35: I love you more
The old smell of the house filled my nose as I began feeling nostalgic. I couldn't hide the smile on my face as my father stood in the doorway once Mark opened it.
"Welcome home, sis!" Mark yelled.
"I missed you guys so much!" I smile, hugging the two "You still live at home, Mark?" I tease.
"Shut up!" Mark groans "I'm saving up" Mark smiles proudly.
"That wont last long" I giggle, setting my bag down next to the door as I walk in, shutting the door behind me.
"Yeah because I'll save money so fast I won't have to wait long to spend it on an apartment" Mark rolls his eyes.
"Sure" I giggle. Mark runs upstairs, motioning for me to follow. I look at dad to see if it's alright if I go and he nods. I run up the stairs after Mark and into my old room. A bunch of memories from my childhood hit me like a ton of bricks and I'm unable to stop smiling at all of them.
"Jack is on his way over, just so y'know" Mark speaks, plopping down on my bed "He flew in last week. We've been hanging out since. He is really excited to see you" Mark smiles.
"Well I'm really excited to see him too" I smile, sitting next to him.
"God, I don't want to give too much away but he has a surprise for you that he's really nervous about" Mark smiles like a child waking up on Christmas morning.
"Why would he be nervous? Did he get a tattoo he doesn't think I'll like?" I joke.
"Well he did get a tattoo, but thats not it"
"Well duh, I already know about that tattoo. I really like it" I smile.
Mark groans "I wanna tell you so bad!"
"This is why you should not be trusted with secrets" I chuckle as he is struggling to keep quiet.
"Change the subject so I can forget this and I wont say it!" Mark squeezes his eyes shut.
"Okay, um, seagulls!" I say the first thing that comes to my mind.
"What?" Mark looks at me as if I'm the craziest person on this planet.
"What? You said to change the subject" I shrug.
"By saying seagulls?"
"It was the first thing that came to my mind!" I laugh.
"Why were seagulls the first thing you thought of?!" Mark laughs, me soon joining.
"I don't know! I just looked out the window and saw a bird so I said seagulls!"
"How do you think of a seagull by looking at a random bird?!"
"Why are you asking so many questions?!"
We're both a laughing mess at this point. I couldn't wait for Jack to get here, if he were here we'd be laughing ten times harder.
"Gosh, you make me question why I'm related to you sometimes" Mark sighs, calming down.
"Uh, because we adopted you?"
"Yeah, yeah" Mark smiles.
"I talked to Amy a few days ago" I mention.
"Really? About what?" Mark looks at me.
"Eh, nothing really specific. We were just talking about random stuff" I shrug.
"Yeah" Mark sighs "I wanna propose to her" Marks face turns red as he stared at the floor.
"What?!" I yell, full of surprise and happiness.
"Well, yeah, we've been together since eleventh grade. I thought it was long enough. Guess not" Mark says.
"No, no, no! I was just shocked you said that. I don't think you have to wait longer, I was just surprised" I smile "I bet she'd be happy though"
"I hope" he smiles softly "That money isn't actually for an apartment. I say it is so dad doesn't lecture me about what I'm getting myself into. I'll tell him someday, just not now"
"I get how you feel" I sigh, remembering Austin. How he never knew about our mother because he was too young. How I had everything planned out for when I was going to tell him. His age, the place, who will tell him.
"Do you think we could go visit Austin sometime today?" I ask.
Mark's once happy eyes lose their shine as he stares at the floor, his smile fading away.
"Yeah, we should" Mark agrees.
"Thanks" I smile.
"For what?"
"Everything. Being the helpful and supportive brother you are. You have no idea how much you made me think about what I was doing during that time. Sure you made me mad in the process but you still convinced me to stop" I stare at my hands in my lap.
"No problem. I don't wanna lose the best sister I ever had" Mark wraps an arm around me, pulling me close.
"I'm the only sister you ever had" I chuckle.
"Which is why you're the best one. If there was another one I could choose to call the best I would" he jokes. I punch him playfully, rolling my eyes.
Theres a knock on the door downstairs. I stand up to get it, assuming its Jack, but Mark grabs my wrist.
"Stay here" Mark demands.
Mark leaves the room, making sure to shut my door on the way out. I can hear Jacks voice which makes me want to spring up off the bed and run downstairs and tackle him in a hug. My dad, Mark, and Jack are all talking quietly downstairs. I try my hardest to make out what they're saying but I can't hear a single word correctly.
Suddenly, they talking stops and heavy footsteps are heard running up the stairs. Mark burst through the door with a smile on his face.
"C'mon" Mark speaks, slightly out of breath from running up the stairs.
I stand up excitedly and begin quickly walking down the stairs. Jack stands there with a red face and a nervous smile plastered on. I attack him in a hug that he quickly returns, burying his face in the crook of my neck.
"I missed you" Jack speaks into my shoulder.
"I missed you too, ya dork" I smile.
Once we pull away, I'm met with his bright blue eyes. He looks pale and slightly sweaty. I set my hand on his forehead, expecting it to be warm.
"Are you sick?" I ask.
"N-No" Jack shakes his head, pulling my hand off his head and holding onto it.
"Is everything alright?" I ask, worry laced in my voice.
"Everything is fine" Jack smiles down at me.
Dad pats his back for comfort. I glance behind me to see Mark quickly hiding that he was giving Jack a thumbs up.
"Y/n, we've been through a lot in this relationship," He chuckles, making me slightly laugh "but we ended up back together in the end. Even if it took two years. You have made me so much happier than I ever have been. I know this isn't a very fancy or special place and I didn't have a big speech prepared, but I just have one question for you," He releases my hand and pulls a small black box out of his Jacket pocket. He kneels down onto one knee and grabs my hand again.
My other hand slaps over my mouth as I realize what's happening. Jack smiles up at me as he begins to speak.
"Y/n M/n L/n, will you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?" He asks, his hand sweating in mine.
I can't even form words at this point. I can't even move a muscle. I'm full of shock and happiness right now and thats all I can focus on. Jack gets more nervous looking as I stand there in silence. I eventually manage to nod my head as a single tear falls from my eye.
Jack smiles widely as he slips the ring on and stands up to embrace me in a tight hug. Mark and my fathers claps are heard but we don't pay attention to them. I hold onto Jack tightly as I release all my happiness on him. Which was crying into his shoulder.
"I love you" I smile into his shoulder.
"I love you more" Jack mumbles.
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