The School
After a while the truck stopped at another building, an open window was nearby so the reptiles climbed off the truck and through the window. "What is this place?" Nigel asked. "Don't know but at least there are no humans here" Malcolm said. "Except for him" Frank said looking towards a very thin and pale looking human. "And he doesn't look very well" "Hey, check this out" Zoe said moving towards a fish tank, when all of a sudden they heard singing. "W-whats going on? whats that sound?" Nigel asked. "I think it's coming from behind that fish tank" Frank said. "But... What if it's a human?" Nigel worried. "No human could ever sing like that" Maddie said in amazement. When she said that Malcolm wondered if he should take singing classes. They moved towards the fish tank and looked through it to see a creature singing. "That's the voice of an angel" Maddie said dreamily. But when the creature turned around they were all grossed out. "Actually those warts are a rare and lovely shade of topaz" Nigel pointed out, who didn't seem grossed out at all. They went over the fish tank to great the creature. "Oh, hey there guys i didn't see you" The creature said while the group just looked at him. "Well don't just stand there, come on in pull up a chair, chill" Then he burped out flies. "Wow, this day just keeps getting uglier" Pretty Boy said in disgust. Maddie then moved over the fish tank and began introducing them. "Hi i'm Maddie and these are my friends Frank, Zoe, Malcolm, Nigel and... Pretty Boy" "And i'm Dug, put it there" Dug said holding out a slimy paw. "I would literally rather gnaw off my own paw"Pretty Boy said walking away. "And that beautiful creature over in the next cage is my special lady, Dorine" Dug said pointing over to another creature in a cage. "So she's taken?" Frank asked. "AH, i'm hit, oh god that was my lip" Pretty Boy freaked out when Dorine caught a fly that was right next to his face. "Sorry we don't get out, but as you can see we're prisoners, locked up by a human" Dug said. "Did he have a mustache?" Maddie asked worriedly. "It was a lady, but yes I think so" Dug said. "That's terrible i'm so sorry" Maddie said. "Humans are the most horrible creatures on the planet" Zoe meanwhile was looking at a set of posters. "Hey Malcolm" She whispered, Malcolm who happened to be next to her looked over to her. "What is it Zoe?" He asked. "Do you notice anything similar between Dug, Dorine and these posters" She asked Malcolm looked at the posters, then at Dug and Dorine and back again, it didn't take him long to put two and two together. "Yep, I see it now" He whispered. "Um Maddie" Zoe said "If you could let us out, we'd be so grateful" Dug said. "Hey Maddie, quick word please" Malcolm said. Maddie came over to them and Dug started singing again. "Just playing thorny-devils advocate here" Zoe said. "But I think there's a reason these guys have been locked in separate cages" "But Zoe there Cain toads who love each other wheres the harm in that?" Maddie reasoned. "But- I mean look at them. Of cause we'll let you out" Maddie said opening Dug's cage while Nigel opened Dorine's cage and the two began kissing when they reached each other, everyone except Pretty Boy, Zoe and Malcolm looked at them happily. Malcolm however felt his heart sink slightly when he imagined that it could be him and Maddie kissing, something Zoe noticed. "You want that to be you and Maddie don't you?" she whispered. Malcolm turned red and snapped his head towards Zoe. "W-what why- Malcolm, I know you like her" Zoe whispered calmly. "Your not saying this just because we're both snakes and shared the same box back at the park are you?" Malcolm asked, a tiny hint of accusation in his tone. "No, I've seen how you comfort her when she's sad and get stick up for her when someone says something mean to her" Zoe said, Malcolm sighed. "Yes I do love her but she doesn't love me back" He said. Zoe was about to say something when Dug's voice broke them from their conversation. "Thank you so much Maddie, we'll never forget your kindness" He said. "If there's anything we can do?" Dorine said. "Well we're on our way to the outback, could you tell us how to get across the blue mountains?" She asked as Pretty Boy stumbled in-between the toads. "The school buses leave today, I'm sure one of them goes to the mountains, the children would be happy to help" Dug said. "Their such darlings" Dorine replied. However that was easier said, when the group got outside they found that the children were very much like Chazzie. 'Gasp' what was that sound?" Nigel asked. "Panpipes" Everyone said as Zoe, still looking at the horrifying scene before them, handed him a flower to smell. "How are we gonna figure out which one is the mountain bus?" Maddie asked. "Why don't we follow the blue bow" Nigel suggested pointing towards a girl with a blue bow in her hair and gum nut earrings. "What's so special about a blue bow?" Zoe asked. "That's not just blue, that's surrulian with eucalypti highlights, and notice the gum nut earrings, she's got blue mountains all over her" Nigel said. "Wow Nigel, that's incredible" Frank praised. "Come on guys we need to go" Malcolm said, starting to move onto the road when..."No, that's it I'm done" Pretty Boy snapped. "I have been kidnapped, attacked by sharks and spiders, I've been licked by a toad, I haven't seen my therapist in two days I am not go-" He stopped an fell over, reveling that Nigel had just stung him. "It's just easier" Nigel said. The group quickly moved into a bush, and quick as a flash they followed the blue-bowed girl careful not to be seen by anyone. They moved under a bus, but as it started moving Maddie found she couldn't move any further, she looked back to see Pretty Boy was stuck on some gum preventing her from moving. Malcolm and the others helped pull and he was free in an instant. They all climbed onto the step outside the door of one of the buses. "We're on the wrong bus" Zoe realized. They all looked to see the blue-bowed girl on the bus in-front of them. Just then the bus they were on started moving, it was then Zoe got an idea. Quickly the reptiles were holding onto Maddie and Malcolm, who were holding onto the bar that attached the mirror to the bus. Then they dropped on a skateboard and started moving towards a flag pole. They jumped off the skateboard and Malcolm grabbed onto the rope with his teeth, as they were swinging up the flag pole they realized. "We lost Pretty Boy" Zoe said. "What a shame" Frank said sarcastically. They were suddenly flying through the air and landed on the roof of the bus. And somehow Pretty Boy found his way onto the roof as well much to Frank's displeasure.
The reptiles found themselves having fun while riding on the bus. Admiring the beautiful scenery, the feel of the cool air, Zoe being able to catch some bugs. "Now this is more like it" Frank said standing on Pretty Boy's head. "Yeah, he's much nicer as a couch then a koala" Zoe agreed. "I hope i'm as happy in the outback as i am now" Nigel sighed in happiness. "Of cause you will be, we'll be with our families" Maddie said. "What if we don't like our families?" Zoe said. "O-or if they don't like us" Frank put in. "And what is a family?" Zoe asked. "None of us have ever had one before, we don't even know what it means" Maddie wasn't quite sure how to answer that question but Malcolm came to her rescue.
"I think families are people who are close together, people who care about each other, people who love you no matter what" He answered. "Huh, sounds like us" Nigel said. Malcolm joined the others and put himself around the others, Maddie did the same only around the opposite side and put her head on top of Malcolm's, making the brown taipan blush and Zoe smirk. She was no expert on romance but she knew that when one of them plucked up the courage to ask the other out it would turn into a ferm-unbreakable bond, and with the ways things kept going between the two it was only a matter of time when it happened. No one knew what could ruin that moment.
(Because you guys are probably gonna bombard me with questions asking when are they going to get together. It will be when Maddie next sings her lullaby)
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