Chapter 9
Now, did you think it all through?
All these things will catch up to you
It had been a few days since Lux had arrived on Chopper Base, and in that time not much had happened. Lux mostly stayed in his room reading or just thinking. Much to Ahsoka's dismay he hadn't wandered off base and been eaten by krykna yet.
Ahsoka had left on a scouting mission a few hours ago, investing something that fell to the surface. It had been nothing more than an asteroid, and now she was headed back to base. It was late, past dinner time, and she hoped Carys had found something to eat in the cupboard. However, when she got just outside of the house, she smelled something amazing coming from within.
She allowed herself to be caught up in the smell for a moment, before coming to a realization. If she hadn't been there to cook, and Carys didn't know how to, then that meant... Ahsoka's face twisted into a scowl as she realized what was happening. She barged through the door, and sure enough, her suspicions had been correct.
"LUXOR PHILLIP BONTERI WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!?!?" Ahsoka shouted. She started stomping over to him.
Lux whipped around and saw an angry Ahsoka rushing at him. Scared for his life, he backed into a corner. "I... we... cook... food..." he stammered out, putting his hands in front of his face in an attempt to protect himself, but nothing happened. He slowly opened his eyes and peaked out through his hands to see Carys standing in front of him.
"Carys, sweetie, please move so I can have a talk with Mr. Bonteri here."
Carys shook her head. "No. I won't let you hurt him."
"Carys, please. This is adult business." Ahsoka attempted to move Carys out of the way, but the little girl wouldn't budge. Ahsoka was beginning to grow frustrated with her daughter. "Why are you protecting him Carys? I told you to stay away from him, he's a bad man."
"No he's not mommy. I don't know why you think he's so bad, he's been nothing but nice to me since I met him on the ship. He even cooked dinner for me tonight because I was hungry."
Ahsoka only grew more angry as Carys spoke. Lux had gotten to her and used his fake charm to sway her in his favor. Some how they had conversed on the ship, and again tonight probably, but Ahsoka wasn't in the mood to fight with Carys now, she'd save it for later.
Ahsoka glacned to Lux. "Is this true?"
"Y-yes. She came to my room and told me she was hungry, so I decided to make dinner for us since you were gone." Lux walked over to a pot on the stove. "It's almost done if you'd like some too?"
Ahsoka walked over to the pot and peered inside to see what Lux was cooking. She rolled her eyes when she realized he was making Thimiar stew.
"That's the only thing you know how to make isn't it?" She said with a giggle.
Lux was taken aback by what had happened, this was the first time she said something to him and wasn't mad. He quickly collected himself and formulated a response. "Yeah, but it's your favorite, is it not?"
"Guilty," she said raising her hands. The two shared a laugh and Carys smiled at them. She didn't know why her mom was so against the man. He had told her they used to be very close. She was determined to get to the bottom of it.
The next morning Carys awoke early. Her mother was still asleep, so she quietly got up from her bed, careful not to wake her up. When she was out of the room, she waddled over to Lux's. Slowly opening the door, she saw that he was perched at the desk in his room reading something.
Lux heard the door creak, and marked his place in his book and set it down. "Breakfast time already?" He questioned turning around to see Carys. He jumped in surprise at the sight of the little girl.
"Sorry to scare you Mr. Lux," Carys apologized.
"No, it's alright Carys, and it's just Lux," he replied. The little girl nodded. "So what're you doing here? Your mom better not find you here or I'm a dead man." He let out a chuckle, only half joking.
"I just wanted to know what happened between you and mommy. You never answered me when we were on the ship."
"Why do you want to know so bad? It's not like you even know me."
"I don't know," Carys answered honestly. "I just feel a special bond with you, almost like the one I share with mommy."
Lux winced. He would like to tell her so badly the truth, but if he did he knew death would be better than whatever Ahsoka would do to him.
Carys continued. "Last night she went from almost killing you, to joking with you. I just want to know what happened."
Lux sighed. "I'm sorry Carys... but I can't tell you. This is probably something you'd have to ask your mother."
The girl looked saddened, but nodded. "I understand. I just hope you and mommy can at least make up a bit. I hate seeing her like this, it scares me."
Lux gave her a sad look, and she turned to leave. She re-entered her and her mother's room, to see Ahsoka awake.
"Morning mommy!" She chirped happily giving her mother a hug.
"Good morning tungu," Ahsoka said picking the girl up.
"What is it little one?"
"Can I ask you something?"
"Of course! You can ask me anything."
"What happened between you and Lux to make you hate him so much?"
Ahsoka was shocked by the question and stayed silent for a second before answering. "What makes you ask?" Ahsoka was just trying to get around the question and not answer it. Maybe some day, but not today.
"Well, when I met him on the ship, a picture of you two from when you were younger fell out of his pocket and he told me you guys used to be really good friends, but he told me to ask you about what happened."
Ahsoka wasn't really paying attention to the ending of what Carys had said. He-he kept a picture of us for all these years? Ahsoka thought. She was torn. She wanted to believe that Lux was really sorry for what he had done, and that he had changed, but part of her told her it was just another part of his plot to take Carys from her.
"Mommy? Mommy?" Carys asked waving her hand in front of her mother's face. Ahsoka blinked twice, coming back to reality. "Are you okay mommy?"
"Yes, I'm fine sweetie. Just hungry is all. Let's go get breakfast." Carys smiled and jumped down from Ahsoka's arms, running towards the kitchen.
Ahsoka sighed. She had dodged the question for now, but she knew she couldn't hide it from Carys for long, especially with Lux living with them.
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