"Shit..." Saul dropped his gaze from them back to Sophie whoshuddered.
"I knew it, though. You two are the most obvious assholes toever roam the planet," Darlene giggled, "I kinda like that you'vefound something to bide your time, Saul. Too bad it wasn't me whotugged at those heart strings of yours."
"We're not going to tell, Saulie," Debra smirked, "Wedon't have to. Everyone sees how you two are with each other, butI'd like you to do something anyway for me."
"I'm not being blackmailed by you," Saul puffed up his chestas Sophie moved around him.
"Didn't I beat your ass not too long ago?" She narrowed hereyes at Debra who scowled.
"Calm your tits, Swann, we just want Saul to ask Micah to giveDianna another chance," Debra shrugged, "She's pathetic withouthim."
Sophie looked at Saul, "Dianna dated Micah?"
Dianna was the older sister of Debra and Darlene. She'd been inand out of jail a few times, but had since gotten her life together.
"Yes," Saul told her, "It wasn't widely known."
"We get there's no guarantee from you, but it's cool. Wetrust you and you can trust us," Debra grinned
"I don't trust you," Sophie frowned, taking another stepforward, "But I don't care who you tell. I'm tired of hiding."
Darlene looked her up and down, "I'm not your biggest fan, butI hate how you're treated. Your uncle and his men should bethankful if they get a public hanging one day and it's not a slowand agonizing death. I'd love to watch."
Sophie felt Saul's hand grip hers and she softened, her wholebody releasing it's tension just because of one simple touch.
"I'll talk to Micah, " Saul nodded.
Debra clapped her hands together.
"Welp, I heard there would be cake at this, -"
She was cut off by a blood curdling scream. The four ran out ofthe library and down another hall to find Mrs. Hamilton (Marlena),kneeling over what appeared to be a body.
Saul rushed over and saw that it was Benjamin Hamilton, Beatrice'sbrother.
"What happened?!" Saul fell to his knees as he watched poolsof blood seeping from Ben's stomach, "Go get help!" He calledto anyone. He could hear screams and voices, footsteps and alarms,but he grabbed onto Marlena's scarf and tugged it off her neck,applying pressure to the wound.
He looked back and didn't see Sophie until she rounded thecorner with what appeared to be a medical team and Karl Hamilton.
"Look!" Debra pointed to a knife laying near the closed doorof another room.
"Don't touch it," Sophie said.
"Do you know who did this to you?" Karl asked his son as hewas carted away, but Benjamin was already unconscious as they headedout.
Soldiers and other staffers forced the crowd back downstairs to befrisked individually and their names taken for further investigation.
"Everyone out!" Another soldier bellowed as the Hamiltonfamily members were seen getting into their car and following theambulance.
Saul pulled Sophie into him.
"What the fuck is going on?" She whispered to him.
"I don't know.." Saul looked around, "Let's get outtahere. I'm sure my father has already heard about this."
The ride home was quiet. Sophie was charging her phone in the caras Saul was telling her that he'd replace her burner phone as soonas possible. He talked of Luca and Sam and how Micah and Dianna datedunder the radar and that's why he thinks Micah had the intentionsof trying to fuck everything up between he and Sophie. They discussedthe hits and who could be behind them. They knew shit was hitting thefan and it was only a matter of time before something else happened.
Alexander met them at the door.
"Meeting's been called. I am sure you both spoke with theproper authorities? Knife came from the kitchen. Someone was alreadyin the house and ready to pounce. It's become personal. Any ideasof who would hit Ben?"
They didn't have a clue.
"What about the Reynolds?" Saul asked.
"They got hit with a nice little package tonight full ofanthrax," Alexander ran a hand over his face in frustration.
"You can sit this next meeting out," He told them, "Karlsaid that Benny will be OK."
"Oh thank God," Sophie let her emotions fall from her lips.Neither one of them even realized that they were still holding handsupon entering the home. Alexander took note.
"I am giving Eddie "Carter's" in exchange for Sophie."
"What?" Sophie and Saul both let go of the other's hand andspoke in unison, shock echoing through their souls.
"Eddie likes power and money so I am offering him the dealershipin exchange for Sophie until the engagement party," He turned toSophie, "You will still be under Saul while you're here and aworker for Georgina. No family business will pass through you," Helooked to Saul who nodded in agreement, "Is this OK with both ofyou?"
"Of course, Dad."
"Yes, Mr. DeMarco."
"Good. I am making the arrangements right now. Eddie should becalling soon," Alexander spun on his heels and headed off. Hestopped short of the hallway to his office and turned around in timeto see Saul lifting Sophie up and into his arms, kissing her as iftheir lives depended on that one moment in time.
"Don't do something stupid, Saulie," Alexander muttered tohimself before heading on to his office.
Back in Saul's room, the two were in such bliss that nothing inthe world could shatter their moment.
"Your dad knows," Sophie said, kicking off her shoes.
"Of course he does," Saul tossed his jacket on the back of hisdesk chair, "And I know Mom didn't tell him. She kept her end ofthe deal. We suck at discretion."
"I am sorry," Sophie flopped down on the bed, Saul followingclose behind her.
"I'm not. Not anymore. I don't want to hide what we have,Sophie."
"Why did your dad do it?"
"He's protecting you as best as he can for now,"Saul toldher, "I told you he knows. He has to at this point."
"I'm glad Ben's going to be OK," Sophie said, "Thesehits are inside jobs.We all know that now."
"Makes me wonder if my dad wants to keep you here just to keepyou on his radar."
Sophie sat up and draped a leg over his middle, straddling him onthe bed.
"That's a dangerous position, Swann."
"If your dad wants to keep me here to watch me, that's fine.At least I'll be with you," She leaned in and laid her head onhis chest, "I like the sound of your heartbeat."
"It only beats for you."
They tried to sleep, but Saul was restless, thinking about the waythings were and the funerals coming up for Luca and Sam. Everyoneknew that something was happening, but even he couldn't foresee thefuture. With this beautiful woman slept naked beside him, he couldn'tconcentrate on much.
Saul might have slept for less than an hour when Sophie sat up,screaming like a banshee.
"Sophie!" Saul put his arms around her and pulled her into hislap, "Baby, shhh...It'll be OK. I'm here. I'm always here."
Sophie sniffled, barely awake even though the night terror wasbrutal.
"You're the only person I have ever opened up to, Saul," Shesaid, sleepily, "The only one I show my weaknesses to."
"I don't know," She shrugged, "Safety. Love. You have myheart."
"What are your dreams about?"
Sophie shifted, "Nothing good. I haven't had a nice dream inforever. I wake up like I've been put through the wringer. "
Saul ran his fingers down her bare arm. They had made love in theshower right before bed and the sexual tension was still in the air.It seemed to linger between them.
"Let's go outside," Saul pulled on his sweats and tee shirt
"In the rain?" Sophie clambered off the bed, grabbing herjoggers, bra and one of Saul's shirts .
"Yep," Saul said, "Come on. The worst part has passed."
Once outside, a few of the guards stopped to see what thecommotion was about and waved Saul and Sophie on.
"It's chilly," Sophie giggled, as Saul pulled her out ontothe driveway, "I haven't done this in years! We used to dance inthe rain with my dad!"
Saul pulled her into him and kissed her tenderly, swaying side toside.
"Can you dance?" She asked him.
He suddenly dipped her and she squealed with delight.
"Actually, yes. Mom taught all of us."
They were soaked to the bone, but it didn't matter. Sophiehadn't felt that free in a long time.
Unbeknownst to them, Loretta and Alexander were watching from atop floor window.
"You've given her some time. Why?" Loretta asked herhusband.
"She deserves it. They both do."
"How long have you known?"
"Since the moment she stepped foot on this property,"Alexander sighed, "I know you have hope, Loretta, but this is adifferent time. Something is happening within these walls and withthe families. It's deja vu, except Eddie isn't going to budge. Ifear Saul will do something he won't be able to come back from. Ineed them to keep an eye on each other because I don't know what'sgoing to happen next, but the underground is shaking."
Loretta put her arm around his waist as Alexander held her close.
"We weren't much older than those two when all of thathappened. You've made me the happiest woman alive, Alex. Saul'sjust, -"
"Like me. I know, "Alexander sighed, "They're both blindedby love, but maybe that's what will save us."
"I am so worn out," Sophie said as he lifted her into hisarms, spinning around almost maniacally. She hadn't felt socarefree in years.
"I can wear you out even more than this," Saul said, "Onemore time..."
Before she knew it, Saul placed her on the hood of a nearby car,pulling her joggers down and tugging his cock out of his pants.
Inside, Loretta grabbed Alexander by the arm, pulling him awayfrom the window.
"Let them be," She said as they headed back to their bedroom.
Saul held onto Sophie, lapping up the rainwater from her neck andcheek, sending ripples of passion through both of their bodies.
"I'd be lying if I said that I didn't know people werewatching us, but I don't care anymore,"Saul said, slipping insideof her, "Whenever I'm in you, all of my worries die."
Sophie moaned as he took her right there on the hood of that car.The rain was coming down harder than before and it didn't take themlong to let go. They let go of everything—all the pain, all theworry, all the sadness and frustration, hatred and loathing. Theylost themselves in each other and there was no going back.
They weren't even subtle with their screams of ecstasy. It tookthem forever to come down from their release and they were drenchedto the core. They held on to one another for as long as they coulduntil the thunder started rumbling again.
"Wanna go back in?" Saul finally asked after Sophie yawned.
"You've worn me out," Sophie giggled, "I'll probablysleep for days."
She did sleep well that night. They both did. Saul didn'tremember the last time he'd slept so deeply.
The next day, he took her to Eddie's himself to grab more of herbelongings, with his brothers also in tow.
He'd brought up Dianna to Micah and, much to his surprise, hisbrother was overjoyed that Dianna still wanted him. Saul didn'tknow what to think about that, but he'd let Micah deal with it.
"You need me to go in with you?" Saul asked as they pulled thebig suburban into the cul-de-sac driveway .
A few of Eddie's soldiers were watching her.
"Saul, don't... " She shook her head. Sophie knew what hewas thinking.
"Is that one of them? What about him?" Saul kept pointing tothe gawking goons.
"Saul," Gio piped up, "You can't do this now. Trust me, Ithink I speak for all of us when I say I'd like to mow all of themdown, but it'll start something we can't finish today"
Sophie was surprised at Gio's revelation. Maybe they didn'thate her after all.
She got out of the vehicle as her sister's emerged from thehouse, Lorraine following closely behind. They embraced her like theyhadn't seen her in years, Lorraine glanced over at the DeMarco boyswho had also gotten out of the Suburban to stand guard.
"Do I need to come in with you?" Saul asked as Eddie made hispresence known.
"You most certainly fucking do not," Eddie growled, "Sophie,get your shit and go."
"She can't have five fucking minutes with them?" Saulquestioned, "Why is that?"
Eddie glared at Saul who could have easily taken the old man outwith one fight. He wanted to keep the peace a little while longer. Hewanted the intel he was getting from his niece and he didn't give ashit if Saul was screwing her or not.
"Your father gave me Carter's so you can take her off my handsuntil the engagement. Don't knock her up," Eddie chuckled.
The girls had gone inside by that time and Saul couldn't stop.
"Is that what you tell your men when they're brutalizing her?"
Eddie straightened up, puffing up his chest.
"You don't even know what you're talking about," Eddiesaid, "I don't need to explain myself to you."
"Is this some type of tough love you think you're giving them?Allowing them to be assaulted and treated like chattel?"
"Women are simply wet holes to me—liabilities up the ass. Iwish to god they'd been boys, but here we are."
"Dana could run this shit show better than you," Saulchuckled, "She's the rightful heir to the Swann dynasty."
Eddie scowled, "Go fuck yourself, DeMarco."
He turned around, "Oh wait. Sophie's doing that for you."
The bastard continued laughing as he entered the house.
"What a dick," Franky mumbled.
"I wish we could get them out of there," Gio said, lookingaround, "Fucking sin city around here and it ain't Vegas."
It didn't take long for Sophie to emerge with a few bags and asuitcase. The boys helped put her stuff in the back of the Suburban.
"All set?" Saul took her by the hand as she stared up at thehouse and into one of the windows where her mother and sister'sstood.
"Yes," She choked, waving to them as Saul helped her into thecar, "Let's get the hell out of here. If anyone of you believe inGod, keep my family in your prayers." Sophie put her head on Saul'sshoulders, "What level of purgatory are we in now, Saul? I don'tknow how long I can last anymore."
Saul turned to her as Gio drove them out of the confines of theSwann estate. They were going to have to go this road together—nomatter the sacrifice.
"You're strong, Sophie—stronger than me and you're a goodperson. You do what you have to do to survive. I'm a sinner andaccording to any religious guru, I am going straight to hell. It iswhat it is so I try to live my life now and I want to live it withyou. You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be and I don'twant to let that go anytime soon."
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