Chapter 14
"So that's it? You're just going to forgive him for what he did and get back together?!?" Hera asked. She was livid. After all Lux had put Ashoka through, she was going to try it with him again? The green twi'lek was absolutely beside herself.
"Whamp waaaa wom whamp whamp wap," Chopper said, spinning around and flailing his arms. He seemed to be adding onto what Hera was saying.
"I mean I don't know what happened between the two of you, but from the way you acted upon seeing him for the first time, and then how you've acted towards him since then, this doesn't seem like a great idea," Kanan chipped in.
"Well... we talked it out and I saw that it wasn't all his fault. I was partially to blame for everything that had happened," Ahsoka responded.
"I still don't get it," Hera started crossing her arms, "but it's your choice, even if I don't necessarily agree."
"What about Carys?" Sabine asked. "Are you going to tell her the truth about Lux?"
The pair looked at each other, and Lux decided to take this one. "We're not going to tell her yet. I want to, but Ahsoka made a good point. If this doesn't work for some reason, we don't want Carys to just get her father back then have him disappear again."
"That makes sense," Sabine said nodding.
Zeb, who had remained quiet during the whole exchange, walked over to Lux. "If you hurt her, she's going to be the least of your worries," the towering lasat said standing over Lux and pointing a finger at his chest.
Lux gulped hard. "Y-yes s-s-s-sir."
Zeb kept the menacing look up for another second or two before bursting out laughing along with Ezra. "Oh my force you should've seen your face," Zeb said laughing and wiping away tears.
"It was all like this," Ezra added as he attempted to recreate the expression Lux had worn just moments earlier. This caused Zeb to laugh even harder.
Lux on the other hand was blushing bright red from embarrassment. Ahsoka looked at him and smiled. She grabbed his hand and gave it a gentle squeeze, causing him to look down at her. When he did, Ahsoka gave a big smile, which immediately eased Lux's embarrassment.
At this point Zeb and Ezra had calmed down and stopped laughing. Zeb turned back to Lux. "But seriously, don't hurt her or you'll have a whole lot of people that will hurt you," Zeb stated motioning to the people in the room.
"Well," Lux started. He looked back at Ahsoka and smiled at her. "I don't plan on it."
Zeb smiled at this. "Good. Welcome to the Ghost family, Spectre-10." (We're gonna pretend for the sake of this story that Ahsoka is Spectre-8 and Carys Spectre-9, so that's how we went from 7 to 10)
Everyone stepped forward to welcome Lux to the team, except for Hera. As they were all talking with and congratulating Lux, Ashoka slid away and mad her way over to Hera.
"Hey, look, I know you're not fully on board with this, but trust me. Lux and I talked everything out, and we're starting with a clean slate."
Hera sighed. "I know, I just, I'm still worried for you. You were so broken when I found you, and you've spent over 5 years of your life hating his guts. I just don't want u to rush into something and get hurt again."
Ahsoka stole a glance over to Lux and the rest of the Ghost Team. He was smiling at them and seemed to enjoy the attention he was getting from them. Ahsoka turned back to Hera. "I get that, and I appreciate your worries, but you just have to trust me on this one. I've meditated on Lux a lot since he's come back into my life, and I've learned to let go of my anger towards him."
"Wow, you really sound like a wise Jedi," Hera said impressed.
Ahsoka beamed at her. "I'm not a Jedi, not yet."
"Well, I know your master would be proud of you."
At the mention of Anakin, Ahsoka's expression fell. She still missed him, she missed him more than she cared to admit. The thing that pained her to most, the one thing she regretted more than anything, was the fact that she had left him without even saying goodbye. She never got to tell him how much he meant to her, how much she appreciated everything he had done for her. She just hoped, that one day, when it was time, that she would see him again.
"Yea... I'm sure he would be," Ahsoka said smiling and looking to the sky.
"Now come on. Let's go celebrate your getting back together!" Hera said, finally accepting the fact that Ahsoka had gotten back together with Lux.
"Hold the celebration Hera. There's... something Lux and I have to do first."
Hera smirked at the togruta. "Oh I get it, you go have your fun. We'll be here when u get back."
Ahsoka's face heated up and her leaky darkened at the accusation. "N-n-n-no... we're n-not doing th-that," she stuttered.
"Mhmmm. Whatever you say girl," Hera said laughing as she walked away.
"Wait Hera-! Ugh." Ahsoka threw her hands up in defeat. She turned around, and was met with the face of Lux Bonteri.
"What's got you so worked up?" He asked raising an eyebrow.
Ahsoka groaned. "Nothing," she replied. "Now come on, we have to go tell Carys about... well us."
Lux didn't respond, but nodded. He intertwined their fingers and they began the short walk back to the house. The couple was silent the whole time, each separately thinking about what they were going to tell the young girl.
Once they entered the house, Carys was nowhere to be found. "Hmmm. She must be in her room," Ahsoka observed.
"How'd you figure that one out Sherlock?" Lux joked, smirking at Ahsoka. She playfully punched him in the shoulder.
"Carys! I'm home!"
Carys ran out of her room, and saw her mother and Lux standing there, not fighting. "So? How'd my plan go?"
Ahsoka and Lux looked at each other and smiled. "We made up," Ahsoka said still smiling.
Carys glanced down at their hands and saw that they were clasped together. "And looks like you made out too," she said with a childish giggle.
"Carys Aries Tano!" Ahsoka gasped.
Meanwhile, Lux was laughing along with Carys. Ahsoka gave him a death glare, to which Lux just responded with a shrug. "I mean she's not wrong."
Ahsoka gave him another playful punch, though this one was a bit harder. "Owwww!" Lux exclaimed rubbing his shoulder.
"Well I'm happy my plan worked, and that we can finally be a family," Carys said running over to the couple and roping them into a big embrace.
Ahsoka and Lux looked at each other bewildered. "Wh-what do you mean f-family, Carys?" Ahsoka asked dumbfounded.
The young girl looked up to meet the couple in the eyes. "Well, Lux is my father is he not?" She asked innocently
Ahsoka and Lux again looked at each other in shock. "How'd you find that out?" Lux asked.
"Well i had my suspicions the first time I met you, when I told you that you smelled like mommy. That was my first clue, but I wasn't completely sold. Another indication was the way you felt around her. I could feel an outpouring of emotion from your aura anytime you were around her: pain, sadness, anger, but the strongest of them all... love. I still wasn't sold though. No, what sold me was a vision I had one night while sleeping, a vision of the night where you two broke up, and that was all the information I needed."
"Wow, clever kid," Lux said astonished.
"When was all of this?" Ahsoka questioned.
"Oh about... a week ago?"
"A week?!?! Why didn't you say anything???" Ahsoka asked.
"Simple. I didn't want to force you guys back together, but I could feel that your emotions towards him were conflicted mommy. I knew all you needed was a push, so that's why I did what I did today."
"Wow, she is clever isn't she," Ahsoka said looking at Lux and smiling.
"She probably got that from me if we're being honest," Lux replied with a shrug, to which Ahsoka responded with a slap on the shoulder.
"Ow! Would you stop that!" Lux complained.
"Oh calm down Luxy." Ahsoka stood up on her tippy toes and planted a kiss on Lux's lips, a kiss which he gladly returned.
Carys just looked up at her parents and smiled. She was right, they were finally a family.
Alright and there's chapter 14! I'm so sorry it's taken so long, I haven't really been in the state of mind to write anything happy recently, but I found the state of mind tonight (or ig this morning at this point lol). Anyways, as always, I hope y'all enjoyed it!
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