Chapter 39: The Jingshi
Wei Wuxian was curled comfortably, as much of him in Lan Wangji's lap as he could manage. Wei Wuxian decided this was his new favourite place, in Lan Wangji's arms. Lan Wangji was gently combing his fingers through Wei Wuxian's hair. Every time Lan Wangji's fingertips lightly scraped his scalp, Wei Wuxian hummed. He couldn't get enough of this feeling. He was soaking in the gentle soothing touch, and he never wanted it to stop. Lan Wangji's arm around him felt so protective. The embrace was warm. The smell of sandalwood flooded his senses. Wei Wuxian needed this. He needed this feeling of being cared for. The feeling of being protected.
So much of his life he was doing the protecting. Always protecting. Protecting Jiang Wanyin and Jiang Yanli from Madam Yu's anger. Protecting the disciples from Madam Yu's anger. Protecting his friends from being caught breaking the rules. Protecting the other disciples on night hunts. Serving as a distraction so others could escape. Accepting blame so others would be spared. Accepting shame so others would be spared from guilt. Doing things he never wanted to do and seeing things he never wanted to see, just so no one else would have to do it. Always doing his best. Always trying his hardest to do the right thing, no matter the consequence. When he did find people who wanted to protect him, they couldn't do it. Even now the anxiety hadn't truly left. There was a part of him that could not relax even if that part was much smaller than usual.
The tips of Lan Wangji's fingers lightly brushed against the back of Wei Wuxian's neck sending a wonderful shiver down his spine. He shifted into the touch, wanting more of the strange pleasant feeling. A knock on the door caused Wei Wuxian to stiffen in Lan Wangji's arms. The quiet little anxiety was loud and strangling.
'What if Madam Yu was back? What if they refused to let me court Lan Wangji? What if they're taking me back to Lotus Pier early again? I know I need to go back eventually. I have to protect Jiang Cheng when Lotus Pier is attacked, but that is still months away. I won't be able to see Lan Zhan or Jiejie for such a long time if I go back right now. I don't want to leave them yet. Please... Please don't make me leave them yet.'
"Wei Ying." Lan Wangji's voice startled Wei Wuxian out of his thoughts. Wei Wuxian's eyes focused on Lan Wangji's face. He could see the icy gold eyes filled with concern. Lan Wangji pulled Wei Wuxian into a tighter embrace.
"L-Lan Zhan..." Wei Wuxian began, but quickly realized he didn't know what to say.
"Wei Ying is safe." Lan Wangji whispered soothingly into Wei Wuxian's hair. There was a second knock. Wei Wuxian whimpered involuntarily as he thought of thousands of scenarios that could follow.
"Lan Wangji? May I come in to check on A-Ying?" Wei Wuxian raised his head when he heard the voice on the other side of the door.
"Jiejie." He half whined. The door slid open gently as Wen Qing entered. She closed it behind her smoothly then turned to the two seated on the bed. Wei Wuxian adjusted his position so he was sitting up more or less properly. Properly, if that included something you could do while sitting in someoneelse's lap. Wen Qing smiled lightly, but her eyes were tired and full of concern.
"A-Ying, how are you doing?" Wen Qing asked gently. Wei Wuxian fidgeted slightly.
"I'm alright." Wei Wuxian mumbled. He internally winced when he saw Wen Qing arch an eyebrow at him.
"A-Ying. Tell me how you are actually doing." She scolded gently. Wei Wuxian's expression fell a bit. He nodded his head wordlessly before taking in a deep breath to prepare himself. He had been working on this. He needed to work on this. For many reasons, but the one most important to him...
'Lan Zhan wants to be with me. I can work on being better... so he can have a version of me with him that's functional.' Wei Wuxian reminded himself silently. Probably Wen Qing wouldn't like that reasoning, but he couldn't help it. Trying to convince himself to get better for himself was not motivating enough for him to be able to do it. Getting better for Lan Wangji, that was a reason he could work for.
"Scared." Wei Wuxian got the first word out. It felt like it took a lot of effort to say that one word, but after he said it it didn't feel quite so difficult. "Lan Zhan helped me calm down a lot, but... My head is still full of thoughts and I'm worried about what might happen. I'm..." Wei Wuxian had to stop and take a few breaths. He focused on the feeling of Lan Wangji's arms around him as he forced himself enough to actually say what he was feeling. "I don't want to lose Lan Zhan." Wei Wuxian's voice sounded small and weak, and he hated it. Lan Wangji held him a bit tighter and placed a gentle kiss on Wei Wuxian's temple.
"A-Ying." Wen Qing reached out her hand to gently pat Wei Wuxian's head. Wei Wuxian looked up at her cautiously. "I don't believe Lan Wangji plans to allow that. In any case the betrothal was agreed to. I imagine Lan Xichen will bring you the news officially. We also successfully convinced them that Cloud Recesses is the best place for you to be right now." Wei Wuxian half collapsed backwards in Lan Wangji's embrace. He was so relieved.
"Lan Zhan... Are we officially courting now? Do I get to say that?" Wei Wuxian asked. His tone was somewhat playful, but the slight tremble in his voice revealed the underlying anxiety. The arms around Wei Wuxian pulled him close as Lan Wangji bent down and buried his face in Wei Wuxian's neck. Wei Wuxian could feel the deep sigh Lan Wangji let out as it brushed across his skin.
"Mn. Courting." Lan Wangji said softly. Wei Wuxian relaxed in the embrace feeling another wave of relief washing over him.
'Lan Zhan didn't deny it. He didn't change his mind. He didn't reject me.' Wei Wuxian closed his eyes, letting those words sink in. Lan Wangji slowly lifted his head. Wei Wuxian didn't think anything of it until the soft brush of lips caressed his cheek.
"Engaged." Lan Wangji whispered in Wei Wuxian's ear. Wei Wuxian's cheeks blushed bright red.
"L-Lan Z-Zhan... Y-you..." Wei Wuxian's brain sputtered uselessly as he tried to speak. He glanced to the side to see a small smirk grace Lan Wangji's fair face, bathing it in soft light. Wei Wuxian felt his blush darken as he quickly hid his face in his hands.
"Lan~ Zhan~!" Wei Wuxian whined in embarrassment. Lan Wangji hid his widening smile in Wei Wuxian's hair.
"Mn?" he hummed as he nuzzled Wei Wuxian's neck. Wei Wuxian groaned.
"You're... You're not supposed to be teasing me. I tease you. That's how it works." Wei Wuxian complained. Lan Wangji could hear the pout in his voice. He hummed noncommittal in response and was perfectly happy with the small shivers he could feel run through Wei Wuxian's body as he nuzzled Wei Wuxian's neck gently.
Wen Qing muffled her laugh with the back of her hand. She could never get enough of seeing her didi like this. Whining. Playful. Loved. It was certainly not something he had gotten enough of in his life. She smiled gently at him as he glared at her from behind the shield of his hands. After a long while he regained his composure. Wen Qing watched his expression grow serious and thoughtful as he chewed his bottom lip.
"You wanted us to wait to tell Zewu-Jun until after this was resolved." Wei Wuxian said, looking up at Wen Qing. "When do we tell him? About the future and the offer to prove it with empathy?" Wei Wuxian looked up at Wen Qing expectantly. Wen Qing had been the one to recommend not telling Lan Xichen right away. Wei Wuxian would have chosen to get it over with. Afterall, at the time they didn't know if he was still going to be taken back to Lotus Pier early. However, Wen Qing got Lan Wangji on her side and Wei Wuxian didn't really have it in him to resist both of them. So he agreed to wait until this meeting could take place, which it had, and now wasn't it probably time to talk to Lan Xichen?
"Once Sect Leader Jiang and Madam Yu leave Cloud Recesses. As soon as they are gone we can tell him." Wen Qing stated firmly. Wei Wuxian made a big dramatic show of groaning in complaint, but she just gave him an unimpressed stare.
'Fine. Fine. It probably won't be that much longer anyway, and anything that can reduce outside stress is a good thing. Lan Xichen would be the one performing empathy, assuming they could convince him, and it was better to be in a calm mindset before performing it. It would improve Lan Xichen's focus to not need to worry about a visiting sect leader, and that would further reduce any chance of complications. Granted Wei Wuxian had performed empathy many times, and his mindset had never been especially calm, but he would rather they take more precautions for Lan Xichen and Wen Qing's sake.
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