Okay so since I love this story so much, I'll go list some little nibblets of knowledge I thought you guys might want to know about this story :-)
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1. Rainbow and Mickey dated.
Now what do I mean by that? Well before Ella and Lexa were in the picture, these two dated back in high school but things ended before they graduated because Rainbow was questioning her sexuality and Mickey didn't see their relationship going anywhere in the future. Yet they remained friends and best friends at that.
2. Rainbow was going to know.
Oh yes, I know. All of you must be flipping your shit. But yes, Rainbow was going to know that she and Tom slept with each other. However, I didn't want it to be like that and have them make up. I wanted to add more angst to this story by having Rainbow being completely oblivious to it and Tom being portrayed as the antagonist. Sorry dudes aha!
3. Originally it was gunna be Harrison and not Tom.
Lmao yeah, you all must have your minds blown. Yes, Tom was never originally intended to have slept with Rainbow but our boy Harrison! Shocking right? Well, originally I was going to have Harrison tell Tom about his ordeal with Rainbow, and Tom being the best friend he is, would go out of his way to meet the girl and try to get to know her. Then Becca came in and Harrison realized how fucked he was if Rainbow or Becca found out, but Tom wanted to come clean because he was falling for Rainbow. But damn guys, if I used that plot it would be so juicy and there wouldn't even be a second book! But since I'm curious, would you guys have this plot line or the one I already wrote?
4. Jamie and Harrison not Becca and Harrison.
Lol yeah, Jamie was going to be Harrison's love interest, but I decided against it because I have other plans for Jamie in my second book :-) Plus I see Jamie not really looking for a relationship rn and focusing on his career.
5. Rainbow was actually going to be a nice bean with no angsty past.
Ahhh! I know, I know! Abby why did you give Rainbow such sass and an angsty past? Well I wanted Rainbow to be nice and have an angsty past, but then I realized that would be eerily similar to my other oc Geovanna Ricci from my other Tom fic "Domino's" Plus, I wanted Rainbow to have a reason to be the way she was and I'm quite glad I did what I did :-)
6. Rainbow and Melina were gunna be fuck buddies.
I immediately trashed this idea once I came into my mind because Melina isn't my character, but my best friend oIeffs oc to her book 'Secret Admirer.' (you should check it out!!!) And I thought this would be a too typical thing for me to do. Plus I'd personally think that Rainbow would be over the whole fuck buddies thing and just stick to one night stands and such.
7. Tessa was going to play a bigger role.
Rainbow's older sister, Tessa Bellemore, was actually going to be more active in this fic. She was gunna be the person Rainbow constantly goes to for help and questions, but I actually kinda forgot about her. I'm such a bad written aha
8. Lexa was going to be alive.
Rainbow's dead ex-fianceè was actually going to be a huge player in this fic. She was going to be the typical jealous ex who wanted to ruin Rainbow's career and such. But I was like "Nah, that's too typical. Lol how about this-" But if I actually did this idea, how much more would you guys hate me? :-)
9. Rainbow is pansexual.
Do I even need to explain this one?
10. Tombow was going to click very quick.
I completely trashed that idea because that would be so typical and it's better having them banter so often
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