Chapter 9
Zane steps down the clean and shiny black stairs, one by one, till he finally reach the 24th. Everyone can see him, he can see everyone, his anxiety grows. His eyes fixated on the bar.
He takes a deep breath, then the 25th step onto the floor. He snakes around the edge, not cutting through the crowd. He wants as minimum attention as possible. Finally, he reached the bar, sitting a seat away from his normal. John mixing a drink 4 seats away, they make eye contact and he nods his head once. He puts back on his pretty little fake smile and finishes the lady's drink. She's wrapped in what appears to be animal fur, in her 50s, and sitting with a man and woman. Her feet are kicked up in the woman, holding her hand, also leaning back onto the man, his arm wrapped around her. Her free hand slowly turning the drink in her hand as she grins.
"What's the occasion?" He says in a calm voice ever.
"Can't I visit when I want?"
"And the family said it was okay for you to come?"
"They don't know, never know, can't know. I'm just here for stress."
"Okay, what ya want?"
The teen sighs, combing his hand through his overgrown mane. He looks back over to the probably polyamory couple.
"I want what the girl in the middle 's havin,"
"Okay, but there's a lot of alcohol in that one," the buffer man raises an eyebrow. "I'm not letting you go over this time."
"Don't care."
"Hello there," a man with orange died hair sits next to Zane. Zane notes that the man looks to be in his early twenties. "Mind if I sit?"
Zane breaths, reminding himself it's been months since he left. The chances anyone found him are slim.
"Have at it," Zane looks over, and in the flashing lights he can see the man has a small gentle smile on his face.
"How are you doing tonight?
Zane nods and continued the conversation with the stranger. The man, who's name is Steven, didn't seem to have ill intentions, and seemed like a kind man. So, even when John silently protested, Zane used a private booth to continue talking with the guy.
Zane learned Steven was a college student, practicing law, so Zane lied and said he dropped out of college the first year and perused music instead. They talked for an hour, both stopped drinking to continue the conversation. Zane never met a person like this at the bar. They all care about hook ups and getting drunk, but he liked this one. If this man named Steve really was just looking for a hookup, Zane would definitely think about it but say no. The man was good looking, lean and tall, brown wavy hair that was combed over to the right. A button up tucked into suit pants, it looked like the man got out of work. Far from Zane's type, but he would be satisfied with this Steve character.
"You aren't planning on driving home, are ya?"
"My friend works here, they take me after shift. I figure you aren't either, especially being a law student?"
The man grinned, "No, no I'm not. I've got to say, it was wonderful meeting you, but I really have to go. Do you have a number I can contact you with?"
Zane smirks, "i think that's something you'll have to earn."
"How will I ever do that?"
"For starters, I'm here every other day, you're bound to find me again. And, from then, we'll see. I don't just hand out for anyone; I ain't no trashy pickup," Zane winks at the slightly older male. "Upstairs, this time of night."
"Well then," Steven grabs Zane's hand, pulling it towards the mans lips. "I will see you again here soon," and with a simple kiss on the hand, the man turns with a smile and walks out.
Zane walks out, goofy smile on his face, going into his phone and to the notes app. "Steven from the bar" in his list of people to remember.
"You had sex?"
"Good boy, you declined him."
"Give me something man."
"Just a really nice conversation. Two gay guys can just talk without having anything sexual going on."
"Huh, okay, whatever you say. But, you got to be honest, there was something wasn't there?"
"Just loads of corny flirting. He's a true gentleman, even kissed my hand before leaving. He seems more of a top then a bottom, so I doubt it'll work out. Nonetheless, I could be wrong, and you never get guys like that anymore. I thought I was the only one," he looks over at he poly couple next to him, only to find them gone. "What happened to them?"
"Lots of flirting, had to get them a room, that was shortly after you went in there with the mystery boy."
"How fun."
Zane orders his normal shots, then called Ethan over so they could have fun. Zane got updated about the old school gang, making a video to the gang declaring John and Ethan as the leaders, and Zane talks about his school. Not missing any details, he talks about the students, the lay outs, his brother, and the Emo boy.
"Okay, that's cool and all, but can we get to the part where you tell us you like him?" Ethan rolls his eyes, knowing his almost brother has a slight attraction to this Emo boy.
"No no no, not my words. Chance says that this boy is my type, but I don't have a type because I've never dated. The boys' story is interesting, and his courage is pretty cool, and he's kinda cute I guess, I don't know how I feel about the boy. Kinda annoyed with how much I'm having to step in, but he can't help where he gets educated, and that happens to be in the worst neighborhood."
"And it's all because he's gay?"
"I've heard the rumors, but I don't trust rumors. What's said is he sexually assaulted this footballer by kissing him while they were both drunk. Another goes around that they were sleeping together and the gay kid was forcing it. I don't think that's possible. It's this big jacked up on steroids footballer that's the victim, and from what I've seen this "victim" has no problem beating up this 5'4 skinny-ass emo queer kid. There's a missing piece of the puzzle, and I want to help the kid, but I'm still kinda on the down-low."
"Your laying low at a new school with new kids? Really? Dude, teenagers aren't gonna know who you are, it's the bigger old dudes you gotta be cautious of. You never worked against teens did you?" Zane shakes his head. "See. Maybe meeting this new emo queer kid would be good for you. Maybe try talking to him," Ethan pats the troubled boys back.
"Maybe, but, I'm so damn nervous guys. Everyone in that school is against each other, it's not like the old where there were big groups of different people. There are only 2 gays in there from what I know of. I think the kids' best friends are gay, but you can't be too sure, and even they are fucked with."
"But you're a big dude, man. Have you forgotten all your training or something, or is this the alcohol talking?"John flicks his friends forehead, also taking away his glass.
"I was trying to let that be the past me."
"Self defense and protecting others should never be a part of the past "bad" you. The job was the "bad" part of you, not the defense." Ethan furrows his brows.
"Being different is good man," John lays his hand on Zane's shoulder, lightly and slowly. "That's what you taught me, and them," the knowledgeable teen of them all points at Zane's screensaver, their old school gang. "You started that, and it's going great."
"I guess you're right."
"Course I am, now you guys got to get home. Sober enough to walk or do you want to get drunk enough for a drive?"
Zane thinks for a second. Sober and walk, or drunk and get a ride he won't know is happening? The question stirs in his head, he finally lands on one.
"4 regular shots."
"What happened to me not letting you go over your limit again?"
"What? I need the courage."
"Alright, but I'm gonna need your new address before you get too drunk."
The long haired teenager waves off the tattooed teen, leaning back, and closing his eyes. Zane felt much better, letting off a lot of things on his mind with his friends instead of with a therapist who is paid to say what he says. He then realizes his hangover the next day will be a tough one, and he has classes.
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