Sakura's POV
I sighed and turned my head to face the book I was holding mama had bought for me.
Getting up, I went to the book shelf and placed the book into a space before heading down stairs to make dinner.
Reaching the kitchen I heard a little chattering. "I forgot they were here." I sighed to myself as I entered it.
"Hime-sama! Dinner is ready." Shuie told me. "Thank you..." I looked at the food.
"Is something wrong hime-sama?" She asked. My mouth gaped opened. "This is too much for me to eat!......has anyone eaten dinner yet?" I asked.
She hesitated and shook her head. I beamed smiled. "Gather everyone. We're all eating dinner together." I told her.
"B-But.." "Please. I always feel lonely." I whined. She gave a smile and went to find everyone else.
I went over to the cupboards and pulled out several of the same big plates, forks, knives and spoons for the meal.
Placing them on a chair, I got up on the other chair and onto the table to set it up.
I'm short ok? I'm only five.
Then, jumping back down, I skipped over to the cupboards and pulled out some bowls and went to set them up.
I heard footsteps and quickly scurried to my seat and climbed on the high chair.
Don't judge. I'm short.
Climbing on it and plopping down, I pretended like I was waiting like a quiet good girl.
When Shuie came in with the other girls. She looked at me questioning. I just gave her an innocent smile and she sighed, shaking her head.
"Can I go on a late night walk?" I asked Shuie, it was only eight. I sleep at nine thirty, so why not?
"I'll come with you Sakura-sama." I smiled. "Let's go!" I yelled and dashed to grab my jacket.
Halfway through the walk I became a little lonely. "Say, Shuie? Where's the Haruno compound?" I asked as I stared up at the orange sky.
"It's between the Uchiha and Uzumaki's compound, it's also close to to the Hyuuga's compound." She explained.
Hm.... That's not far away from the Academy or the lake.
"Do you think we can move my parents house to the Haruno compound in one piece?" I asked.
Shuie looked down at me questioningly. "We can get someone to move it or you can get someone to seal it in a scroll then move it?" She suggested.
"So we can move it?" She nodded.
I smiled happily. "When can we move it? Because I prefer the sealing one." I asked.
She tapped her finger on her chin in deep thought.
"Maybe in a couple of days, but then, the house will have renovations to it and it'll be thrice as big as it is now." She said.
My eyes widened. "You mean.... Like a mansion?!" She nodded. "Six levels." I hugged her leg and she chuckled.
"Now, let's get back home, shall we, Sakura-sama?" Shuie asked. I nodded and she picked me up.
///2 days later\\\
Itachi's POV
My clan was now safe.
I am in debt of Haruno Sakura.
"Itachi!" Oka-san called from the kitchen where Otou-san were.
I walked into the kitchen, there, I found Sasuke who was climbing on otou-san's leg to sit on his lap.
"Oni-san!" Sasuke called. I chuckled.
"Have you heard Itachi? The heiress of the Haruno clan is moving into her clan's compound in a couple more days, so she'll be staying here, until the renovation of her house is finished." Oka-san explained.
Haruno? Wait, as in Haruno Sakura?
"Oh." I replied simply.
"I wonder how old she is?" Oka-san giggled to herself.
"Five." I replied.
Then, oka-san and otou-san snapped their eyes towards me.
"How do you know?" Oka-san asked curiously.
"Sasuke, go out and play for a bit. Itachi, your oka-san and I need to talk." Otou-san ordered.
Sasuke jumped off and ran off, suddenly laughing.
I sat down at the dining table.
"You know when we had the chat about how our clan would try destroy the village right? And how I persuaded you to keep this clan still living right?" They nodded their heads.
"Haruno Sakura-san was the person who helped me tell you what was going to happen if you did continue the mission to massacre the village, and how bad things would turn out for us if we all died." Oka-san's eyes widened and otou-san sighed.
"She had a point Itachi. I guess if it wasn't for you or her, this clan would have been wiped from history." Otou-san sighed.
I nodded.
"When is she coming over?" I asked.
"Tonight. Can you get the guest room a bit more cleaner than it is now?" Oka-san asked.
I nodded and stood up.
Heading to the hallways, I turned in the direction of the guest room.
Sakura's POV
I sighed as I closed the book I had just finished.
I now only had the intermediate book to read now.
Teleporting to where my book box was, I carefully put the book away and teleported back to where the lake was.
I sighed again.
Then, a random idea hit me.
'Let's go check out the ninja records!' A voice in my head yelled.
'Who the hell are you?' I asked.
'I'm your inner self!' It laughed.
'Uh...okay then.' I replied back as headed to the direction of the anbu HQ.
As I walked into the record's room, my eyes scanned at the amount of records here. Last time I was here, I was only reading Itachi's.
So this time I'll just pick randomly.
Eny meany myny mo!
Hatake Kakashi
Ok. This one it is.
I scan through this person's record as I found a safe and hidden place to read this.
My eyes widened at the information I was reading.
His own father committed suicide?!
Who's the White fang?...
Hatake Sakumo
No idea.
I feel really sorry for him, he lost two team mates...
You can say that again...
Kakashi of the Sharingan....catchy.
Hahaha. I know right?
Wait. So his a copy ninja with the sharingan. But the sharingan is impossible to have unless your an Uchiha got it or took it from someone....
"Unbelievable." I breathed as I read the last word and went to place the record back.
Teleporting to lake, I laid down on a huge tree's tree branch, which was three times as big as me.
It's a good this I was wearing a huge jack, now I have a blanket.
Laying down, I closed my eyes after I got comfortable under my jacket and dozed off.
Sakura's POV
I sighed as I stood in front of the Uchiha compound. People who passed by had wide eyes from sending the amount of chakra I have inside me for just a little child.
I uncomfortably waited there like Shuei said to.
Looking down bored out of my mind, I saw a shadow cast over me. Looking up, I saw the one and only Uchiha Itachi.
"Hey Haruno-san, I'm here to show you the way to my parents house. That's where you'll be staying for the time until the renovation for your house is finished." He explained. I gave a tight smile.
Following him, I let my eyes dart around to look at everything. Children happily running and playing with each other. Adults chatting and selling happily and families that laughed together.
I smiled at the scenery that left a radiant aura of happiness.
I wonder why they would plan a massacre in the first place?
As we reached a bigger house of the compound. We entered it after taking off our shoes. "This is were you'll be staying... I'll show you to your room..." He said and led the way.
We went left three time and right once till we came to a paper door. Sliding it opened. I small smile came to my face instantly.
It was huge. The living room with a coffee table, red cushions around it, and another door was connect to the living room on the far right, the door to their back yard was opened, showing a small pond that glistened in the sun and a cherry blossom tree with some petals on the floor as the wind gently blew. Walking over to it. He pulled it opened and showed the room I would be sleeping in.
The pink futon had already been laid out and everything was neatly placed or stack.
"The kitchen is down the hall on your right and fourth on your right. The living room is second one and dining room is in the kitchen." He explained with a blank expression.
I nodded and carefully placed my bag that I was holding, next to the table that was near the futon. Uchiha-san left and I walked around, admiring the room and the backyard.
I then slipped on some tongs from my back and was about to take a step on until I heard laughter of someone that sound like my age.
Looking up, I saw Uchiha-san playing with a small smiling boy. That must be Uchiha Sasuke.
"Ni-san! Can we go to the park? Please?" Uchiha 2.0 asked. Uchiha 1.9 chuckled.
"In sorry Sasuke. But mother sad to stay today because we have a visitor that is staying for the next couple of days." Uchiha 1.9 answered and Uchiha 2.0 pouted in defeat.
Looking over to where I was, Uchiha 1.9 gave a small nod as a greeting and I replied it with a small nod and smile before walking over to the pond.
As I walked closer, I could see fishes swimming around. I smiled and crouched down and just stared and smiled at them.
Standing back up, I went over to my bags and pulled out the last medical book mama had gotten for me before she passed.
Opening it, I sat down at the table and continued the book. Hmm....okay....
I flipped the pages and followed the letters and took in everything I learned. I need to remember this for the future just encase.
Getting up, I walked over to the kitchen following Uchiha 1.9's direction. There, as I entered, I was greeted by a woman with dark blue long hair and a smile plastered over her face.
"Hi there! You must be Sakura-chan." She smiled. I nodded and gave a bow. "Hello. Mrs Uchiha." I greeted.
"Call me, Mikoto. Mrs Uchiha makes me sound old." She giggled. I nodded and smiled. "Ok Mikoto-san." I said. She smiled back cheerfully and carried on with what she was doing.
"Um...Mikoto-san? I'm going to head to the forest for a bit. It's that alright with you?" I asked.
"That's fine, just be back before lunch and keep safe. Do you want Itachi to go with you?" She asked. I shook my head and smiled.
"It's fine. Thank you." I said. "Oh! And Sakura! Here..." Mikoto-san said as she dug into her pocket and gave me some paper. I bowed and thanked her before bowing and leaving to my room. Taking out the jutsu book and slipping on a sweater, I teleported to the front door to get my shoes.
Slipping on my shoes, I walked out the house and around the Uchiha compound with some people staring at me.
Boys around Uchiha 1.9's age looked at me confused then smirked as they walked over to me.
Normal POV
Sakura felt annoyed as they came over to her and towered over her. The word around the Uchiha compound goes around slow.
The three boys, Inabi, Yashiro and Tekka towered over the small pinkette with a smirk plastered over their faces.
"What are you doing in the Uchiha compound?" Inabi asked. "I'm from the Haruno clan. And I came to stay until the renovation of my house and bits of my compound is finished." She exclaimed. Not even worried about how they would react.
"Your compound?" Yashiro asked. "Isn't it your clan's compound?" He asked. She sighed.
"Why can't you just leave me alone?" She asked them extremely annoyed. Then, Tekka took the book out of her hand and read the cover.
"Hahaha! What are you? A show off?! I think that kids your age can't even read books like this!" They laughed.
"Give me back my book!" Sakura ordered. "Or what?!" They laughed. Sighing again she teleported, and took the book back at the same time, to behind them before walking off a few steps.
"Wha- hey! Gimme that!" Tekka yelled after her shocked. As they sprinted over to her, she teleported to the forest, leaving everyone who saw what happened, shocked.
Sitting down on the same tree branch she was on last time, she sat back and started reading.
-/ an hour later\-
Sakura stood in front of the lake and steadily stood on the water before quickly performing the hand signs she practiced. She had realised that the paper that Mikoto gave was to find that her chakra release was water and earth.
"Water style! Water Dragon Barrage!" She yelled.
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