12: Noah
Pain and fear.
Thats all I felt.
Pain and fear when I was with Noah, pain and fear when he left, and pain and fear when I would lie to my family and friends.
Noah knows.
He knows Jack told Mark. Thanks to Noah, the black eye that was fading away is now back and darker than ever. Why on the same eye? It hurts so much worse.
I was left on the floor of my own bedroom, shaking as Noah walked out, fists clenched. I lay my head on my knees and let the tears loose. I didn't try to hold them back. I was at my breaking point. All I wanted to do was go to sleep and never wake up.
I could barley breathe. I was hyperventilating. I couldn't take this much longer. I just couldn't do this.
Muffled voices were heard from downstairs. I couldn't understand what they were saying but I knew enough to know it was Noah and Mark. Soon, it was silent. The voices were gone and replaced with the sound of someone running up the stairs. My door slammed open and in rushed a worried Mark Fichbach. He rushed over to my side faster than lightening.
"Y/n, oh my god" Mark whispered, wrapping his arms around me. I flinched away but remembered he would never do anything to hurt me.
His arms wrapped around me felt better than it ever has before. It was comforting. It made me feel safe.
He sat with me in his arms for what felt like hours. He didn't leave, he didn't do anything. He sat there with me on the cold hard floor until I calmed down.
Extremely short chapter, I know. I AM COMPLETELY EMPTY! And I'm slowly losing motivation to write this but I WILL FORCE MYSELF TO FINNISH THIS IF I HAVE TO...hopefully next chapter is way longer! I apologise!!
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