Chapter 2
Ezra's POV:
It is 1:17 AM now...
Uh... I don't know where I want to travel to. Maybe... nah. And what ab- ...nope. Heeey? How did Kanan looked when he was my age?! And what about the rest of the crew?! This is going to be fun!
I closed my eyes and I thought about Kanan when he was 16 years old.
back in time...
I opened my eyes and I saw many people talking to each other. I saw some children too. One of them ran through me.
It's too bad they can't see me... Then I could talk with them!
I looked around and searched for the person I came. I saw many people I knew. Like Kanan's master, master Billaba and master Yoda!
Oh and master Skywalker! Wait a second... is that... Ahsoka!? Oh force she was cute! They all look so... peaceful and happy? Kanan was right... Before the Empire came, people laughed and enjoyed life... Okay... It was war, but they still laughed?! Maybe I have to search for Kanan...
I walked to master Billaba, because you find padawans around their masters, right? There was a boy behind her.
That has to be Kanan!
"C'mon Caleb, we're going to train a little."
Caleb? So... That isn't Kanan? But!? He looks like him!? And wait... Caleb. Caleb? I heard that name somewhere... My parents! T-they helped someone with the name Caleb! I think Caleb Dume? Anyway...Maybe if I go to a other age, after the clone wars, I'll find him alone?
I thought about Kanan when he was 17 years old and closed my eyes again.
I opened my eyes and I saw a boy and a twi'lek.
"I have to tell you something, Hera."
"You didn't find some information about me because Kanan Jarrus isn't my real name..."
"I-it is Caleb Dume... I changed it because the Empire didn't stop with searching for me."
So I was right! Why didn't he told us that? And with what did my parents helped him? Focus Ezra... Focus on Kanan and your parents who meet each other.
I closed my eyes again and waited till I had the feeling I was at the right place. And I was.
I opened them again and I saw them. Kanan, my mom, dad and Hera. And... Me?? I was crying in the back and my mom didn't know what to do. Kanan came to me and gave me something out of his backpack.
A stuffed lothcat!? I-I got it from Kanan?? I still have that!!!
I took it from Kanan and I played with it. My mom gave him a smile and then took something out of her pocket and gave it to Kanan.
"This is everything we have. Not more, not less." my dad said.
"Thank you very much!"
"You're welcome, Caleb. Let us know when you found what you're looking for." my mom said.
"We will! Till we meet again and may the force be with you, always."
"May the force be with you too, always." My dad said.
"C'mon boy... We're going home."
My mom picked me up and we stepped in the car. Kanan and Hera were looking at the disc my mom gave them.
"We're lucky that we found such kind people!"
"I know, Hera."
"Wait... We didn't asked their names!? How are we going to let them know that we-"
"The guy's name was Ephraim."
"And last name?"
"Uh... I don't know?"
I know enough... What did my parents gave them?
I closed my eyes.
Real time on the Ghost
I woke up in the room I share with Zeb. Zeb woke up too.
"You awake, kid?"
"What time is it?"
"8 o'clock."
"Karabast! I could've slept for 2 hours!"
"But? We wake up at 9?"
"Not me."
"Whatever. See you in 2 hours."
I jumped out of bed and left the room. I went to the cockpit and there were Kanan and Hera.
"That's early?" Hera said.
"I didn't sleep so good."
"Why?" Kanan asked.
I thought about my adventure from last night.
"I have a question..."
"You can ask us everything sweetie."
"I got a dream. And I saw you two talking with my parents. My mom gave you a disc and said it was everything they had. What was that?"
Kanan and Hera looked at me like I was an inquisitor.
"Is your dad's name Ephraim?"
They didn't say a word. They only stared at me.
"I-it was a list with people we were going to ask to join our crew. Out of that list Sabine and Zeb joined us. And I got some contacts from that list too... Like Ahsoka, Bail Organa and Vizago."
"Y-you were that little boy in front of their car?" Kanan asked after Hera finished.
"Ow... I just wanted to know. And yes. That was me."
I smiled at Kanan. I knew he was thinking the same as me.
He gave me his little lothcat-bear... And it is still something really important for me. Now, even more than before.
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