The two awake from their sleep when Shane's aunt knocks on the door. Zane realized he needed to get home before his family panics. So he ran to his house early in the morning only to meet his mother with a glare and crossed arms.
"Where were you?"
Zane winced mentally, knowing it's 50/50 on if he's going to be grounded or not.
"I stayed the night at Shane's. My date. The weekend date was a lot, so we went to his place and we feel asleep for to long. His aunt knew, his aunts a teacher at our school. I promise I'm telling the truth."
His mother raised a brow and motioned for her son to walk over, so he does. Sh'e grabs his face and pulls him down to kiss his cheek.
"Go get ready for school. I believe you."
"Really?" He chuckled. "Not grounding me?"
"Nope, only because I don't smell any alcohol or smell any weed. Go get ready for school, and have fun. Invite your boyfriend over for dinner tonight," she gave him a wink and turned away.
Zane rolled his eyes with a smile but jogged up the stairs to prepare for the day. He shuffled through his closet and pulled out a clean muscle shirt and sweatpants, stuffed his backpack and threw on the shoes he wears for the gym. He goes to his brothers door and loudly knocks.
"I'm in the kitchen dumbass!" Zane's brother Chance yelled downstairs.
Zane grabbed his things and ran downstairs and to the kitchen. Chance smiled and pushed a plate across the island.
"How was your date?" Chance asked and Zane's laughed. They grabbed forks to eat the omelets, Chance using hot sauce. "I'm serious."
"I'll tell you about it later. Hurry up, I wanna get there early."
"Says the guy that was up all night," Chance winked at his brother.
"We slept, and that was all," Zane grinned and flipped off his brother. "Really though, hurry up."
When the two boyfriends saw each other again they ran to one another and kissed long and hard. Sammy cheered happily and Chance whistled, Gill on the other hand watched cautiously.
"I didn't get the chance to tell you about my dream last night," Shane whispered when they broke. "Z was in it. Except this time Z stayed with me."
Zane frowns and grabs the emos waist, pulling the boy into a hug as an apology.
"When did this happen?" Sammy asks, Chance shrugs in response.
"The park date," Shane answers and pulls away.
Gill glared at Zane but stopped when Sammy slapped her arm. Gill gawks at her girlfriends abuse, but Sammy pushed her jokingly with her hip.
"Did you see who showed today?" Sammy asks and points to the muscle car freaks. "He got brought back early because his parents paid off the school."
Jason was alway glaring when the group looked over, and with them now watching he felt he had an invitation to walk over and start a conversation. Zane and Chance step in front of Shane and Gill stands in-front of Sammy.
"I'm not looking for a fight," Jason holds up his hands. "I simply would like to talk."
"Sorry, no can do. We don't want to hear what you have to say," Zane shrugged.
"Really? Cause a little birdie told me you're on 'roids... you know that can get you expelled right?" Jason smirked at Zane.
"Me, on 'roids?" Zane looked at Chance, and the two boys laughed together. "In your dreams."
"Oh yeah, how about we go check your locker?"
Zane swallowed and looked at Chance. Chance nodded and grabbed Shane's shoulder in a protective manner. Zane pulled Jason into the school, his friends followed behind, and so did Jason's friends.
"Not your normal locker, your gym locker," Jason whispered.
Zane glanced behind him and sees Chance following closely behind protecting Shane. Zane's grip on Jason's arm got tighter as he sped up. Zane pulls out his phone and pressed record, he then tossed it to Chance. Zane knew why they were setting him up in the locker room, because there were no camera. No camera means no evidence.
"Fucking 'roids," Zane mumbled. "You're fucking crazy."
"Maybe I am," Jason laughed. "But you have something of mine and I want it back," Jason whispered to Zane.
They near the lockers and Zane glanced back one more time, Chance holding his arm up behind Shane's back to protect him, phone recording discreetly. They barge into the locker room, and Zane rushed to his locker. His picks it open and inside reveals a pill bottle he's never seen. He turns to Jason in rage.
"What the fucks in there?"
"Just some Tren. You know Trenbolone is banned in the US..."
"What the fuck do you want?"
"Isn't it obvious? I don't want you here anymore," Jason steps around Zane and grabs the bottle, then pushed it into Zane's chest. "Imagine what the principal will do when they find illegal steroids in your locker?"
"Imagine their reactions when they see your prints on it and not mine," Zane smiled and looked at the bottle. Zane looks at his brother, "Get Shane out of here."
Chance nodded and stopped recording. He grabs Shane's shoulders and took him the opposite way of the crowd, then they ran to the other doors before Jason's men could grab them.
"This is between you and me," Zane starts. "Leave them out of this. One on one, fair game."
"Is it really that fair?" Jason laughed "I'm the one that's still beaten and bruised here."
Zane looked him up and down and scoffed. He shrugged off his bag and leather jacket, and got in position to fight.
"It's here and now, or later and in the ring. You choose tough guy." Jason turned to look at his men, they pop their knuckles and crack their shoulders, getting ready to fight. "One on one means one on one, you pansy."
Jason looks back to Zane, he spits at Zane and flips him off.
"When and where?"
Zane smiled, "2 weeks, Saturday, I'll let you know the place when the time comes. No 'roids allowed."
"That won't be an issue," Jason pockets the steroids. "Because you will lose no matter what. Then I'll get what's mine."
"We'll see about that," Zane flips him off, "good luck getting your ass ready for a beating."
Jason and his posse stepped out before Zane moved. Zane checked the rest of his locker for any signs of steroids dust, needles, pills, anything. Only when it was fully checked did Zane grab his stuff and run to his brother and Shane. He pushed the doors open, and I'm Shane jumped on him.
"What happened, we didn't hear a fight?" Chance asks, and Shane hugged Zane's neck.
"The fight is happening in 2 weeks on Saturday. The last and final fight, in the ring," Zane says and Shane pulls away.
Chances raised his brow, "does he even know how to box?"
"Nope," Zane grinned. "He doesn't need to. I'll beat him either way."
"Now you gotta tell Gav," Chance smirked and stood from his crouching position. "I'll let you make that call."
"We're going after school today anyways. I'll tell him then."
"And let him whoop your ass? Hell yeah. Shane, you gotta see this."
Shane laughed but nodded his head rather excitedly. He wasn't going to lie, he wanted to see his boyfriend shirtless and working out.
Chance handed Zane his phone, and Zane starts dialing Gavin's number. Sammy and Gill come around the corner and Shane explains what happened.
"Yo Gav," Zane puts on his excited voice. "I'd like to bring along a few friends today. One of them being my boyfriend. You don't mind, do you?"
Gavin laughed "You sounds like you're in trouble... you aren't in danger are you?"
Zane laughed and out the phone on speaker.
"No, we aren't in danger," Zane says. "Chance, say hey."
Chance grinned, "Hi Gavin!"
"You're always welcome to bring friends, boys. Don't worry about it, just don't bring any trouble."
"Of course not! We'll talk to you in a few hours, and be sure to call Paige to make sure she's coming."
"Why wouldn't she be?" Gavin's voice shifts to suspicion.
"I'm just saying, I gotta go to school now. Bye Gav, cya later!" Zane hangs up.
"Now he's gonna ask about the party, good going Zane," Chance rolled his eyes.
"Oh fuck off, it'll be fine."
"Hell breathalyze us."
"It's been longer than 24 hours, he can't tell," Zane rolled his eyes and punched his brothers shoulder. "You're just paranoid, it'll be fine."
"I thought you didn't drink that night?" Shane asks, grabbing Zane's arm.
"I didn't while we were out, but I took some home and drank with my brother in my room. We were fine little emo," Zane smiled and kissed Shane's forehead. "Let's get you to class, alright?"
Shane smiled and pushed himself up to pecks Zane's lips.
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