Author's Note: I'm so sorry!!! (first note hooray)
I AM SO SO SO SORRY I HAVEN'T UPDATED IN MONTHS! *gets on ground and kneels. puts hands up to the sky and bows down* Ow! *does it again* Ow! *keeps doing it* I WAS SO BUSY WITH HIGH SCHOOL AND IT WAS SOOO STRESSFUL!!!! THANKFULLY I'M GETTING OUT MAY 23RD DUE TO THE REBUILDING OF THE GYM AND CAFETERIA AND PLACING A NEW ART CENTER!!!!! SO PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE FORGIVE ME!!!!! *pretends to cry but fails like Markiplier* WAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! *stops crying and hitting floor* Ow my hands are so sore from hitting the ground..... *puts hands up to camera* See! I'm hurting my hands on the floor for no reason because I'm such a baka! *carries on to slap floor* I AM DOING SO MUCH STUPID THINGS BECAUSE I AM EXTREMELY SORRY!! *starts yelling at floor while slapping it* STUPID FLOOR! WHY DO YOU HATE ME SO MUCH!!!! WHY DO YOU HAVE TO PULL ME TO THE GROUND WHEN I TRIP!!!! WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!! YOU SUCH A BULLY FLOOR!!!!!!! *sees a pillow* Aw man! I could've kneeled on that! *grabs it and kneels on it. proceeds bowing* Please forgive me! I'm so sorry my Army/Readers! I'll update more often! I'll keep doing this! I'll do whatever you want just please forgive meehhhhhhh!!! *fake cries but I fail at it. stops and looks up* Quick notice however, I will be taking a Biology Summer Class which begins late June and ends around late July. Don't worry though, it's only from 9:00am-12:00pm EST. Thank God for mornings! Anywho, I just feel so bad for not updating since November and it's now May. But during my absence SOOOO MANY of you readers out there added my book to their libraries, voted, commented, most of them being "Hey, when are you gonna update?" but I never responded so here is you're answer (you're welcome), and sharing this book!!!!! I! CANNOT! BELLLIIIEEEVVVEEE IT! YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME! THANK YOU SO MUCH! This is like my most popular book now! Sooooo many reads I can't even check cause there is that much!!!! Must be like 400 or something. But thank you guys so much and if you like this book,
"Punch that like button in the face! LIKE A BOSS! And...*comes closer* High fives all around! WHAPISH! WHAPISH! Thank you so much for reading and I'll see all you dudes....
*high voice* IN THE NEXT CHAPTER!!!!!!! XD"
(Outro by jacksepticeye (you're awesome LIKE A BOSS dude!). Video by Markiplier (The King! Of Five Nights At Freddy's! AND FOREVER SHALL IT BE!!!!!!))
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