Chapter 2
Now we've got problems
And I don't think we can solve 'em
You made a really deep cut
And baby, now we've got bad blood
Ahsoka felt the ship jerk, signaling that they had exited hyperspace and were nearing Ithor. Ahsoka stood up and brushed off her skirt. Walking out of the room, she was immediately ran into by a crazed Chopper.
"Wamp waaa wamp wam," I heard him say. He used his mechanical arms to point behind him. Soon Zeb and Ezra came bursting down the cooridor.
"Get back here you bucket of bolts!" Zeb shouted.
"I'm gonna turn you into spare parts!" Ezra yelled.
Ahsoka just sighed. "What now?" She asked slightly irritated.
"This tin can loosened the bolts on my bunk so when I lied down, it fell on top of Zeb! He did it so Zeb and I would start fighting again, but Sabine told us it was Chopper!" Ezra relayed.
Ahsoka shook her head. This wasn't the first time (and certainly wouldn't be the last time) that Chopper had done something like this. He reminded her a lot of R2 in some ways.
"I'm staying out of this. This is between you three," Ahsoka said raising her hands and walking away. She could hear yelling and screaming and droid noises as she walked away towards the cockpit. Upon entering, she saw Hera, Kanan, and Carys.
"Do I even want to know?" Hera asked.
"No, you definitely don't," Ahsoka said with a laugh. She turned to Carys. "So, what did Hera teach you this time?" Ahsoka asked her daughter with a smile.
"She let me sit on her lap and push the lever that sent us into hyperspace!" Carys responded, her eyes shining. Ahsoka smiled, she loved seeing her daughter like this.
"I also taught her what some of the levers and dials and buttons do. She's a quick learner," Hera told Ahsoka.
"Oh and mommy, I made this for you!" Carys walked over to Ahsoka and handed her a piece of paper. On it was the two of them, along with the Ghost Crew, Ahsoka's heart melted upon seeing it. Drawing was something that Carys really enjoyed doing, and Ahsoka loved it. She was always drawing things for her and the rest of the crew, and sometimes helped Sabine with her designs.
"I know exactly where this should go," Ahsoka said walking to the front of the cockpit. She placed it right between the two control panels. "Now everyone can see it whenever they're in here!" Ahsoka smiled down at her daughter, who just hugged her leg.
"Hey Carys, would you want to help me land the ship?" Hera asked.
"Would I!" Carys squealed as she hopped onto Hera's lap. Ahsoka and Hera just smiled at the young girl's enthusiasm. Soon the ship landed, and the Ghost Crew gathered on the ramp.
"Alright so everyone knows their role right?" Hera asked.
There were mumbled "yes"s and nodded heads. Chopper made a sad/annoyed noise.
"Sorry Chop, but you need to stay here and watch over Carys and the ship. Make sure the ship is ready to take off as soon as we get back. I don't know what we'll encounter here," Hera told Chopper.
"Come on Choppy! Let's go to the cockpit!" Carys shouted happily before running off. Chopper made another sad noise, but followed Carys.
"Alright, if everyone's ready, then let's go." The group walked out of the ship, and Ahsoka froze. It was exactly the same as when she had last seen it. Memories came flooding back to her, some good, but most horrible. She squeezed her eyes shut, trying to keep the tears away.
"Ahsoka? Ahsoka are you okay?" Ezra asked snapping his fingers in front of her face.
This broke Ahsoka from her trance. She shook her head and faked a smiled at Ezra. "Yup... I'm good," Ahsoka replied.
Ezra raised an eyebrow, but didn't say anything else. He could sense that something was bothering Ahsoka, but decided not to pry. The group continued forwards, heading for the coordinates.
As they walked further into the jungle of the planet, Ahsoka's nerves grew. The further they walked, the harder it was for her to push the thoughts away and keep the tears out. She was radiating emotions, which were easily picked up on by Kanan and Ezra.
"Ahsoka, is everything okay? You seem on edge," Kanan pointed out.
"Yea, I sensed it when we first got off the ship. Is there something about this planet that you don't like?" Ezra chimed in.
"I uhhh... I..." Ahsoka stuttered. Thankfully, Hera came to her defense.
"Ahsoka's just not feeling well right now. How about you go back to the ship and just hang out? We can handle this one." Ahsoka nodded and mouthed 'thanks' to Hera before turning and running towards the ship. She finally let the tears spill as she ran back. She stopped before she got to the ship and sat on a fallen tree. She didn't want Carys to see her like this. She wanted to be a strong role model for her daughter.
She just let it all out. All her bottled up emotions finally came to the surface after almost five years of being buried. She cried and cried some more. Why did it have to be this way? Why couldn't they just get along? Move past it all, be together as a family?
She thought of all the times Carys had asked about her father. Who he was, why he wasn't with him, where he was. Ahsoka never knew how to answer. She just simply told the child she didn't have a father. It was much easier on both of them that way. Sure some day she'd probably have to tell the child the truth, but now was not the time. She was still not stable enough to answer questions about him or what had happened, and she didn't want to burden her daughter with that.
She cried for nearly fifteen minutes– she had a lot of bottled up emotions. She wasn't completely done venting, but could sense that the group was getting closer. She got up from the tree she was slouched on, brushed the twigs and dirt off of her outfit, and wiped the tears from her eyes and face. She made her way back to the ship.
Upon entering, she masked her force signature so Carys couldn't tell she was there or sense her feelings, she still wanted a bit more alone time. Ahsoka sat, facing the ramp where the crew would return, and meditated.
Shortly thereafter, they returned, led by Hera. Ahsoka could sense something was bothering the Twi'lek that she thought of as a sister. Ahsoka rose from her sitting position, and looked at Hera. Not only could Ahsoka now sense that something was wrong, she could see it written on Hera's face.
"Hera... what's wrong?" Ahsoka asked.
Hera shuffled her feet, not making eye contact. "I-I'm sorry Ahsoka..."
"Sorry? What f-" Ahsoka was cut off by a voice. A voice that had brought her so much pain. A voice she had hoped she would never hear again.
Ahsoka's eyes shot open, a fire burning inside of them. She quickly drew a saber with one hand, and used the other to lift the man up and choke him. Tears of anger were streaming down her face, and she wore a look that no one had ever seen on her face. If looks could kill, he'd already be dead.
There were cried from the Ghost Crew and Hera grabbed Ahsoka's arm trying to stop her. Ahsoka didn't hear or feel any of it. She was focused only on the man that stood– or floated– in front of her.
"Give me ONE good reason I shouldn't kill you RIGHT NOW Lux Bonteri!" Ahsoka shouted at the man. His very name was like venom on her tongue. Lux just struggled for air grabbing at his throat, trying to get a breath in. Ahsoka was seething. Of all the people they had to rescue it had to be him.
"MOMMY?!?" Carys's voice cried out. She ran over and hugged her mothers leg and began to cry. This broke Ahsoka from her rage induced trance and brought her back to reality. She dropped Lux to the ground who began coughing and sucking in air.
Ahsoka looked down at her daughter and knelt down to bring her into a hug. She began to cry, not out of hatred anymore, but sadness because she had almost killed someone in revenge right in front of her daughter.
"I-I'm sorry tungu, I-I-I don't know what came over me," Ahsoka choked out through tears.
"It's okay mommy," Carys said. "You just scared me, your eyes were the bad color." Ahsoka gasped. She hadn't even realized she was so angered that her eyes had gone yellow.
At this point, Lux had regained his breath and Zeb and Kanan had helped him to his feet.
"So I uh take it you two have met before then," Kanan said sheepishly.
Ahsoka rolled her eyes and scoffed, "Sadly, yes. I know that scumbag," Ahsoka spat. Without saying another word, she dragged Carys off to their room and locked the door. The Ghost Crew was left in shock, all except Hera. They had never seen her like that before, and hoped they never would again.
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