Chapter 7
It was Shisui's arm lazily, yet gently, draped across Itachi's waist that woke the Uchiha up.
He immediately braced himself, waiting for the fear to punch him.
But it didn't come. He stared at Shisui's peaceful expression – the older male clearly in a deep sleep. Itachi smiled softly, relieved to see the worried expression wiped off his husband's tan face. He scanned Shisui's strong jawline, the slight stubble re-emerging and Shisui's mop of black hair tousled in different directions.
Shisui was truly handsome.
Itachi slowly peaked his head up to look at the alarm clock on the stand next to Shisui's spot. The raven Uchiha decided that he should get breakfast started for Sasuke, and then apologise for shouting at his little brother...
That particular guilt he felt heavily. Hearing the fear in Sasuke's voice last night awakened something inside Itachi. He was yet to discover what it was, but it was something powerful and abundant in its magnitude.
A lot happened in the short period of 24 hours. Things he didn't want to acknowledge anymore, things he decided should just be forgotten. It was an intuition inside Itachi that told the Uchiha that his husband was exhausted. So he didn't want to wake Shisui.
Itachi gently picked up Shisui's wrist – testing the waters to see if his husband would stir. Shisui remained fast asleep. That simple action made Itachi feel even better, he hadn't woken his husband up yet.
He then slowly shimmed toward the side of the bed, still holding Shisui's wrist up, so he could get out. Itachi successfully stood up and beamed a smile, he had done it! He got out of bed without waking Shisui.
Itachi gently placed Shisui's arm back onto the bed.
The tan man's eyes shot open and he sat up immediately, "Where are you going? Are you okay?" Despite being mostly asleep, Shisui was already on high alert. His attention focussed solely on Itachi.
"Nothing's wrong", Itachi smiled gently. He was a little disappointed in himself for waking Shisui but was touched that his husband had woken up so quickly.
The older male rubbed his eyes, "Where are you going?" Shisui then yawned.
"I'm going to go make breakfast", Itachi answered breezily. He really did feel fine, he felt safe and better. The trick now was trying to get his protective husband to see that and believe it.
"I'll do it, you should rest, 'tachi", Shisui yawned again, trying to get out of bed.
Itachi calmly walked over to Shisui and gently pushed him back onto the bed, "Please wait here for a sec", Itachi said gently.
"Wher-" Shisui tried asking again.
"I'm going to brush my teeth and I want to say something to you, so please wait here", Itachi smiled. Shisui narrowed his eyes in concern but complied.
Itachi walked through the splintered and broken down door of their bathroom and religiously scrubbed his teeth. He then rinsed his mouth with mouthwash. He still felt...Kakashi's lips imprinted on his. So the Uchiha rinsed his mouth out a second time and quickly washed his face, scrubbing his lips – perhaps too harshly.
Itachi emerged from the bathroom, realising that Shisui could easily see him from his spot on the bed. Realising that Shisui was watching the Uchiha intensely.
Itachi sat down on Shisui's lap and hugged the older male. Shisui didn't hesitate for even a millisecond as he wrapped his arms firmly around Itachi. Itachi took a greedy inhalation of Shisui's scent. It amazed the Uchiha that despite all the tension and anxiety, Shisui still managed to smell so good. He smelt like home, he somehow wore the scent of late afternoons, gentle sunlight and laughter.
Shisui held Itachi in his arms tightly and, he too, inhaled the scent of Itachi's hair. It was a familiar smell, he had smelt it so many times. But, he was still entranced by the gentle scent of lavender.
Itachi retracted from the hug, feeling that Shisui didn't want to let Itachi out of his arms. So, in order to calm Shisui down, even if slightly, Itachi remained in Shisui's arms and on Shisui's lap.
Itachi smiled softly and gently placed his lips on Shisui's.
Shisui's body went rigid in shock, in fear – he didn't know what to do, especially after what had happened yesterday. Itachi felt Shisui's tension and pulled back slightly, "I'm okay, please kiss me back?" Itachi asked softly, and placed his lips on Shisui's.
Shisui responded to the kiss but kept it as gentle as possible, terrified of hurting his raven husband. Terrified that any type of intimate action would lead to another breakdown.
Itachi broke the kiss, "I'm going to go make breakfast", he said to Shisui softly.
"Itachi, let me make it. Stay in bed, I'll bring it to you – I'll make sure Sasuke eats an-" Shisui spoke quickly but Itachi cut him off.
"I understand your concern, and I appreciate it. But I feel okay today, Shisui. I know you don't believe me and I know it's going to take time for you to reach your own conclusion that I really am okay. So let's both go to the kitchen and make breakfast, okay?" Itachi smiled softly.
Shisui closed his eyes and sighed in relief, "You're smiling again... Let's go make breakfast", Shisui gently kissed Itachi's forehead.
Itachi stacked the last of the pancakes on a plate. He truly tried his best but for some odd reason he was struggling to focus. It wasn't that his mind was on something else or that it wandered to different thoughts. It felt as if his focus just slipped away sometimes.
He felt Shisui's gaze fixated on him the entire time. Itachi was at peace with that, knowing that what had happened affected Shisui as much as it affected the raven Uchiha. It will take time for things to return to normal.
Itachi sat at the kitchen table and Shisui blatantly moved his chair even closer to the Uchiha so their knees were touching, Shisui then draped an arm around Itachi's shoulders. The Uchiha made peace with that too. He knew in his bones – in his metaphysical existence – that Shisui loved him. Itachi hoped Shisui knew that he loved the tan man just as much – and so he would do anything to calm the older male down.
"Sasuke, should be up by now", Shisui spoke, taking a sip of his coffee.
"He is, just wait a few more seconds", Itachi whispered, blowing on his tea. He kept his eyes trained on the part of the hallway that lead into the kitchen and living room.
Shisui furrowed his brows in confusion and followed Itachi's trained line of sight. He didn't see anything there. He stared longer and then the tan man saw the slightest spike of black hair moving slightly around the corner.
Shisui opened his mouth to speak but Itachi looked him in the eyes and shook his head – indicating 'no'. So the older male remained quiet.
Itachi waited patiently, taking a sip of his tea. His eyes remained on the spot.
Finally Sasuke peaked his head out, clearly still half asleep but also very cautious.
"Sasuke... It's okay", Itachi spoke gently, putting his mug down softly.
Sasuke remained planted where he was, his head drooping now and then as he struggled to fully wake up.
"Shisui", Itachi spoke and his husband immediately looked at Itachi in worry, "Please would you pour Sasuke some coffee?"
"Of course", Shisui got up slowly and filled a mug with some coffee.
"Sasuke, please come sit and have some breakfast?" Itachi pleaded, still being very gentle.
Sasuke fully emerged from the hallway, carefully walked to the table and took a seat, his eyes trained on the table – refusing to look up. Itachi's guilt started to simmer but he needed to be strong for Sasuke at that moment.
Sasuke slowly took some pancakes and placed them on a plate just as Shisui placed the coffee in front of the younger Uchiha. Shisui was quick to his spot beside Itachi, arm draped protectively around the long haired man's shoulders again.
Itachi calmly sipped his tea, waiting for his brother to fully wake up. Shisui watched cautiously, afraid something would go wrong. The kitchen was engulfed in loud silence. Shisui glanced at Itachi who was calmly sipping his tea, eyes focussed on the table. But every now and then the older Uchiha would look up slyly at Sasuke then back down to the table.
Shisui decided to follow whatever plan Itachi had concocted and continued drinking his coffee.
A few minutes had passed and Itachi knew that Sasuke was fully awake now.
"Sasuke, I want to apologise", Itachi spoke softly.
Shisui opened his mouth, he wanted to intervene and tell Itachi that he had done nothing wrong but the raven Uchiha quickly placed a hand on Shisui's knee and gave it a slight squeeze. Shisui restrained himself, trying his best to trust whatever Itachi was up to.
Sasuke finally looked up at Itachi, "For what?" He asked in a small voice.
"For raising my voice at you last night. For my tunnel vision, I was so overwhelmed that I didn't take your feelings into any consideration. For scaring you", Itachi spoke calmly and gently.
"Itachi, are we going to be okay?" Sasuke asked what was truly on his mind.
"Yes, yes we are – I don't want you to ever worry about that, okay?" Itachi replied instantly, comforting his younger brother. Itachi could see those words had a little impact on Sasuke, but he knew that that was the best he could do. Words are cheap – actions are what matters.
"Now, finish your pancakes and get going to school... Unless you'd prefer to stay home today?" Itachi offered.
Sasuke stuck a syrup drenched piece of pancake into his mouth, "No thanks, I kinda want to go to school today."
"To see Sakura right?" Shisui teased, wiggling his eyebrows.
Sasuke rolled his eyes but a faint blush appeared on his cheeks. The atmosphere in the kitchen had lightened considerably and Itachi was thankful for Shisui once again.
"Can I... Never mind", Sasuke shook his head and made a motion to get up but Itachi stopped him by speaking out.
"Can you what?" The older Uchiha asked patiently.
"It's nothing, it might upset you even more", Sasuke replied.
"I'm okay, Sasuke. I really am", Itachi urged.
Sasuke sighed and sat back down, "Can I ask what Kakashi did that was so bad?"
Shisui's arm tightened around Itachi with such force it almost dragged the Uchiha onto his husband's lap. Shisui once again opened his mouth, ready to distract Sasuke but Itachi squeezed his knee again.
"I can't give you all the details", Itachi began, "But he did something here – in this apartment – that was so bad that Shisui and I had to threaten legal action. That's why I told you to let me know immediately if Kakashi contacts you in any way. And, if you don't feel comfortable telling me about it, then please tell Shisui about it – as long as you tell one of us. Like I said last night, Kakashi and Obito broke up, but Obito left without a trace so Kakashi isn't thinking...clearly right now. But I do want you to know that at the moment Kakashi is dangerous to be around. I also want you to know that I'm not saying these things out of hate, I'm saying them for our safety."
Sasuke blinked with wide eyes, "Kakashi?! That...That's a bit shocking. You probably won't tell me what he did, will you?"
Itachi smiled, "No, I won't tell you right now. But, if at a later stage you still want to know, then I'll tell you – I pwomise", Itachi winked, imitating a young Sasuke.
"Ugh, you guys need to drop that! I was young, not everyone can say their 'r's so easily at that age", Sasuke blushed in embarrassment.
"Now get to school", Itachi playfully shooed Sasuke away.
"See you guys later!" Sasuke called and closed the front door.
Itachi sighed out and Shisui pulled Itachi onto his lap, "Are you okay?" He asked.
Itachi leaned his head on Shisui's shoulder, "I'm okay. Just relieved that Sasuke isn't as frightened as he probably was last night. You saw, this morning he was too scared to even come into the kitchen..." Itachi left the explanation there and hid his face in Shisui's neck, taking another whiff of his husband's scent of safety.
Shisui, however, knew there was something else Itachi wanted to say but didn't, "You can tell me, you know that, right?" Shisui tried to sound just as calm as Itachi sounded when speaking to Sasuke but he failed miserably. Even he could hear the panic in his own voice.
Itachi kissed Shisui's neck lightly, "I...didn't want to tell Sasuke those things. I didn't want to ruin the good image he had of Kakashi..."
Shisui kissed the top of Itachi's head, "I know. But, unfortunately, it was necessary..." And, as if it had become a strategy game, Shisui left his sentence hanging there.
And, of course, Itachi knew Shisui had more to say, "Shisui, tell me", Itachi nuzzled into his husband's tan neck again.
"You said that you weren't saying those things about Kakashi out of hate... Was that the truth? You don't hate him?" Shisui asked in confusion and slight anger.
"I'm not sure... I only ever hated my parents – but even that hatred has faded. I can't remember what it felt like hating someone. I'm disgusted by Kakashi, I'm scared of him", Shisui's arms tightened slightly around Itachi from those words, "But I don't know if what I feel is hate..." Itachi whispered, feeling the butterflies gently flutter in his stomach at the simple feel of being in Shisui's arms – despite the melancholic subject of their conversation.
"I hate him", Shisui spoke bluntly, "I really, really hate him this time."
And by no means was Itachi going to counter Shisui in anyway. He had no desire at all to defend Kakashi. There was no defence that could ever be made to excuse the silver haired man's actions.
A sad thought quickly greeted Itachi's mind, and the Uchiha knew he should speak about it instead of keep it to himself.
"Shisui?" Itachi mumbled, and with utmost strength he kept his voice neutral. He kept the sadness out of his tone so that he would get an honest answer.
"Yeah?" The taller man spoke, still holding Itachi on his lap. Shisui felt as though his mind had been ripped in two. One half had been completely reconstructed into rage, the cells that made up that particular half had evolved into fury. A cell of anger and aggression – that now constituted half his mind. The other half consisted of pure worry over Itachi – utter concern. Yet, both halves had one thing in common: they made his heart beat faster. Either in rage or worry.
"Earlier this morning, you didn't want to kiss me back at first... Is it because you didn't want to kiss the same lips Kakashi kissed?" Itachi asked softly, despite his best attempt at keeping a neutral tone.
Shisui quickly adjusted Itachi on his lap so that the Uchiha was now facing him, "Itachi, no... No, no, no – don't ever think that way. I just didn't want to scare you, I mean, after what happened I don't want to do anything that will trigger you, okay?" Shisui looked deep in Itachi's onyx eyes to find Itachi's understanding – to know Itachi believed him.
Itachi leaned his forehead against Shisui's and closed his eyes, smiling softly, "We need to get a new door for our bathroom."
"I'll get right on that", Shisui grinned, keeping Itachi in his arms.
A/N: What are our thoughts? Leave a comment so I can interact with you guys❤️ and if you see that sneaky vote button, catch it ❤️
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