Chapter 31 [Part 2/ Mature]
Itachi was too focused on the mental image of his costume to notice the sheer physical relief wash over Shisui when he saw the boxes at their doorstep; their costumes had arrived while they were out.
"Yeah, it'll come with some form of lubricant. You could use that or your own moisturizer if you have sensitive skin – if not, just use the lubricant that came with the costume; you did order it from a reputable site after all. Then, to make sure it comes on sleek-"
"Ita? You okay?" Shisui asked, interrupting Konan's instructions.
"Yeah, yeah – I was just thinking for a second." The Uchiha followed his husband inside and closed the door behind them. Shisui laid the five boxes down on the kitchen counter – Itachi had only noticed them when he put them down. He knew two contained miscellaneous decorations and one contained his costume....
"Did your costume come in two separate boxes?" The Uchiha enquired.
Shisui grinned, "Something like that... So, how are we gonna do this?" Shisui folded his arms challengingly.
Tilting his head, Itachi asked innocently, "What do you mean?"
"Who is changing first?"
The room fell silent. It wasn't a challenge to be better than the other. The challenge was to see who got to surprise who first – it was a challenge of love; of adoration that hid behind the gesture. It fluffed the chests of both males with warm feathers, unknowingly they both wanted that twinkle of love in the other's eyes. It was never about the person, it was always about their husband; for Itachi, it was all about Shisui, for Shisui it was all about the Uchiha.
They opened their mouths to argue their case at the same time and, consequently, closed their mouths at the same time as well. This caused the two men to laugh slightly. Itachi even blushed slightly at how synchronized he and his husband were. The faint blush brought a soft twinkle to Shisui's eyes.
"Let's just change at the same time – I need the bathroom for mine though. You?" Itachi asked, untying his ponytail.
Shisui eyed the bag that contained his can of body paint, "Erm... I can use the guest bathroom?"
"Oh, no you can use our-"
"Lemme use the guest bathroom" Shisui stressed, the body paint would make a mess and he didn't want Itachi to see the, undoubted, mess he'd make.
"Okay then" Itachi sifted through the boxes and grabbed his box and the bag from the makeup store. He swiftly disappeared into their bedroom's bathroom.
Shisui sighed heavily, he didn't know why he felt such pressure over a costume – perhaps it was because he really wanted the mental image of his costume to match its physical outcome. He grabbed the one box that contained his chosen costume, as well as his bag with the shoes and body paint and disappeared into the guest bathroom.
By the time he had, quite literally, squeezed into the latex suit, Itachi was huffing from exertion. Latex, he realised, is not for the faint of heart. It combined jumping and smoothing – being slippery so the fabric wouldn't tear and then smoothing once more to get rid of air bubbles. He felt like a laminated book.
"Exhausting..." he huffed as he re-tied his hair. He examined himself in the mirror; the fabric stuck to him like skin – in every area. It caused a faint blush to appear on the Uchiha's cheeks as his gaze drifted lower. Thankfully he had the sense to order shorts and a shirt that would complement the costume and cover the curves of his modesty.
"I wonder if Shisui's costume is as difficult..." Itachi muttered to himself, splashing cooling water on his face. The apartment was silent which relieved the back of the Uchiha's mind. Sasuke's room was closer to the guest room which meant the noise from the couple's room didn't travel far. The apartment was pleasantly sound conservative.
"Okay," Itachi dug in his costume's box and retrieved the shorts and crop top. The items were made of black, fuzzy material and he was proud of his foresight; the party would be in the evening so it would be cold and these clothes were warm but also matched his theme as they resembled fur. He easily slid into the shorts that covered his intimate areas and shrugged on the top.
"Damn" he muttered, as the top was slightly bigger than he had imagined. The latex suit was sleeveless, which meant that the fluffy top would occasionally fall to one side. Its sleeves reached over half his hands but it seemed that was a 'cute' trend – or so he had been told – so it didn't bother him too much. Itachi turned to the side and was unimpressed by the lame, hanging tail of his cat shorts – but fashion had its limits. He inspected himself in the mirror again – closer this time. The lopsided top wasn't extravagantly noticeable – but he hadn't thought of his hickeys...
"They're red so I can be a cat...with fleas?" Itachi concocted the story of his costume, "How...ungraceful." He chuckled at the end, the point was to have fun anyway – who cares what he looks like?
"Whiskers" he remembered and fished out the stick of mascara. He carefully drew three strands on either side of his face, "This is not anatomically correct."
He could hear the groan of Sasuke and Shisui in his memories after uttering that sentence. Itachi rolled his eyes and tied his hair in a high ponytail and then put on the headband Konan had given him, an aliceband with black and red cat ears.
"Finishing touch" he opened the container of the contact lenses and, at first, struggled to put them in. He had never worn contact lenses before so he quickly read the instructions and put them in; blinking harshly for a few seconds he observed the final result.
"I don't think it's too bad" Itachi stated proudly. He looked at different angles to make sure the latex hadn't ripped anywhere and then tied his black shoes.
"Voila, a cat!" He then checked the time on his phone and saw he and Shisui still had around two more hours before they had to leave.
"Is he done?" Itachi asked himself.
He left their bedroom and looked into the hall. All was quiet and his giddy husband wouldn't waste the opportunity to show off his costume.
He got no response, so he approached the guest room and knocked on the door, "You okay in there?"
Again, there was no response.
Itachi furrowed his brows in worry, he turned the doorknob, "Shis-"
"PIKA!" A blur of tall, bright yellow jumped forward at Itachi and the Uchiha shrieked for a split second before placing a hand over his heart, "I nearly hit you into the next dimension...Don't scare me like that!"
Shisui laughed mischievously as Itachi quickly recovered from the yellow scare. They then sized up each other's costumes. Shisui wore a cap, with what looked like, yellow rabbit ears that had black tips. He sported yellow suspenders and sprayed his chest and arms yellow with body paint – it failed to convince the eye that the tall man was wearing a shirt; his chest and abs were on proud, golden display. His lower body was cover by yellow suspenders that clung from his shoulders. The costume was finalised with bright yellow shoes.
So much...yellow!
"What the hell is this?" They asked at the same time, but with different tones. Itachi asked in confusion.
Shisui asked with some kind of anxiety.
"Are you an...animal?" Itachi guessed, leaning a hand on his hip while squinting.
"Itachi, what are you wearing?" Shisui asked, his eyes jumping up and down and repeating the motion; they bounced from his husband's framed legs to his black-framed, slim waist to his slightly baggy crop top.
"This looks familiar..." The Uchiha motioned vaguely with his hand, "Is it one of those Mario characters? No, that's like, Mario and that turtle thing..."
"That looks really uhm..." Shisui swallowed harshly, "tight." He indicated at Itachi's latex-covered waist and latex-covered legs not shielded by the fluffy shorts.
Itachi clicked his fingers, "It's that rat! That rat from that cartoon! Poke a doll or something!" He realised proudly. He was still in tune with the kids – he pondered if Sasuke watched this cartoon.
Shisui couldn't contain himself anymore, he grabbed Itachi's wrists and pinned the Uchiha against the wall. His lips hovered near the Uchiha's ear as he parted Itachi's legs, "Why did you dress so sexy? We're going out..."
Itachi shivered from the possessiveness in his husband's voice, "You're the one wearing paint as a shirt – I'm at least covered..." Even so, the pale man's counter was breathless as his husband pressed him against the wall.
Shisui easily gathered Itachi's wrists in one strong hand and let his other slither down the sleek, shiny body, "You just..." Shisui huffed as his hand slid down the side of Itachi's latex waist causing the Uchiha to wiggle slightly, "You have no idea how fucking hot you are, do you?" Shisui leaned his forehead against his husband's.
"It's just a..c..catsuit" Itachi huffed as Shisui began sucking on the Uchiha's neck.
"Mmm," Shisui just hummed in response. Despite the baggy yellow overalls, Itachi could feel his husband's hard-on.
"Shisui we can't, the part-" Itachi bit his lip as Shisui nibbled lightly on the side of his neck.
"I wanna fuck you right now" Shisui retracted from Itachi's neck and stared lustfully at his red-coloured eyes. He traced his husband's bottom lip with his thumb. Itachi's face flushed even more, after countless times they had sex, Shisui was rarely this direct in his approach.
"L-later, I want to go to the party" Itachi spoke, ignoring his heaving chest. Shisui didn't budge, he held eye contact and didn't release Itachi's wrists. The Uchiha realised that his husband wouldn't release him. So, Itachi used his trump card, he looked up at Shisui through his lashes, "Please?"
Shisui frowned and released his husband, "No fair with that look!" He sat on the guest bed and covered his face so Itachi wouldn't see the pink blush on his tan face. The tan man didn't know if the blush was from frustration or the adorableness that is Itachi's pleading eyes. They both took a second to collect themselves.
Itachi narrowed his eyes at Shisui's toned chest and abs – uncovered except for yellow body paint. At any angle of light, the iron ripples were visible – there was no hiding his husband's amazing physique. He didn't say anything though – he wanted to. But he didn't...
"Why did you choose to be the yellow rat from Poke a doll?" Itachi finally asked.
"Okay, his name is Pikachu, he's a mouse and it's 'Pokemon'!" Shisui exclaimed.
"Oh, okay." Itachi walked over to the mirror in the guest bathroom and fixed his hair that his husband had ruffled slightly – not addressing the new angry red hickey.
I'm a cat with severe heat spots, I guess.
Shisui watched Itachi's legs bluntly. The fluffy shorts reached just below his ass so most of his slender legs were outlined by the latex – off for display to everyone who would be there.
"Itaaaaa, I have longer shorts if you-"
"And I have a yellow shirt. Let's just go have fun! What's the worry?" Itachi asked as he checked his whiskers.
The worry is that you look so fucking hot and every guy there is gonna stare at you, Shisui replied internally nervous.
"I have several hickeys and I'll be by your side the entire time – so relax Pikashoe" Itachi smiled encouragingly.
"Pika-chu! Okay, like chew, Pikachu" Shisui stressed and Itachi laughed at his goofy husband.
The Uchiha sat beside his husband on the guest bed and they returned to their favourite hobby of existing in the same space. Comfortable silence danced through the room as their thoughts just floated in the air like music.
"I feel bad..." Shisui confessed.
Itachi looked at him, "Why?"
"I always get so jealous but you never get jealous...makes me feel selfish..." Shisui furrowed his brow.
"Shisui, I'm constantly jealous," Itachi confessed.
The tan man's eyes lit up, "You are? It really doesn't show."
"You don't see it, but wherever we go – grocery store, the café, the mall, campus – women and men eye you without shame... It makes me want to scream at them... But, I know I trust you and I know you love me; so they're insignificant. I can't hide you in this apartment just for myself, I don't think I'd want to if I could. I get to show everyone that you picked me" Itachi smiled and kissed Shisui's forehead.
It was Itachi's gentle and confident smile that vibrated Shisui's heart so much so that he slammed their lips together. Maybe it was the lighting behind Itachi that made him glow like an angel, maybe it was his seductive costume or maybe even his words, but that smile was one in a billion – the best one in an ocean of smiles.
Shisui's phone rang and he quickly pulled it out, "Hey, I'm at Naruto's house. My brother didn't pick up his phone?" Sasuke's voice echoed through the call.
Itachi hopelessly patted his crop top and shorts that lacked pockets.
"Okay, I'll let him know. Have fun and be safe!"
"I guess you were wise in choosing those suspenders because you're gonna have to carry my things in your pockets" Itachi sighed. He didn't know that crop tops didn't come with pockets and that the shorts were too short to have pockets in the first place.
"For what it's worth, you're a hot fucking cat" Shisui spoke in his distraction. He stared at his hot husband without pretence.
"That sounds wrong on several levels, let's go to the car." Itachi hurried, hiding his blush.
Shisui obviously saw the blush and felt the pride that he was the one who caused the sexy cat to blush... Now to get it to purr...
"Can you stop being so childish, it was my decision and I made it" Obito spat angrily.
Deidara continued the two things he was doing: mixing paint and ignoring Obito. He was very good at both – so much so that he forgot who Obito was. Quite literally, the blonde jumped when he saw the man in his hallway. Now he was pestering the artist in his art room while the blonde tried to get the perfect shade of grey for his costume.
He hummed the tune to Lana Del Rey's Gods & Monsters as he did both.
"Perfect!" The blonde squealed as he finally got the perfect shade – on the border of a taupe shade. He didn't want the tacky concrete grey or the headache-inducing shade of grey hair.
"Despite what you might think, I'm a capable adult. My decision is for the better-"
Deidara yanked harshly on one of his white long-sleeved shirts and made a massive rip in its bottom right side – it would show off part of his waist. The tearing of the fabric, the straining and snapping of threads interrupted and slightly frightened Obito.
"You keep buzzing in my ear" Deidara began in a bored tone, "Buzzing on about how you are so certain" he yanked again, successfully tearing off the piece of white clothing, "Buzzing on, and on and on- 'My decision' this 'Nothing to do with you' that. Then, Obito, why are you still fucking buzzing in my ear?"
Deidara turned around now, staring up at the man who leaned against the doorframe with crossed arms – a posture of defence.
"I don't like you being mad at me, things are hard enough as-"
"Oh boo-fucking –hoo," Deidara interrupted, "I am pissed at you and I am not nearly 'considerate' enough to care about how that might make you feel. Are you slow?"
Anger flashed on Obito's face, dark and purple. He opened his mouth but Deidara continued, "You're a capable adult? You? You're crashing at my place after running away from your ex because he wouldn't propose to you – is he even your ex, what's the status there? 'Cuz I'm confused. You then decided that the best decision is to make a 30k transfer to another uni just to avoid him – knowing, full well, you don't have that kind of money. Your justification is that 'it's for the better' – but for who? Who the fuck benefits from this? Because you'll be drowning in debt, and that's if they accept your transfer, while Kakashi will be doing whatever Kakashi does. But, as you keep yammering on, it is your decision. So why are you still chirping in my ear like this? I am far from being your saviour, Obito. If you're looking for one, might I recommend Jesus? I hear he's quite popular. I am maxed out of sympathy for you" Deidara finished before grabbing the pair of scissors next to him and hastily cutting up a pair of his grey jeans.
Obito left wordlessly, Deidara hadn't even noticed. His day was rotten – but what was new? Hidan gave him a ride to school, aka work, aka hell all the while trying to irritate the blonde. Then the principal, aka Wendy, aka the living Twitter would not stop talking. Finally, Sasuke, aka Itachi's brother, aka the next messiah, figured out how to successfully continue sculpting in harmony a concept that was specifically designed to fail. Deidara could have throttled a small family of seven when he realised the clear flaw in his plan: the little shit planned the sculpture with Sakura before class.
Oh, and then there was Obito trying to convince, not Deidara, but himself that he knew what he was doing. The dark-haired man clearly did not.
So now, Deidara would go to the city's Halloween party. He would get drunk and maybe pickpocket a few people to start generating funds to free his car from the clutches of the city. He didn't think hard about his costume, he saw a character named Harley Quinn and found the aesthetic appealing – the colours, however, disgusting. So, he would improve and therefore own it.
He took his palate of perfect grey and his newly styled clothes to his bedroom. He made quick work of his hair, straightening it – having sprayed temporary dye on the tips of his hair beforehand – and tied it in two pigtails. As opposed to the red and blue colour scheme, he decided a grey and baby blue scheme would look better. The blue would match his eyes and the grey would not only break up the contrast of his hair but accentuate the blue; the end of the left pigtail was a light blue, the left a unique grey. He dipped three fingers in his palate of perfect grey paint and ran it messily down his left eye – who needs to buy eyeshadow when you can just use (probably toxic) paint? He then flicked the remaining paint on his fingers over his tattered white shirt and put that on before squeezing into his tattered grey, denim shorts. He cut them shorter on purpose so some threads hung loosely.
Throwing on combat boots that he stole from a store a few years ago, his look was complete and he was mostly satisfied with it – he would have preferred a different shade of black boots, but these would have to do. Finally, Deidara rummaged through his bedside table and retrieved his weapon and hid it in his pocket– hoping someone would try him so he could laugh at their pain...
Deidara was having a bad day that he would forcefully turn around – or make it worse, which was equally as good as a good day; that made perfect sense to him.
As he was exiting his room he remembered something else, "Can't forget that," and spun around back to his bedside table, lifting the lamp and taking a small metal container which contained some Ambien pills from months ago. He couldn't remember where he got them from and accidentally stumbled upon them earlier in the month when he attempted to remodel the ancient lamp. They could have been his wicked grandmother's but she wouldn't be needing them anymore – she's asleep for eternity, thankfully; so she doesn't need sleeping pills.
Scanning himself over Deidara threw on his series of practised social smiles. It took some training to get the smile to correspond with the blueness of his eyes. They needed to sparkle for some and darken for others. The polite smile, the charming smile, the excited smile, the seductive smile – all rehearsed.
All of them hid the rows of fangs in his mind.
Deidara did not smile. Deidara bit; Deidara made sure his bites drew blood.
He also tried to make sure the bite mark would scar – but he can't always get what he wants. He would, however, try his damn hardest to, regardless.
He obsessively fixed his right pigtail and decided that was enough. He took out his phone and left his room to go to his guest room which housed the "capable adult." Deidara scrolled through his contacts looking for a victim he could manipulate into getting a ride from as he pounded on the guest room's door.
"WHAT?!" Obito yelled from behind the closed door.
Such adult, many mature, wow – the blonde mocked in his mind.
"Are you going out or am I taking the keys with me?" Deidara asked as he squinted at an unfamiliar contact. He only had a single house key that he would need to pass back and forth between himself and Obito so they didn't end up both locked outside or the house left unlocked.
"I don't know," was the passive-aggressive reply.
" 'kay, I'm leaving them on the counter" Deidara answered indifferently as he turned to the kitchen.
"Who the hell is 'HoleStretcher69'?" Deidara whispered as he lazily tossed the keys on the kitchen counter. He swung open the front door while still staring at the contact, "A one-night stand? Desperate drunk? How did they even unlock my phone in the first place?" Deidara muttered as he walked down the steps to the street.
He got a call from the very same contact as he stared at it. He pursed his lips.
Entertain a stalker or block him...Deidara pondered...
Maybe he'll have a car or send me money for a cab.
He accepted the call, "Hey!" He greeted in forced friendliness.
"It's me, don't walk with your eyes on your pho-" Hidan was cut off as Deidara hung up the phone.
It was just Hidan, how disappointing.
He looked around and saw that the silver sociopath was parked in the driveway not ten feet from the blonde. Deidara huffed out a breath, "A ride is a ride."
He walked over to the red vehicle and got in, closing the door.
"You look hot but I didn't expect you to care enough to actually throw on a costume," Hidan commented as his eyes scanned the blonde; especially the naked side of his waist and bare legs.
"How did you enter your phone number in my fingerprint-protected phone?" Deidara instantly demanded.
"Easily, so you're dressed as... budget Harley Quinn?" Hidan guessed.
"Meh, close enough. At least there's a resemblance – I like your costume too, very convincing," Deidara complimented as he deleted 'HoleStretcher69' from his contact list.
"I'm not wearing one" Hidan revved his engine then suddenly smirked smugly, "Why? Who do I look like?"
"A clown."
Hidan scoffed at the insult as he pulled out of the driveway.
"An unemployed, greasy clow-"
"Shut the fuck up. You look a mess."
A/N: Suprise, I lied! ◝(ᵔᵕᵔ)◜
There's way more to this Halloween part than I had thought so I guess there'll be a part 3? I totally know what tf I'm doing. Don't doubt me for a second, everything is going according to a grand, master plan- BTW ʕ•ﻌ•'ʔ do yall plot/know of writers who plot they entire books before writing them?
You're still stuck in October 31st, you must be in a time loop. You should probably panic.
૮₍ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ₎ა please leave a comment instead of a vote - of course if that's what you'd prefer to do...
(*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ) comments are just more fun, I get to interact with yall. Anywhore, happy Halloqueen again!
(Also, Wattpad, please bring in stable emojis... These character faces are exhausting to copy and paste...)
P.s ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) (Did yall see that there's a petition on Change to force Wattpad to bring in emojis? Imagine creating a whole petition for emojis... Lemme mind my own business before I get in trouble tho)
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