Daksh I'll kill you... Get off your ass from here. This is my seat. Shivay shouted pushing daksh from his seat and daksh sat adamantly holding the grip of the handle
Close the car window, stupid. Ac is on. Ragini said smacking vikram's head who is hanging head out if the window.
How many times I told you, don't smack my head. Vikram frowned turning face towards ragini's face and tia laughed.
Don't frown man, I can't push my laughing. Tia continued laugh and ragini joined her.
Kids, silent. All sat on the respective seats listening tej's words.
You go in this car, we elders came by that car. Tej said and the kids nodded.
In car
I'm getting bore yr, when will the place will gone. Shivay said turning his look to his friends.
By Google map, it will take 15 km. Mallika said scrolling her mobile
What? Daksh whinned.
I have an idea, let's play truth or dare. What's say? Om asked and all nodded.
But what about the bottle? Tia questioned.
Daksh took out juice bottle from bag and drank it in one go. Use this, daksh said causally throwing bottle to tia, wiping his mouth with hand.
Alright. Mallika spin the bottle and it points on to.
Truth or Dare? Mallika asked.
Umm..truth. tia said and the kids hooted.
I will ask...I will ask all kids raise thier hands excitedly.
No, I am the one who gonna ask. Mallika said.
Okay tia , say how did you 2k followers in insta. Mallika asked and tia started bitting nails.
I also thought to ask this? Shivay said.
Me too! Om said.
Do I have to say? Tia asked to her friends who are impatiently staring at her. Yes. They said in a chorus.
Okay, alright. It was not my account. That account belongs to Anika. I asked her to give her account to me and she gave. Tia said and the kids gasped.
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