Chapter 10
"Yo, check it out," The butch lesbian motions her friends over to the new student.
"What's with the sunglasses? Think there was a fight or something?" the smaller and brighter female of the group questions, watching as a blonde and the new student walk past everyone as if they aren't there.
"Alright, stop staring, it's probably fine," the unnatural redhead says, trying to shrug off the feeling of curiosity as well.
Shane was hoping it wasn't the result of a fight, he liked seeing the new student's eyes, they were magical. With just one look you could be whipped away, captured in their trance. The new student's voice didn't help much either. The voice so low it's almost unnoticeable, shut down by the rest of the crowd, but when spoken up, it's deep like the Grand Canyon, but rich and solid like gold. His name, when spoken it fit so right, from who speaks it's said so well.
"How about we just go to class?"
All the students stared as the rich blonde struts along, her older brother who's on the team follows after. The twins, twins that start a bunch of fights and swim in their parents' money. Jacklyn shimmering in gold and silver, and tons of pink, is on a mission. No one knows what that is, so instead, they follow. They follow the golden child around as if they are lost puppies. Shane is also curious, so he watched from a safe distance until she stopped suddenly.
In front of her sat Zane and Chance, Chance was currently blabbering off while Zane just listened patiently. Chance wanted to speak up, but his older brother stopped him. Zane grabbed Chances shoulder, still staring at the bold students in front of them. Zane raises an eyebrow, waiting for the two to speak up.
Zane reminds himself that he didn't have to hide in a school full of teenagers who didn't know him, but when the female infront of him says his name, his old street name, he shuts down that thought. His street name was so similar to his actual name, he always told people he just liked the name. Zach.
How did this girl know his name? No one did except his old crew.
"Why are you always so quiet? Jeez. You really do always have a stick up your ass," her tone and facial expressions show that her words are a joke, but Zane knows there's no actual joking in the choice of words. "Are you mute or something?"
"It's Zane, not Zach, and what do you want?" The younger but tempered brother asks. Chance doesn't like when people call Zane mute, and you would think that's the case, but Zane is nothing at all mute. Chance still has no clue why his brother doesn't talk at school, but he's respecting that wish, that doesn't mean he won't stand up when someone calls Zane mute.
"I thought it started with a Z, just didn't know what. My bad. I just want to talk to Zane, get to know him. No ones talked to him, I wanna be friends."
Zane contemplates how he should handle the situation. Talk like the guys said would be okay, or remain quiet and move. He could try both.
"Leave," he simply says and goes to his phone again, pulling up Ethans contact.
The girl huffs then begins introducing her brother, so Zane grabs his brothers shoulder. He stands, the girl stops talking but instead starts asking questions. It doesn't matter what she was asking, he was already out of the room. He doesn't venture to far, knowing the Emo boy often gets in trouble. He also starts contacting Ethan.
" "no ones gonna know you" you said, a chick just called me Zach." Zane sends, without any context and shoves his phone back into his pocket.
"She's right though, you don't really talk as much anymore. And I know you aren't going to want to tell me now, but please just know I'll be open minded to what ever it is, I just want you to feel safe enough to tell me."
Zane lays his hand on top of his younger brothers, giving a terribly weak smile, then the smallest nod. Zane knows that Chances curiosity will continue to grow, that doesn't mean he has to tell him while they're still in school, Zane knows the truth will come out one day, but he doesn't want that day to be anytime soon.
"Hello, " a shy voice says behind the brothers.
"Oh hello," Chance smiles, trying to remember the boys name he looks at his brother for help.
"Shane," the two boys say together.
"Yeah, hi. Well, I was wondering if we could talk for a minute. I know you are new here, and you know absolutely no one, I wanted to give some recommendations on who to stay away from."
"Who to stay away from?" The oldest of the group raises his eyebrow.
"Yeah..." the small emo boy whispers out, afraid with the tone of the male infront of him.
"Okay, sure, that'd be helpful," Chance grins and claps the boy on the back, letting the emo guide them away.
"First off Jacklyn, the girl that aproched you in there. She's not the best to be around trust me. Her reputation is ruining others reputations. She's rich and gets what she wants. Don't trust her with anything. Same thing with her brother. Next is Ein, you remember him. Him and his group, people don't fuck with them around here, your the first really."
"How about those rumors I heard of you? You used to hang around them?" Chance asks, getting a elbow nudge by his brother.
"No, it's okay... sorta, for a year yeah, but it wasn't with the whole group, only a few people."
"So the rumors are true?"
"No. The people here don't know anything, they don't know. They won't listen, I wouldn't ever do that. It was always a shared thing, people here just didn't like that."
"I get it now, I'm sorry for assuming thing."
"That's alright, you know now. Anyways, avoid them, it's fairly easy to see who connects to who, those are just the main groups. You'll want to stay away from their underdogs though, it's the underdogs that rat you out to their leader."
"This was good to know, thank you," Zane speaks up fully for the first time in the conversation. "And I'm sorry you have to go through that."
"Well, you've been helping me recently, so I really have to thank you for that," the Emo grinned at Zane, and Zane couldn't help the small smile that responded back.
"One last thing," Zane tilts his head down, taking in a breath. "do you know if any of them have any records with gangs or cops? Seems like that jockey group might."
"Well, I think Jacklyn might have some family connections to police, and as for the jock gang I really have no clue. If any of them do, it's be Max and Ein."
"Thank you, you've been a lot of help."
"Course, no problem, I'm glad I could help. If you ever want to know more about this god-awful school, come talk to me. Classes are about to start, gotta head in."
The three stand from the outdoor bench, the wind whistling and shoving them like kids. They march back into the castle of hell.
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