Zane jogs out of the house, backpack full of cleaning supplies, board in hand. He runs to the street and throws his board against the ground, then jumps on it. He pushed his right foot against the road pavement and weaves between passing cars. He gets honks and angry jesters, but he's so happy he ignores it all. He zoomed down the roads, grinning as he imagines his first day dating the curious boy.
Shane was a new scene to Zane. Zane was used to sleeping with slightly older males, in collage who mistook him for an adult. As long as they wanted to be fucked by him, he'd go along with it. He never thought of perusing anything more unless they had a good personality, and that was rare. Sometimes he's go after guys with no experience, or at least little experience. He also hated straight boys, not straight as in sexuality, but straight personalities. He wanted a guy who was free to fuck and have fun, party and play around with. Most of the guys he met were to busy in college to have the same fun Zane wanted, but hes also a sucker for railing guys with lots of experience. So, the new character was interesting to Zane. Zane tried to understand the boy when he first got curious, but he's having a harder time understanding him than he though.
He slows to a stop in front of Shane's aunts, then he picks up the board and walks to the door. He swallows before pressing the doorbell, there's running then the door pulls open to reveal a little girl.
"Hello!" She looks up at the male, her eyes light up. "You're so cool!"
Zane raised an eyebrow, but starts laughing. He kneels to be eye level with the child.
"My names Zane, do you remember me from the school fence with Shane?"
She mouth drops and she nods violently. She turns and runs into the house, leaving the door open. He stands confused what he should do, then he hears her call for Shane, so he takes a step inside and shuts the door. He thought the little girl was very cute, but he couldn't help but think of how dangerous it was for her to open the door and leave it open while she ran into the house. Her sense of danger was obviously very low. A minutes later and Shane comes down with his niece on his back, the boys smile warmly to each other.
"Hi, sorry if she was loud."
"She's fine, it was cute. But she shouldnt leave the door wide up and run into the house like that. What if it wasn't me and it was someone who wanted to hurt her, or you."
Shane drops his cousin on the couch and turns to her. He sits in the coffee table across from her.
"Madz, what did we talk about?"
"To stay away from the door unless it family."
"Exactly, and what else?"
"Always shut the door before I leave," she looks down and her hands, playing with her fingers. "I'm sorry."
"I know, but we have the rules so that you are safe. We love you and that's why you have to be careful. Now come on, don't sulk and get your shoes."
She excitedly stands, then she stops and turns to Shane.
"Can I open the door if it's him?" She points back to Zane, and the boys smile at each other.
"Yes, you can let in Zane."
She runs to Zane, then grabs his hand, "you're family!"
Zane laughs and pats the girls head, she runs away up the stairs.
"Sorry. I don't know if I mentioned or not, but she's on the spectrum. I know she can be a lot, and pretty damn loud. But I love her so much," Shane stands and walks over.
"That's makes more sense," Zane grabs the hands of Shane. "The lack of danger sensors really ads up now. But, she's absolutely adorable. I'm a sucker for kids, I really am. I guess I like kids so much because I feel protective over them. Like, I try to find myself in every kid, so that way I feel like I have to protect them. I do this will a lot of people. My therapist says is a coping mechanism, about not being able to protect myself when I was younger, so instead I protect others."
"I get that," Shane let's go if one of his hands and cups the other face. "Well, I have to be thankful for this coping mechanism of yours or I wouldn't have had the opportunity to approach you."
Zane smiles and leans forward, Shane closed the gap, their lips brush each other gently.
"Are you sure about this? It's not like last night where it's the heat of the moment. I'm serious about dating you, Shane."
"I know," he laughed lightly, his thumb brushed against the bottom of the scar behind Zane's hair. "I want to be your boyfriend to."
Zane grins and kissed the nose of his boyfriend, then Shane's cheek, and finally his lips. They don't bother with anything to passionate, they love the small pecks of the other, paired with light laughing from both parties.
"You're so cute," Zane laughs and his hands grab the waist of Shane.
"Thank you, hot bad-boy, I didn't expect to here that from you so soon."
Zane tilts his head slightly. "What do you mean?"
"I never got compliments from... well, Jason. It's foreign to me."
Zane picks the boy up from the waist, Shane laughs and yells. Zane hoist him up, Shane grabs into his shoulder and looks down at a grinning Zane.
"You better get used to it with me. You are cute, adorable, kind, and funny, just... amazing. God, Jasons an asshole for treating you the way he did," Zane's smile drops to a frown, thinking about Shane getting mistreated. "From now on, you'll have to get used to this," he kissed the V of Shanes shirt gently.
Shane grabs Zane's face and leans down to lock their lips together. Normally he'd worry about being to heavy, and wanted to get off incase he hurt Zane, but he was so overwhelmed with happiness he didn't care at the moment. This one's more passionate. Shanes lips open slightly, and Zane takes the opportunity to lick Shanes teeth, then Shanes tongue. Shane shudders and pushed his hands into Zane's hair. With one hand, he twirled the hair, and the other hand rubbed circled into the nape of Zane's neck. The boys break, and Zane leans against the shut door. His hands move firm Shane's waist to his ass to hold him up, Shane instinctively wraps his legs around Zane.
"Aren't I heavy?"
"You're a feather," Zane laughs and kiss the chin if Shane. "Don't worry, you're the lightest thing I think I've ever carried."
Shane raised an eyebrow in disbelief, "you don't think I believe that, do you?"
"But it's true. My old job was pretty demanding of me physically, trust me when I saw that this is easy."
Zane leans forward and pressed their lips together again, one final time before they hear steps at the stairs. Zane helps Shane slowly slide off and safely land in the ground.
"I feel so short all of a sudden," Shane fakes a frown and gains a laugh from Zane. "You ready Madz?"
"Are you dating?" She asks blankly.
"We are," Shane nods.
Maddison grins and steps towards the boys. She looks at the skateboard then grins at Shane, he sighs then pulls his board from the closet, he passed it to her. She grins and hugs it.
"She knows how?"
"Yeah, I taught her the moment I learned. I left my other board at home though."
Zane smiles and hands Shane his board. "I don't normally let others use it. This was gift from my parents, but I like you enough. Plus, your stamina sucks, so I can run while you skate."
Shane takes it and grins, he leans forward and pecks Zane's lips. They hold hands as they leave the house, then they watch Maddison go up and down the sidewalk.
"You both are adorable, I see how your cousins."
"Thanks, we get that a lot actually."
"I see it. So, you gonna skate or not. I can race ya."
"You think you're gonna be faster than me?"
"I'm gonna try," Zane tightens the straps on the bag to hug his back he stretched his legs and his arms, then his back. He cracks his neck and leans forward, in a sprinting stance.
Shane laughs and puts the skateboard on the ground. His left foot goes on the board, his right foot ready to violently push off.
"3," Zane counts, looking at the smiling Shane. "2."
Shane grins, "1!"
Then they're off. Shane pushing himself forward on the board, Zane having a head start at Shane gets the momentum going, he leans forward and down slightly to become more aerodynamic. Soon enough he's passing Zane and skating next to his cousin. Zane laughs and quickens his pace. And before they know it they are matching speed and half way to the park. A few minutes goes by and they slow as they get to the park.
"I'm," Zane starts and stops to find his breath. "Impressed."
"I'm the one that impressed , you managed to run at the same pace with us. And we have wheels.
"I've been through worse. I want you to stay here for a second while I make sure no one from last night ends up sleeping here. Unfamiliar faces to early in the morning can trigger some of these people."
Shane smiles and nods, he grabs his cousins hand and they skate together up and down the sidewalk. Zane jogs forward to see some the trucks from last night still there, one of them is Johns, another is Ethans. He kept the keys in his bag incase they showed up while they were cleaning the park. He crosses the field to look into the other trucks. He knocks on the windows to stir awake the people. He looks into the back of one of the trucks and sees 5 of his friends laying there together, huddled like penguins.
His hand slaps the metal a few times. "Alright y'all, come on, get up." He slaps the metal again and the group awakes. He steps away and does the same thing to another truck, he goes to the benches. "Brady," he calls out, a few feet away in order not to scare the teenager. "Brady, wake up man," he calls a little louder until the boy turns violently and shoots up, fist at the ready. "It's okay, it's just me," Zane finally closed the distance to pat the 16 yr olds shoulder. "Here," he pulls out his wallet "follow me to get the others then I'll buy y'all a motel so you can wash up."
So together they wake up the other teenagers who slept on the benches or in the pit. Zane gets the 10 teenagers together, their ages carrying between 14 to 17. He takes out $100, "go get a motel, wash up, and get some food. Okay. Y'all be safe."
The youngest of the group, who's also newer to the gang, reached forward and hugged Zane. Zane rubs his back gently.
"You're okay, you got us now. You're okay," he hugs the 14 year old back. That said 14 year old ran away from home after growing up abused by his mother. "It's alright."
The older ones, who are used to living on the streets take the money graciously and help the younger ones of the group to a motel. Zane finally goes to get Shane and Maddison, knowing that everyone from the party was now awake and recovering.
"Was that kid okay?" Shane peaks behind Zane to watch the 14 year old getting dragged out by the others.
"Yeah, he's alright. Like I said, a lot of us have some fu-" he looks to the little girl who's sitting in the grass, occupied by a caterpillar. "Messed up histories. He's one of the newer ones."
Zane picks up the younger girl and they walk to the shelter. He placed her on the table, she's still occupied with the caterpillar now in her hand.
"Only 14 years old, came to us 3 months ago. He ran away from home in the city. A small black kid running away form home to the police, saying he was abused by his mother... they didn't believe a word he said. Sent him back. He got beat pretty hard that night and came to us. Well, more like we found him. One of my lackeys, Paige, she helped him. She had a similar past," Zane opens his bag and pulls out some trash bags. "She found him about to get caught up with the usual druggy in the neighborhood, she stepped in and was able to protect him. We immediately recruited him, and when I have spare time I've been teaching him and a few others self defense.
"Some say I'm a pretty good coach. I may not be on the streets anymore like these kids, but I still feel responsible to protect them. Whether I reside on the city streets again, or I'm in a white picket fence rich people house... the kids there that need help, I'm gonna make it my responsibility to help them. I just can't leave them behind. They're like my family. Some of them I've known for years, some of them I've seen go from starving to eating healthily because of my help. I've worked my a- my butt off to help these guys."
Shane smiles and kisses Zane's cheek. They grab bags and start pickup the shelters tables and floor.
"I think I finally realized what I really really like about you."
"And what's that?"
"How much you care about people. You may appear to have a heart of stone, but that couldn't be far from true."
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