Chapter 49: The Jingshi
Lan Wangji couldn't get the image of Lan Xichen out of his mind. He'd been so pale. Blood stained his clothes, there was so much blood. Lan Xichen's expression had been filled with pain. Lan Wangji had never seen such an expression on Lan Xichen's face. Wen Qing seemed to think that it was mostly the last memory that had Lan Xichen so disoriented. She hypothesized that she recovered her senses faster because she had already experienced it before. She didn't give any details about what memory was the last one they experienced, but it was apparently a difficult one.
Wen Qing examined Lan Xichen and supervised Wen Qionglin in providing treatment to both Lan Xichen and herself. She confirmed that both of them had suffered minor damage to their essence. She couldn't say with certainty whether or not there would be any after effects from this, but she did not expect anything too severe. She called it minor damage, but that didn't really put Lan Wangji at ease. Minor damage to something as important as the soul, a person's essence. Even if the amount of damage was small, it did not feel like something that would be minor.
Wen Qionglin was going to supervise both of them overnight. Wen Qing estimated that as long as they don't do anything strenuous they should recover without too much issue. To assist with their healing Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian had both transferred large quantities of spiritual energy. Probably much more than they should transfer since they both completely exhausted themselves, but Lan Wangji couldn't hold himself back. Lan Xichen had spoken a little before passing out from exhaustion. He assured them that he believed them and would listen to what they had to say. Then Wen Qionglin had gotten both Lan Xichen and Wen Qing situated in the other residence so that he could watch over them.
That had been hours ago. Hours since Lan Xichen had gone to rest and recuperate from the injury to his soul. Lan Wangji could not seem to calm himself down. His mind kept going back to his brother's pale form and pained expression. Lan Wangji felt unsettled and could not seem to shake the uncomfortable anxious feeling pervading his body. Lan Wangji felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned his head to see a very tired looking Wei Wuxian give him a gentle smile.
"Lan Zhan." Wei Wuxian said gently. His eyes seemed to be reading him carefully. A small flicker passed through Wei Wuxian's eyes and he gave Lan Wangji a small slightly mischievous smile. "Is this seat taken?" Wei Wuxian asked, pointing at Lan Wangji's lap.
Lan Wangji's pale golden eyes stared at him with confusion. Lan Wangji felt like he wasn't focusing properly. He kept thinking about Lan Xichen, and every time he thought about Lan Xichen he would feel another wave of panic. Lan Wangji didn't know what to do. He wasn't sure why he couldn't focus properly. Almost without thinking he moved his arms out of the way. Wei Wuxian accepted this as consent and plopped himself down in Lan Wangji's lap.
"Lan Zhan... Zewu-Jun is going to be okay." Wei Wuxian said quietly. Lan Wangji felt a stab of pain in his chest. His eyes stung and he closed them hoping to conceal the gathering tears. Wei Wuxian looped his arms around Lan Wangji's neck. He pulled Lan Wangji into an embrace, guiding Lan Wangji's head to his shoulder.
"It's okay Lan Zhan. It must have been terrifying to see him like that." Wei Wuxian whispered gently. Tears began leaking from Lan Wangji's eyes. His arms wrapped around Wei Wuxian desperately. Something inside Lan Wangji seemed to loosen once he was holding Wei Wuxian. His tears dampened Wei Wuxian's robes as Lan Wangji cried soundlessly. Hours of trying to sort through his thoughts and calm himself down had been useless. Only now that he was holding Wei Wuxian did his emotions and thoughts finally clear.
He had been scared. The only other time in his life that had scared him this much was when Wei Wuxian attempted suicide. Lan Wangji could feel Wei Wuxian embracing him. A hand was gently trailing through his hair as his emotions poured out of his body with his tears. Wei Wuxian's sweet voice whispered soothingly beside his ear.
"Xiongzhang, was all I had before Wei Ying." Lan Wangji whispered. His voice sounded thick and his throat felt uncomfortably tight. Lan Wangji was only six when his mother died. He had barely any memories of her. His father was supposedly alive, but Lan Wangji had never met him. Functionally he had no father. For the longest time his brother was the only one able to understand him. He was the only one who had been able to glimpse through Lan Wangji's defences. For the longest time it was only the connection to his brother that made Lan Wangji feel like he was still human.
"You haven't lost him. He is hurt, but Wen Qing said they will both recover. She even scolded us for the amount of spiritual energy we transferred to the two of them. Clearly she thinks it was more than what they needed to assist in their healing." Wei Wuxian said softly. Lan Wangji nodded, but his tears did not subside.
Wei Wuxian's fingers trailed through Lan Wangji's hair repetitively. Lan Wangji could not recall if anyone other than Wei Wuxian had ever stroked his hair like this. Of course it had been so long since anyone's touch had felt comfortable, even if Lan Xichen had wanted to initiate such contact Lan Wangji would not have accepted it. For the longest time touch had been something he tolerated. He would tolerate it, because he understood it fulfilled some need for Lan Xichen. Lan Wangji would put up with the occasional hand on his shoulder, or the very rare hug. Touch had been an invasion of his space. It made him uncomfortable and he either rejected it or silently endured it.
Things were different now. Wei Wuxian made it different. Every brush of Wei Wuxian's fingers through his hair seemed to be soothing something inside of him. The arms wrapped around him seemed to radiate care. The soft repetitive movements of Wei Wuxian's hands said: I'm here. Lan Wangji's tears eventually ran out, but he made no move to change their position. Wei Wuxian's touch was radiating warmth and affection. Lan Wangji had gone years without experiencing this wonderful comforting sensation. He felt starved for it. It was like he had been deprived of something vital without realizing it, and suddenly it was there.
It took a lot of effort to force himself to stop clinging to Wei Wuxian so tightly. He pushed himself back so he could see the other's face properly and hoped the tears had not left too visible of a trail. When he saw Wei Wuxian's face he found the boy in his lap was pouting at him.
"Lan Zhan~. Don't I get to hug you anymore?" Wei Wuxian whined. Lan Wangji desperately wanted to hug Wei Wuxian and be held by Wei Wuxian. Lan Wangji held himself back. Lan Wangji felt he shouldn't be reacting so strongly. After all, his brother was wounded, but he would recover. It was nothing that medicine and time wouldn't heal. He shouldn't be burdening Wei Wuxian with this.
"Overreacted. Sorry." Lan Wangji finally said quietly. Wei Wuxian frowned, watching Lan Wangji closely. Then that frown became a look of anger.
"Lan Zhan." Wei Wuxian said sharply. "You overreacted?" Wei Wuxian questioned. Lan Wangji's gaze fell further down. He felt ashamed. He shouldn't be worrying Wei Wuxian like this. He could feel Wei Wuxian's gaze on him, but he couldn't bring himself to see what expression Wei Wuxian had.
"Lan Zhan. If I was upset because one of my siblings was hurt, and started crying... would that be overreacting?" Wei Wuxian asked. Lan Wangji immediately felt himself panic.
"No." Lan Wangji said much too quickly. He was now inadvertently looking at Wei Wuxian with slightly widened eyes.
"Hmmm... so it is only overreacting if it is you?" Wei Wuxian inquired. Lan Wangji frowned slightly. He supposed that did not make sense, but Wei Wuxian already had enough to deal with. Lan Wangji did not want to add to his worries. Lan Wangji opened his mouth a few times, but wasn't certain how to explain.
"Wei Ying has more..." Lan Wangji wasn't certain how to end that sentence. More of a reason? More things to deal with? Wei Wuxian stared at him for a long time. Suddenly Wei Wuxian's eyes widened slightly as though he had just understood something. Immediately he dropped his head forward to land against the palm of his own hand.
"Lan Zhan. You are allowed to have bad days." Wei Wuxian said slowly, emphasizing each word. "Yes. I have a lot of crap in my past and my head. That doesn't make your feelings or struggles less important. There have definitely been days that I desperately needed your support, and you have given it. Did you dislike giving this support?" Wei Wuxian inquired. Lan Wangji quickly shook his head.
"Never." Lan Wangji said firmly. He loved Wei Wuxian. He loved that Wei Wuxian trusted him and took comfort from him.
"Do you find it annoying or irritating to hold me while I cry?" Wei Wuxian asked. Lan Wangji felt himself becoming more panicked.
"Never." Lan Wangji was growing more anxious by the second, and Wei Wuxian had still not lifted his head yet. Wei Wuxian finally lifted his head. He captured Lan Wangji's face between his hands, forcing Lan Wangji to look him in the eyes.
"I love you. I want to support you. I want to be there for you. Sometimes I will have bad days, and I will need you. Sometimes you will have bad days. So let me be there for you then." Wei Wuxian said earnestly. Lan Wangji wasn't certain what he was feeling at the moment. He felt powerful emotions flooding him until he could not hold himself back. Lan Wangji pushed forward and kissed Wei Wuxian deeply. He put every bit of affection and love that was swelling inside of him into that kiss, never letting up. He felt Wei Wuxian melt against him and Lan Wangji only pulled away when he needed to take a breath. Wei Wuxian was panting and his eyes were slightly unfocused. Lan Wangji felt Wei Wuxian hit his shoulder lightly.
"No fair distracting me. I need to know that you understand this." Wei Wuxian protested with a pout. Lan Wangji hugged Wei Wuxian tightly and buried his face in Wei Wuxian's neck. He nodded his head quickly.
"Mn. Understand." Lan Wangji said softly. He felt Wei Wuxian's arms wrap around him once more. Lan Wangji felt such immense relief.
"Good. You need to understand that the arduous task of sitting in your lap and cuddling you are part of my duties in this relationship. I expect to be compensated for my hard work." Wei Wuxian said in a demanding tone. Lan Wangji couldn't suppress the smile that spread across his face. He was filled with warmth and joy that seemed to spread from anywhere that touched Wei Wuxian and eventually encompassed his entire being. Wei Wuxian had begun to laugh brightly, and the sound was just as beautiful as the first time he had heard Wei Wuxian laugh.
"Mn. Will compensate." Lan Wangji replied in a very serious tone.
"What?" Wei Wuxian asked, thinking he must have misheard. 'Is... is Lan Zhan making a joke? Is Lan Zhan teasing me?'
Lan Wangji gently kissed Wei Wuxian's neck, making him jump slightly. Then he looked Wei Wuxian in the eyes once more. Wei Wuxian's dark eyes held a small sparkling light. Lan Wangji was so happy to see it there. Even if that light never became as bright as it used to be, Lan Wangji was happy to see it all the same. Lan Wangji leaned forward and kissed Wei Wuxian with dedication. He didn't let the kiss get too deep, but he did his best to fill it with all his devotion and affection. When the kiss eventually broke Wei Wuxian hummed with satisfaction. He leaned forward and kissed Lan Wangji's forehead.
"How are you feeling about Lan Xichen now?" Wei Wuxian asked gently. Lan Wangji considered that carefully for a bit. He was feeling a lot better, but as soon as he thought about it his anxiety spiked again.
"Better. Anxious." Lan Wangji replied. He was still worried. He probably would continue to be worried for quite a while, but Wei Wuxian's comfort had put him at ease. Enough so that the fatigue from exhausting his spiritual energy earlier was finally making itself known. Wei Wuxian smiled affectionately at Lan Wangji.
"In that case I think it is time to fulfill my duties, with bed cuddles." Wei Wuxian announced firmly. Lan Wangji didn't say anything. He stood up with his arms locked around Wei Wuxian, bringing Wei Wuxian up with him. Wei Wuxian squeaked in surprise. By the time they reached the bed the Jingshi was again filled with the sound of Wei Wuxian's laughter. Lan Wangji felt a deep sense of satisfaction fill him as he heard it. Once on the bed Wei Wuxian immediately coiled himself around Lan Wangji. He nuzzled Lan Wangji's chest affectionately before letting out a contented sigh.
Lan Wangji's arms tightened around Wei Wuxian. This is what he wanted for the rest of his life. He wanted Wei Wuxian's laughter. His gentle scolding. All the joy and affection that Wei Wuxian brought into the world. He wanted to be there for every one of Wei Wuxian's good days, and all of his bad days. Lan Wangji felt sleep begin to pull him under. He wanted to be awake to feel the warmth of holding Wei Wuxian like this a bit longer, but his body didn't seem to be cooperating.
'My Wei Ying. We will have many more days to hold each other like this. I never want to miss one.' Lan Wangji thought as he felt a soft kiss land on his cheek.
"I love you, Lan Zhan. Sleep well."
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