rainbow 🌈:
can i be completely honest?
jamie ☀:
of course!
this is a safe space
rainbow 🌈:
well in that case...
i don't feel like myself right now
jamie ☀:
is it because of what happened?
could you elaborate a bit? or not, don't wanna force you or anything
rainbow 🌈:
well... yeah
i feel like i can't trust anyone
like everyone has something their hiding from me
gosh i sound like i'm paranoid
jamie ☀:
that's understandable though
you've been through a lot and you deserve so much better
no one deserves to go through that bullshit
rainbow 🌈:
i feel like there's this never ending sadness that's looming over me.
rainbow 🌈
like... i'll never be able to be happy again
i feel like i have to fake everything to make others happy.
with simple shit like smiling or just talking to others
jamie ☀:
i'm not a psychologist or anything, but that doesn't sound good
jamie ☀:
ngl but you probably wanna talk to a professional instead of me, a boy who dropped out of college to be a youtuber
rainbow 🌈:
i know
fuck- i'm crying ugh
jamie ☀:
jamie ☀:
you deserve a break
a well deserved long ass vacation from this horrendous world
rainbow 🌈:
that sounds nice
jamie ☀:
like a break from social media and stuff. and maybe you should just lay low or go out of state for a while
idk what i'm saying agh
rainbow 🌈:
don't worry
i get what you're saying
rainbow 🌈:
i've gtg rn, but i'll keep you up to date okay? thank you so much jamie ❤
jamie ☀:
i'm always here for you rain ❤
stay safe for me okay? i love youuuu 😚😚😚
rainbow 🌈:
and i love you ❤
read @ 3:30 pm
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