's cheek, brushing it over his lip. Jeongguk blinked his doe eyes at the two boys, and then gulped, finally deciding to do something he'd never done before.
"M'sorry. F-for saying those things." Jeongguk let out, mouth going dry, eyes looking down. "Was just- m-mad, I guess? I don't know- shouldn't have said it."
Namjoon kissed his cheek, and Jeongguk almost preened, toes curling up. "It's alright, baby. Good baby, our good, good baby." Namjoon whispered, and Jeongguk smiled at him, feeling his fingers go through his hair.
They helped him get dressed and waddle to his next class, giving him a gentle pat on the bum, to which he scowled and pushed them away lightly, but they chuckled and Jeongguk giggled as well, feeling better, feeling lighter.
Jeongguk got it, got a hang of it. They’d all fuck him, or do something to him. Tuesday was Jimin and Jin, Wednesday was Hoseok and Namjoon, and Jeongguk just wondered who it was gonna be on Thursday.
Came to school all pretty, too. Hair neat, lips soft, black jeans that had far too many rips on it, thighs fully exposed. A big red sweater. For once, he didn't care that girls weren't ogling at him. For he thought he liked that. But when he walked towards the lockers and saw all his friends look at him, eye him up and down, even smirk a little, Jeongguk knew that feeling was way, way better than something a girl could give him.
He felt changed in just two days. He wanted to be good. Wanted to hear praise. Wanted to bask in attention, and knew by being bad they could take that away. Wanted to be with his friends, laugh with them without him being the only one laughing. Something clicked in his head, something that made him realise that perhaps he could be less of a dickhead.
That was until Jeongguk realised Taehyung didn't even spare him a glance.
And, okay, Jeongguk knows Taehyung's favourite colour is red. Knows how he gripped onto his thighs last Friday. Knows Taehyung should be looking at him right now, grabbing his hand, dragging him to a supply closet, and fucking his brains out.
At least that's what Jeongguk hoped for. He walked up to his friends, feeling a little upset that Taehyung didn't even look. Jeongguk greeted his friends with a normal mumble of "Hi." Jeongguk waited, waited for a few minutes, even bumped his elbow to Taehyung's, waiting for- for attention.
None. So Jeongguk just gripped Taehyung's shirt- and fuck, he was in a button up shirt- Jeongguk wanted Taehyung now.
Maybe it's weird how horny he is, but he can't help it. After being so nicely fucked for the first time, he's decided he loved the feeling. Though it'd take some time to admit it through words, his mind had been decided. He loved getting fucked.
"Hey. You got study hall today?" Jeongguk asked, trying to sound casual, disinterested, y'know, like himself.
Taehyung didn't bat him an eye, and continued looking away. "Yup."
Jeongguk hummed, and then decided to just be straight forward about it. Because he was, he was blunt and brash and to the point and did not wait. So he threw his arm over Taehyung's shoulder, pulling him in closer, leaning in to whisper into his ear. "Wanna fuck me?" Jeongguk whispered, trying to make sure it didn't come off weird to anyone looking, didn't want anyone to know.
Taehyung just looked at him, and his intense gaze made Jeongguk lose a bit of that confidence. "Nah."
Jeongguk froze, and then pulled his arm away. "Oh." Jeongguk let out, and then cleared his throat, shifting away a little. Jeongguk didn't know how to handle rejection, so he just scoffed. "Yeah, thank god. Didn't want you to fuck me anyways," Jeongguk let out sharply, and upon seeing Taehyung snicker, Jeongguk pushed past him and tried walking away, but felt an arm grab his waist and pull him in.
"Gguk," A stern voice came, and he saw Yoongi, eyes dark. Jeongguk felt him wrap his arm around his waist, pinching it to remind him of his attitude. Jeongguk frowned, huffed, and then decided he wanted Taehyung to say sorry. Decidedly, when Taehyung didn't, and instead pretended nothing happened- Jeongguk was more than upset. So Jeongguk pushed Yoongi's arm off and shoved him back lightly.
"You're so fucking annoying," Jeongguk snapped at Taehyung. When he saw the look on Taehyung's face, untethered and unwilling to comply with Jeongguk, the boy glared at him. He turned around and walked away, feeling stupid, and needy, and Jeongguk knew he was needy but he didn't want someone to not give him what he wants. What kind of fucked up system is that??
"There he goes again." Jimin sighed, and Taehyung smirked, almost gleaming at how fucking desperate Jeongguk was for Taehyung to fuck him.
Throughout the day, Jeongguk was annoyed and horny, and didn't like how hot everything felt with his red sweater, didn't like how his thighs kept tingling for someone to place their hand on it, yet no one did. He hated how much he wanted this, acting like the girls in their grade. He's Jeon fucking Jeongguk- and yes that statement sounded stupid now, but he still didn't want people walking all over him.
Football practice happened, but nothing else did. Not even in the locker room, when he decided to walk around completely naked around his friends, earning some halfhearted slaps on his ass on his way to the showers. Not even while showering, when Jeongguk saw Taehyung walking by his shower stall and decided to open the curtain fully and ask Taehyung for some soap. And Taehyung just handed him some soap and kept walking to his stall, not batting an eye at a naked, wet Jeongguk.
Holy fuck was he annoyed. He just wanted Taehyung to fuck him, is it too much to ask?
After he showered and decided to just get dressed, Yoongi grabbed him by the back of his sweater and told him, quite sharply, "I'll drop you home."
Jeongguk knew something was coming. Himself, hopefully. Jeongguk gave a side glance to Taehyung, who looked at him, and they shared a look for a few seconds, before Jeongguk was pulled out of the locker rooms and into the cold outside.
Yoongi was mad, and Jeongguk was horny. And Yoongi said a thing or two about how Jeongguk pushed him earlier and was a conceited prick. Jeongguk just tugged on Yoongi's shirt and squeaked a few sorry's- and soon enough, he was on the hood of his own car in the middle of the parking lot, jeans and boxers on the ground, red sweater pushed up to his nipples, legs up and pushed against his chest, while Yoongi ate him out.
"Yoo- nngh- Yoongi- some-someone's g-g-gonna see-" Jeongguk squeaked out with his cheeks red, knowing that there were still some poeple in school who could very well come to the parking lot, as there were cars parked there still.
"You didn't mind last time, baby." Yoongi growled when he pulled his head up, and Jeongguk whimpered, and then let Yoongi continue, fucking his tongue into his waxed cunt and making Jeongguk's head spin. Jeongguk tugged on Yoongi's hair.
"Y-You're good," Jeongguk purred, looking up at the sky, feeling fucked out. "G-good with your, ah- tongue." Jeongguk gasped out, more improper acts taking place inside his tight ring of muscle.
Jeongguk tugged on Yoongi's hair harder when he heard laughter and footsteps approaching the parking lot. He tried pulling at Yoongi and telling him that people are coming, but instead, Yoongi's tongue fucked in deeper, and Jeongguk let out a gasp, head pushing back against his car. Jeongguk felt tears graze his eyes because of the sensitivity, but then heard a loud wolf whistle, and some laughing, and sighed in relief when he realised it was his friends.
"I think Min Yoongi might be a bit of an exhibitionist." Jimin's voice piped, and Yoongi put his middle finger up at him, and then took the same finger and pushed it into Jeongguk's hole, making the boy squeak.
Jeongguk turned his head, breathing heavily, and saw his friends looking at them while laughing, all walking towards Jin's van. "You guys are gross-"
"Says the one who got his dick sucked in a library."
More laughter, more Jeongguk's head spinning. His legs were thrown over Yoongi's shoulders, and he felt his hard cock bob a little, as his eyes trailed over and landed on Taehyung, who was leaning against Jin's car, watching him with darkened eyes. Jeongguk gulped, bucking his hips up lightly, eyes trained on Taehyung.
"-bet we could fuck him in a mall."
"In the middle of it? Bet."
"How about in the middle of the school hallway?"
"Let all those girls see the fuckboy they adore get pounded,"
Jeongguk watched Taehyung while all these took place, orgasm riding closer as Yoongi continued finger/tongue fucking him. Jeongguk gasped out, fingers reaching his prostate, and three his head back against his car, trying to reach his hand for his cock, but getting it slapped away by Yoongi.
"Aw, his pretty car's getting all spoilt. Is this the one he got for doing his homework, or showing a decent bit of respect?"
"He got it for breathing around commoners, I think."
"No no, guys, he got it when he got a C in maths. Highest grade he's ever gotten,"
More laughs, more Jeongguk's need to cum increasing. Jeongguk looked at Taehyung and mewled, wanting him to come over and fuck him. Jeongguk humped the air, arching his back while feeling Yoongi's other hand run over his smooth thigh.
Yoongi finally pulled away, wiping his tongue with the back of his hand, fingers on his jeans. Jeongguk batted his eyes at Taehyung, legs still propped up, inviting. He wanted to cum, but he also wanted Taehyung to fuck him right now, like this, wet and open and inviting, lying on the hood of the car all pretty.
"Goddamn, Tae, just go fuck him." Yoongi snickered, and Taehyung walked over to Jeongguk. Jeongguk sat up, eyes widening in excitement. He felt his cock completely and utterly hard against his stomach. Jeongguk made grabby hands for Taehyung, feeling his stomach flushed with excitement. He grabbed Taehyung by the collar, pulling him closer. Taehyung's hands didn't touch him back, just lay on the hood of the car.
Jeongguk breathed heavy, needy, and Taehyung just moved closer to him, leaned in, and Jeongguk felt so- so so excited- and Taehyung pressed their lips together,-
Jeongguk came.
Everyone let out ohhh's, laughing and making crude comments about how 'desperate' Jeongguk was. Jeongguk felt his cheeks turn bright red in embarrassment, tears reaching his eyes as Taehyung pulled away, head hanging low. Jeongguk looked at Taehyung pleadingly, but Taehyung just let out a small knowing smirk, and turned around to walk back to Jin's car, and climb in.
The guys were still laughing, some looking at Jeongguk a little pitifully. Jeongguk felt so so humiliated and embarrassed, couldn't believe he came from Taehyung kissing him. Jeongguk looked down at his pretty black car that he'd ruined and felt even more slutty by that. He looked up and saw Yoongi walking over to him, pulling up his jeans and making sure he was alright.
Yoongi placed him into the passenger seat, deciding to drive, where Jeongguk clutched onto the seatbelt and looked outside the window, music playing.
"He doesn't w-want to fuck me?" Jeongguk asked, and Yoongi had his hand placed on Jeongguk's thigh, patting it softly.
"I'm surprised any of us do with how you behave." Yoongi said, and Jeongguk felt Yoongi's fingers making small circles on his thighs, and Jeongguk felt his shoulders drop, looking out. "So fucking bratty, Gguk. Expect everything to be fed to you with a spoon, don't you? Maybe learn how to act, and then he'll fuck you."
Jeongguk looked down at his feet. "Don't be mean." Jeongguk let out, and Yoongi finally stopped the car, Jeongguk then realising they were in his garage. "Ironic." Yoongi responded, and then walked out the car and opened Jeongguk's car door, helping him get out.
"Also, Gguk," Yoongi said, gripping onto Jeongguk's hand before walked into his house. "Maybe there's stuff you should apologise for. To Taehyung, y'know?"
Jeongguk paused for a bit, knew what Yoongi was talking about, and nodded, a heavy feeling forming in his stomach.
Jeongguk walked into school the next day, a Friday, choosing not to be a nuisance, for once. He walked over to his friends, made normal conversation, even smiled a bit at Taehyung. Didn’t push anyone or call any names. Didn’t make annoying comments or do something that made anyone roll their eyes.
Jeongguk even bumped into someone and apologised. The person looked taken aback, and so did the rest of the boys, some smiling a bit. This was change. This was good.
Jeongguk was like that for the whole day, making stupid jokes and being normal in general, poking fun at the boys in a way that made them laugh instead of snickering in annoyance. It was hard to not be arrogant and bratty, but Jeongguk decided being mean all the time took too much energy and wasn't fun. It was better to just not care about anything and be with friends.
And maybe Jeongguk saw how Taehyung looked at him and gave him a smile, and Jeongguk swore he felt his stomach flutter a little. He just wanted Taehyung to praise him, just- just once. Wanted him to fuck him. Anything. Even if just to kiss him again.
And maybe later that day, halfway through lunch, Jeongguk felt a tug on the back of his shirt. Jeongguk looked to see Taehyung, looking at him sharply. "Up." He said, and Jeongguk stood up instantly. "Let's go." Taehyung said simply, and Jeogguk was a little confused, but followed him out the cafeteria excitedly. They walked down an empty hallway and to the washroom which was almost always empty.
"Tae-" Jeongguk started, but then Taehyung grabbed Jeongguk rather harshly and pushed him towards the washroom door. Jeongguk entered it and then Taehyung closed it behind him, letting the door close. Taehyung locked the washroom door from inside, and then pushed Jeongguk along.
"Taehyung," Jeongguk let out before Taehyung could speak. "I don't know why you got me in here, but please- please please, fuck me-" Jeongguk stammered, standing against the wall while Taehyung walked closer to him.
Taehyung smiled a little, and Jeongguk felt his cheeks reddening. "I know, I know you're mad. I'm-I'm annoying, and a brat, and spoilt, and I pretend the world revolves around me- but god, please-" Jeongguk said, feeling Taehyung's hands placed on Jeongguk's waist.
Jeongguk gripped Taehyung's shoulders, hiding his face in the crevice of Taehyung's neck. "P-please, daddy." Jeongguk squeaked out, and then heard Taehyung groan, squeeze his ass.
"Fuckin' hell- you did it, Gguk." Taehyung said with a smirk, shoving his knee between his closed thighs, forcing them apart. "I've been wanting to fuck you since you were in the 10th fucking grade-" Taehyung growled, and Jeongguk gasped out at that, feeling his jeans being undone, pants and boxers being pulled down. "Wanted to fuck you up, always thought of it, too. Always thought of fucking you, leaving you gaping, needy-"
"G-god- please please, f-fuck-" Jeongguk let out, and then felt Taehyung bunch up his t-shirt in his hands, pulling them up and placing the end of the shirt in Jeongguk's mouth, so his teeth were holding it up, revealing his toned chest. "So fuckin'- pliant, Gguk. Will let daddy do anything, hm? Gonna let daddy fuck you?"
"Y-yes- Gguk wants- wants daddy to- ah- f-fuck him- please-" Jeongguk kept begging around the t-shirt between his lips, and then Taehyung pulled a packet of lube out of his back pocket. He leaned in to kiss at Jeongguk's neck while lubricating his fingers, and then pressed one into Jeongguk's hole, and grinned at how easily it slipped in.
"Baby's been fucking himself open, has he?" Taehyung asked, and Jeongguk nodded, feeling so fucking hard, so needy, wanting Taehyung's cock so bad. Never thought this would happen. Never even thought of a possibility like this. But it did, and it was incredible.
Taehyung was fucking two fingers into the boy now. Jeongguk twitched, but then leaned forward, trying to get their lips together, but before he could, Taehyung pressed the third fingers in really quick, and Jeongguk gasped.
"Who was the best, hm Gguk? Was it Yoongi? Or- Namjoon? Jimin, maybe? He's mean. Hoseok? Jin?"
Jeongguk felt three fingers fucking into his hole now, a little "dry, but really really good. Taehyung made sure to curl his fingers and stretch Jeongguk out real well, and then pulled his fingers out. The bell rang, signalling Lunch being over, but they didn't really care.
"Get on the counter." Taehyung said, and Jeongguk's eyes sparkled, because fuck this was really happening.
"Bent over?"
"No, just sitting. Wanna see your pretty face up close." Taehyung whispered, and Jeongguk let out a giggle like a schoolgirl with a crush and jumped onto the counter, legs spreading open.
"Such a bad boy, huh Gguk? God, think if someone could see you. Legs open, wanting my cock. Everyone thinks you get so much pussy- but you're the one getting his little pussy fucked, aren't you?" Taehyung said, rubbing his fingers over Jeongguk's hole, and the younger boy gasped, biting his lip, gripping onto the counter.
"Yeah- g-god- want you so bad, Taehyung. G-Ggukie's filthy, wants daddy's cock to fill him up. Fuck- w-wants your cock- I-I want your- c-" Jeongguk tried, but then saw Taehyung pull his zipper down, taking his cock out.
And god, it was so big, definitely the biggest, and Jeongguk just felt his hole clenching at the mere sight, how it was veiny and thick and long and red and hard. Jeongguk bit his lip, spreading his lips wider.
Taehyung lubed his cock up, smirking at Jeongguk as he did so. He gripped Jeongguk's thighs, lined his cock to his hole. Jeongguk watched with wide eyes, waiting, waiting, mouth watering, hole pink and open and so so ready.
One of the doors to the toilet stalls opened.
Jeongguk and Taehyung's eyes both widened, and they turned slowly towards the door- and fuck, how could they forget to check?? Why wouldn't they check if anyone was there??
There was a boy there, a thin lanky boy Jeongguk vaguely remembers pushing into a locker once, probably in his English class. Jeongguk let out a gasp, pulling his t-shirt down, seeing the boy's widened eyes, how his mouth was fallen open at the sight of Jeon fucking Jeongguk, on the counter, legs wide, cock hard, hole on display, and Taehyung in front of him with his cock out.
"L-Listen- I just- I-I need to get to class-" The boy stammered, and Jeongguk jumped off the counter, grabbing at his boxers. Taehyung put his cock back into his boxers and zipped himself up, and saw how the boy was kind of frozen in place, eyes wide.
Jeongguk was red, scrambling to put on his jeans, when- "Jeon Jeongguk? Wow." The boy let out, laughing along with it.
"Oh my god- just- just get out!" Jeongguk snapped, still half naked, while Taehyung gulped sheepishly. The guy snickered.
"Did not take you for one taking it up the ass,"
Jeongguk blushed at that, not knowing who this random boy was, and scoffed, glaring at him. "Fuck off, or I'll crack your skull open, you twig." Jeongguk growled angrily, and the guy laughed, suddenly feeling like he had some sort of an upper hand.
"Yeah, okay- Jeon. After everyone finds out you get dick up your ass and call your friend 'daddy', I'll let you beat me up." The guy said, and Jeongguk looked at Taehyung, feeling scared.
"No- no, no you won't. Chae, seriously, just fuck off. Don't tell anyone shit, or we'll fuckin' plant cocaine in your locker and make sure you get expelled or something, alright?" Taehyung said, and the guy huffed.
"Oh come on- if you saw Jeongguk begging for dick, wouldn't you run and tell?" The guy said, and Jeongguk turned red at that, and before Taehyung could speak, Jeongguk did.
"Fuck off, Chae! I'm not fucking begging for dick- this- I'm not a fucking fag, so just fuck off, or I'll make sure you end up in the hospital." Jeongguk shouted, and the guy flinched a little, and then nodded.
He reached for the door hurriedly and rushed out, door closing behind him. The moment he did, Jeongguk stood up hastily, grabbing his jeans and putting them on.
Jeongguk turned around, blazing in anger, practically seething. "Why the fuck wouldn't you check?? Did you want us to get caught?"
Taehyung frowned, looking confused, a little taken aback. "Woah- Yoongi and you literally fucked in public-"
"T-that's different! He knew no one was there, Tae- this-this is different. I said some weird shit, alright? And- and- a-and- he- that guy-"
"What? He won't tell anyone, and if he does-"
"It's fucking weird, okay? I'm not someone who gets fucked in toilets- I-I don't have that kind of reputation!" Jeongguk snapped, and Taehyung scoffed.
"Your- your reputation? Right- because getting spit roasted in a library is so important for your reputation." Taehyung snapped.
“Fuck off, Tae. You always gave me shit for everything I do-”
“You think - maybe- it’s because you’re a complete asshole, Jeon? You think we’re fucking making that shit up?!” Taehyung snarked, and Jeongguk gulped a little, never having seen Taehyung so angry.
“Shut up!” Taehyung shouted, and Jeongguk did shut up. “You- you make sure you get what you want, don’t you? And look at us, like fucking servants. Falling for your command, even fucking you like the slut you are- thinking that maybe, just maybe you’d change. But obviously, you’re Jeon fucking Jeongguk. And if you’re not an arrogant bastard, then you’re not fucking satisfied.” Taehyung growled, and Jeongguk shook his head.
“No- T-Tae, I’m trying to change-”
“Bullshit! Absolutely fucking bullshit. You’ll only change until I fuck you, and then you’ll go back to being the asshole you are. The asshole I had to deal with since we were kids. The asshole who slept with my fucking girlfriend, and didn’t give half a shit even though you knew I felt like shit, Jeon, you fucking knew it hurt me.” Taehyung said, closer to him.
Jeongguk was frozen in place, and he shook his head, biting his lip. “I-I’m sorry, Tae- I-I’m so fucking sorry. I-I was drunk, I didn’t- I fucking swear I didn’t mean to sleep with her. I wouldn’t fucking do that- I wouldn’t- I wouldn’t do that, Tae. I swear she- I was drunk, and she-”
“Shut the fuck up!” Taehyung snapped, and then shoved Jeongguk against the wall. “Don’t give some shit excuse. We got it. You’re never going to change. You’ll only change if it’s benefitting you. You don’t give a shit about us, you never did. So go back to fucking yourself on your fingers for a while, Jeon.” Taehyung growled at the last part, before walking away and out the door, leaving Jeongguk alone.
It had been a week. Also, the worst week of Jeongguk’s life.
Every time he tried walking up to his friends, they looked disdained and annoyed, so Jeongguk just wordlessly left, not wanting to annoy them with him being there.
Every time he tried talking to Taehyung, there was nothing. Taehyung ignored him. And Jeongguk felt bad, he knew he deserved it. Knew he deserved being treated like this. Didn’t deserve them fucking him and making him feel so good, they should be hurting him, and this was right.
But it still sucked. It sucked that Jeongguk was still so goddamn horny. Fucked that he still wanted Taehyung, or any of the boys, to pound him into the mattress. Specifically, Taehyung, but any of them would work too. Just to get the slightest bit of attention would be nice.
Attention was a thing Jeongguk soon realised he craved. He needed eyes on him, needed people with him, not caring if the attention was good or bad. When it was bad, it was still attention. But when it was good, it was magical. And Jeongguk wanted that. Wanted all six of them to fuck him so good, leave him breathless, panting. Because then they’d pick him up and help him get dressed and be fine, and that’s what Jeongguk loved.
He loved being put in his place. But maybe the boys didn’t want to do that, didn’t want to baby Jeongguk and help him out of his attitude, that he frankly should’ve done himself.
On Friday, after a tense football practice, and after a quiet change in the locker room, Jeongguk walked out, seeing his friends all walking towards Jin’s car. And they were all laughing, pushing each other around playfully. Fuck, they looked so much happier without him. Jeongguk shouldn’t push himself on them.
But he had to try. So he rushed up to them, ran in front of them, and stopped. “I need to talk to you guys.” Jeongguk said, and then saw a hesitance cross their faces, but they ignored him and kept walking, loud talk turning into soft murmurs. Jeongguk sighed.
“Please, guys. I-I won’t bother you after that, I promise.” Jeongguk said, leaving him standing there while they kept walking and talking, ignoring him.
Jeongguk felt so fucking bad, felt so guilty for making his friends have to suffer through his shit for so long. He’s a pain to everyone around him, clearly, and now he’s lost all his friends who he did care about. But it was too late, he didn’t show that care fast enough and now they were gone.
And, fuck, Jeongguk was crying. He had tears in his eyes, and felt a fat tear roll down his cheek. “P-Please.” Jeongguk squeaked, not knowing if they heard him, looking at the ground fearfully. Jeongguk sniffled, wiping his eyes quickly.
He heard a sigh, and footsteps stopping. Soft mumbles of c’mon, let him talk, and then a voice. “What is it, Gguk?”
Jeongguk looked up, realising Namjoon was the owner of that voice. Jeongguk gulped, walking up to them, finding himself fumbling with his fingers.
He looked at them, and then took a deep breath, and let it out. “I’m sorry.” Jeongguk let out, sounded completely breathless, tears rising as he said it. “I’m sorry for being such a- b-bad person.”
The guys were still standing there, so Jeongguk continued, looking up a little to meet their faces. “I know y-you guys hate me, and-and I don’t blame you. I-I know y-you don’t want me around. But- but I do. I r-really do like you guys, and- and I fuck everything up, because that’s all I’m good for. Fucking things up.” Jeongguk let out pathetically.
“F-for once you g-guys were nice, seemed to like being with me- and- and I felt b-better about myself. And of course, I have to fuck that up too.” Jeongguk said, and then felt more tears rushing down his face, and just decided to let them flow instead of trying to stop them.
Jeongguk stomped his foot on the ground childishly, hiccuping a little. “A-and it’s not fair, y’know? No-not fair that y-you guys had to deal with my shit.” Jeongguk squeaked, seeing Yoongi let out a fond chuckle.
“And- and-and- Namjoon, you’re so nice to me, a-and always help me with my homework. And I never said thank you. And Jin- you- you’re so kind to me, always t-tell others I’m nice even though you knew I-I’m not. Hobi- you took all the shit I said t-to you and never did anything because you’re fucking sweet a-and I don’t deserve that. Jimin, you- fuck, man, I’m sorry for saying that shit to you. I’m such a bad friend, even worse person. Yoongi- you-you didn’t deserve me hitting you- a-and- and I’ll l-let you f-fuck me in the middle of the football g-game if you want.” Jeongguk hiccuped the last part, and the guys were now smiling, Yoongi laughing.
Jeongguk then looked at Taehyung, and sniffled. “Taehyungie- you- you’ve known me for the longest. And we were so close. B-but I decided to become a dickhead when we turned 14 and I-I’m sorry.” Jeongguk cried, tears rushing to his eyes again, fists clenched. “You- you’re always w-with me- and-and I don’t I never deserved you. I fucking- I hate myself, y’know?” Jeongguk let out, and then wiped his eyes. “I-I mean you’re so nice, and-and-”
Jeongguk took a deep breath, and then let out a small shudder. “You’re my bestest friend. And I shouldn’t have slept w-with your girlfriend, e-even if I was drunk. I should’ve apologised to you a-a hundred times instead of pretending it d-didn’t matter. I’m sorry. I love you guys." Jeongguk let out finally, and then felt his shoulders drop, eyes closed.
Suddenly he felt arms around him. “Ggukie.. we love you, baby. Of course we do.” A hushed voice came, and Jeongguk felt more arms around him, a small laugh. “That was really nice, Gguk. We love you too, you bimbo.”
Jeongguk laughed, feeling like he was gleaming by being coddled, but then he opened his eyes, and just saw Taehyung walking back towards his car, not hugging him.
Jeongguk was.. confused. He guesses Taehyung didn’t believe him, or maybe Taehyung just hates his fucking guts and never wants to be near him again. Which makes sense, considering Taehyung is so nice and lovely and Jeongguk is, well, the opposite.
But sitting in his room, on his bed, alone, he couldn’t help but feel a little pitiful that Taehyung never did fuck him. And if it wasn’t for the timing on that day, he would have. But now Gguk would never know, and it sucked.
It sucked, until he heard the doorbell ring.
Jeongguk assumed it was some mailman or some shit, but then heard a voice through the intercom in his bedroom. “Master Taehyung is here.”
Jeongguk gasped, and jumped off his bed. Jeongguk ran down his long flight of stars, ignored the way his butler and maids were looking at him, and reached for the door and swung it open.
Jeongguk smiled widely, and then saw the way Taehyung had a straight face.
“Gguk,” Taehyung let out, and then sighed. “I love you too, man. No homo.” Taehyung said, and Jeongguk let out a giggle, a big giggle with his eyes sparkly and wide. He leaped forward, wrapping his arms around Taehyung’s neck.
“You- you don’t hate me?” Jeongguk asked, and felt Taehyung wrap his arms around the boy’s waist.
“You see, I would, but I never got to fuck your tight a-”
Jeongguk whacked his arm, and Taehyung laughed, placing his hands on his butt. “I’m kidding. I’m sorry for getting mad at you, too. But I’m glad you apologised and owned up to it, Ggukie. M’glad you’re ready to change.”
Jeongguk smiled. “I-I am.”
“Good, because I’m like, super horny right now, sooo-”
Jeongguk laughed, and then pulled Taehyung in by his hand. Jeongguk pulled him up the stairs, and while doing so, Taehyung turned around, looking at the butler with a smirk and slapped Jeongguk’s ass really loud. Jeongguk ignored it, but Taehyung just laughed at how the butler paled.
Jeongguk rushed into his bedroom with Taehyung following, and closed the door, locking it.
“Fuck me fuck me fuck me fuck me-” Jeongguk chanted, and Taehyung laughed, pulling Jeongguk’s shirt up, the boy stripping out of his tiny boxer briefs that he was in.
“Gladly, baby. Just wait. Daddy’s gonna prep you-”
“No- no no- please don’t. I fingered myself earlier. Just, come on.” Jeongguk groaned, gripping onto Taehyung’s jeans. Taehyung grinned, and then climbed atop of him. “Needy, are we?”
“Always.” Jeongguk whispered, and Taehyung trickled his long fingers up Jeongguk’s thigh and between his legs, and pressed a fingertip in, and snickered at how easily it went in.
“Tae-” Jeongguk whined, and then received a slap to the thigh. “Sorry, daddy.” Jeongguk rephrased, and blushed when Taehyung smirked.
“Yeah.” Taehyung smirked, and then pressed another lubed finger in, seeing how Jeongguk hummed, fluttering his lashes at Taehyung. “Told you I’m prepped, daddy.”
“Know you are, darling. Just need to make sure my monster giant bulbous cock doesn’t hurt you.” Taehyung said with a smouldering face, and Jeongguk laughed at his silliness, but then quietened down and bit his lip.
“Ggukie loves daddy’s cock- s-so- nngh-” Jeongguk let out, third finger brushing against his prostate, “-big,” Jeongguk breathed, and Taehyung grinned.
“Yeah? Princess likes it?” Taehyung asked, making sure his long fingers stretched him out properly. “Princess loves it,” Jeongguk whispered, and then giggled when Taehyung kissed his nipple.
Taehyung kissed up his chest while fucking three fingers inside of him, the boy whimpering lightly, and then Taehyung pressed their lips together. Jeongguk moaned into his mouth, and then whined when Taehyung pulled his lips away and fingers out.
Taehyung gripped Jeongguk’s legs and pulled them apart, seeing his fluttering hole, how it was clenching around nothing. Taehyung grinned. “There she is.” Taehyung whispered, and Jeongguk whimpered at that.
Taehyung finally took his cock out, and Jeongguk drooled at the mere sight, wanting to suck on it for days, but right now he needed it in his ass. So Taehyung did, he gripped Jeongguk’s waist so tightly and pushed in slowly, his cock filling up the boy who still seemed tight around his cock all snug.
Jeongguk smiled at the stretch, not knowing he liked getting stuffed with cocks this much. But when Taehyung kept pushing in slowly, and then bottomed out- Jeongguk knew he loved the feeling of getting stuffed with cock.
“Move, daddy.” Jeongguk said cutely, and Taehyung pulled his hair up and kissed him with tongue while changing his pace, fucking into him quickly, bed moving under them as Taehyung really hurried it up, going faster and faster.
“D-daddy- oh- harder daddy- nngh- fast- s-so fast, daddy-” Jeongguk panted out, and Taehyung grinned while fucking him.
“Taking any chance to call me daddy, are you?” Taehyung said, and Jeongguk nodded, wrapping his legs around the boy’s waist. Taehyung leaned down, peppering kisses down the boy’s chest.
“My baby, good baby, such a pretty pliant baby. Fuck, Gguk- so fucking tight, yet loose, my cute- my cute little slut. Never in a million years I- fuck- thought I’d get to fuck you-” Taehyung said, moaning out when he hit the spot.
Jeongguk moaned, loud and high pitched at the nerves rushing down his gleaming body. Taehyung’s cock was very lubed up, so it made squelching sounds which made Jeongguk even more turned on.
“S-so wet,” Taehyung grunted, and Jeongguk felt hands on his waist and nipples, Taehyung’s lips kissing him rough, cock moving in and out.
“G-g-gonna cum-”
“Do it, baby. Cum for daddy.” Taehyung whispered, and Jeongguk gasped and bucked up at him one last time, before feeling dizzy with feeling and cumming from his high, white liquid he’d kept for a whole week spurring out in ribbons and onto Taehyung and his stomachs.
Taehyung kept fucking into him for another minute or so, and then finally came, fucking him through his orgasm, making the other boy squeak, gripping onto Taehyung’s shoulders.
Taehyung pulled out, and Jeongguk whined. “Noo, daddy, your cock.” Jeongguk cried, and Taehyung laughed. “So cute, baby.”
Taehyung lay down beside Jeongguk, and Jeongguk turned to him, smiling widely. “M’ so happy you finally fucked me.”
“Me too.” Taehyung whispered, and Jeongguk’s smile softened a bit, and he placed his hand on Taehyung’s chest.
“Wanna stay the night? Cuddle, like we used to?” Jeongguk asked in a whisper, and Taehyung smiled lightly.
“I’d love that.” Taehyung whispered back, and Jeongguk grinned, and then lay his head on Taehyung’s chest, turning himself around to let Taehyung pull a blanket atop them and throw his arm over his waist.
“S-cold.” Taehyung mentioned, and Jeongguk hummed, eyes open and grinning while biting down on his lip. “Yeah. Blanket’s thin.” Jeongguk said, and then felt Taehyung’s hand on his lower back.
“Can I cockwarm myself, baby?”
“Didn’t think you’d ask,” Jeongguk let out, and Taehyung grinned, and then knew his cock and Jeongguk’s hole were slick enough, and Taehyung was quickly hard again with a few strokes, so he slipped his cock in easily. Jeongguk whimpered at the feeling, but then felt the filling in his hole and figured he loved it.
“Really love getting filled to the brim, don’t ya?” Taehyung whispered, and Jeongguk nodded. “More than anything, daddy.”
Taehyung grinned, kissing his shoulder, bucking his hips into the boy softly. “M’ like that. Like when you call me daddy.”
Jeongguk grinned as well. “I like it too. Makes it feel like you guys are all my tamers to put me in my place. Ggukie likes that.” Jeongguk whispered, and then felt Taehyung slowly fucking him, really slow, really lazy, but the strokes still made Jeongguk hard.
“Could you do me a favour though, Gguk?” Taehyung whispered, and Jeongguk hummed, feeling Taehyung hold his hips down, his hole completely engulfing his large cock. “Just keep daddy for me, yeah? Not the other guys.”
Jeongguk felt himself slowly grinding down to his cock, both whimpering at the sudden warmth of being so close. “Wasn’t going to in the first place, daddy.” Jeongguk whispered, and then Taehyung leaned over and pressed their lips together, the angle fucking his cock directly into his prostate.
They stayed in that spot for a while, both moaning and whimpering softly, sleepily, while Taehyung fucked into him lazily, bucking his hips. Jeongguk likes the slow thrust, made it feel more intimate, more close.
And then Taehyung was spilling into Jeongguk’s hole, and Jeongguk was cumming onto his tummy. Taehyung took two fingers to fuck the cum back into his hole while lapping up the cum on his tummy.
Taehyung lay down beside him, both real warm and snug now, cuddling closely. “So you like this, right? This weird deal? Six of us fucking you-”
“Yes.” Jeongguk blurted out. “Love it, a lot. M’don’t mind it. Don’t mind someone taming me down, someone spanking me to submission, someone fucking me into obedience. I.. am quite the brat, y’know? It’s what I need, really. Dominant brat tamers.” Jeongguk said, and then felt Taehyung’s large hand on him, and tangled their fingers together. “And if I end up with 6, I really don’t mind. It’s what I need. What I want.” Jeongguk whispered.
And then they drifted into sleep, not alone, not confused, and totally pleased.
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