The wind kicked up in Darnassus, leaves dancing along the ground as the day grew cold like a faint memory. A group of young night elves sat on one of the bridges while kicking their feet which skimmed across the water. One of them scoffed and moved his green hair from his face.
"It's been boring since Shan'do stormrage went into the emerald dream," he hissed and leaned back.
One of the others laughed a bit.
"Althune, you worry too much about the rulers, just chill and when problems arise we'll deal with them," she said, moving her purple hair from her face and putting it in a ponytail.
They remained silent for a long moment till one of the other males got up, his white hair swaying slightly in the wind.
"You both need to have more discipline, I'll be leaving for Northrend in a few days time and I need to know you will behave," he said and the female stood as well.
"Kaeriir, you have to leave so soon, surely you can stay a little longer-" she said only to get cut off by Althune.
"Alaria, let him go... he thinks being in a war against the undead will be better for him than staying here," he sighed and crossed his arms.
"Althune, you and I are both warriors, but I know the high priestess wishes for you to go on an exploration on the seas, you can't be more trusted with that than myself. I only wish for you not to forget us while you're gone alright kid," Kaeriir laughed a bit and Althune huffed.
"You go fight your war, I'll go on my exploration, when we're done please come home and tell us the tales of war," Before Kaeriir could respond the bright light faded and he was on the ground, surrounded by many undead soldiers. He sighed and got up, feeling around for his sword till his fingers slid across the blade.
"This would be much easier if I could still see," he muttered as he got up and slid his sword into its sheath as he had done time and time again.
Losing his sight wasn't the worst thing that had happened to him. Being risen into undeath to serve the lich king, that was worse. He slowly made his way towards a very loud commotion to hear a Tauren and a Troll arguing about a kill.
"Lici, Codiz, keep it down or you'll wake the frost wyrms again and I won't save you this time," he called and the argument stopped.
"Hey mon, sorry 'bout dat, Lici has been on edge lately with da advancements of da horde and alliance troops," the troll, Codiz said as he followed Kaeriir through the halls of the citadel.
"It's just, the advancements are getting closer to the wrath gate and though we're death knights... I still fear the cold of death again," Lici chimed in as she helped Kaeriir navigate around.
"So... you never told us mon, what happened to your eyes?" Codiz asked and Kaeriir stopped.
"It happened a bit before I died, hundreds of ghouls surrounded me and I was slaying as many as I could until a death knight slashed my eyes, blinding me with my own blood than he stuck me down," he trailed off for a moment.
"All I know is that he's still here and he mocks me," he scoffed and the other nodded.
"I agree mon,"
"It's a shame he's able to live with that crime,"
With that Kaeriir laughed, his laughter echoing through the halls.
"You think the lich will do that, he'll only kill him if he betrays him, which he's too loyal to do," he chuckled before continuing on. After a moment they reached the frozen throne where Arthas sat upon his throne.
"Why do you come to me?" he growled, sitting up and staring down the three.
"We have news of da Advancements," Codiz said, standing with a bit more pride.
"I haven't heard anything of this, Last I recall we are more worried about the crimson dawn," Arthas scoffed and Kel'thuzad turned his attention from the lich to the knights.
"Get on with it, the lich has more important things to tend too," He growled as his cat hissed on his shoulder.
Lici was the first to speak and stood with pride and showed no fear.
"Sir, I was near the wrath gate when I heard that the Alliance and Horde troops plan to attack in three days time, they wait for reinforcements before they attack Sir !" She saluted the lich and Necromancer, both exchanging glances before Arthas stood.
The air grew cold but none moved from their place, the chilling gaze of Arthas alone could peirce the most strong willed soldier's bravery.
"You did well reporting this to me, but I need to ask one thing," Arthas spoke slowly as he descended and stood only a few feet away from the knights.
"Why bring the blind and useless Night elf with you when it's clear he should've been left to the ghouls?" Arthas sneered and Kaeriir sighed softly, he had been ridiculed about being blind and that he couldn't do anything as well as it should be done.
"Sir, you and your Val'kyr raised me into undeath, for reasons unknown to me... I was once a hero of the Alliance only for one of your death knights to blind me then strike me down, I am not to blame for my lack of sight, it is the death knight who killed me who is to blame," He responded with more confidence than one would expect, when talking to a lich. Arthas laughed a bit, motioning to Kel'thuzad and as the Necromancer came down the stairs the overwhelming sense of dread filled the area. Enough that the lich was affected by it.
"Do you wish for me to summon him ?" Kel'thuzad asked while crossing his boney arms that were covered in cracks.
All Arthas did was nod and the necromancer went to work, summoning the death knight that took Kaeriir's sight. In a blinding light there soon stood a large orc with tattered armor. His eyes glowing icey blue.
"If you want your sight back so bad, kill him," Arthas grinned and went back to his throne. Once he sat down the orc turned his attention to the elf and raised his axe.
"Fight with honor," The orc grumbled and Kaeriir drew his sword.
They stood silent for a moment before the orc gripped his axe tighter. Kaeriir used what magic he knew and pulled the orc towards him and started to slash at him, caught off guard and the orc quickly tried to retaliate. The fight took what seemed like hours to the two, their energy and magic wearing thin. But it was Kaeriir who had the last strike. Sending the orc to the ground and he hissed in agony.
"May you find peace after all of this my friend," He said before ending the orcs life. Watching him fall to the ground, then kneeled to the lich.
"My,my,my that was entertaining welp," Kel'thuzad said, seemingly impressed with the skill of both death knights.
"Shame we lost one of our best-" he quickly shut his jaw when Arthas raised his hand in annoyance.
"Despite your lack of your sight... you have proven very useful after all...Kel'thuzad, rip out the orcs eyes and give them to the elf, in death they are all the same'' That was the last thing Kaeriir remembered before finding himself standing on the path of heroes. Reaching up and feeling his blind fold before scoffing.
"It wasn't worth losing them... all of my fighting gets me back here... Elune guide me in my endeavors," He summoned his Deathcharger and mounted up.
The deathcharger took a moment to start moving, trotting down the path despite getting spit on and rotten fruit and vegetables thrown at it. Every so often he'd pet the steed to calm it down. Dismounting when he got to the kings hall and making his way up the ramps. Ignoring the yelling of the people as he passed them.
"I lost my family to the scourge!"
"Go to hell!"
He scoffed at the comments and soon kneeled before the human king.
"You have mere moments to live, death knight," He scoffed as Kaeriir handed over a letter and with that he was welcomed into the Alliance.
"Thank you... King Varian," He said softly and the king smiled ever so slightly.
"The elves could use some help on the darkshore... go help your people and only return for more work," He growled and with that Kaeriir set off to his old home, fear welling in his chest. Once on the shore he quickly went to the old spot and there sat a pair of female night elves. One with purple hair, the other with white. He slowly took off his helmet and approached them. The one with purple hair took notice and drew her dagger while the other looked over and stared.
"Brother?" she asked before getting up and running to Kaeriir and hugging him tightly.
The other smiled a bit.
"Lilwisp, I swear to Elune you are chaotic sometimes," she said as the two elves hugged.
"Where is Althune?" He asked and the two women looked at eachother.
"We...we hoped you would know where he was, big brother...We haven't heard anything about him for years," Lilwisp said before stepping back from her brother.
"Damn, that's not good," Kaeriir said before shaking his head.
"But as promised, let me tell you both a story," He smiled as he watched the girls sit down near him as he took his time to sit.
"Well... I started when I had a dream about the group...it started like this, The wind kicked up in Darnassus, leaves dancing along the ground as the day grew cold. Like a faint memory. A group of young night elves sat on one of the bridges while kicking their feet which skimmed across the water. One of them scoffed and moved his green hair from his face." he started the story and the girls watched him with awe. They had been separated for hundreds of years and hearing the story lit hope for their friend and brother in arms, Althune to return home.
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