20: Nice to meet you!
Jack's POV
Searching for Mia in the crowd of people, I begin to shake from excitement. I took my phone off of airplane mode and received a bunch of notifications. One, though, kind of upset me. I missed a call from Y/n.
I sent Mia a message saying I had just landed. My eyes dart around the room to every person in sight. I still don't see her. Behind me, I hear a girl yell my name. I turn around and there Mia was, waving excitedly as she quickly walked up.
"Nice to meet you! Well, in person at least" Mia chuckled and stuck her hand out.
I shook her hand with a big smile "Nice to meet you too! And thank you so much for flying me down here. You have no idea how much this means to me"
"Its no problem. I'm just glad you're finally here, Y/n has been kinda upset lately. This stupid girl named Ashley is being a bitch" She rolls her eyes "But this will definitely make her happy"
We begin to walk towards the exit. Pulling my bag behind me, I grip the handle in anger. What was going on now? Why is it always Y/n that this stuff happens to?
"Shes in our room. Well, she was when I left at least" Mia speaks.
"God, I can't wait to see her" I smile, getting bubbly inside.
We get into Mia's car and she begins to drive towards the college. Every minute that passes feels like an hour. I can't wait to hear her voice, see her smile, and feel her hugs.
On the way there, Mia talked about how Y/n has been and told me some things I need to know about Elijah and Carter. They seem like fun guys. They reminded me of Matthew and Alec.
Matthew and Carter were alike in many ways. They didn't give a shit about anything, they definitely weren't shy, and they had the same sense of humor.
Elijah and Alec were both quite, were very precise, and smart. Though, I'm sure Elijah was way smarter than Alec, not to be rude or anything.
After what felt like hours, we parked in front of building. We got out but left my bag in her car. I have a hotel I'm staying in that we'll go to later. We walked across campus to get to their dorm. The place was huge. There were buildings everywhere. Not very big ones, but there were still a lot.
We walked into a small building with a big letter above the door 'B1'. There was a small lounge when we walked in with a girl on the couch on her laptop and two girls talking quietly. Mia led me down a short hallway and stopped in front of a door with a small white board on it. In multiple colors it says 'Mia and Y/n (the loud weirdos)'.
"So, Carter, Elijah, Y/n, and I have this thing we do. We knock a certain pattern so we know its one of us" she whispers "Of course I could just use my key but how would that be fun?"
She told me the pattern by softly patting on her leg. I nod and turn to the brown door. Y/n is right behind this door. All it takes are a few knocks and there she'll be. I bring my balled fist to the door and did what Mia had told me. We waited a few seconds but there was no answer. I do it again but get the same results. Mia sighs.
"She must've left" Mia pulls her keys out and unlocks the door. She opens it and immediately stands still. She slowly turns around to face me with a big smile on her face. She brings a finger up to her lips and slowly walks in, me following quietly.
Y/n sat on her small bed with her (Headphones/earbuds) playing loudly. Her eyes were closed and her head was leaning against the wall behind her. Mia shuts the door quietly as she pulls out her phone. I kneel down next to Y/n, wanting so bad to just tackle her. With my smile big and bright, I pull one side of her (headphones/earbuds) away from her ear.
"Whatcha listen to?" I speak.
Her head whips to the side and her eyes widen. She wraps her arms around me, pulling me on the bed next to her when she fell back.
My smile never went away as I hugged her. I giggled, holding her tighter, never wanting to let go. I felt something warm drop on my neck. Is she crying?
She squeezes her arms around me tightly as her phone falls to the floor, pulling her (headphones/earbuds) with it. The music was still audible as it was still playing. Mia giggles softly behind us as she records the whole thing.
All of this is surreal.
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