30: What do you mean by violent?
"My friend that lives, like, five miles from here has some alcohol he'd let us borrow" Carter suggests "We could take that and hang out somewhere"
"I don't think thats a good idea, Carter" I mumble.
"Yeah, don't want a replay of last year" Carter smirks.
"No sir!" I smile up at him, laughing.
"I still suggest the library-" Elijah starts.
"We're not going to the library, Elijah!" Carter snaps.
"I dunno, I kinda wanna go" I shrug "It's been a while since I've been somewhere quiet. And it'd be nice to finally sit down and read a book for once" I smile at the idea.
"See? Not everyone wants to go get drunk like you" Elijah scoffs.
"Maybe we could split up?" Mia speaks quietly, her face red "Y/n and Elijah could go to the library and Carter and I could go do our own thing"
"I see it as a win win situation" Elijah nods.
"What-no, we were supposed to all hang out tonight. All four of us, together, the three musketeers, plus one" Carter disagrees.
"Actually there were four people in the three musketeers" Elijah corrects.
"Carter, it'll be fine, we can all hang out together later" I smile "Besides, you can have some time with just you and Mia" I mumble, softly elbowing Carters side.
His face lights up suddenly and nods in agreement.
"Mia, lets go have fun, by losers!" Carter grabs Mia's wrist and pulls her away.
"I'm scared to find out what he means by fun" I chuckle, turning towards Elijah.
"Hopefully he'll be safe" he sighs "Can't have another pregnant girl"
"Fingers crossed" I sigh.
Elijah and I begin to walk side by side to the library. We didn't speak on the way there, just looked around, acknowledging the beauty around us. The tall green trees, the bright colors that came together as the sun fell, the different kinds of flowers. It was almost dark when we got there. It was getting a bit cold out, making me feel happy that Jack's jacket was there to keep me warm.
My phone began vibrating in my pocket as we approached the doors, making me stop. Elijah turns around as he noticed me stop. I read the screen to see Jack was calling. I motion for him to go on in and answered the call.
"Hey, adorable!" Jack's happy voice filled my ears.
"Hey" I smile.
"I just got to campus, on my way to my dorm right now" Jack states.
"I'm glad you made it there safely" I look up at what was left of the colorful sky.
"Hey, I'm sorry I have to go so quickly but my phone is about to die. I just wanted you to know I was here"
"Yeah, thats fine"
"Alright, I'll call you later, okay?" Jack speaks quietly and a door shutting was heard on his end.
"Okay, remember, you're three hours behind us. Don't call me at two in the morning" I chuckle.
"Okay" Jack laughs slightly.
"Bye dork" I smile at the old nickname.
"Bye" Jack laughs quietly and hangs up.
I shove my phone in my pocket then walk through the glass push doors. Walking in, I immediately spot Elijah searching for a book on a shelf across the room. I walk over to him and begin to searching for a book myself.
"Hey" I whisper.
"Hey, everything alright?" Elijah asks.
"Yeah, it was just Jack letting me know he got home safely"
"Well thats good" Elijah pulls out a book from the shelf and reads the back, shortly putting it back where it was.
After what seemed like forever, I found a book that looked interesting. I found Elijah sitting in a seat next to a glass wall, peacefully reading. I sit next to him and begin reading the words on the page.
Shortly after I started, I was too into the book to even care about my surroundings. I was easily pulled in, eagerly wanting more.
"How are you?" Elijah speaks. I look over to him to see him looking straight at me.
Half mad he took me away from reading, I answer his question.
"Fine, Why?" I question back.
"Just wanted to see how you were, considering Jack just left" Elijah shrugs.
"I'm fine. I mean, I knew he was going to have to leave. It may be a while, but I'll still see him again" I sigh "How about you, how are you?"
"Same as always" He shrugs.
"And that is?"
"I'm okay, I guess" Elijah's eyes dart around the room as he whispers.
"How are you and Abel?" I ask with soft eyes.
He sighs, his eyes falling to the floor "Not so great. He's been more.." Elijah stops to think of a word "Violent, lately"
"What do you mean by violent?" I ask quickly, knowing exactly what he meant.
"It doesn't matter" Elijah shakes his head "You can return to your book, I'm sorry for interrupting you"
"No, you answer my question. What do you mean by violent?" I push.
Elijah shakes his head "I said it doesn't matter, Y/n"
"Elijah, if you mean he's abusing you, you better fucking tell me now" I whisper harshly "I-I've gone through that and I do not want to see one of my closest friends hurt because he wouldn't speak up"
"You were in an abusive relationship?" Elijah asks, searching for and hint of a lie.
"Noah" I nod "And by my step brothers mom"
"Yeah" I sigh "But when my dad found out, she was gone. When Mark found out about Noah, he was gone. All you have to do is tell someone, Elijah. Please tell someone" I beg.
"Is he abusing you?" I whisper.
His eyes land on everything but mine. He sits in silence, playing with the pages in his book before answering with a small nod.
Anger was all I felt. Was this how Mark felt? How could someone do that to someone like Elijah? To anyone for that matter?
"The next time you're even in the same room as him, you call me and tell me where you are, alright?" I demand "I will do something. And trust me, he will be gone for a long time" I chuckle, fist clenched.
"Thanks, Y/n" Elijah smiled down at his book in his lap.
"No problem" I smile.
I turn around and find where I left off. I began reading again, unable to focus. I forget every word as I read them. My rage was blocking everything, only reminding me of how much I want to beat Abel.
"Hey, Y/n?" Elijah whispers.
"Yeah?" I turn back around.
"How do you know Jack wont do the same?" Elijah asks, hurt and hope in his eyes.
"I-" I stop myself. Will Jack turn into Noah? No, he would never do something like that. He doesn't have a mean bone in his body. But what if he does?
"I-I don't know. I guess I just know he means well to everyone. He has a sweet heart" I try my best to fake a smile.
Elijah nods with a small smile and continues reading. I look back down to my book but I don't bother trying to read now.
What if Jack is the next Noah?
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