The Doomed Lovers
Author's note: Alright, so this is the new story I've started working on in addition to HSHS, if you guys like it I'll keep writing it :) The two main characters names are going to change per chapter due to the fact that they are being reincarnated into different countries and time periods but their names will always mean Sun and Moon, hence there will always be something before a new reincarnation cycle that says who is who. Hope you guys enjoy the first chapter.
"What, if some day or night a demon were to steal after you into your loneliest loneliness and say to you: 'This life as you now live it and have lived it, you will have to live once more and innumerable times more' ... Would you not throw yourself down and gnash your teeth and curse the demon who spoke thus? Or have you once experienced a tremendous moment when you would have answered him: 'You are a god and never have I heard anything more divine."
Ilios- Sun
Fengári- Moon
Greece 12th Century B.C
He was supposed to come back today. Those words had been playing over and over in his head since he had opened his eyes that morning. Fengári hung back from the crowd as the others celebrated the return of the warriors from the great battle. Fengári was rarely uneasy but the thought of seeing Ilios after four years made him uncharacteristically nervous. What if he had changed? Ilios had gone to battle a nobody, a servant boy like him and now...he was coming back a hero. It made sense really, there couldn't have been another person nobler then him. They had first met as children when Fengári had been caught stealing food from the kitchen. Ilios without even knowing him had stepped forward and said that he had asked him to do it and that he was at fault. He had received the lashes that night and Fengári had found himself eternally in awe and indebted to him. Of course someone like that would go on to do amazing things. Fengári had heard the stories, Ilios had descended through the battlefield as if he was sent by the Gods himself. And maybe he was. Imagine it...his Ilios sent by the Gods. That's what worried Fengári the most. People would be throwing themselves at him. Now Ilios could have everything he had ever wanted. Why would he still care about a scrawny servant boy he used to be friends with. Friends...alright maybe back then they were a little more than that. The memory of Ilios's lips on his still sent his heart a flutter. The procession for the victors of the great war had started. Ilios would be near at the end. Everyone was waiting to see him, wanting to see the boy who had risen from the ashes and had come into manhood a blazing force to be reckoned with leading the army to glory. Fengári watched as the soldiers in the victory procession passed by, searching desperately for the face that had been once so familiar to him. And then suddenly he saw him. His heart nearly leapt out of his chest. Looking at him was like looking at a ray of pure light. He was taller much taller. Fengári had been a little bigger then him when they were boys but now he would be lucky to even be up to Ilios's shoulder. His hair was long and golden, falling to his shoulders and catching the light as if it was made of gold. He was smiling and the cheers from the crowd was deafening. He looked could one human being be this disgustingly beautiful? He looked so different but Fengári would recognize those piercing blue eyes anywhere. Those eyes that were so filled with passion and ambition that it felt like if you stared into them long enough you yourself might burst into flames. The ache that now filled Fengári made him realize just how much he had missed those eyes. But Ilios never looked at him. He kept smiling and waving and enjoying the cheers. Fengári, kept waiting but never once did he look. As Ilios passed Fengári's mouth felt dry and his eyes stung. Was he...was he crying? That was ridiculous. Fengári never cried, he hadn't in years. Yet...there was a burning in his eyes and this terrible tightness in his chest. He turned away quickly making his way out of the crowded street as quickly as he could.
He had been lying under this tree for hours staring up at it's leaves above. He watched the pattern of the sunlight change and fade as it filtered through them, the day slowly passing by. He didn't want to go into the streets while the victory celebration was happening. He didn't want to run into him again. How stupid was he? Why would he have thought that Ilios would have still given a damn about him? He was just a stupid servant boy and Ilios might as well be a God. He was everything Fengári had ever wanted to be, handsome and strong, beloved and brave. Why was life so unfair? He rolled over onto his side covering his face with his hands and tried to bite back the tears that were threatening to resurface.
"Hey, I thought you would be here." That voice...the voice that sounded like music itself. It couldn't be. Fengári opened his eyes slowly and standing over him was Ilios. The dying light of the sun made his skin appear to almost glow. Something came over his gaze when he saw him.
"Your eyes...Feni were you crying?" That was his nickname for him. He had missed it so much. Fengári sat up slowly, rubbing his eyes with the side of his hand.
"I missed you." Ilios smiled softly at that and Fengári's heart pounded.
"That's it? It's so unlike you to say so few words."
"You know there are eleven people in this world I find completely and utterly obnoxious and you are all of them." Ilios grinned at him.
"That wasn't even a good one. Did I throw you this off your insult game?" Fengári felt his cheeks growing warm at that.
"No." Ilios laughed.
"There it is again! A short reply! I never thought I would ever see the day." His gaze softened then. "But seriously Feni...why were you crying." The boy fidgeted slightly.
"You ignored me at the procession, I thought you had lost interest in me."
"Oh Feni..." he said it sweetly, slowly sitting down next to him. He reached out slowly, his fingers gently brushing his face. His hand was warm against Fengári's skin and the boy's eyes fluttered shut at his touch. "Feni I'm sorry. I didn't think you would be at the victory ceremonies. You hate parties."
"Bullshit. I do hate parties. But...I would go for you. I would do anything for you." Suddenly Ilios leaned forward and pulled him into a tight embrace. Fengári hugged him back tightly, not wanting to let go.
"I had a feeling you would come here. I'm glad I found you." This tree...this is where they had always played together as boys. "Feni I want you to know something." His fingers made his way to his hair, brushing through it gently. "Every time I went onto that battlefield and knew I might die all I thought about was you. Damnit Feni, you're my everything. How could you ever think I could be sick of you. Every moment I was away from you I felt like a piece of me was missing." He opened his eyes again and suddenly Fengári was lost once more in those deep blue eyes. "Feni even if I had to die a million deaths I would do it for you." And then suddenly they were kissing. His mouth was warm and soft against his and each kiss made him feel like fire was flowing through his very veins. Then Ilias whispered the words softly against the boy's lips, "I love you."
"Being able to say those kinds of things to me and getting away with it is one of your most infuriating idiosyncrasies." Ilios laughed out loud at that.
"The big words are back. That's how I know things are really back to normal." Fengári arched a brow at that.
"Are you accusing me of circumlocution?"
"Shit, I love you so much. I promise, I won't let anything tear you away from me again." And with that, once more he pressed his lips to Fengári's.
"I promise you I can hunt anything." Fengári gave a little snort as Ilios grinned at him.
"Are you always this arrogant or is today just a special day?" Ilios gave him a playful push.
"Shut it, I'll prove it."
"I swear, you go off gallivanting for four years, become a hero and then suddenly you think you can rule the world."
"Maybe I can. You call it arrogance, I call it confidence." He stepped forward, hooking an arm around Fengári's waist and pulling him into a kiss which the other boy gladly returned.
"Fine, God of the hunt. Show me what you've got." They walked in silence a bit till Ilios came to a sudden halt signaling him to not make a sound. He grabbed his bow, beginning to slowly stalk through the woods. Finally, when he had his target in sight he drew the string slowly, Fengári watched silently trying to not admire the way Ilios's arm looked and his muscles tightened when he held the bow. Then suddenly he let the arrow fly. Ilios's huge smile was confirmation he had hit the target.
"Did you see that! I hardly got a look at the beast and I hit it!" He was right, the underbrush was so thick Fengári was surprised he had even noticed an animal there.
"It sounded pretty big! Let's go have a look!" He pushed through the brush with Fengári trailing a bit behind him, he definitely wasn't the athlete his lover was. He noticed something was wrong almost immediately when he saw the look on Ilios's face. He had never seen that expression before and it sent a shiver through his spine. The young man's face had gone entirely pale and he was shaking slightly.
"Ilios? What's wrong."
"It wasn't a....I thought....Gods Feni I thought it was a deer I swear..." he looked like he was about to cry. Fengári looked down slowly to the fallen animal that lay at his feet and his breathe caught. It was a man. Ilios dropped to his knees beside the dead figure. "M-Maybe he still has a pulse. Maybe I can revive him!" It was clear the man was dead, Ilios's arrow protruded through his brown robes from within the man's heart. It had been a perfect shot.
"You are arrogant..." a soft voice came from behind them. The two boys turned slowly. A young woman was standing there. She had to have been the most beautiful woman Fengári had ever seen. She was weeping, tears flowing down her cheeks. She dropped beside the fallen man kissing the dead bodies lips. "Oh, lovely poor sweet Apollyon." Finally she looked up, a kind of deadly malice in her eyes like none either boy had ever seen. "How dare you take what is mine. I was to make him a GOD." And then all of a sudden she was growing, towering over the two frightened young men. Her body appeared to be glowing. Ilios's mouth hung open in both awe and terror.
"A Goddess..." She laughed then, a cold, blood chilling laugh that echoed through the wood.
"Yes I am a Goddess. Not of your people or the civilization before or after that. My name is Terenar, you best remember it because I am to make both of your lives miserable." Then something came over her, a sly grin creeping over her features. "Or better yet..." she leaned down, first pressing a finger first to Ilios's forehead then to Fengári's.
"So your names are Ilios and Fengári hm? It's quite perfect really. The sun and the moon, they can only be together for a short moment of time before one must fade and the other must rise." She chuckled.
"Fengári my dear would you come here?" The boy stepped forward slowly, he was shaking and this clearly amused the goddess. "Oh don't be frightened sweetie. You weren't the one who directly killed my dear Apollyon so you won't suffer as much." And in one swift movement she broke his neck. The scream from Ilios clearly satisfied her. The boy was sobbing, running to his fallen lovers side. The goddess narrowed her eyes, still smirking, all signs of the tears from earlier gone. "It's a fair deal isn't it? You take my lover from me, I take a lover from you." Ilios was sobbing hysterically now, rocking back and forth, holding onto Fengári's limp body as if it was the last thing keeping him sane. "Such a tragic site to see you weeping over him like this. It could be a beautiful image for legends to come or it could just be pathetic. Guess it depends on who you ask. Lucky for you I'm the only one who gets to see it." She began to circle around Ilios, still towering over him. He was wailing, his entire body shaking. Suddenly he grabbed for his dagger, his hands trembling. The goddess watched in satisfaction as he plunged it into his heart. Slowly he fell to the ground beside his fallen lover, a dagger in one hand and his other hand entwined with the other boy's. Terenar took a step forward. "The thing is, a lover for a lover is a fair price if we were equals poor little Sun." She leaned down, brushing the golden hair from the boy's face. "You thought yourself a God. Well I'm about to remind you you're not. To be reunited with your Moon in death is far too sweet a punishment. I'm about to put a curse on you to last an eternity. You will be reborn time and time again and in each cycle you will not remember your previous life until you find your Moon. When you find him and you finally exchange a kiss both of your memories will return. But your love is doomed. Soon within your reunion you'll once again be forced to part in some dreadful horrible way and then it will start all over again." She leaned in now, planting a light kiss to both Fengári and Ilios's heads. "I'll be seeing you both again soon." Slowly the goddess began to fade into the woods as suddenly as she appeared, yet her voice still lingered a moment longer. "The moon and the sun, a love destined to be doomed."
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