2: I'm Mia!
Taking a deep breath, I open the door the small room I will be living in for the next four years.
What if I have the wrong room? What if I don't get along with my roommate? What if they try to do some demonic stuff on me in my sleep?
What am I thinking?
Once I open the door I'm met with a high pitched squeal and multiple claps before my eyes land on a young girl smiling widely at me.
She has long, black, straight hair and dark skin. Her brown eyes stare at me through her black framed glasses. Shes the same hight as me with black, ripped skinny jeans and a long, white tank top with a black leather jacket.
"Hi!" She smiled excitedly, holding out her hand "I'm Mia!"
"Uh, hi" I smile awkwardly, shaking her hand "I'm Y/n"
"Do you need help bringing in your stuff?"
"Uh, yeah sure. Thanks" I smile thankfully "they're just by the door"
"Alrighty!" She nods.
After we bring in all my stuff she offers to help me unpack, as she has already done with her side of the room.
"Wanna listen to music?" She asks, pulling her phone out of her pocket.
"Hell yeah" I smile. I sounded way to excited about music with that answer, didn't I? Well, music makes everything better.
She connects her phone to a small speaker and sets her phone on shuffle. (Band/artist) came on which made me look over to Mia with a huge smile. She smiled back and turns the song up a little louder but not loud enough for anyone next door to hear.
"Im guessing you like (band/artist)?"
"Are you kidding? I love them!"
"Thank God! I thought you would have a different taste in music" she smiles as she walks back over to help me with my side of the room.
"What other bands or singers do you like?"
"(Another Band/artist) is my favorite!"
"I love them! They're not my favorite though. (Band/artist) is my life"
"They're really good! I love their song (name of a song thingy)"
I mouthed the words to the songh and soon Mia joins. Once the song ends, another starts.
"Oh! Wanna play a game?!"
"I don't know. Are you Saw?"
"Oh my shit! You haven't seen Saw before?!"
"We are so watching that later!"
"Alright" she laughs "anyways! Do you wanna play a game to get to know each other?"
"Sure" I shrug, (hanging/folding) a shirt.
"Its supposed to be 50 questions, but I have a feeling we'll lose count so, just ask each other questions!" She chuckles, sitting down on my bed after fixing it.
"So who starts?" Mia asks.
"I don't care" I shrug.
"Okay" she hums in thought "where are you from?"
"Cool! My sister moved there with her husband a few years ago"
"Um" I think if a question to ask Mia. I came up blank. My eyes dart around the room, searching for a question. My eyes land on a picture of Mia and a lot of other people. Her family?
Looking at that photo made me smile, thinking of home and my family. Mark. I was supposed to call Mark.
I drop the shirt in my hand and quickly grab my phone from off the bed. Mia immediately looks confused as I tap the screen. I place the phone on my ear and wait for him to answer.
"Hey sister from another mister!" Mark greets.
"Oh, so we're bringing that back now?"
Mia grabs her phone and pays me no attention while I pace around the room.
"Have you met your roommate yet?"
"Yeah, shes right here. Her name is Mia"
She looks up from her phone and sends me a confused look before looking back down to her phone.
"Thats nice. Is she good? Do I have to punch someone yet?"
"No, Mark" I chuckle "no punching anyone"
"Fine" he groans "have you called that number yet?"
"No. Who is it? Why should I be calling a random number I don't know?"
"Because I told you to"
"Yes father" I joke "but seriously, who is it?"
"You'll find out when you call"
"Not gonna happen"
"Please! Do it for your brother!"
I was silent for a moment, thinking if I should or not. My fingers meet the small paper in my pocket. I fold the paper, thinking what he is up to.
"Whatever, fine"
"Yes!" Mark cheers on the other end of the phone "You'll thank me later!"
And with that, he hangs up. I pull out the paper and stare at it.
"Who was that?" Mia asks.
"My brother"
"You have a brother? Is he cute?" She leans in and sets her phone to the side.
I laugh and pull up a picture Mark and I took at our graduation and flip the phone to face her, taking a seat on the bed across from her.
"I don't know, you tell me" I shrug. He's my brother. Why would I think he's cute?
"That is your brother!" Her eyes widen a fraction and points to my phone.
"Well, step brother. We don't look anything alike, I know"
"No! Thats not what I'm talking about!" She sits up straight "he is hot as fuck!"
"Well, he is also off limits. He has a girlfriend"
"Aw, c'mon! Why did you have to ruin my happiness!"
"Just letting you know before you try anything"
She rolls her eyes with a smile.
"So what about you? You got a boyfriend?" Mia asks, leaning back onto the headboard of the bed.
My smile instantly disappears as I think of Noah. He made me promise to call him immediately after I land. Another thing I forgot.
"Single? Yeah, I know how you feel" Mia sighs "its sad seeing all the happy couples while you're sitting there wondering when you'll ever find someone"
"No, I have a boyfriend but are you alright?"
"Yeah I'm fine" she giggles "whats his name?"
"Noah" I stare at the floor beneath me.
"Why do you look so sad? You have a boyfriend! I'm lonely!"
"I'd rather be with someone I like than pretend to be happy in this relationship with him"
"You don't like him?!"
"Then why are you with him?"
I stare at the paper in my hands before replying.
"I guess you could say he's a rebound"
She nods in understanding.
"Its like a chore to talk to him. I don't enjoy being around him. I'm more scared of him than anything"
"Why are you scared of him?"
I take a deep breath. I don't answer for a moment, remembering the things he's done to me. The reasons I am terrified of him.
I slowly shake my head.
"Thats for another time"
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