Chapter 15
"Keeping your saber moving is the key to deflecting multiple adversaries," a voice said. There was a hologram of a young man coming out of what appeared to be a glowing box. "Fluid motion, one into the next, into the next and so on. I've made some... adjustments to the classic form four techniques that I think you'll find work well against droids and other ranged attackers."
Kneeling in front of the hologram was a young togrutan girl, no more than ten years old. She sported white and blue stripper lekku that reached down to about the tops of her shoulders. Her skin tone was a tan color, more similar to that of a human than a togruta, which she probably got from her father. However, her face was still decorated with the usual togruta facial markings like her mother's. Her eyes were the only thing that couldn't be attributed to one of her parents. She had bright emerald green eyes that shone like the new spring growth. She was staring intently into the hologram.
"Here, I'll show you," the hologram spoke out again. He drew his saber and activated it, showing a dull blue color. "One, two, three, four, five, six. Again. One, two, three, four, five, six," he counted off as he blocked blaster bolts coming in from various angles. "Practice these exercises mindfully, and you'll see improvement, I promise."
As the young girl was watching the recording, an older togruta woman sat on a tree stump not far away, meditating on a variety of things. She felt everything around her. The presence of her daughter watching the recording over and over again, practicing the different blocking stances as the man called them out. The presence of her husband probably doing something stupid as per usual. The presence of the rest of her "family" not too far off from them. The blowing of the breeze, the swaying of the trees, all the feelings of nature flowed through her. However, she did feel something out of the ordinary. A nagging feeling in the back of her mind that kept telling her something was about to happen, but she couldn't tell if it was good or bad.
She tried to push it out of her mind and continue her meditation, attempting to focus on the nature around her, but the feeling wouldn't leave. It continued to grow stronger and stronger until she could no longer focus on her meditation. She groaned as she opened her eyes, scanning the area for any threat that the force could be warning her about. After a few solid seconds of searching her surroundings, and the increasing of the feeling, she couldn't find anything.
The woman started to rise to her feet to go investigate the surrounding area, when the feeling went away. She didn't know how it why, but it just vanished. She looked over to her daughter to see her unfazed, continuing to watch the recording and practice her stances. The togrutan woman decided to dismiss what had just happened and she closed her eyes to continued her meditation.
As soon as she closed her eyes, she felt something. Not like before, no this was different. She felt a new presence, one that hadn't been there even a few seconds earlier. She turned around, but saw nothing, even though her senses told her someone was there. She looked back over to her daughter, who again appeared to not feel a thing.
"So you still have that recording even after all these years?" A voice spoke from behind her, but it wasn't an unfamiliar voice. It was, however, a voice she never thought she'd hear again. Tears began to brim up around her eyes as she pinched herself to make sure she wasn't dreaming. Slowly she turned around and came face to face with the ghostly face of the man she hadn't seen in nearly twenty years. She just sat there, starting at him in disbelief. "Hey Snips," he said softly.
At the sound of his voice, Ahsoka broke out of her trance and flung herself onto him. She was half expecting to go right through him, but when she felt herself hit his robe and felt his arms wrap themselves brightly around her, she was overcome with joy. She began to sob uncontrollably into his chest as he rubbed circles on her back in an attempt to calm her.
After a few moments, she stopped her crying and looked up at the face of her former master. "A-Anakin. I-I never thought I'd get to see you again," Ahsoka choked out.
"I know Ahsoka, and I... have some things I need to tell you."
"What is it Anakin?" Ahsoka asked quizzically. However, before he could respond, someone else spoke.
"Mommy, who's that?" Carys asked from behind her. Ahsoka had completely forgotten that her daughter was there. Ahsoka moved herself off of Anakin, and into a sitting position on her stump. "Wait, is that the guy from the recording?" Carys questioned pointing her at the recording that was still going.
Ahsoka was about to answer, but Anakin beat her to it. "Yes little one, I am Anakin Skywalker," he replied as he walked over and knelt down next to her. At his name, her eyes widened. "And, judging by your facial features and lekku, you must be Ahsoka's daughter."
"Woah so you were my mommy's master??? That's so cool! She's told me so much about you, and how you guys were amazing together, and especially how you never followed orders." Carys said excitedly.
"Those were the days huh?" Anakin commented letting out a small chuckle as Ahsoka rolled her eyes.
"Why are you so... blue?" Carys asked
"Carys!" Ahsoka scolded.
Anakin raised a hand to calm Ahsoka's temper. "It's alright Snips, you probably neglected to teach her."
"Hey!" Ahsoka shouted angrily. "We just haven't gotten there yet..." she mumbled under her breath.
Anakin let out another small laugh, he had missed their playful banter. "Anyways Carys, I am blur because... well, the short of it is that I'm dead."
"Woah so you're a ghost?!?! I wanna be a ghost!"
"Well yes, but no. I'm not a ghost like you're thinking about that can't touch things and can go through walls and everything, I'm a force ghost. Essentially a projection of the force if you will. I can pick up things and touch things," he demonstrated this by poking Carey's nose causing her to giggle. "The only thing is that this takes a ton of energy and a very advanced knowledge of the force, so not everyone can do this. That's why you don't just see a ton of force ghosts walking around 24/7."
"That makes sense," Carys said with a nod.
"She's pretty bright Ahsoka. Who's the father cuz she obviously didn't get that trait from you."
Ahsoka gulped hard. She knew how Anakin felt about Lux. "Well..." she started but trailed off as she looked away from Anakin.
Aft a few moments, a look of realization, shock, and anger came over his face. "No, no no no no no. Please do not tell me it's him!" Ahsoka still didn't look up, but she just nodded in response. Anakin groaned. "Why of all people does it have to be him! Where is he? I'm gonna go give him a piece of my mind for knocking up my Snips." Anakin turned to walk away, but Ahsoka grabbed his arm to stop him.
"Anakin, stop. I love him, he... makes me feel like the only girl in the world. He's great to me."
Carys cocked her head to the side. "What about–" Ahsoka quickly shot her a glance and she immediately shut up.
Anakin raised an eyebrow. "What was she going to say?" He questioned.
"Nothing," Ahsoka replied. "Right Carys?" The young girl just nodded in reply. "Look Anakin, I love him, we're very happily married and he hasn't gotten me into trouble in a long while."
Anakin sighed. "If you're happy with him, then I guess I'm happy. But seriously? Bonteri? Out of all the guys in the galaxy, him? Really?"
Ahsoka giggled. "Yes Anakin, I chose him and I'd do it again in a heartbeat."
"Alright well that's good enough for me then," Anakin said with a smile, though it quickly faded and his face became grim. "Now, for why I have come to you today." He made a small motion to Carys, and Ahsoka quickly picked up on what he meant.
"Hey Carys, go find daddy and make sure he's not getting himself into trouble, okay?" She said as she knelt down next to her daughter.
"Okay mommy!" Carys replied cheerfully before running off to look for her father.
Ahsoka walked back over to her stump and sat down, motioning for Anakin to sit on the stump adjacent to her. He obliged and took a seat. They were now face to face with each other.
"Ahsoka, I... need to tell you what happened to me in the buildup to Order 66 and the time after," Anakin said solemnly.
"You mean, you didn't die?" Ahsoka asked in shock.
"Well, yes and no," Anakin replied. He took a deep breath before continuing. "After you left, I began to have dreams of Padme dying, and I couldn't let that happen Ahsoka. The chancellor, he-he told me he knew a way to save her. He exposed himself to me as the Sith Lord and told me he could save her. I joined him to save her. Long story short, he lied. She died and I became the Sith known as Darth Vader that has been terrorizing the galaxy for the last 19 years. Anakin was no more, Vader destroyed him, so the Answer to your question is yes, from a certain point of view." As he finished, Ahsoka was just looking at him in shock. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. Her master, THE CHOSEN ONE, had fallen to the darkness.
"No... no that can't be true!" Anakin placed a hand on Ahsoka's shoulder in an attempt to calm her down. She quickly shook it off and stood up. "Anakin how could you! You were the Chosen One, the greatest Jedi I knew! I know we didn't always agree with the Order, but killing them all and becoming a Sith??? Why Anakin? Why?"
"Ahsoka... I-I don't know. After I lost my mother and then you and couldn't do anything to stop it, I couldn't lose Padme too Ahsoka. I know it was wrong, I know it was foolish to believe Palpatine, but I had lost so many people in my life, I couldn't lose her too."
Ahsoka's expression softened. "Why didn't you tell me Anakin? You know I would have helped. I would have dropped everything to help you Anakin."
"I know, I know, but I felt so stupid, so helpless. I thought if I told anyone they'd think I was crazy. I feel so horrible for the things I did, and I wish I could take them back, but I can't. All I can do is ask for forgiveness. Ahsoka please forgive me for all of this. Forgive me for sending you into hiding, for having to put your life on the line everyday to protect those you love. I never meant for this to happen. I'm sorry Ahsoka." Anakin looked down and placed his face in his hands.
Ahsoka walked back to her stump and sat down. She placed a hand on Anakin's shoulder, causing him to look back up at her. "Anakin, it's okay, I forgive you. I could never stay mad at you. I'm just glad you're back."
Anakin smiled at her. "Thank you Snips. Thank you." She just smiled at her former master and brought him in for a hug. When they parted, he started to fade. "Well I must be going now Ahsoka, but just know I'll always be watching over you and always be with you, even if you can't see me."
"Farewell for now, my master," she said standing up and giving a bow.
Anakin stood as well and bowed, saying, "See you soon, my padawan." And with that, he was gone. Ahsoka smiled at the place where he had been standing then looked to the sky before turning to head back to the ship. Things were starting to look up. The Emperor and Vader were dead and the Empire was in shambles. The New Republic was in its early stages and it wouldn't be long until peace was restored to the galaxy.
Well, this marks the end of this story. Thank you to everyone that came along for the ride, I hope you enjoyed this story as much as I enjoyed writing it!
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