18: Excuse me?
"Carter and Elijah are coming, get dressed or don't, I don't care" Mia shrugs, pulling a shirt over her head.
"Eh, I'll be fine" I shrug, too comfortable to change. I was wearing Pajama shorts and Jack's hoodie once again. I haven't seen him in a year, can you blame me for missing him?
"Alright" Mia chuckles.
A few minutes later, knocks were heard from our door. Mia shoots up and opens the door to reveal a happy Elijah and a red faced Carter. Elijah walked in and plopped down next to me on my bed. Carter walks him slowly, staring at the floor. He was definitely bot being himself.
"You just gonna stand there?" Mia asked, chuckling and patting the spot next to her. Carter slowly walks over and sits next to her very awkwardly.
"Carter, you good?" I ask, even though I knew exactly what was happening. Is he really this foreign to liking a girl?
He nods his head and relaxes, sitting on the bed normally. His face turned a darker shade of red. I laugh to myself knowing exactly whats going through his head.
"Yeah, I-I'm good" Carter chuckled.
"Did he just get possessed or something?" Mia points at him, looking at Elijah and me "He was acting like the shyest person in the world then all of a sudden he was his normal self"
"Who knows" Elijah chuckles.
Carter looks up at me when Elijah and Mia were on their phones and mouths "Oh my god!" To me, silently freaking out. He really is like a teenage girl with her first crush.
I lean over to Elijah and peek over his shoulder to see what he was doing on his phone. He quickly covers the screen, shoving me away, a giggle coming out in the process.
"Are you seriously texting Mia? Shes right here!" I roll my eyes.
Carter quickly brings his head up from his phone in his hand and gasps loudly.
"Seriously?!" Carter asks Mia, a smile slowly growing on his face.
"Yes! It took forever to save up for but I finally got it!" Mia smiles "next month" she smirks. Carter looks over at me and smiles widely.
"So it's coming in next month?" Elijah asks. She nods, a big smile on her face.
"What are you talking about?" I ask, my eyebrows knitting together.
"Nothing" Mia answers.
"If it's nothing, why can't I know?"
"Its none of your business, Y/n" Carter jokingly rolls his eyes.
"You're such a bitch!" I joke, speaking in a high pitched voice.
"You wanna go sister?" Carter speaks in his girl voice "Hold my earrings, Takisha!" Carter pretends to take earrings off and handed them to Mia.
"You wanna piece of me!" I speak, interrupted by laughter. Soon, everyone joins.
Carter throws a pillow from Mia's bed in my direction. It hits me in the face, making me laugh harder. I throw the pillow back, missing. Instead of hitting my target, it flew across the room and hit the door.
"You suck!" Carter laughs.
"And you swallow" I reply, fighting back a laugh.
"Is that what you wanted to do last year?" Carter asked, referring to the party last year. I throw my pillow at him, actually hitting him this time.
Elijah and Mia looked confused, like every time we bring it up. They've asked about it before but we never tell the anything about it. Its called an inside joke for a reason.
"I'm starting to think they've had sex before" Elijah points to Carter and me. Carter and I both throw a pillow at him at the same time.
"No! Why would I ever do that?" I roll my eyes.
"You know you want this, Y/n" Carter smiled and bit his lip and slightly lifted up his shirt.
I quickly look away "Ew, stop! Stop trying to be a cringy kid who thinks everyone wants them!"
Mia, Elijah, and Carter all laugh, me soon joining. My phone vibrated continually under my leg. Trying to clam down, I grab my phone and see that Jack is calling. I answer it without hesitation and yell at everyone to shut up. They stare at me confusedly but gets it when I put the phone up to my ear.
"Hey! I don't have anything to do today so now we hopefully wont get interrupted today! Unless you have something" Jack mumbles.
"No, I'm free today" I speak, a smile slowly growing on my face. The three are staring at me as I smile to myself.
"Cool! So how have you been?"
"I've been better, you?" I smile.
"Good" he answers simply.
Carter begins moaning sexually. Mia tries her best to hold her laughter in and Elijah just looks mortified.
"Carter, shut it!" I whisper yell to him, hoping Jack didn't hear him.
"Keep going Y/n" Carter moans.
(What am I doing? XD)
"Carter!" I yell.
"Uh" Jack says awkwardly.
"Nothing is going on! Carter is just being the dick he is" I roll my eyes.
"You want me in your mouth!" Carter yells, fighting back laughing.
"Shut up!" I yell, standing up and walking towards the door.
"You know you do!" Carter yells as I shut the door behind me.
"I'm sorry about that" I chuckle awkwardly.
"You're fine" He laughs "Alex and Brandon have done worse"
As he speaks, I'm slowly walking towards the thankfully empty lounge. I fold my free arm under my arm that is holding my phone up to my ear and slowly walk in circles around the room.
"I wouldn't doubt it" I chuckle.
"One time they were being so loud, Lucas, someone who lives next to us, came over and told us to be quiet. Then everyone thought Alex and Brandon were dating" Jack laughed at the memory.
"Oh my god" I mumble, smiling widely to myself.
We sat in silence. I still paced around the room. The girl who I noticed a few days ago walked in. She glared at me as she passed.
"Bitch" she mumbled.
I turn around at looked at her as she kept walking.
"Excuse me?" I ask, pulling the phone away from my ear.
She turned around and looked at me innocently "Sorry, I don't talk to sluts like you" She turned around and kept walking.
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