The underworld became eerily quiet after the hits on the Reynolds and Hamilton's.
Those two families played it cool and went even further underground, guarding themselves and their assets with their literal lives.
To anyone new to the game, it would have appeared as though the threat was over, but everyone knew otherwise.
It was the calm before the storm.
Sam was cremated. His memorial service was small and only consisted of immediate famliy, Loretta and Alexander. Luca's was a little different. He had a grand service and funeral with most of the underground in attendance. He'd been loyal to the DeMarco family for years and had gained the respect of even the other families.
The DeMarco's were waiting in the family room for Sophie to join them. She thought she was running late when she appeared in the door way apologizing for her timing.
Even though they were a family in mourning, no one was prepared for Sophie to show such feminine beauty when she walked into that room. She'd dressed modestly in a knee length formal black dress, black stockings and flats, her red hair was parted in the middle and flowing over her shoulders like volcanic lava cascading down a mountainside.
Even Saul, who had seen her in the most intimate settings, was mesmerized by her beauty.
"I-I'm so sorry," She blushed as Saul stood next to her.
"Oh, we're not running late," Alexander said, standing. "I've just now called for the cars so let's make our way outside."
"We're going with my parents in their car," Saul was telling her as they linked arms.
Sophie nodded, smiling. He could tell she'd been crying. There was always something about Luca that made her feel safe and she'd confessed that to him the night before.
At the funeral service, plenty of New York DeMarco's were there and Bianchi's, Luca's family.
Sophie stood out, but not because of her red hair or that they knew she was a Swann, but because of her beauty and charm. Saul introduced her to almost everyone, including Luca's brother, Lars.
"Where's she been all this time, Saulie?" Lars whispered to Saul when Sophie saw her mother enter the Bianchi mansion.
"Not with me," Saul chuckled.
His aunt Mary from the Bronx pulled him to the side.
"Saul, your mother didn't tell me you had a girl," Mary tried to be quiet, but her husband, Paul, slapped Saul on the back.
"Ya gonna make an honest woman out of her, Saulie? I don't see a ring on that finger over there."
"She's Sophie Swann, Uncle Paulie."
"She's a Swann?"Paul looked to Sophie and back at him, "Don't get her in trouble. Eddie's an asshole."
"That's an understatement," Saul nodded, watching Lorraine and Sophie make their way to Luca's other siblings, offering their condolences.
Seems at every turn, someone was mentioning to Saul that he and Sophie looked good together or how lovely she was. Even Luca's own family were quick to make the assessment.
Loretta and Lorraine finally received some alone time together and Sophie found herself back by Saul's side. It felt right to him. She belonged there. As many looks as they received from his father or other heads of the families, Saul held her hand tightly and kept Sophie close. He simply didn't care at the moment.
Hal Crane didn't even care when he passed them, nodding his hellos. He knew once the engagement announcement was revealed, Sophie would have to leave Saul or risk consequences.
Saul felt her shudder against him as Sophie wiped away her tears. She was a tough soldier, but Saul knew at that moment if she was his wife, this life wouldn't be lived by her. She'd be a teacher and, even if he was still a soldier and head of security for his family, that she would never need to be involved if she didn't want to be.
Alexander appeared before them and ushered them out so the procession could make its way to the church and then the cemetery.
"I almost lost you that day," Sophie whispered as they watched Luca's coffin be wheeled out to the hearse, "I cannot lose you, Saul."
The weeks were amazing for Sophie and Saul. Joe backed off significantly. He was quickly being trained to take over for his father once Hal was gone so senior Crane told him to back off of Sophie for the time being—no one could be trusted.
John and Suzy, however, were hotter than ever. They were more than discreet, though. People had their ideas on what was going on, but even Eddie wasn't in the caring mood. He'd barely made any appearances outside of the estate since acquiring the car dealership—even Lorraine and her daughters were coming and going as they pleased.
Saul and Sophie's graduation party went off without a hitch and family nights were better than ever. The DeMarco's treated Sophie like she was one of them and that made her feel better, but she knew it was only a matter of time before it all came crashing down.
When Saul and Sophie graduated, it was a turning point in their lives and even though Joe asked if he could take her back to his place, Sophie boldly declined him—much to everyone's surprise.
"Joe, can we wait for this? All you want from me is sex. Do you know the real me?" She asked him one day. "What's my favorite color? I've told you this before."
"Sophie, I don't know. Red?"
She walked away, but it was the little things like that that Saul knew right away.
"What's my favorite color, Saul?" She asked Saul the next day as they lay in bed together watching TV.
"Teal and yellow."
The man didn't miss a beat.
"What's mine?"
She wanted so badly to love Joe and she knew he loved her in his own way, but there wasn't a day that went by during her time at the DeMarco's where she felt awful wishing that the whole Crane family would just disappear.
"Do you enjoy my company?" Sophie asked him.
Saul hummed, "I wouldn't have you in my house, in my bedroom, in my arms and wanting to cuddle with you if I didn't."
"I felt like I was disrespecting so many people when they'd ask about us at Luca's funeral," She sniffled, "I really didn't know what to say, but I told them you had my heart."
Saul sat up, taking her with him, "Did you really say that?"
"Y-yes..." Sophie looked to him for reassurance, "I hope I didn't get us into trouble. I'm sorry."
"There's no need to apologize. They could tell how much I love you and will protect you and take care of you for the rest of our days,"Saul told her, threading his hands through her hair and leaning in to kiss her sweet lips, "I thought I could hide this, but I will never be able to."
"Hal didn't seem to care," Sophie shrugged.
"I know. It was weird, but maybe he had other things on his mind," Saul leaned back again, "Joe still giving you shit?"
"Only when he wants some ass,"Sophie sighed, "In four years he's only taken me out a few times and it was just to parties. I've never been on a date."
"A date?"
"Yeah, I've never been on one,"Sophie blushed, "I'm sure you've been on plenty."
Saul nodded, "I have, yes."
"I've tried to get him to go out, but he says we have plenty of time once we're married," She laughed.
"Well, considering you're not marrying Joe, you won't get a chance,"Saul frowned, "Didn't you go to prom with him?"
"Yeah and it was a big party!" Sophie giggled, "He tried to fuck me in the back seat of the limo, but luckily for me it just wasn't my week."
"That was right before you got caught on our property,"Saul tilted his head, thinking, "Did Eddie bring you back to go to prom?"
"Joe whined to Hal."
"Dear Lord."
The day that Sophie got accepted to more than enough colleges across the country was a night of celebration at the DeMarco's. Saul had not applied for any. He was going to get his electives online from the local community college and stick with the family business for at least one more year. Sophie was encouraging him like the woman she was to go into law like he wanted.
"I don't trust the silence,"Sophie said as they splashed around in the pool one afternoon. She was still working for Georgina because now she was getting paid for it and earning her keep while she was there. Sophie was just that type of person and she enjoyed helping.
Saul swam circles around her, "I don't, either. It's been quiet for so long."
Alexander had mentioned something about it at breakfast that morning. No hits had been done and things were "normal."
"So many hits and now nothing?" He was saying to his family and Sophie, "No. I don't like it and I don't trust it."
Everyone who'd been vetted was now watched and the majority of people were incredibly paranoid that anything was going to happen at any given moment.
"Well, I need you to do me a favor," Saul said, grabbing Sophie by the hips and pulling her onto his lap, "Oh, I knew better than to do that."
Sophie giggled when she felt his hard cock press into her inner thigh, "You know exactly what you're doing, playboy."
"You just turn me on so damn much!"Saul exclaimed, "I want to make love to you for a million lifetimes and put a million babies in your belly."
"Ouch," Sophie snickered, "Let's start with a two or three baby goal."
Saul loved it when she talked about their future together. Sometimes she would get hesitant, but that was OK. It was going to take a miracle for them to be together, but he held onto that hope.
Alexander confided in Saul that he'd reached out to Hal to buy Sophie from him, but Hal said it wasn't about money—it was about his son's happiness and his agreement with Eddie.
"Well, the favor?" Sophie wrapped herself around Saul who nibbled her neck with quick kisses.
"Yes! I need you to go to our room. You'll understand everything when you get there,"Saul winked at her, picking her up and placing her outside of the pool and onto the concrete flooring.
"Do you trust me?" He asked, hanging onto the side of the pool and watching her dry off.
"Of course,"Sophie smiled, turning away and heading to their bedroom.
Once there, Sophie found herself eyeballing a big white box on Saul's bed. When she opened it there was a pretty light yellow evening dress and white sandals.
"Oh my goodness," She lifted the dress and pressed it against her, examining the stylish sandals, "Saul, you perv." She stared down at the lacy yellow bra and thong folded and tucked nicely into a corner of the box. Giggling, she noticed a yellow daffodil hairband and clip. Saul had really gone all out with whatever surprise he was orchestrating.
There was a note that simply read, "Let's paint the town."
She showered and dressed, putting on a little makeup, but not too much because neither she nor Saul were huge makeup fans.
A knock came at the door.
"Are you ready?" Saul asked from behind the door.
"Um, yes?" She was a little shaky, not knowing what awaited her. She grabbed a small clutch purse she'd saved for a special occasion. She heard the lock disengage and in walked Saul in a nice pair of slacks and a white dress shirt with the cuffs rolled up to about the middle of his forearms. The boots he had on looked brand new and not the scuffed up ones Sophie was so accustomed to seeing. His hair was slicked back and he wore a crooked little grin that didn't help Sophie's ovaries in the least.
"You look beautiful," He said, taking her in.
"So do you."
Saul laughed, "Beautiful, huh? Well, come here because I have something else for you."
Sophie smiled, standing in front of him. He pulled out a box from his pocket.
"This is for you," He said, "I know you don't want to stop wearing your locket and that's fine, but I had our birthstones embedded into a charm you can add to the necklace, opal and turqoise."
Sophie was in awe as Saul clipped the charm to her necklace. She didn't have anything commemorating her December birthday, and Saul's October opal stone was similar, but different enough to compliment each other.
"I also bought earrings and a bracelet to match,"Saul said, allowing Sophie to put in the earrings and then he clasped the bracelet around her wrist.
"Saul, I don't know what to say,"She gushed, "Thank you. I love everything!" She flew into his arms, almost toppling the poor man onto the bed.
"We don't have time for that," He winked at her, eyeing the bed, "I have reservations at Pompeii's."
"For us?" Sophie's eyes widened. Pompeii was semi-classy so they were dressed appropriately, but she'd never been. It was a new ritzy place down in South Beach.
"I want to take you on that date!"Saul grabbed her by the waist and carried her down the hall and out into the foyer, "Do you want me to drive or do you want a driver?"
Sophie thought for a moment, "A driver."
Saul called Claude who brought the Rolls Royce Ghost around the cul-de-sac driveway.
"Oh my,"Sophie whispered, "What a car."
Saul was floored by how humble she was, but then he remembered so much had been taken away from her since Eddie took over. The Swann women were like Cinderella's.
Claude stepped out of the car, dressed in a dapper chauffeur uniform and opened the door for Sophie.
"My lady,"Saul motioned for her to get in as he followed suit.
"Oh! I don't have my piece on me," Sophie whispered.
"I do,"He said, "It's OK. If you need a small piece, there's one in the console."
Sophie shrugged, "I don't want it. I'll be fine."
Saul cocked his head to one side, "Are you sure? I know you're so used to having one on your person."
Sophie nodded, "I have you."
They rode in silence, making their way through the heavy traffic to "Pompeii's." Saul held her the entire time and it felt so good, she smelled amazing and the whimsical look on her face humored him.
"Can you believe it's almost August?" Saul kissed her forehead.
"Not really," She smiled, "I try not to count the days anymore."
He knew what she meant. There was no telling what day their world would change yet again.
They were set up in a back booth of the restaurant and Saul didn't remember the last time he was so happy out on a date. He'd been on plenty, but they always seemed forced or just something he had to do to get his girl at the time out of her parent's house just to fuck her somewhere discreet. This felt different. It felt real and he wanted a million more dates with Sophie Swann.
Seeing her face light up was the best thing about the evening. He tried to take a few pages from her book and take it all in, but he was too busy staring at his woman.
"I'm stuffed,"Saul said, leaning back in the booth. Sophie nodded, finishing the rest of her drink, thankful for fake ID's and criminal connections because the restaurant wouldn't have served them wine otherwise.
"No dessert?" Sophie teased.
"You're my dessert," Saul told her.
"What?" Sophie looked around the room and noticed there was no one left in the place, "Saul..."
"Sit on my lap,"Saul told her, "I promise it'll be OK."
"But this is more public than even our time in the ocean," Sophie protested.
"Baby, I'm not going to make love to you here--unless you want to, I just want to foreplay," Saul grabbed her by the waist, lifting her onto his lap. Sophie could feel his bulge begging to be released from his pants as she straddled him.
"You want me?" Sophie whispered to him, leaning into his ear. Her hot breath on his flesh only made Saul turned on even more.
"I want you now," Saul said, running his hands underneath her dress and digging his fingers into her thighs, "But I understand...."
Before he could say anything else, Sophie cupped his face and pulled him into her, dragging her tongue along his lips. He moaned into her, knowing that Claude had made sure absolutely no one was left in the restaurant—not even the employees.
Sophie kept Saul's gaze as she lifted herself up, allowing Saul to unzip his pants and tug his dick out. It didn't take any time at all for to move her panties to the side and slide down his length.
"I've never had a date, but I've never dreamed my first date would be like this," Sophie panted as she moved slowly on Saul's cock, "I'm so wet."
"I feel it...Jesus..."Saul's head fell back on the cushioned seat. He let Sophie do what she wanted to do to him and felt amazing, "You know exactly how to please me...shit...." A whimper escaped him, surprising them both.
"I won't last at all, Saul,"Sophie said, "It's just too just fill me up..."
Saul wasn't going to last either. Between the way her pussy was squeezing the life out of his dick and the adrenaline he felt being fucked by his girl in a public place was all too much.
"I'm going to come, baby, I'm going to fill you up. Keep riding me, Sophie."
Their moans synced up with Sophie's pace which was a little more rapid than when she started.
"I -I feel you...fuck..."Sophie said, leaning into him as her body convulsed hard with her orgasm, "Oh....mmm..."
Saul held her still as he let go, feeling his juices hit the back of her channel, "Damn, Sophie..."
They held each other for the longest time. It seemed to be their thing—not letting go right away because who knew when it would be the last time together?
After composing themselves, they each cleaned up in the restrooms, Claude was called to make sure the restaurant knew it was cleared and the two left, climbing back into the car and grinning from ear to ear.
"Did you pay?" Sophie asked.
"Of course I did!" Saul laughed at her kind manners, "My family has a tab here and we give them protection from other families."
"Oh,"Sophie looked back at the restaurant as it seemed to come to life again, "Where to now?"
"Anywhere you want."
They drove around for some time, taking a stroll on the boardwalk and main streets. It was nearing the early morning hours by the time they called Claude to pick them up outside of a nightclub they'd gone to for a quick drink.
"Thank you for tonight,"Sophie said, putting her head on his shoulder. Before Saul could answer, Sophie was sound asleep.
Carrying her out of the car as Claude idled in front of Saul's house, he tried to keep his movements smooth as not to wake her, but he was greeted in the foyer by his parents.
"We need to talk," Alexander said, gruffly as Loretta appeared sleepy, but she looked to Sophie with so much adoration that it melted Saul.
"She needs to come?" His voice cracked.
"Yes, honey, she does."
Saul gently woke up Sophie, placing her on her feet, but allowing her to lean on him as they made their way to Alexander's office.
Sophie was now wide awake. None of this could be good.
"Is it my family? Are they OK?"
Saul shifted in his seat. He knew what was coming.
"I've done everything I can do, Sophie, but my hands are tied,"Alexander looked at her, back to his hands and then to Saul, "I've even tried to buy you."
Sophie gasped, "Really?"
"Yes,really. I have done everything in my power to get Eddie and Hal to stop this madness, but they won't. I received a conference call from them a few hours ago addressing the Swann and Crane union. Your uncle is sending a car to pick up you and your belongings. I was praying it wasn't going to come to this, but I've been warned that it will not bode well if I try to interfere."
Sophie's silent tears fell uncontrollably down her face as she held Saul's hand. Saul's rage wasn't just simmering—it was quietly boiling over. He couldn't lose her. He'd die first.
Alexander continued, albeit begrudgingly.
"Eddie and Hal have decided that your marriage to Joe Crane will go on. They will make the announcement in two weeks."
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