tom 🕸:
haz 🐨:
tom 🕸:
i'm in a bit of a dilemma
haz 🐨:
is it about rainbow again?
tom 🕸:
of course
i'm sorry for always pouring this on you harrison
haz 🐨:
you've got to tell her mate
and it's fine.
better to tell someone at least
tom 🕸:
i know, i know
but how???
tom 🕸:
i can't just tell her "hey- so the only reason i started talking to you was to make sure i didn't impregnate you. wanna get lunch?"
read @ 6:02 pm
tom 🕸:
read @ 6:03 pm
tom 🕸:
i know you're my best mate, but you're doing a shit job at it rn
read @ 6:03 pm
haz 🐨:
i was getting drinks for becca and i
but idk what to tell you
read @ 6:05 pm
tom 🕸:
i want to tell her...
bit she's going to be so pissed
and heartbroken
haz 🐨:
i'd tell her if i were you
at least that's what i'd do
haz 🐨:
and it's hard not telling becca about this you know?
i really like her and i want to be honest with her...
tom 🕸:
harrison i'm so sorry
haz 🐨:
it's okay.
but you do you
just know that you'll have to live with whatever choice you make
and it's going to affect everything
tom 🕸:
i know
haz 🐨:
tom, i've got to go now
(becca wants to have a picnic)
read @ 6:10pm
haz 🐨:
but whatever choice you make, make sure you want to make that choice
and either way, i'll be here for you
tom 🕸:
thanks haz
and i'll most likely chose soon
haz 🐨:
god i hope so
read @ 6:13 pm
tom 🕸:
i'm so screwed
delivered @ 6:15 pm
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