Riding through the outback, Chazz and his gang of bikers drove like mad as they kicked up dust along the road. Frank, Zoe and Nigel were all looking out at the road as it moved away from them. "What do we do now?" Nigel asked. "Stand back, stand back, I will break the glass" Frank said standing up and crouching into a jumping position. "Read the sticker Frank" Zoe said gesturing towards a sticker on the bottom side of the glass box. "Ssalg elbakaerbnu, so?" he said not getting the meaning, he then leaped at the glass, only to bounce back and land on top of Zoe. "What's that?" Nigel said pointing to a large cloud of dust with faint lights emanating from it. A large red truck then emerged from the dust cloud, the front window then was cleared and inside the truck was... Maddie, Malcolm and Pretty Boy who then put on a red fireman's helmet. "Maddie, Malcolm!" They all cried in delight. "Where'd they get that cool truck?" Frank wondered aloud.
Cut to the firefighters:
The firefighters were looking in confusion as to where their truck went, it was only more weird looking at the paw-prints on the ground. Then one of them looked up and saw a poster of them holding Pretty Boy. The fireman then put 2 and two together "I told you we shouldn't have taught him how to drive" He groaned.
Back to the reptiles and Pretty Boy:
The truck then moved closer and the ladder on top of the truck extended out, at the same time Chazz come out on a gunner's seat and shot a dart at the window of the truck causing it to break, the truck swerved, but soon got back on cause. Maddie then slithered down onto the front frame of the truck, and jumped up onto the ladder, slowly moving along the top of the ladder. She moving along the ladder carefully dodging darts and other things while the others just stared bewildered. "What's she play'en at?" Zoe asked bewildered. "I think it's called, snakes and ladders" Nigel answered. As Maddie moved along the ladder she felt something pull her head back suddenly and then a baseball bat came shooting right where her head had been, she looked back to see Malcolm standing there with his tail around her neck loosely. "Come on, we've gotta move!" He said quickly, removing his tail from her neck and encouraging her to move quickly. "Let's get you guys out of that box" Maddie said when they finally reached the end of the ladder. "How it's locked" Pretty Boy said suddenly appearing right behind them without his fire hat. "Wha- who's driving the truck!" Malcolm cried when he saw Pretty Boy. They looked back and saw that the truck was moving on it's own. "Looks pretty safe to me" Pretty Boy replied. Before getting hit with a dart board and flying off the truck, and then somehow ending up underneath the ladder, he climbed back up on top of it with the dart board before going after the biker who had thrown the dart board. "Heads up!" Malcolm cried pulling Maddie down to avoid getting hit by a glass bottle flying from their right. "Okay that's it" Malcolm said, he then grabbed another bottle that was flying towards them in mid-air with his tail, and leaped at the biker who had thrown it beating him with it. Maddie then tried to break the lock with her teeth but with no luck. "ohh, I have to get the key off Chazz" She said moving back to her original position on the ladder and about to move towards Chazz."Maddie wait" Nigel said making her stop. "We're sorry" Nigel said. "For what?" Maddie asked confused. "Taking you away from your family" Nigel answered. "Guys you didn't take me away from my family" Maddie said smiling while Pretty Boy and Malcolm battled the bikers in the background. "You brought me back to them, your my family" She finished as Pretty Boy and Malcolm landed back on the ladder. "All of you" "All of us what, what did I miss?" Pretty Boy asked."I love you guys" Maddie said "Umm, thanks Madds" Malcolm said flustered by what she said. "And i'm never leaving you again" Maddie finished before the ladder suddenly turned, taking them with it. "Oh she left us again" Nigel said, as they watched the ladder spin around with Maddie, Malcolm and Pretty Boy on it. "ugg some rescue" Zoe groaned. "okay stand back, i'm busting us out" She said moving into a position similar to the one Frank was in when he tried to break the glass. "We can't, it's ssalg elbakaerbnu" Frank protested. 'gasp' look, Nigel's turned beige" Zoe said looking at Nigel. Nigel went wide-eyed and then let out an ear piercing scream shattering the glass, allowing Zoe and the others to simply walk out, before Nigel moved back and tore the sticker so that it said breakable glass. Meanwhile Maddie, Malcolm and Pretty Boy were still holding onto the ladder that was flying around in circles. "I'm slipping!" Pretty Boy cried. "The skin on my hands is, just, too, soft" He then flew off and was caught by a biker, who raised a knife looking like he was about to stab him. But before he could Maddie landed on the front of the bike and showed her fangs while giving a hissing and having a menacing face causing the biker to fall off his bike. "Thanks M" Pretty Boy replied as Malcolm joined them on the bike and both him and Maddie crawled into the side car, while Pretty Boy drove, catching up to Chazz's jeep. "come on, get on" Maddie cried to the others as they jumped on the bike. "Look there" Pretty Boy said indicating to a narrow valley. "How do we turn this thing?" He asked. "Like this?" Malcolm said moving the handle closest to him towards him making the bike turn in the direction of the valley as Chazz and the bikers chased after them.
They drove through the valley with Chazz and the bikers hot on their tails. "He's gaining!" Nigel cried while looking back. Malcolm also looked back and saw Chazz digging through the back of the jeep, only to pull out... a bazooka. And fired it at them causing an explosion barely missing them, he fired another one and still they were just able to keep out of reach of the explosion as it hit the wall, he fired a third one and this one was closer then the last one. Malcolm looked back and saw that Chazz was preparing to fire another one, and they were in an open area, allowing Chazz a clear shot with no where to hide, but just before he fired... He was stopped by a lizard. The same one who had spoken to Maddie about them not leaving the outback. And if that wasn't enough a whole army of frill necks came flying down from the cliff tops landing on the jeep and the bikers and then running along the ground. "It's them, they made it" Nigel cried in joy as more animals came down from the cliff tops, brown snakes, funnel-web spiders and much more. "You came" Maddie said to the main frill neck who was running alongside them. "That's what families do love, help each other out, hasn't anyone told you that, besides, beats lying on a rock all day" He then ran ahead to catch up with the other frill necks. "Oh no it's Skylar, what are they doing here?" Pretty Boy groaned as a group of koalas came bouncing over the cliff tops and down into the battle, all while Skylar was talking random nonsense. To their credit they did do some damage such as ripping off Chazz's mustache causing him to drop the bazooka while he put it back on. Meanwhile the frill necks and the funnel-webs were taking out the bikers. Until one of the funnel-webs, specifically the same one Frank had tried to... 'gain the attention of' earlier, got in trouble and was about to get squished by one of the bikers, Frank saw this and spat web at the biker causing her face to be covered, he then swang across on a web and grabbed the spider girl, he then swang to the cliff top, set her down, did a small dance with her and kissed her hand before diving back into the valley and back onto the bike just in time to watch Malcolm jump onto the bike behind them and gave the biker a beating with his tail, before moving onto the biker next to the group.
Clive's pov:
I watched the convoy go along with my mates on the cliff tops, then I saw him, I was certain of it, "That's the human who took my brother, I'd recognize that hairy lib anywhere" I said, I knew i'd see him again, you don't mess with a dung beetle without leaving a scar. "The wheel of poop has turned" I said as me and my mates moved towards a set of boulders. "This, is for Duncan" I said, and with that me and my mates began pushing the boulders towards the valley and down they went.
Third person pov:
As the others were riding through the valley they all saw a set of boulders moving towards them, Malcolm saw this while he was strangling the biker next to the group, the boulders then came rolling down into the valley with nothing stopping them, all the animals jumped off the bikers they were attacking as the boulders crashed into the bikers, Malcolm was quick to leap back onto the bike, only to jump off with the others as a boulder crashed into the bike, while Pretty Boy landed on top of the boulders and had to run to stay on it, the reptiles landed on... Chazz's jeep. Just then they saw that another boulder was coming towards them, it was then shot up in the air due to a rock, the reptiles, Chazz and Chazzie were suddenly caught on a ladder just as the boulder landed on the jeep, smashing it. They looked to see they had been caught by the ladder of the fire truck which was now smashed up and dirty and it's sirens had stopped working and it was being driven by frill necks. everyone sighed in relief. "We're safe" Nigel said. "If it wasn't for that trenchers cliff" Everyone then saw the cliff and screamed in fright. "The breaks!" Chazz cried as he quickly ran along the ladder and into the cab scaring the frill necks out and slammed on the breaks just as Pretty Boy came along on top of the boulder he was still riding on. "PB, you've got to get off" Maddie yelled. "I can't!" he cried "Jump" "I can't" As if listening to their cries, the ladder swang to the left allowing Pretty Boy to jump across, and not make it. Only to be caught by Malcolm. The boulder then fell off the cliff, just as the truck was about to follow as it came to a stop... just as they reached the edge of the cliff.
When the truck stopped, Chazz climbed out of the cab and onto roof of the cab. 'sigh' Chazzie, your safe" He said in relief... just before a boulder came from behind them, spinning the truck around and knocked it off the cliff. Luckily the ladder came off but it tethered over the edge of the cliff. with Chazzie hanging over the edge. Chazz tried to move down to save his son, bit he was the only thing keeping the ladder on the cliff, the ladder was falling fast, Frank, Zoe and Nigel tried to keep it steady by sticking rocks under it, using Nigel as a car jack and even Frank's twig which unfortunately snapped. Malcolm, who was still on the ladder with Maddie and Pretty Boy, realized that they would have to save Chazzie, Maddie and Pretty Boy seemed to realize this as well, but as he and Maddie were about to move down towards Chazzie, Chazz stopped them "Don't hurt my son you monsters" He said. Malcolm had had enough, he was about to move towards Chazz when Maddie stopped him. "I'll do it" she whispered. "Okay but be careful love" He whispered back as Maddie moved towards Chazz. Putting on an angry face Maddie moved up to Chazz and said. "We are the deadliest snake on the planet, one drop of our venom could kill a hundred people, but we're not monsters" She then dove her fangs into Chazz's leather armband and wrapped her tail around Malcolm's who had Pretty Boy grab hold of his head and then he grabbed Chazzie's hand. Chazz soon realized what they were doing and started to pull as he moved up the ladder. He pulled them back onto the cliff side just as the ladder fell and created a massive dust cloud at the bottom of the cliff. Chazz embraced his son, while Pretty Boy was celebrating. "We did it M, we saved him" He cried in joy, before realizing something was wrong with them. "Did you just loose some weight, M?" He then realized that both snakes looked more like deflated balloons the animals. "My friends are husks, they've melted from the insides" Pretty Boy cried in despair as the other reptiles came over. "PB, that's just our old skins" said a female voice. "We're over here" said a male voice. They all looked in that direction and saw both Maddie and Malcolm only... different. Maddie' skin was now a darker blue and was white along her chest and stomach while Malcolm was a slightly light chestnut brown. "Whoa" Pretty Boy was amazed they had become so beautiful. "Yeah, they do it all the time" Zoe said. "It's kinda gross if you ask me" Frank replied. "Maddie, Malcolm, your, beautiful" Pretty Boy said still amazed. Maddie chuckled. "Thanks PB" she said. "Wasn't she always beautiful?" Malcolm said looking at her smiling. Maddie blushed and covered her face slightly. "Malcolm, not in-front of the others" She said embarrassed. "He's right you know, she's always been beautiful, you as well Malcolm" Nigel said as he and the others came up to the two snakes "You've just never noticed before" "Your, ugly beautiful" Pretty Boy said as they all embraced each other. Just as they were all suddenly brought into a very tight embrace from Chazz. He then released them and let Maddie wrap herself around his arm and brought her, Chazzie and Malcolm into a gentler embrace. When he released them he waved to them as he and Chazzie walked off while the group moved down into the valley.
When they reached the valley they were greeted by hundreds of animals some of whom they had met whilst on their way there. "I knew you'd make" A familiar voice said as they saw a familiar figure walking towards them. "it can't be" Malcolm said in disbelief. There walking towards them... was Jackie. "Jackie!" the reptiles cried in joy "How are my babies?" She said as though nothing had changed. "B-but-how?" Malcolm asked confused as to how she was here. "I'm the head of an international rescue society, I was bound to know how to get out of a mess like that" She said. "And I knew you'd make it with all the agents I was sending to help you" Maddie was amazed. "Y-you've been sending agents to help us the whole time?" She asked. "That's what mothers do love" Jackie said in her motherly tone. The reptiles were quick to run over and hug her while Pretty Boy was getting chases by Doug and Doreen's kids. "Now let's go home" Maddie and Malcolm said together, as all of them climbed on Jackie's back and headed for the mountains.
(Not done yet, Still one more to go!)
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