(Disclaimer: This chapter is not connected to the previous two)
It had been just over a week since the reptiles and Pretty Boy made it to the outback, they had since settled down to their new lives and found their passions, Maddie and Malcolm settled down in a den underneath one of the far mountains (Go to the first chapter if you can't remember) And began their new life as a couple.
It was now morning, Maddie and Malcolm had slithered out of their den and were heading out to the front of the mountains to meet up with their friends. When they arrived their friends were already there. "Hey guys how have ya been?" Maddie asked. "Oh we've been great Sarah and I" Frank said. (Sarah is the spider Frank saved during the chase scene) The group started talking about their lives until the sky suddenly turned dark and the moon came out. "Night already?" Maddie said, confused. "No it's not somethings-" Malcolm was cut off when bright lights came speeding towards them, instantly they recognized what they were. As quickly as they arrived the vehicles had surrounded them and bikers were very quickly grabbing the others, then a familiar hand grabbed Malcolm who was right next to Maddie in the middle of the circle the vehicles had formed... it was Chazz. He held up Malcolm and smirked. Maddie made to move towards Chazz and save her friends... But she couldn't, she couldn't move no matter how hard she tried. Chazz then leaned down til he was eye level with Maddie. "You've failed your friends, and lead them to get captured for torture" He said darkly while still smirking. He then stood back up "Alright mates let's go" He said and the bikers tossed the others into glass boxes and drove off. "NO, bring them back!" Maddie cried still unable to move. Was Chazz right, had she failed her friends?
Maddie jumped awake and looked around to see that she was in her and Malcolm's shared room which was connected to a tunnel that lead to a larger area in the den. Maddie began to calm down when realizing this but she was still breathing fast and tears were coming down her face. She looked down and wiped the tears away with her tail when she herd a familiar voice. "Maddie, are you alright?" Maddie turned, and to her delight she saw to her left... Malcolm, sitting right next to her, not captured, and his face full of concern. "Malcolm!" She cried with delight, and dived into his chest, Malcolm was surprised but he quickly understood that Maddie needed him and wrapped his tail around her. After a few minuets Maddie began to calm down and she pulled back but Malcolm kept his tail around her. "Now what's wrong Maddie?" He asked her gently, while wiping a tear away from her face. "J-just a bad dream, i'm alright now" She said chuckling slightly. But Malcolm knew better then to just take her word for it. "Hey" he said gently cupping her face with his tail. "It's okay Maddie, i'm here for you" Maddie looked into his light brown eyes, and knew she should tell him. "Well, we were all hanging out in-front of the mountains" She sniffed. "And, all of a sudden it turned to night, and out of nowhere. C-Chazz and his bikers came, and they c-captured you and the others" Tears were starting to form in her eyes again. "I-I tried to save you... but I couldn't move. Then Chazz knelt down to me and said" Her voice lowers as the words replay in her mind. "You've failed your friends, and lead them to get captured for torture. A-and then he" She faltered, the memory to much for her heart to bear as she began crying again. Malcolm didn't need to hear what happened next, the thought of it hurting him as well. "He took us away and left you didn't he?" He said gently and knowingly. Maddie nodded as she then felt herself get pulled into a comforting embrace. "It's okay Maddie, i'm here, i'm not going anywhere and neither are the others and Chazz is gone" He said soothingly while gently rubbing her head with his tail. He gently let her pull back and looked her in the eyes. "But you know, there is one thing your not safe from" He said a slight smile forming on his face. "W-what?" Maddie said worry on her face. "This" Malcolm said, and began to tickle her sides with her tail, which caused her to laugh. He finally stopped and she looked at him. "It's only a bad dream Maddie, That didn't happen and i'm safe along with the others" Malcolm said wiping away her remaining tears with his tail. "I knew there was a reason I fell for you Malcolm" Maddie said. Malcolm leaned in and kissed her. "And I knew there was a reason I fell in love with you Maddie" Malcolm said. "Guess we'd better get some sleep then" Maddie said wondering how much time had gone by" Malcolm then curled up into a sleeping position and Maddie wrapped herself around him. "Good night Maddie" Malcolm said. "Good night Malcolm" Maddie said. And they both fell asleep. And it should go without saying that they both slept peacefully.
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