Part six
I opened my eyes and sat up to look behind me. Dark was not there. I sighed. He left me here alone again? My eyes wondered off to the drawer with the pictures. Who was she? I walked to the pictures and looked at one with the girl. I frowned at how they looked happy together. Though Dark only had a small smile. No teeth showing. I then looked at one with me in it... His smiled was a big toothy grin. I smiled at it.
" Dork." My fingers caressed the edges but I was startled when I heard someone speak up.
" Still snooping around?" I turned around and saw Dark. His face was "normal" as it had been before we were together. I put the pictures on the desk and apologized.
" I-I'm sorry! It wasn't my intention to!" I begged. I heard him sigh and then speak again.
" You're going to school tomorrow." I lifted my head.
" R-really?"
" Yup. Take your pills with you." He threw me my bottle. I held it in my hands and got up. Putting the bottle in my bag, I started to ask.
" What's wrong?" I asked.
" What?"
" What's wrong? You've been acting strange lately."
" ... Don't worry about it." I sighed.
" Dark-"
" I said! Don't worry about it..." He the walked out and closed the door. I frowned and say on the bed. I then started to daydream, when a sudden knock startled me again. I opened the door and saw someone from the group picture!
" (Y/n)! Omg! You're okay! I'm sorry I didn't rush to meet you!" The stranger held my hands and I pulled my hands back a bit but they didn't budge.
" Uh-um. Who are you?"
" Girl! It's Jane! Your bffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff-"
" Okay, I get it." I sighed. She let go of my hands and sat me down on the bed.
" We have so many things to talk about!"
" Okay, well let me ask a question." Jane nodded.
" Who- why did I loose my memory?" Jane shrugged.
" All I was told was that you seemed to have fallen down a small cliff. They said you lost some of your memory."
" Some?"
" Like, things that have happened in the last few years and a bit from before are a blur or totally obscured to you." I nodded and laid on the bed and sighed and sighed and sighed again. Then I let out a loud groan.
" Hey, I saw Dark walk by and he looked a bit mad-ish." Jane said.
" What's up with him?" I sat up and shrugged.
" Ever since last night he's been like that." Jane wiggled her eyebrows.
" What did you two do last night??"
" Well we talked for a bit but then he seemed upset and went to bed and faced away from me. Then I woke up this morning and he was gone. I 'snooped' and he caught me."
" What did you snoop?! His phone?!!!" Jane asked excitedly.
" No. Some pictures." I pointed to the desk. She picked up one of me and him and smiled.
" Two love-birds."
" Shut up. I don't even know for sure if I love him." Jane froze.
" Why?"
" I've only known him for a bit." Jane put a hand on my shoulder.
" Trust me. You've known each other for way longer. You two were friends when you two were real little."
" Really??"
" Yup. You really need your memory back." I sighed and shoved a pillow onto my face. Jane laughed.
" Don't worry! Jane here will make sure and ensures you that she will help you get your memory back." Jane said while pointing her thumb to herself. I fell backwards into the bed and groaned.
" Should I break up with him?" I asked.
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