From Mortalty to Immortalty
I looked around the old house. Surprisingly, it was very neat. In all the first floor rooms, there were furniture. Good, that meant that someone was here. I gently shut the door. The snoring was coming from upstairs. "Okay, I know I shouldn't be in here, but maybe they can help me.", I whispered. Silently, I crept upstairs. I slowly made my way to the main bedroom. The door was slightly open, and the snores poured out. Jackpot. I placed my hand on the door and very slowly opened it. I peeked in the room. What I saw sleeping on the bed made my heart stop.
There, fast asleep, was the one and only, Tom Hiddleston. His face was smooth, probably from shaving. His hair was shiny, at least it appeared to be shiny. His eyes, however, were lightly closed. I put a hand to my heart.
Then, the alarm clock rang. Oh sh*t. It's 7:00pm. The sun had set. Tom moaned and reached for the clock. He put a hand on the snooze button and turned off the alarm. He then stretched and rubbed his eyes. I then put my head back into the hallway and I leaned against the wall, hopefully not getting noticed by Tom. I heard him get up and yawn. I leaned forward a little to see what he was doing. Tom went to a table to comb his hair. Wow! Did his eyes sparkle or what? I got closer to the door. Tom then stopped combing his hair. He looked into a mirror hard. I didn't notice that he had no reflection. I was focused on what he saw. "What the?", Tom said. I looked into the mirror too, and realized that he sees me. "Uh oh!", I muttered. I turned to race down the stairs and out the door. But, a hand touched my shoulder. I turned around and was eye to eye with the British actor. "Hello there.", he said. My face filled with fright. "It's okay. You're not in trouble.", Tom said in reply to my facial expression. Tom led me into his bedroom.
My heart raced as we stood right in front of one another. "What is your name?", Tom asked. "Belle.", I replied. "What a gorgeous name you have, Belle." He smiled. I couldn't help but smile back. "Thank you.", I answered. Then, Tom's stomach grumbled. His eyes opened wide. He looked at my neck. Okay, this is really strange. Before I knew it, he grabbed me and bit my neck! I screamed in pain. It was just like a shark biting a dolphin. My head started spinning. I felt weak. This was it. This was how I was to die. I began to sob. Tom then let go of my neck. Realizing what he has done, his face saddened. "Oh my god! I'm so sorry! What have I done?! What have I done?!" Finally, my head stopped hurting. I reached up to touch my neck. I felt two bite marks. No, this can't be..."You''re a....", I stuttered. "A vampire.", he finished quietly. How can this be? Vampires aren't real are they? Guess I was wrong. I looked I the mirror to see the marks. What I saw made me cry. There were bite marks. And blood was starting to drip out.
Then, my reflection began to disappear. "Oh no! Oh no, oh no, oh no!! I'm really sorry!!!" My reflection then disappeared forever. I turned around. "Tom, what did you just do to me?", I asked with tears rolling down my cheeks. He said meekly, "You're a vampire now." I fainted and fell.
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