Backfire - A Sairat OS
Hi friends,
I thought of writing an OS with Mohit as the center. Please do read and let me know your thoughts on it.
Mohit Chavan:
I am upset about all those things that happened at this house in the morning. I felt bad for my brother. He looked devastated. He didn't eat anything since morning and hence taking dinner, I walked towards his room. But, Kaku and Patralekha Vahini were already there. Kaku too must have worried about him being hungry and come there to pacify him for dinner it seems. So, I decided not to interfere with them and turned back to leave. But, what I heard next made me halt in my footsteps.
I thought maybe I didn't hear properly. But, when Kaku repeated the same I was mortified. She is asking Virat Bhai to have dinner with Patralekha Vahini in his room. I cannot believe this. Doesn't she know the morning incident topic is exactly this only? After Sai Vahini's outburst, being a responsible elder in the house, she has to tell Virat Bhai and Patralekha Vahini to keep a distance in their relationship or friendship or whatever. But on contrary, she is pushing them together. I know that Patralekha Vahini is her favorite bahu but still, this is too much. What is her motive to do this? Is she wants to out Sai Vahini from this house so badly that she no longer cares about relations and family respect? But, why they hate her so much? She is an absolute gem! I am very happy that Virat Bhai had married her.
My thoughts were interrupted by light footsteps. I turned back and saw Sai Vahini walking towards her room. Oh no... She is going to be upset for sure. She stopped before me with a smile and I smiled back nervously.
"Hi Mohit dada," she said in a cheerful voice, but her face is depressed.
"Hi Sai Vahini" I wished her back.
"You are late today and look tired too. Were there any extra classes in the college?" I could not help but ask.
"No, I went to Devi Tai's house and hence the delay" she replied.
"Oh. How is everyone there?" I asked for formality since just afternoon he talked with his sister.
"They are all good and Harini asked for you" she said with a smile. I smiled too. Harini is a cute bundle like my sister Devyani.
"I miss her too. Have you had your dinner there itself, Vahini?" I asked and her face went blank. I worried when she didn't answer. I know very well that Sai Vahini could not lie.
"Did you eat anything since morning, Vahini? Anything at all?" I pushed further and she gulped a little. She opened her mouth to answer me but got distracted by the sounds coming from her room. She turned towards her room direction and got immediately annoyed. After recognizing the voices, she turned back to him raising an eyebrow. I felt bad for her. When I shrugged my shoulders slowly in reply, she stormed inside the room leaving me in the hallway. I followed her too. We both stood still when we heard Kaku asking Virat Bhai to feed Pakhi Vahini with his own hands. I got so shocked that it is a miracle that I didn't drop whatever I am currently holding.
I looked at Sai Vahini's face and saw that all her tiredness had been replaced with anger. She looked like she is going to kill Kaku for suggesting this. Well, she deserves to get angry on this matter. This is ridiculous and surreal. This type of nonsense will happen only in dramas, not in real life. Wait a minute! What if it is not happening in reality, but I am dreaming about it? I must have got disturbed by the morning fight to dream like this. I prayed to god that the morning incident too must be a nightmare. I looked around the room and saw everyone facing the other side. They didn't see us yet. When I saw Sai Vahini going to open her mouth, I pinched myself quickly to wake up. I don't want to see them fighting even if it is just a dream.
But, sadly that was not a dream and hence because of raging pain, I winced a bit loudly. This action made them all turn towards us and their view settled on Sai Vahini who was starring back at them like she is busily deciding in her mind to murder whom first. Well, if she asked me for any suggestions, I would tell her to start with her husband. I agree that Patralekha Vahini is pure evil and their Kaku is a total delusional type. But, Virat Bhai is a smart one. He is a bloody ACP for heaven's sake and still could not convince the people around him. I wonder how he manages to get confessions from culprits. I always look up to him as a role model and thought he could do anything like a super-man. But, my dada had disappointed me today. Can't he see the difference between good and bad people in their house? He needs to stand his ground more firmly. His silence to these atrocities only makes life worse between him and Sai Vahini.
I watched his expressions closely. He gulped in fear and I got shocked. I know my Bhai is not afraid of anything in his life. Then, why Sai Vahini's presence makes him panic? I thought he loves her. Oh, yeah... I realized that Virat Bhai is not afraid of Sai Vahini, but afraid that their marital relationship will suffer because of whatever nonsense is happening here. He and Sai Vahini are doing a starring contest now. But instead of competition, they have concern in their eyes. How two toppers and supposed smart people can be so dumb? Can't they sense that they love each other? Love is simple. Why are they complicating it?
When I met Karishma and fell in love with her, it was very clear that she is the one for me. I never doubted our love and hence, I married her against our family wish. I know very well that they would eventually accept her as family. She is too cute to ignore. Anyone would fall for her playful nature and extreme attitude. She is too extreme in whatever she does. Like the kisses and... Focus Mohi!!!
I looked at the love birds again and they are still starring as if the other one would disappear if they avert their eyes for even a nanosecond. I tried to facepalm but then noticed the dinner plate in my hand. I had forgotten about this. I decided to hand this plate over to them so they could eat together. I took a step forward towards my brother but halted when I noticed Patralekha Vahini fuming in anger and Kaku scowling in annoyance behind his Bhai. Oh no... these two will not allow them to eat together in peace. But, I cannot ask them to leave the room. After all, this is not my room and even if it is my room, I don't have enough courage to ask Kaku to leave. Not only me, no one would dare to ask Kaku to leave. Only Sai Vahini can do that! But after the morning drama, if she opens her mouth even to say good evening now, she would get into trouble. Only Virat Bhai can ask them to go away but he won't do it.
Yes, my brother won't do it but what if I made him do it? Wow! I patted myself for being so clever. It's time to show them Mr. Mohit Chavan's acting talent a little.
I called Sai Vahini loudly. That sound broke their starring competition and now everyone is looking at me. They all had the same expression like they just noticed me being here. This is insulting. It's like they don't know I do exist. But keeping aside my pride for the sake of my brother's happiness, I decided to act further.
"Sai Vahini" I called again.
"Yes, Mohit dada" she replied.
"You must be tired and hence I have brought your dinner. Please have it, Vahini" I said cheerfully. She had a curious look for a fraction of a second and then it turned into a big smile.
"That's very sweet of you, Mohit dada. Thank you for your concern. Please keep it there on my table. I will have after some time" she stated gently.
"Not happening, Vahini. You should eat now before my eyes. Anyone may trigger you and you will end up not eating. I don't want to take chances." I compelled her giving side glances to others.
I interrupted by pulling her hand and dragging her towards the study table. I gave a wide smile to my confused brother when we crossed him in the middle. I made her sit on the chair and kept the food plate in front of her on the desk.
"Mohit dada... I will eat after I freshen up. Please..." she pleaded but I shook my head in denial.
"No excuses Vahini. How are you going to become a doctor when you don't care for your health?" I scolded.
"I am too tired to have food. I will surely have dinner once I have done taking bath. I promise" she pouted cutely. Well, not much cute than his wife. I sighed. She is the cutest one he had ever seen in my life and if not for my brother, I would be happily snuggling with her at this time now. Arghh... Focus Mohi!
"No problem, Vahini. Just open your mouth" I beamed at her encouragingly and held out a roti piece in front of her face. The effect was immediate. I could notice my brother becoming suddenly stiff and pouting displeased.
"It's okay, Mohit dada. I don't want to trouble you" she told shaking her head.
"Why are you pampering her, Mohit? Doesn't she have hands to eat? Is she a child?" his Kaku talked for the first time. I glanced back to Sai Vahini who is busily rolling her eyes.
Before I think of something to reply Kaku, Sai Vahini turned back and started talking.
"What's the problem, Kaku? You were just asking Virat sir to feed his Vahini. " She air-quoted sarcastically. Kaku blinked. She opened and closed his mouth like fish in the water.
I could not control my laugh. Well, it's not my fault if Kaku looks funny. Sai Vahini turned back to me and opened her mouth. I stopped laughing and was about to feed her when I heard my brother. I stopped midway and looked up at him.
"Yes, Sai. We all belong to the same family. If one member is sad, it is another family member's responsibility to console them" he said calmly while walked towards us.
He gently caught my wrist and bending down took the bite in his mouth. I and Sai Vahini exchanged confused glances. When I looked back at him, he was chewing the food with a smile. I studied his expression carefully and found a glint in his eyes that was not there moments before. I know very well about this glint. My brother's eyes sparkle whenever he assumes he got some brilliant idea to fix a problem. Well, let's see what the so-called brilliant idea he got this time. Stealing a single bite is not going to save him from the three cobras present here. No! Sai Vahini is not a cobra. We could call her some harmless fiery creature.
My thoughts were interrupted by my brother's groan. I looked at him and he had a pout. I raised an eyebrow in question. What he is playing at now?
"Why could not I become a caring person like you?" he stated gently patting my head. I felt happy hearing him. Very rarely people praise him and when they do, they only use very few words. I hope he would praise me more and look at him in anticipation.
"Another bite, please..." Virat Bhai asked and it is my turn to pout. But still, I happily took a roti piece to his mouth. However, instead of eating it, he caught my hand in mid-air. Why?
"Not everyone is lucky to get a person like you to feed them" he added sympathetically.
"Oh..." I exclaimed not quite knowing what to say. I know I am being prodded, but I don't know what for.
With a smiling face, he started dragging me to the other side of the room. I was watching him with a confused look when we halted. When he gave me a crooked smile, I looked around and gasped. We are standing before Patralekha Vahini. This is the first time I am seeing her so close and I could not help but gulp in fear because she is very spooky.
"Your Badi Vahini too didn't have anything since morning. Please take care of her as well, Mohit" I heard my brother's concerned voice and froze. Me? Taking care of Patralekha Vahini? I looked at her and if looks could kill, I would be on the way to heaven now. I just hope my family would take care of my wife after me.
"I am not child-like Sai, Virat. No one needs to feed me. I could eat myself." Patralekha Vahini said in an angry tone and I started nodding vigorously. This is the first time I wholeheartedly agree with her words. I too wanted to give some reason on my behalf to escape this situation and hence, looked around for a way out. My eyes stopped at Sai Vahini's curious face.
Oh yes! Sai Vahini!
"Bro, let me feed Sai Vahini first." I quickly moved away, but he pulled me back with such ease as if I don't exist. Bloody physical training!
"Arrey, leave her Mohit. Anyway, I am taking her out now. We will eat something on the way. " he said casually winking at Sai Vahini.
"I am too starving from the morning, but who cares" he continued with a deep sigh and fluttered his eyes at his wife. Drama King! Do they train this as well in the police academy?
"Virat!" all turned towards Patralekha's something voice. I say 'something' because I could not decipher what tone it is. It sounded dreamy and I felt like puking.
"You know, I care about..." she was unable to finish the sentence since her mouth is filled with roti. Roti? Where she got the roti out of nowhere?
"You eat first, Pakhi. Feed her the rest as well, Mohit" he commanded in a demeanor.
What does he mean by feed the rest to her? I squinted my eyes in confusion and gasped once I realized that I was the one who fed her the roti. No! He had forcefully shoved my hand into Patralekha Vahini's mouth to shut her up it seems. No one spoke, but I heard few noises like Kaku's gasp and Sai Vahini's chuckle. So, this is his brilliant idea to face these cobras? I hope this day won't get worse.
"What's going on in there, Mohit?" I got the shock of my life when I heard a very familiar voice in an unfamiliar harsh tone.
I slowly turned towards the voice and winced when I saw my wife standing like a Durga Mata with bloodshot eyes. This is the first time I am witnessing my wife's anger and I am sure she will be extreme at this as well. She walked closer and stood before me. I badly wanted to run for my life but I could not move even an inch. It's like someone had hit me with a stunning spell.
"And what are you searching inside Patralekha didi's mouth?" she asked gritting her teeth. What does she mean? I turned back to Patralekha Vahini and sure enough, my hand is still inside her mouth. Yuck! Instinctively, I pulled out my hand fast, hurting her in the process, and shook my head hurriedly to my wife.
"No, you are thinking wrong..." I tried to explain but my voice got muffled due to the loud shouting of my dear bloody brother.
"Come on Sai. We will have your favorite chat and ice cream." I turned slightly and saw them happily going out of their room holding hands. Though I am glad that they are fine now, I am still going to kill my beloved brother once he comes back from his date. Well only if I could manage to escape this deathtrap. ACP Virat Chavan has this bad habit of throwing innocent people under the bus for his own good.
How is it? I hope you all like it. Please let me know your feedback through the comments below. It means so much to me. Thanks in advance for your support and sorry, if this is not entertaining enough.
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