@zendaya: "quick let's take a photo before i get called to film!" -tom
"okay you're highness." -rainbow
"oh my god, shut up and take it!" -ella
"demanding fucks." -me
[ TAGGED: @notrainbow, @ellaenchanted, @tomholland2013 ]
username: all my favorite peeps- brb sobbing as i print this out and frame it
notrainbow: the rest of you look great and then there's me. an ugly peanut.
ellaenchanted: notrainbow stfu before i slap you with my shoe
username: MOM, DAD AND THEIR TWO KIDS 😍😍😍😍
zendaya: notrainbow bitch do you see my face?
tomholland2013: i think we all look lovely actually notrainbow zendaya ellaenchanted
notrainbow: tomholland2013 sure tom, sure
tomholland2013: notrainbow are you calling me a liar?
notrainbow: tomholland2013 well i ain't calling you a truther!
meldoza: brb sobbing solid tears at the reference ^
username: draKE AND JOsH
rebeccaramone: lmao rainbow, you all look fabulous ok
actuallyjamie: how dare you quote drake and josh without my consent?
username: lol me too jamie
zendaya: yoU QUOTED MY CHILDHOOD WHAT notrainbow
mickeyavelino: ella is laughing so hard she dropped her phone on her face and is still laughing
notrainbow: mickeyavelino tragic
tomholland2013: ...what's drake and josh
hazosterfield: tomholland2013 you've been disowned bye
zendaya: ...you did not just- whAT THE FUCK
username: son- we've got to talk-
lauraharrier: BITCH NO, TAKE THAT BACK tomholland2013
lifeisaloha: dude... who even are you? tomholland2013
notrainbow: tomholland2013 i'm going to your trailer and slapping you
notrainbow: then we'll watch drake and josh
tomholland2013: jesus, sorry guys. i'm uneducated hazosterfield lauraharrier lifeisaloha zendaya
tomholland2013: idk if i should be turned on or scared notrainbow
tomholland2013: but yikes notrainbow
notrainbow: tomholland2013 why not both?
tomholland2013: shit it sent
zendaya: #exposed
the lovely manip was made by the amazing WhatsCrackaLackin gO CHECK HER OUT BC HER EDITS ARE AMAZING AS FUCK
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