Chapter 6
Did you have to hit me where I'm weak?
Baby, I couldn't breathe
Ahsoka just sat in her room the rest of the ride. Her crying had stopped a long time before, she had no more tears left to cry. At this point she was just angry. Her anger seeped out of her like a faucet. If Anakin or Obi-Wan had been here they would tell her that this was the path to the dark side. She didn't care. She hated Lux so much for everything he had put her and Carys through, and now he thought he could just come back into their lives as if nothing had ever happened.
She wanted so badly to exit the room and toss that scumbag out of the airlock, but the only thing stopping her was Carys. She could care less what the others thought of her, but she didn't want her daughter to see her doing these things. Sure she had killed before, out of anger or otherwise, but never in front of her daughter. She tried her best to keep her away from those sorts of things.
There was another reason Ahsoka couldn't kill him, but she didn't even notice it herself, or she didn't want to notice it. Deep, deep down, there was a part of her that wanted to run to Lux, forget everything that had happened, get back together with him. Give Carys her father. But she didn't know it, or chose to ignore it.
There was a faint knock on Ahsoka's door. She knew who it was, so she used the force to open it.
"Hey," Hera said quietly, looking Ahsoka up and down. She could tell that the girl was distraught: her clothes were wrinkled, there were still tear stains on her face, and her eyes were still puffy and red from all the crying. Hera walked over to the bed and sat down. She wrapped her arms around her and pulled her into a hug.
"I'm sorry Ahsoka. I should've asked who the person we were picking up was. Then I could've had him send someone else. It's my fault, I was-" Ahsoka cut her off.
"No Hera, it's not your fault. It's mine. I should've been able to control my emotions more, I should've been more ready to see him. I haven't been strong enough to let it all go."
"Ahsoka... I know what he's done to you, how he's hurt you. I don't blame you for what you did. Hell, if someone did that to me I don't think I would've been able to stop myself from killing him," Hera said with a laugh.
Ahsoka laughed as well for the first time all day. "Yea well I was all ready to kill him until Carys walked it, so I didn't have anything to do with it." Ahsoka could feel her anger and hatred slowly fading. Hera had been there for her through everything the last couple years. She helped Ahsoka raise Carys since she was two, everyone on the ghost crew had. She was extremely thankful to have them.
"Thank you Hera... for everything. For taking me and Carys in, for helping me raise her, everything. I couldn't have asked for a better friend, a better family."
Hera smiled. "We've all been glad to have you here Ahsoka. Everyone loves you and Carys, and I'm sure if you told them about your history with Lux, they'd take care of him for you," Hera replied giggling.
"Yea probably," Ahsoka said smiling.
"Alright now Sato needs us on the bridge of his ship so let's get going," Hera said standing up from the bed. However, Ahsoka stayed still.
"Is he going to be there?"
Hera sighed. "Yes, but-"
"Then I'm not going."
"Yes you are."
"No I'm not."
"Yes you are because if you never face him, you'll never get over him. Now that he's part of the rebellion, you may be seeing more of him."
Ahsoka sighed. Hera was right. The only way to get over everything, or at least come to terms with it, was if she faced him.
Ahsoka reluctantly stood and walked over to Hera. The two walked in silence to the bridge. When they got there, Ahsoka's eyes immediately fell on Lux, and scowl was placed on her face.
The rest of the Ghost Crew noticed. Zeb leaned down to Ezra. "Who pissed in her ration bars this morning?" Zeb whispered. The two broke out laughing until Ahsoka sent them the same scowl and they froze.
"Ah Ahsoka, Hera you're here now. I'll keep this short for all of you. I have just received a transmission from Senator Organa with regards to the next steps to take with Mr. Bonteri here," he said gesturing to Lux. "Bail wants you guys to take him back to Chopper base with you, and keep him safe there. The Imperials are looking for him, and your base is the hardest to find due to your wiping it off Thrawn's map. He will stay there with you until it is deemed safe for him to move. Got it?"
The whole team just nodded and mumbled their agreements, except for Ahsoka and Hera. Hera just bit her lip and tried to stay discrete about her disagreement, knowing this was most likely not going to end well, but didn't want to say anything because she didn't want to expose Ahsoka's past with the man.
Ahsoka was being less discrete about her frustration. Anger even more visible on her face, if she had been any more angry steam would've been coming from her ears. She was furious. It was bad enough that her and Lux had to spend any amount of time on the Ghost, and even worse that he had tried to talk to her, forcing her to slip up and tell him the truth about Carys, and then falling back into their memories together. Now he had to spend an indefinite amount of time with them? This day could not possibly get any, Ahsoka thought.
Kanan spoke next. "Where will he stay? We're completely full, and we don't have the resources to build anymore rooms or houses."
Before anyone could speak, Carys, who had been oddly quiet the entire meeting, spoke up. "He can stay with us! We have an extra room."
"Alright than it's settled, Lux can stay with you guys. That's okay with you right Ahsoka?"
I spoke way too soon, this got waaaaay worse. It seemed like everyone had forgotten what had happened earlier that morning. Ahsoka couldn't say no, she was the only person with an open room.
Hera looked at her, trying to give her a look that told her she didn't have to do this. Ahsoka smiled weakly and nodded at her.
"Yes he can stay with us," Ahsoka said through clenched teeth. Fighting the urge to say no and berate Lux.
"Alright now that it's settled, you are all dismissed and may return to base," Sato said dismissing them.
The crew walked back to the Ghost, but Ahsoka walked a bit faster ahead of everyone. She went directly to her room, and didn't realize Lux had followed her.
"Ahsoka," he called out.
She knew who it was and kept walking, making it back to her room, but before she could close the door, he snuck in.
Ahsoka sighed. "What do you want now? Don't you think you've caused me enough trouble today?"
"I just wanted to thank you for letting me stay with you. I know it's not what you want, and you could've said no, so just, thanks."
Ahsoka scoffed. She knew this gratitude wasn't genuine, he was just trying to get on her good side so he could see Carys. "The only reason I'm doing it is because what Kanan said was right. We have no other room and don't have the ability to make more. You'll stay in your room only when in the house, and stay away from Carys. Got it?" Ahsoka glared at Lux for the fourth time today?
Lux gulped. "Y-yes."
"Good, now leave me please."
Lux opened his mouth to say something, but must've though against it because he didn't say anything. He nodded at Ahsoka and left.
There Katy are you happy? kyxns_
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