Chapter 76: Return to Lotus Pier
Wei Wuxian was fidgeting in the boat. They flew by sword for most of the journey, but Wei Wuxian was concerned about being questioned for riding Bichen with Lan Wangji. So they finished the last leg of the journey by boat. The closer they got to Lotus Pier the more uncomfortable Wei Wuxian seemed to become. He was afraid to be seen flying with Lan Wangji on Bichen. He was afraid of wearing the new robes he had received as a courting gift.
Lan Wangji knew it wasn't about embarrassment. Wei Wuxian had not minded being seen riding Bichen with Lan Wangji at all during the journey. Even when coming to and from towns Wei Wuxian didn't seem worried. Similarly Lan Wangji remembered seeing Wei Wuxian gazing at his new robes for a long time before he ultimately got dressed in the robes he would typically wear in Lotus Pier. To Lan Wangji this was a clear indication that Wei Wuxian wanted to wear his new robes, and didn't dislike riding Bichen with Lan Wangji. Rather Wei Wuxian was afraid of having to explain himself to the Jiang's.
Lan Wangji a hot bristling emotion stir inside of him. He wasn't a stranger to anger, but Lan Wangji did not recall it coming on so quickly. Rather, before Wei Wuxian, it did not appear so suddenly, and even then the anger wasn't as fierce as what Lan Wangji was beginning to become familiar with. Just the thought of Wei Wuxian avoiding things he wanted because of shame made Lan Wangji want to rip apart the people who had made Wei Wuxian feel that way.
Lan Wangji settled for gently stroking Wei Wuxian's hair. Wei Wuxian was cuddled in his arms, but Lan Wangji could feel the tension vibrating through his body. Although Wei Wuxian was sitting, he was not still. His hands and feet were in constant motion like they were trying to release the anxiety that was building up in Wei Wuxian's body.
"We can always leave." Lan Wangji whispered quietly. Wei Wuxian smiled weakly.
"Lan Zhan... you know I can't. I have to do something to protect them." Wei Wuxian whispered back.
"We will, but if they hurt you we leave." Lan Wangji stated firmly. Some of his anger leaked into his voice adding a trace of heat to the words. Wei Wuxian hugged Lan Wangji.
"I don't know how I'm going to do this. I'm so glad you're here." Wei Wuxian said as he swallowed back tears that were threatening to gather in his eyes. Lan Wangji held Wei Wuxian a little bit tighter.
Lan Wangji was grateful this would be a relatively short visit. Two weeks, just for the two weeks before the discussion conference. Lan Wangji could not express how happy he was when his own uncle suggested Wei Wuxian return to Cloud Recesses after the discussion conference in Qishan. There was a hollow thunk as their boat gently hit the pier, signalling they had arrived. Lan Wangji gently squeezed Wei Wuxian.
"I will be right by your side." Lan Wangji said quietly. Wei Wuxian nodded as he released the breath he had been holding. With that the two of them exited the boat and stepped onto the pier.
Lan Wangji was momentarily startled when they stepped out. Everywhere Lan Wangji looked there were people. People running, talking, selling, playing, shouting, and all of it was loud. Caiyi seemed tame in comparison. Lan Wangji felt overwhelmed by all the stimuli. He took a breath to calm himself before glancing toward Wei Wuxian. In the past Wei Wuxian had been as loud and energetic as any person in this crowd. Now Wei Wuxian was staring at the crowded pier, his eyes a little too wide and his smile non-existent.
Lan Wangji took Wei Wuxian's hand in his own. Wei Wuxian jumped slightly, turning fearful eyes towards Lan Wangji. Once their eyes met Wei Wuxian relaxed slightly. He gave Lan Wangji a small appreciative smile, which Lan Wangji returned. Wei Wuxian didn't like crowds the way he used to. He no longer liked being surrounded by so many people, or the loud noises it came with. Lan Wangji gently rubbed his thumb across Wei Wuxian's knuckles.
Lan Wangji waited for Wei Wuxian to decide when they would proceed. Oddly enough Lan Wangji found he didn't mind the crowds or the noise so much, as long as he was focusing on Wei Wuxian. Conveniently his attention seemed to help reassure Wei Wuxian as well.
Wei Wuxian smiled and began walking forward. It took no more than a few seconds before people noticed Wei Wuxian and began to greet him by name. Wei Wuxian smiled widely and bounded from one to the next. Lan Wangji might have believed the animated display of joy and ease, if he wasn't currently holding Wei Wuxian's hand. While Wei Wuxian chatted, Lan Wangji could feel a slight tremor in Wei Wuxian's hand.
Lan Wangji stepped slightly in front of Wei Wuxian and introduced himself. Lan Wangji was well aware that he was intimidating. He was not as free with his words as Wei Wuxian. Nor was he someone who put people at ease. Lan Wangji was someone people found frightening, or at least off putting. The conversation ended only seconds after Lan Wangji injected himself into it. As they walked away Wei Wuxian giggled quietly. This was different from the laughter of before. Lan Wangji could say how he knew it was different, but this suppressed laughter sounded more genuine.
As they were dragged into more conversations and greetings Wei Wuxian began deliberately redirecting attention to Lan Wangji. Lan Wangji would say a few words and glare at anyone who started to move in for a hug. This repeated until they finally escaped the busy docks and crowded market. As they put some distance between themselves and the crowd, Wei Wuxian broke down into a fit of laughter. Lan Wangji waited patiently as Wei Wuxian clutched his stomach and leaned against him, as though he was laughing too hard to stand on his own.
"Lan Zhan. You-pfft..." Wei Wuxian devolved into laughter once more. "The look. On their. Faces. Lan Zhan... They were so scared of you." Wei Wuxian managed to get out between gasps for air and unsuppressible laughter. Lan Wangji felt oddly proud of himself. As though the nervous farewells and shortened conversations were an accomplishment. It definitely felt like a strange thing to be proud of. However when Lan Wangji felt Wei Wuxian's hand in his grasp, devoid of any fearful tremors, Lan Wangji felt that he really had done something worth being proud of. Once Wei Wuxian had calmed down they proceeded to Lotus Pier.
"A-Xian!" Wei Wuxian looked up at the sound of Jiang Yanli's voice.
"Shijie!" He said excitedly. Wei Wuxian ran forward and met Jiang Yanli just outside of the entrance to Lotus Pier. Wei Wuxian hugged Jiang Yanli tightly.
"Lan-er-gongzi, Thank you for coming with A-Xian." Jiang Yanli greeted Lan Wangji once she finished hugging Wei Wuxian.
"Shijie, how has your practice been?" Wei Wuxian asked warmly. Jiang Yanli smiled shyly.
"It has been going alright. A bit harder without someone to instruct me." Jiang Yanli admitted shyly.
"Maybe I can help while I am here," Wei Wuxian offered. Jiang Yanli smiled.
"I would like that, but A-Xian mustn't push himself too hard." Jiang Yanli said with a soft, almost scolding, tone. Jiang Yanli led them inside, chatting quietly with Wei Wuxian about how things have been at Lotus Pier. It seemed to be a suitable enough distraction for the time being, so Lan Wangji followed behind them quietly. After a short while they entered a hall where Jiang Fengmian was currently writing what seemed to be a correspondence.
"A-Die," Jiang Yanli greeted.
"Jiang-shushu." Wei Wuxian bowed appropriately in greeting, but Lan Wangji could hear the slight difference in Wei Wuxian's voice. His voice was weaker, breathier.
"Sect Leader Jiang." Lan Wangji greeted immediately, hoping to divert some attention from Wei Wuxian. Lan Wangji had never initiated so much communication in his life. Today he was introducing himself and speaking to almost every person they met. It was somewhat uncomfortable, but Lan Wangji didn't mind a little discomfort if it would make this easier for Wei Wuxian. Sect Leader Jiang smiled and set down what he was working on.
"Lan-er-gongzi, welcome. A-Li mentioned you would be accompanying A-Xian to Lotus Pier. Thank you for looking after him." Sect Leader Jiang said politely. Lan Wangji bowed in acknowledgement, but didn't say anything back. Lan Xichen would have said something back. Something polite and diplomatic, but Lan Wangji could not find any such words in his own mind to speak.
"A-Xian, It's wonderful to have you home. Have you visited the training grounds yet? The disciples have been missing you." Sect Leader Jiang continued with a warm smile.
"We can visit them next. Is A-Cheng with them?" Jiang Yanli inquired.
"He is. I'm sure he'd like to see A-Xian as well." Jiang Fengmian turned towards Lan Wangji. "Lan-er-gongzi, let me have a disciple show you to your room." Everything within Lan Wangji rejected the suggestion, like the words were poison contaminating the air and his body was trying to expel it. Lan Wangji's fingers slowly curled into fists.
"There's no need to trouble a disciple A-Die. I can show Lan-er-gongzi to the prepared room, and I think A-Xian would like to give his fiance a tour anyway. We can do that on our way to visit A-Cheng." Jiang Yanli spoke in a soft polite voice, speaking up before Lan Wangji had managed to find his words. It was probably for the best that she spoke first. Her words were far more diplomatic than his own would have been. Jiang Fengmian seemed slightly surprised, but smiled.
"Very well, I won't keep you then. We can have dinner together later." Jiang Fengmian said calmly. Jiang Yanli nodded and ushered Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian out the door. Jiang Fengmian didn't catch it, but Lan Wangji noticed how firmly Jiang Yanli had grabbed Wei Wuxian. When she turned to leave she put herself between Wei Wuxian and Jiang Fengmian. With her body creating a barrier she had almost forcibly turned Wei Wuxian towards the door, pushing him forward so he would start walking.
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