Zane wakes up in a cold sweat, chills going through his body. Another nightmare. He keeps counting the numbers wondering when they'll finally come to an end. Looking over he sees he woke up an hour before he needs to for school. He figures he could try and sleep, but he worries the nightmare would come back. So, instead, he strips off and throws on new shorts. He takes a shower, hoping to ease his soar muscles and rid of the sweat smell. He likes to feel clean to feel fashionable.
He decides he still has time and plugs his electric guitar into the amplifier, then plugs his headphone into the amplifier so he stays silent in the earth morning. He starts strumming away aimlessly, trying to feel happy, but nothing comes. He watches his phone light up on his bed, he wonders who would be contacting him. His booty call? Maybe. He sighs and puts down the guitar, placing his headphones on the hook. He calls for his phone to read out the latest text.
"From an unknown number: Hey, it's Shane. I hope I'm not waking you up, but I was serious about the drum lessons. Mind if we talk more about it in school?"
Zane finds himself smiling, closing his eyes, and picturing the smile of Shane when he accepted the drum lesson prompt. He finds it cute. He happily sighs and heads to his phone, he swiped it off the bedside table and lays out against the mattress. He adds Shawn to his contact.
"Little Emo suits him," Zane grins to himself.
"Hello, little Emo. You normally up this early?"
"Hi! Yes, I am. And little Emo?"
"Little emo is your new nickname. Get used to it. Wanna grab some coffee together?"
"Yeah, sure! When?"
"This weekend, how about it?"
"Yes! Free this weekend. Where at?"
"Starbucks, where else?"
"How do you like your coffee? It'll be my treat!"
Zane's belly laughs, finding the Little Emo very cute.
"Excited, are we?" Zane almost sends it, then thinks otherwise. "Cancel the coffee. Wanna go to a party?"
"Who's having a party this weekend?"
"No one at this school, I know a few people who know a few party people. Let's go party this weekend."
It takes Shane a minute to respond.
"Did I go too strong?" Zane asks himself sitting up. He shuts off his phone and throws it to the end of his bed. "Fuck it."
Zane speeds to his door and opens it, he turns and opens his brother's door.
"Dude, can you knock?" Chance is shirtless, only in his usual slacked blue jeans. He's peaking in his closet.
"Do we have anything planned this weekend?"
"I don't think so, why?"
"I got a hot date," he smirks and shuts his brother's door, heading back into his room. He hears stomps then a door swinging open as he closes his own. "No details yet, I just need a free weekend!" He yells through the door to his brother.
"Dude," the door knob wiggles as Zane holds it closed. "This ain't funny, let me in so we can talk. Who is it?"
Zane grins, knowing his brother is now hooked and can be played like putty in his hands. He lets go of the door and takes jumps back as it swings open.
"Little Emo boy."
"Drum lesson boy?"
"Bingo," Zane says stepping towards his closet. "I asked him to get coffee with me this weekend, but I canceled that. Ima takes him to a party."
"Dude, do you know anything about this boy?"
Zane laughs pulling out a workout shirt, black and sleeveless, the open sleeves reaching down to his sides, revealing his abs at the right angle. He realizes the cut on his abdomen would be exposed he bites at his lip. "He couldn't hurt a fly, he's harmless. You heard him yourself, those are false rumors. "
Chance crosses his arms then reaches out to his brother. "He may say that but I still think there's something he wasn't honest about."
Zane can't stop grinning, not for a second does he believe that Shane was harmful. Shane gets beat up every chance he can get, he never acts back, and he's reserved.
"So you gossip now?"
"No, I'm just warning you. The innocent looking sometimes aren't as innocent as you think."
"Did you forget," Zane points to his side? "I know how to handle myself?" He flexes his muscles, kissing his bicep.
"So, I'm gonna tell the parents that I'm going on a triple date with the guys, little emo is my date. They won't know it's a party. I don't know what you're worried about, but he's harmless and I'm telling you that now," he winks to his brother, walking around his bed to grab his phone.
"Gross. Okay. Just, be careful bro. You always are banging someone new, don't get any deceases."
"Duh," Zane rolls his eyes and swings his bag over his shoulder. "Let's go, I need a dose of Emo."
The Emo in question was waiting excitedly for the Bad Boy, the Bad Boy that was protecting him. Gill ties back her hair.
"Okay, okay," she blurts out. "Get that stupid look off your face already! We're just telling you to be careful. He doesn't seem like a good guy."
"But, I don't think he'd hurt me."
"You didn't think the jackass would hurt you either, but here we are. I can't watch you get hurt anymore, I won't stand for it. If another guy breaks your heart I will fucking kill them," Gill pulls up her fist.
"I know you will, Gill. Thank you."
"It's cause I love you, Shane. You know this," she sighs and pulls the boy into her grasp.
"I love you too, Gill."
The female feels a sad bang in her heart.
"You're always my little brother," she lets go and then punches his shoulder lightly.
"And you're always my sister," Shane laughs.
Gill feels the same bang in her chest. She shakes off the feeling.
"So, when is the dick getting here?"
"Don't call him a dick. But, I don't know. He normally walks with his brother, I've seen them a few times. I wonder why they don't just drive."
"Not everyone has rich parents," a Latino with pink hair nuzzles up to Gill.
"Hi baby," gill bites her lip then kisses the plump female.
"Sammy," Shane yells and jumps onto the girl. "I missed you," he cried out.
"Why didn't I get that reaction?" Gill grasses her arms on her chest.
"I live next to you, I can walk over whenever," he sticks out his tongue.
Sammy hugs the boy back, they're the same height, lacking in inches compared to lost people. But, they believed that together, they were taller and stronger than the rest.
Shane raises an eyebrow and turns. He grins and blushes.
"Hi, Zane."
The brothers look at each other, sharing similar looks. The small Emo gives a confused look.
"So, you wanna party?"
Shane bites his lip, nervous. He vowed to not get drunk again, to not make another mistake.
"Only if I can bring my friends."
"Sure. More the merrier. One of my buddies from my home away from home throws killer parties. They aren't too far from here. You wanna take a walk after school over, let's get coffee or something?"
"Sure, yeah, but I can drive, it's easier anyways," the boy gently offers, pushing his hair back.
The brothers look at each other; with certain looks and eye movements that look like they're communicating. Shane watches curiously as the blond claps his brother on the shoulder and pulls him away a few feet. They bicker back and forth.
"You sure about this dude?" Gillian asks Shane, scooping her girlfriend in her arms.
Sammy gently kisses the brunette, knowing that Gill is conflicted.
"I like this dude, he's not gonna hurt Shane."
Gill kissed the neck of her strawberry hair girlfriend, smiling into the kiss. The brothers come back, Chance pushes Zane forward. Zane bumps into the small Emo.
"Hi," he smirks down.
"I think I'll have to set back the coffee-" a smack from Chance to the brother's head. "Ow, low blow bro. Fine," he closes his eyes and sighs. "How about we go on a small walk now, I'd like to talk to you."
For once, the big muscles which were always tense were soft. The tone was gentle and serious. Zane looked embarrassed. Shane reaches forward, grabbing the hand of the man in front of him.
"Is this okay?"
"It is."
"Then," Shane pulls Zane forward. "Let's go on that walk."
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