↳ 51. CALL
bold -tom
italics -rainbow
[ disheveled and yawns ]
"Hey, RainBob."
[ grins childishly ]
[ sighs ]
"I thought we agreed to never talk about that again."
"Oh c'mon, it gives 'Rainbow' more of a flare."
"Rainbow was already suppose to do that for 'Daisy' you imbecile."
[ rolls eyes as she holds the phone in between her shoulder and ear ]
"Now, now, no need for name calling."
[ chuckles softly ]
"Shut up asshole."
[ feels herself smile lightly before holding her phone as she shuffles through some papers ]
"Now why did you call?"
"Awe c'mon, I can't call you out of pure boredom?"
[ pretends to sound hurt as he pouts ]
"There's this thing called texting. I believe it's more efficient than talking."
[ sighs as she finds what she's looking for ]
"But seriously, what's up?"
[ chuckles nervously as he pulls at the collar of his shirt ]
"U-Uh... well-"
[ clears throat, his face flushing ]
"You know how the Spider-Man: Homecoming premier is right around the corner?"
[ snickers ]
"Yes, Ella won't shut up about it."
"Y-Yeah... uh- so-so I was wondering if erm-"
[ takes a deep breath before speaking quickly ]
[ freezes for a moment, feeling surprised and completely thrown off, suddenly going quiet ]
[ takes Rainbow's silence as a bad thing and begins to freak out, stumbling and mumbling over his words ]
"Like we don't have to go as a date- friends would do- crap this was a terrible fucking idea, fucking Harrison for pushing me to do this- that slimey git-"
[ bursts out laughing, clutching her stomach ]
"TOM! Whoa, there bud."
[ giggles quietly, biting back the smile creeping on her lips ]
"Yes, I'd love to accompany you to the premier in three days."
[ pauses, unsure if she's being serious ]
"I said yes didn't I?"
[ chuckles ]
"It's a date."
"I never expected you to say yes, holy shit."
[ sighs out in relief, laughing lightly before grinning smugly ]
"And a date, huh?"
"I feel bad for you, Tom, because you clearly have no game. I'm helping the less fortunate."
[ smiles softly, biting her lower lip to surpress a laugh ]
"But yeah, why not? Might as well."
"Ouch, RainBob. That hurts."
[ tries to hide how happy he is by pretending to sound hurt ]
"Walk it off, Spider-Boy."
[ lightly smirks ]
and that was sort of fluffy?? lol idk whoops, but at least it was happy sososoo
idk if i said this already, but oh well bc shameless self promo:
-i have a clint barton fic up called "wildcard"
-got another tom holland fic called "matchmaker"
-and i have a sebastian stan fic called "stuck with you"
-with a peter parker fic called "incredible" featuring the incredibles
so if you checked those out it would mean a lot! thanks dudes!
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