Chapter 19: The Infirmary
Wen Qing felt her blood run cold as she stepped out of Wei Wuxian's room. Her eyes had landed on the smiling figure sitting in the infirmary.
'Lianfang-Zun, Jin Guangyao, Meng Yao.'
On instinct Wen Qing immediately diverted her gaze and schooled her expression. She forced her breathing to be quiet and regular. She forced herself to look calm and confident. For a moment she forgot where she was. She was no longer in the infirmary of the Cloud Recesses. She was in the infirmary of Nightless City. She was not here tending to Wei Wuxian. She was staring at a person who had been reduced to something that was almost unrecognizable as human.
Meng Yao was smiling pleasantly at her as she tried to stabilize the prisoner in front of her. She was expected to keep them alive. Keep them alive so that Meng Yao could continue to work. So that Meng Yao could get Wen Rouhan the information he wanted. The entire time she worked Meng Yao would chat with her. Always in this polite and pleasant tone like they were at a banquet. Everything about it was horrible, but this wasn't the worst part.
The worst part wasn't seeing the aftermath of Meng Yao's work. Nor was it trying to revive the victims on the brink of death. The worst part wasn't even accompanying him to the dungeons. Where she was supposed to keep the prisoners alive. Keep them alive while the Principal Torturer worked. Even on those occasions where she had to watch while he...
No, watching the torture wasn't the worst part. The worst part was his smile. The entire time while Meng Yao tortured the prisoners he was always wearing this polite smile. Polite and pleasant like he was practising calligraphy or listening to music. He never lost his temper. He never looked angry or frustrated. He was calm and peaceful. No flinching in his gaze. He would chat incessantly in his oh so polite and cheerful voice. Occasionally his eyes would fill with this malicious joy. Then the next second they would be perfectly innocent and sincere. The entire time he would be wearing that ever present smile.
"Wen-guniang." Wen Qing was suddenly pulled back to the present. She suddenly remembered that this was Cloud Recesses. The Meng Yao before her was not yet the Principal Torturer of Wen Rouhan. He had not done any of those things that haunted her when she looked at him. Wen Qing took a slow breath and suppressed a sigh of relief. Lan Xichen had no idea what he had just pulled her out of, but she was grateful all the same. It wasn't often that she had such episodes, but seeing that face that had frightened her more than Wen Rouhan himself. Wen Qing felt her response was perfectly fair given the circumstances of her experience.
Lan Xichen turned briefly to Meng Yao. Wen Qing assumed he was bidding farewell, though she was not listening. Instead she was carefully watching Meng Yao's expression. Wen Qing had no trust for Meng Yao. She had of course heard that he was only in Nightless City to spy on Wen Rouhan. The things he did were only because he had to. Wen Qing could not bring herself to believe those words. She had been in a position where she did what she had to to please Wen Rouhan and protect her family. What Meng Yao did was not just what he had to. He did things without being asked. He did things that surprised Wen Rouhan as much as they delighted him. But most importantly she had seen his expression while he tortured people in ways Wen Qing had never before seen. Whether his expression was genuine or fake didn't even matter. Anyone who could do those things and look so calm and happy, was not someone that could ever be trusted.
She watched the smiling face that looked so disturbingly familiar as it gazed unblinking at Lan Xichen. A new look filled Meng Yao's eyes than Wen Qing hadn't seen before. Intense adoration. Maybe it was her personal experiences colouring her judgment, but there was something deeply unsettling about the way Meng Yao was staring at Lan Xichen. As Lan Xichen walked away from him Meng Yao's expression shifted slightly. A look passed through Meng Yao's eyes.
The word didn't feel quite right, but when she looked at Meng Yao's gaze it was the closest Wen Qing could come up with. Wen Qing felt a shiver run down her spine. Nothing about Meng Yao would ever be comfortable for her. No matter how much information he provided during the Sunshot Campaign. Regardless of the fact that he dealt the killing blow on Wen Rouhan. Nothing would cleanse her mind of the things she watched him do while wearing that smile.
"How is Wei-gongzi?" Lan Xichen asked earnestly as he approached her. Wen Qing gave a small reassuring smile before ushering Lan Xichen into the room.
"We can talk inside," Wen Qing said politely. She really didn't like being near Meng Yao, and she certainly wouldn't be as focused with him nearby. Lan Xichen nodded, seeming a bit preoccupied.
Upon reentering the room Wen Qing looked toward the table where she expected to still see Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian. Wei Wuxian was as she had last seen him. Curled in Lan Wangji's lap. Hiding his face in Lan Wangji's robes. Lan Wangji was embracing him while affectionately running his fingers through Wei Wuxian's hair. Wen Qing liked seeing them close to each other. She liked seeing them interact with affection. It made her happy to see Wei Wuxian treated with so much care. Just like he deserved.
Wen Qing was halfway to the table before she realized that Lan Xichen was no longer keeping up with her. She glanced back to see the surprised look in Lan Xichen's eyes. Wen Qing belatedly realized that it might have been good to warn him before he entered. She was perfectly happy to see Wei Wuxian treated with such pure affection. However, she understood such levels of intimacy would probably be startling if you weren't expecting it. Wen Qing rolled her eyes as she walked back to where Lan Xichen had frozen. She brought her hand up and snapped her fingers right in front of Lan Xichen's eyes. Lan Xichen jumped slightly, startled by the abrupt sound and proximity. He immediately turned his attention to Wen Qing.
"We can talk at the table." She stated before turning and returning to the seat she had vacated earlier. Lan Xichen internally winced. He really shouldn't have overreacted like that. It was just. He hadn't really expected to walk in to find Lan Wangji embracing Wei Wuxian so intimately. In his mind Lan Wangji disliked physical touch, only tolerating it for family. Seeing him touching someone at all would be startling. Never mind seeing him holding someone in his lap and stroking their hair.
Lan Xichen was again pulled from his thoughts when a cup filled with tea was suddenly placed in front of him. Wen Qing had apparently prepared and served it while he was lost in his own thoughts. Lan Xichen scolded himself. He needed to do better. Ever since he spoke with his uncle this morning he'd been unsettled. He had hoped to just push through the day, but his reactions just seemed to be all over the place. He drank some of the offered tea to try and steady himself.
"Did he wake up for a bit today?" Lan Xichen asked. He doubted his brother had elected to carry him to the table, but then again he hadn't expected what he was currently seeing.
"Mn." Lan Wangji nodded.
"Did you two have a chance to discuss some things?" Lan Xichen asked carefully. Lan Xichen had intended to focus solely on Wei Wuxian's mood and mental well being. However, the status of Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji's relationship could have a large impact on what the plans going forward may look like. Including how soon Lan Xichen's next discussion with his uncle would have to be.
"Mn." Lan Wangji nodded firmly. Lan Xichen thought his brother might leave it there. Normally Lan Xichen would have been fine with that, but this wasn't really a matter that could be left to inference. Lan Xichen considered his next question as he took another sip of his tea.
"Mine." Lan Wangji's next word startled Lan Xichen so badly that he choked on his tea. Once the coughing fit subsided he caught Wen Qing's completely unimpressed gaze as she drank her own tea. Her composure didn't even twitch. Now Lan Xichen was even more embarrassed. Lan Xichen took another sip of tea to soothe his throat before he responded.
"Does Wei-gongzi know that?" Lan Xichen asked in a soft questioning voice. At least Lan Wangji's feelings were clear on the matter. Although with how Wei Wuxian was curled in Lan Wangji's lap it certainly seemed like Wei Wuxian was content with the arrangement. Lan Wangji seemed to consider Lan Xichen's question for a moment.
"Mn." Lan Wangji nodded firmly.
Lan Xichen smiled. He wasn't sure why, but he felt an immense sense of relief. Really this development complicated things further. Lan Xichen would have to speak with his uncle. Most likely he would need to speak with his uncle many times. He would also need to begin the process of making their courtship official. Then there was also the fact that they still needed to ensure Wei Wuxian's well being. They would need to determine what was happening with the resentful energy and why. Identify if there were any risks to Wei Wuxian. There needed to be a plan going forward to ensure Wei Wuxian's safety and healing of whatever brought him to the point of seeking to end his own life. Just thinking through the list made Lan Xichen feel a bit overwhelmed.
Lan Xichen looked at Lan Wangji closely. Lan Wangji was holding Wei Wuxian close to him. His fingers repeatedly moving through the sleeping figure's hair. Lan Wangji was staring down at Wei Wuxian with a tender expression. His eyes were filled with a soft warmth and the barest ghost of a soft smile rose on Lan Wangji's lips. Lan Xichen had never seen his didi so calm and relaxed. Others would disagree with that assessment, but that was only because they did not know what they were looking at. Lan Wangji was always referred to as cold and calm, but it was not peaceful in Lan Wangji's heart. Lan Wangji might have always been quiet and still, but he was tense and rigid.
The look in Lan Wangji's eyes now. The slight turn of his lips. The slight difference in the tension of his features. Lan Xichen was convinced that not only was Lan Wangji comfortable touching Wei Wuxian, Lan Wangji wanted to touch Wei Wuxian. Wei Wuxian was doing something that Lan Xichen had tried and failed to do for more than ten years. He was making Lan Wangji feel happy. At that moment nothing mattered more to Lan Xichen than making sure Lan Wangji could stay that way. He wanted his didi to always be able to feel this calm. Always feel this peaceful and at ease. Always be able to feel the warm joy that Lan Xichen could see in his eyes.
Now that Lan Xichen got a chance to really see the impact the moment was having on his didi, he really didn't want to disturb it. He had arrived here to discuss dark and serious matters, but all he wanted was to preserve that look in Lan Wangji's eyes. Lan Xichen considered leaving and coming back to discuss this tomorrow. Surely he could give them one day. Lan Xichen sighed internally. Except he really couldn't. He needed to at least have some updates. If for no other reason than to be able to have something to help guide him in planning Wei Wuxian's care, and hopefully the arrangements for his and Lan Wangji's courtship.
"How has he been doing?" Lan Xichen asked at last.
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