Chapter 33: The Meeting Hall
Wen Qing had to put a great deal of effort into not letting her annoyance show on her face. Sect Leader Jiang's concerns were valid, or would be valid in a different situation. Wen Qing herself would usually not recommend someone in Wei Wuxian's state to begin a relationship. In most cases it would be better for the individual to take some time to work on everything else they had going on a bit before pursuing the complication of starting a relationship. This, however, was not most cases.
For one, these feelings had already existed when Wei Wuxian was in a much more stable state of mind. Especially from her and Wei Wuxian's perspective, this was a formality that was long overdue. For Lan Wangji these feelings were more recent, but she felt strongly that they would not change. Additionally, her biggest concern for Wei Wuxian would be that he would not only allow a partner to take advantage of him, but he might actively volunteer to do things harmful to himself for the sake of said partner. Wen Qing trusted Lan Wangji would not take advantage of Wei Wuxian and would do his utmost to counter this behaviour when possible.
The other concern she would normally have was that it would put extra strain on the relationship. In this case Wen Qing strongly suspected there would be little change in their behaviour towards each other with the formalizing of the relationship. Lan Wangji would not go to any less efforts or be any less stressed whether they were engaged or not. The majority of the changes Wen Qing expected to see would be external, the perception of everyone else. If they were in a relationship then targeting Wei Wuxian would also mean targeting Lan Wangji. It would give Lan Wangji more authority in the eyes of others in regards to all things Wei Wuxian. This would include having Wei Wuxian stay in Cloud Recesses when he might otherwise return to Lotus Pier. Right now that part was very important.
Wen Qing had fully expected that Sect Leader Jiang would probably come here with the intention of taking Wei Wuxian back to Lotus Pier immediately. There was no way he would suggest leaving Wei Wuxian to be cared for in Cloud Recesses. She expected he would be resistant to the suggestion of the idea. Wen Qing could try to argue for him to stay, but if she was too forceful it would seem like she was accusing Lotus Pier of something. That wasn't likely to accomplish her goal. Furthermore she was not part of GusuLan Sect, nor YunmengJiang Sect. Her authority was only as Wei Wuxian's doctor. It gave her little power to demand the location of his treatment.
So she needed to lead the people in the room who did have that power. She needed to give them reason to think Lotus Pier was not a good place for Wei Wuxian right now. She needed to reinforce the idea that the best place for Wei Wuxian right now was Cloud Recesses. It certainly helped that she firmly believed these things to be true. It wasn't like she was having to fabricate reasons. She just had to present them in ways that were easy for everyone involved to accept. Well, maybe not easy. She was, after all, trying to convince Sect Leader Jiang that his home was not a good place for his ward to return to. She imagined that was probably hard to accept no matter how gently she tried to say it.
Jiang Fengmian had an almost pained expression on his face as he reviewed the document again. He had of course read it through once already and in his shock made a few initial protests mostly related to discussing this given Wei Wuxian's current condition. It wasn't that he needed to reread it. Everything in it was more than perfectly appropriate. In truth it made the on paper proposal for Jiang Yanli's engagement look sloppy. They had already included the results of their astrologer and provided Lan Wangji's year, month, day, and hour of his birth for Jiang Fengmian. This was more a formality. The major sects in particular did not always follow the common procedure, especially when the proposed marriage would have such clear political advantages.
In addition the YunmengJiang Sect in particular had many marriages in its history that did not follow the traditional customs of marriage. It was not so unusual for their sect to forgo some of the normal formalities of arranging a marriage and instead arrange a marriage after the couple themselves expressed interest in each other. So really there wasn't anything Jiang Fengmian could say about the proposal itself that was the least bit problematic. It was just that, Wei Wuxian being married off was never the plan. Jiang Fengmian of course expected him to get married, and he looked forward to celebrating it. Except that he expected him to marry a young lady who would be brought into the YunmengJiang Sect. Or perhaps marry one of the female disciples already part of the sect.
Jiang Fengmian had raised Wei Wuxian alongside Jiang Wanyin. He raised them almost like they were siblings. He had hoped the boys would grow close and, once Jiang Wanyin became sect leader, Wei Wuxian would be by Jiang Wanyin's side. Just like how Wei Wuxian's father had served at Jiang Fengmian's side. If Wei Wuxian were to marry Lan Wangji that would never happen. Lan Wangji's status within the GusuLan Sect made it obvious. On marriage Wei Wuxian would leave the YunmengJiang Sect and become a member of the GusuLan Sect.
On paper the proposal was perfect. It would strengthen the alliance between YunmengJiang Sect and GusuLan Sect. Lan Wangji was the second son of the GusuLan Sect Leader. He was also one of the most skilled cultivators of his generation, with a good reputation. It was a good marriage. Jiang Fengmian knew he shouldn't be hesitating so much. If Wei Wuxian wanted this marriage then there really was no reason to not agree with it. Jiang Fengmian had already expressed a few concerns, but none of them had held up very well. Especially not well enough to deny the proposal without damaging the relations between the two sects. The young Wen doctor had quickly dissolved any of the concerns related to Wei Wuxian's current condition, and even seemed to think the relationship would be beneficial for Wei Wuxian's recovery. Jiang Fengmian wasn't even sure he wanted to deny the proposal. It was just...
"Sect Leader Jiang, Would you like to speak with Wei Wuxian first?" Zewu-Jun inquired. Lan Xichen supposed it was a lot to adjust to. Hopefully hearing from Wei Wuxian himself would be enough to relieve any lingering concerns that Sect Leader Jiang still had. Wen Qing wasn't certain how seeing Jiang Fengmian would affect Wei Wuxian. It bothered her a little, but if it would get Sect Leader Jiang over his hesitation she wouldn't complain. Wei Wuxian had already gone through seeing Jiang Yanli and Jiang Wanyin. He would need to see Jiang Fengmian eventually no matter what. As long as she or Lan Wangji were there, she expected it would end up alright.
"I would very much like to see how A-Xian is doing." Jiang Fengmian responded with a nod. What greeted them when they opened the door was a very nervous Wen Qionglin. Wen Qing's heart dropped to her stomach. Her didi was here instead of with Wei Wuxian. This could not mean anything good. It took everything in her to not immediately run to the Jingshi.
"A-Ning. Why aren't you with Wei Wuxian?" Wen Qing inquired. She did her best to keep her voice professionally concerned, concealing her rising panic. Wen Qionglin glanced at everyone gathered. She could see his anxiety climbing with so many eyes on him.
"W-Wei-gongzi asked m-me t-to leave w-when M-Madam Yu c-came."
Jiang Yanli paled. 'A-Xian is alone with A-Niang?'
Wen Qing saw Jiang Yanli stagger slightly it immediately fuelled her panic further. The stagger was disturbingly subtle, but not subtle enough for Wen Qing not to notice.
"Let's be quick then. I don't recommend having only one person with him for long periods of time." Wen Qing said in a professional tone. She saw Lan Wangji glance at her from the corner of his eye. Since he was almost constantly at Wei Wuxian's side he was well aware that she had never said this. She insisted on having at least one person with him. She liked to be available in case Lan Wangji stepped away, but she never expressed needing more than one person there most of the time. Wen Qing forced her posture to appear calm and confident. She set off at a quick pace, but tried her best not to look panicked.
All she knew about Madam Yu was that Wei Wuxian said she didn't like him. He never said much about her, so Wen Qing didn't know how worried she needed to be. Until the moment she saw the colour drain from Jiang Yanli's face when Wen Qionglin said Madam Yu was alone with Wei Wuxian. More and more Wen Qing was becoming convinced that it was not an exaggeration when she made it sound like Wei Wuxian's life at Lotus Pier is what put him in this situation. She was actually convinced that Wei Wuxian was unfathomably resilient. She was pretty sure his experiences in Lotus Pier had thrown a lifetime of damage at him that he had somehow managed. Managed and then continued to accept the worst this world could give him.
Wen Qing was determined. Wei Wuxian was not to be allowed in Lotus Pier without someone who can protect him. Right now no one from the Jiang clan qualified, and some of them were what he needed protection from. Really this was already a major concession on her part. Only because she couldn't handle the heartbroken look he would give her if she never let him return to Lotus Pier. If it wasn't for this she would never allow him back in Lotus Pier no matter who was with him. Wen Qing continued her swift and determined pace, going as fast as she could without looking panicked. That woman... What did Madam Yu do to make Jiang Yanli that frightened of Wei Wuxian being alone with her?
'What did you do to A-Ying? What did you do to my didi?' Wen Qing could feel rage building slowly inside of her. Jiang Wanyin was one thing. He was a child and probably didn't know how to do better. That didn't mean he got a pass, but it gave him a measure of forgiveness assuming he corrected his behaviour. Madam Yu was an adult. If she had hurt Wei Wuxian, Wen Qing was not certain she'd be able to control her temper.
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