↳ 16. IRL
RAINBOW AND MICHAEL GRABBED another deflated balloon and began to blow into. In all honesty, she's been doing this for an hour and she was starting to get a little light headed, plus she lost the feeling in her right leg with how awkward she was sitting. It was all going to be worth it in the end, and the look on Ella's face was going to be priceless.
After she finished blowing up that balloon, she tied it up and threw it into the bathroom that was nearly filled. Rainbow grinned, staring at Michael ahead of her and found that he was lost in trace. He didn't notice that his balloon was getting larger until it popped in his face. Rainbow winced at the noise, Becca shrieked and Jamie rolled his eyes.
"You've done that three times already." Jamie sighed from his spot, still pinning up the canvas in the area where the couch was in Ella's trailer.
"And each time you give me a heart attack!" Becca removed the hand that was over her heart and continued to place red solo cups half way filled with water in the entry way of their friends trailer.
"Sorry," Michael shook his head and grabbed another balloon, "I'm just tired."
The three friends glanced at one another, obviously not entirely convinced. "Hey," Rainbow nudged his knee with her foot, "What's got you down?" she glanced at her two friends, nodding her head over to hint that it was time for a break since the mood shifted to serious.
Michael sighed, lowering the half inflated balloon from his lips. Becca sat down with Jamie next to her, all three of them looking at him hopefully, praying that it was good news. He shyly looked at them, his gaze lowering before he said, "I want to propose to Ella."
"Oh my god!"
"I'm not crying, what?"
"Mickey, that's amazing!"
Becca smiled wide at him with Jamie right next to her already talking about the whole plan of the wedding. But there was Rainbow who saw the dispair in Michael's eyes and pinched her friends to be quiet.
"What's so bad about it, Mickey?" she asked softly, unsure about why he seemed so down about such a wonderful idea.
"What if she says no? We're only 21, 22 and our lives could change. I don't want to be that couple who is together forever but once you pop the question it all goes down hill."
Everyone glanced at one another, small smiles plastered on their lips. "That is the dumbest thing I've heard." Rainbow said before standing up and looking down at him.
"You two were made for one another!" Becca agreed, slowly standing as well.
"Since we're standing," Jamie got up, "you two are madly in love and tying the knot would only strengthen your relationship."
Rainbow nodded, her eyes staring down at bewildered man on the floor as she placed her hands on her hips. "We are at the age when anything could happen. Being young and in love is lucky," her voice got soften as she felt tears slowly swell in her eyes, "and if you are in love you should do it. Because you never know when that person could be ripped away from you. W-What you and Ella have, Michael, it's a one in a million. So you might as well take your chance."
Becca softly rubbed her shoulder as Jamie frowned at the tone of his friends voice. Love was a hard topic for Rainbow, and everyone knew why. Michael slowly got to his feet and when he did, Rainbow was already out the door, carefully stepping over the red solo cups on her way out.
Rainbow sighed, silently cursing under her breath as she leaned against the trailer. She couldn't believe that she left herself go so soft. Her past was complicated and sad, something you'd hear out straight out of a movie.
While her love life ran thin, the memories were still ingrained in her brain and haunted her. So when the memories would come, there'd always be something, sometimes someone, to make her forget for a little while. She let out a shakey breath, flexing her fingers as she tried to calm herself down.
"Someone doesn't look quite happy." a british voice said beside her.
Rainbow whipped her head to the side and found the oh so famous Tom Holland next to her, similarly positioned with his hands over his chest and leaning against the trailer. She gave him a fake smile and said mocking an annoucer voice, "You must be level 6 of a friend to unlock my tragic backstory."
Tom chuckled quietly at her joking manner but could barely hear the sniffle that came from the woman next to him. "That's a shame."
After a moment of silence between them, Tom spoke up, "Shouldn't you be pranking Ella?"
"Shouldn't you be filming that arachnid movie you're starring in?" retorted Rainbow with a sassy tone in her voice that matched the way she would speak to him through text.
They glared at one another before the slightest smiles peeked from their lips. "I'm actually here to tell you that Ella was on her way. I managed to-"
"Shit!" Rainbow ran to the door and looked back at him, "Well c'mon! Can't have you standing there like an idiot and blow our cover."
Tom gasped playfully, "That's not a very nice word."
"I'm not a very nice person. Now come. Oh, and watch your step." she entered the trailer again, finding her friends continuing to blow up balloons as she stepped over the red solo cups. "Ella is coming!"
"Gosh, you guys did a good job at this." Tom gaped at his co-stars trailer.
"I don't know if I should feel attacked or grateful that I'm in the same room as Tom Holland." Jamie said with wide eyes as he looked at Rainbow.
"Well chose because we gotta hide!" Rainbow shoved the two of them against a wall while she dove behind the couch.
Becca was next to her while Michael sat on the couch. Jamie couldn't believe he was next to Tom Holland, heck, they were touching elbows and he felt like screaming. But otherwise it was quiet. Tom peeked around the corner to check if Ella was coming as Jamie held the string, waiting for the moment for her to walk past the half way filled solo cups.
"What the..." everyone heard Ella's voice. The Filipino woman stared at the array of red solo cups as the woman behind her began to laugh.
"This is amazing." Laura giggled, watching her friend maneuver over the red solo cups before following after her.
Michael pulled his lips into a smirk, clearly amused with his girlfriend and pushed down Rainbow and Becca so they could stay hidden. "Hey babe, do you like it?"
Ella stared at her boyfriend with large eyes and her jaw dropped. "This was you?" she pointed at everything and stomped over to him. "I don't believe it!"
"Wow, nice job Mickey." Laura grinned.
"Thank you."
"You couldn't have done this." Ella was unconvinced. "You're not that creative."
"That's a little rude, Estella." Michael pretended to show he was hurt by frowning and giving his girlfriend a small pout.
Estella! That's the code word! Rainbow's brain screamed. So she and Becca looked at one another and jumped up, both of them yelling "Surprise!" as Jamie pulled the line, allowing the confetti to fall from the ceiling and him and Tom came out from there spots to somewhat scare Ella was well.
Ella gasped at the sight, confetti falling around them. Becca crawled over the couch and laughed, running over to her astonished best friend as Rainbow slowly got over the couch, nearly stepping on Michael.
"I knew you guys were helping!" Ella lightly shoved Jamie as everyone began to gather.
"Of course we did, who do you think gave Mr. Lover Boy the idea?" Rainbow smirked, her eyes flickering to her best friends and a bemused Tom.
"You've got something right," Tom gestured around her, but most importantly her hair which was dotted in a colorful array of confetti, "there."
"Hey, don't be a bully Tom. I'll flaunt my imperfections." Rainbow flipped her curly dark locks over her shoulder, bits of confetti falling on the already covered floor.
"Oo, Tom's a bully." Ella snickered with everyone else laughing.
Tom pouted and crossed his arms over his chest, looking like a small child who didn't get what he wanted in Rainbow's eyes. "I'm feeling attacked."
"Get used to it, bud." she grinned before everyone fell into conversation about various topics.
idk what this was, but hey, i tried lmao
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