Chapter 5
Did you have to do this?
I was thinking that you could be trusted
Did you have to ruin what was shiny?
Now it's all rusted
Ahsoka just sat in her room, tears till streaming down her face. She had so many emotions running through here that she couldn't even keep them straight. She was especially angry with herself for revealing to Lux that Carys was his daughter. She knew that, despite what she said and her threats, she wouldn't be able to keep Lux away from her.
She just sat there as thoughts of Lux came to her mind. For the first time in over five years, she allowed herself to think of him again. How things could've been different, how they could be now if they had never split up.
Ahsoka let the good memories come flooding back, and boy did they have some good times together. Ahsoka smiled. Deep down she wished it could be like that again, but she knew it wasn't possible. Their relationship had been permanently damaged that night.
Still she basked in the good times they had shared together, but that was short lived. For every good time they shared, almost always a bad time. When they had first gotten together and were still young an naive, they almost never fought, but as they grew older, the fighting increased, the yelling increased, the nights where they went to bed angry were coming more and more often. Neither of them wanted it to be that way, but it had just... happened. They brought the best and worst out of each other.
As the memories came back, she tried her best to keep the one that destroyed her away, but she couldn't. That was the most prominent memory she had of their time together, and it finally came back to her, dragging her back into the moment.
Ahsoka had just left the doctors office and was more excited than ever. She was pregnant, and even better, it was the love of her life who had done this to her. She couldn't be happier, they would forever be connected by this bundle of joy. They hadn't necessarily been trying to have a kid, but she was happy nonetheless. She had always dreamed of being a mother. She couldn't wait to see his reaction when she told him. She just hoped he would be as happy as she was.
The whole speeder ride home her smile never wavered. She was beyond ecstatic, and there was nothing that could change her mood... or so she thought.
She walked in the door to their house. "I'm home love!" Ahsoka said sing songily. It was like she was floating she was so happy.
"I'm in the kitchen!" Lux shouted. Ahsoka thought she sensed something wrong in his voice, but shook it off. She was too happy about the news. She seemingly floated into the room.
However, once she reached the room and saw Lux, she could definitely sense something was off. Her smile faded, and she became worried.
"Lux... what's wrong?" Ahsoka asked hesitantly.
"Do you know what time it is?"
"Uhhh... I don't know it's..." she checked her watch and gasped. It read 11:30 pm! Kriff she hadn't even realized she spent that long at the doctor's office.
"Exaclty. That's the fourth time this week you've been home late. I can tolerate it once or twice. I want you to have friends and have fun, live life. But when you don't tell me where you're going, and you come home this late this often, I get worried. What if something happened to you Ahsoka? I wouldn't be able to live with myself."
"I-I'm sorry Lux. Me and the girls just like to go out and have fun, let loose, forget about all our problems."
"Mhmmm and one of your problems lately seems to be me."
"What do you mean Lux? I love you for force sake!"
"Do you though? You've not slept in out bed with me for the past week! We barely talk even when you are home! Whenever I try to do something nice for you, you ignore me. What's your problem?"
Ahsoka just stayed silent. She was sort of shocked. Sure her and Lux fought like any other couple, well maybe more, but he never got this mad before and attacked her like this.
"Nothing to say? Well that's a first," Lux scoffed.
"Lux, listen to me. I love you and only you. I've loved you since we first met on Raxus even if I didn't know it then. You're the only man for me."
"Really? 'Cause it doesn't seem like that anymore! You used to say that and I would believe it, but then you started coming home drunk once or twice a week, with hickeys all over your neck. I turned a blind eye, acted like I didn't notice because I loved you so much. I didn't want to believe that you would do something like that."
"Lux that was a long time ago. I was young and stupid. I still didn't know what alcohol did to me. You know that alcohol affects Togruta differently than others."
"Maybe so, and maybe that could be an acceptable excuse if you were 18, but this was just a few years ago! You were 23 for force sake! Not some stupid 18 or 19 year old! Nevertheless, I got over it because of how much I loved you."
"L-loved?" Ahsoka asked weakly.
"Yes, loved." He said stressing the -ed. "You wanna know what the final straw was Ahsoka? You wanna know what made me realize that you've just been playing with my feelings, using me all these years?" Lux paused. When he got no answer from Ahsoka, he continued. "I came to the bar the other night. I wanted to make sure you were alright."
All color faded from Ahsoka's face. She didn't remember that night. All she remembered was going into the bar, her friend Alyssa giving her a drink, and next thing she knew she was in her bed.
"You don't even remember what happened do you?!" Lux asked furiously. Ahsoka weakly shook her head. "Of course you don't. Well let me enlighten you: when I walked into the bar, I saw you in the corner sucking face with some dude. It destroyed me Ahsoka. I felt a part of my heart being ripped out when I saw that."
Tears were streaming down Ahsoka's face. She had completely forgotten how happy and why she had been so just minutes prior.
"L-Lux I can explain! Alyssa slipped something into my drink and I lost all control over my body! It wasn't my fault! There was nothing I could do! You have to believe me Lux! I love you! I promise I'll never go to the bars with them again!"
"I'm sorry Ahsoka. It's too late. You've hurt me too much, I don't need this in my life. We're done Ahsoka Tano."
"B-but Lux! Don't say that! I love you!"
"I no longer believe that after everything I've seen. I should've realized sooner, but I was blinded. Now get the hell out of my life! I never want to see you again!" Lux shouted, tears falling from his face as he kicked out the love of his life.
Ahsoka was frozen in place and just looking at him. She couldn't believe what was happening. She turned and sprinted out of the apartment, leaving her old life behind, leaving the only man she'd ever loved behind. This was all his fault. He was too assuming and never trusted her enough. He was the one that brought this upon them, not her. She hated him, she hated him more than anything. More than the Empire, more than that stupid Jedi Order. She hoped she never had the misfortune of seeing him again.
I hope you all enjoyed the chapter, as this will likely be the last one I publish for about the next week. I'm going on vacation and won't really have a chance to do much writing, if any, so I made sure to get you all one last chapter before leaving.
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