Chapter 17
{a lot of this chapter will be in Ezra's point of view... and omg... more than 3000 words!!!!!!
Have fun to read because this is soooooooo long!!!!!"😂☺}
Ezra's POV:
I was still in the cell and my legs hurted more than yesterday... I start to think that my legs will never cooperate with me again... Like Millie... I don't know what happened with her...
Why is Zuko so mad. Why did he turned to the dark side!? Is it... Possible... He k-killed... M-millie? NO! That can't be!! Zuko would never hurt Millie! NOBODY WOULD HURT MILLIE! She's too cute and nice for that! Even the Emperor would show mercy for her!! I don't get it... Where is she?
With that Zuko entered.
"Want to play, Bridger?"
This is my chance!!!
"Sure! What about truth or dare?"
He thought for a moment, but then agreed.
"That wasn't the game I thought of but we can start with it. You first" he said to me.
I knew the REAL Zuko was playing now... This was my chance!!! He could let me do horrible stuff... But I know him too well!
He always says the same... Because he likes to see me do it.
"Kiss that toilet." He grinned.
See... Always the same boring order... I'm happy that I dusted it off before he came. ALWAYS BE PREPARED!
I kissed the cleaned part of it, so now it was his turn and he will choose...
"Truth." I knew it.
"You know you can't hit me with your lightsaber right!? You have to answer!"
"I know." He said rolling his eyes and pushing our lightsabers to the side.
"What. Happened. To. Milyane!"
"I don't talk about Millie, Ezra."
"You have to! You chose Truth!"
He took a deep breath and waited a couple of minutes to continue.
"The house was burning... Her wheelchair broke and I couldn't save her on time!!! Maul told me that with his help... I can save everyone and I would take revenge on the Empire! They burned the house... it is their fault she's dead!!!!"
He was crying now...
Millie... Is... Dead???
I wanted to cry but I didn't...
This. Was. My. Only. Chance.
I took a deep breath and tried to hold back my tears as long as I could.
"Zuko... She is with Dawn now... She'll be fine. And it isn't your fault! You're right! It is the Empire's fault! But you're not going to fix someting by taking revenge... Do you think Millie would've wanted that? Maul only wants you at the dark side so he can use you. Come back brother. It. Is. Okay. I've been through the same with Dawn... And you helped me! Now I help you."
I hugged him... It hurted me, because of my burned legs and arms but I didn't care at all. I felt his head resting on my shoulder and hugging me back.
Is it working???
"I can't come back Ezra. I did horrible things!! Nobody can forgive me for that."
"If I can. Everyone can..."
I smiled lovely and continued...
"You know that I don't trust easily... So if I forgive you and trust you, what I do! everyone will."
He hugged me tighter and I rested my head on his chest.
"Thanks brother. Lets get out of here."
He picked me up bridal style and clipped our lightsaber on his belt. The door opened and Zuko started running.
"Block your signature with the force, Ez! And keep looking behind me for Maul or droids!"
I did what he told and looked out for the red figure, but first I looked at his eyes... they switched from yellow to dark green.
"There's a ship!" I say.
"Yeah... But there's someone else too..."
We stopped and watched both at the figure standing in front of the small ship. It wasn't Maul... What made me happy! But who was it then? Zuko stepped closer while he grabbed my lightsaber and handed it to me.
"How am I supposed to fight when You have to carry me? I can't walk?" I whispered in his ear.
"You know when the shots come, don't you?"
He smiled at me. I nodded and gave a big smile. I knew exactly what he was talking about! Finally someone who realized that time traveling was usefull!! I hugged him thight, so he could carry me better and then closed my eyes. I didn't have to travel with my body if it's just for some minutes later. Then I can see it with my eyes. I focused and counted the seconds, but the figure didn't shoot. I opened my eyes again and whispered to Zuko what I saw. He looked confused at me. He walked towards the figure.
"Who are you?"
"S-someone w-who is in... A rush... So... G-get aboard i-if ... You w-want to"
The figure who had to be a female said to us with a shaky voice. Zuko and I stared at each other and then ran aboard the ship when the figure followed us. The female had a long black cape on, so I couldn't see her face. But her voice seemed familiar to me and I guess to Zuko too... The ship took off and Maul's droids started shooting at us. And then Maul showed up. He used the force and pulled the ship backwards to the ground. I fell out of Zuko's grip and fell on the ground. My legs hit the ground really bad which made me scream a little. Zuko wanted to help me up but I pointed to Maul who was standing in the ship now.
"Well, well, well... Running away with my prisinor, apprentice? "
"He isn't your prisinor and I'm not your apprentice!"
"Then we do it on the hard way, okay??"
Maul charged at Zuko, but he blocked easily. They started fighting and I crawled to the front of the ship. Ignoring the pain in my legs and arms. I saw the female shooting at the droids, so I placed my eyes on the dashboard who was a little broken from Maul. I pulled myself in the chair, which costed me about 8 minutes, but I was finally in it! I fixed the dashboard and yelled at Zuko and the lady that they had to get in and push that red asshole of the ship. The lady came running to me and helped me preparing for take off, while Zuko was still fighting Maul. I jumped of the chair, what I regretted immediately because I fell hard on the ground. Then I crawled on my belly to see the fight scene. And Zuko wasn't winning... I knew I couldn't help in the state I was... But I could try!! I tried to come up with a plan... But this time my reckless plans were in an other galaxy far far away... My thoughts were interrupted by a loud scream from Zuko. Maul hit Zuko in his right arm wich made Zuko let go of his lightsaber. Maul smirked.
"I warned you it would be your last day if you failed."
Zuko closed his eyes.
"I know. I accept my dead."
I pulled myself up on the ladder and I was back the daredevil I always was.
"BUT I DON'T!!!!!"
I used the force to catch my lightsaber that was clipped on Zuko's belt and ignited it to swung it at Maul. It all happened in a second. I know it wasn't really the jedi way... But I DIDN'T CARE! My lightsaber hit Maul in the chest and he collapsed to the ground and rolled off the ship.
"That was easy..."
That was all I could say. I looked at Zuko and he smiled like an idiot.
"You okay?" he asked
"I'm fine. What about your arm?"
"A small wound." He said while he looked at it.
Zuko stood up, closed the ramp and then walked to me and picked me up bridal style again.
"Ready for take-off!" He yelled to the lady.
The lady heard it and started pressing some buttons which made the ship fly away. I saw that we entered hyperspace when Zuko placed me lovely in the chair. He took a first aid kit and began to take care of my legs, when I notices he was crying.
"What's wrong brother?"
"I'm sorry Ezra! I did this to you!!!"
"It's okay Zuko. It wasn't you. It was the Dark Side! Remember that. But it would be friendly if you check my back first..."
I gave a big smile, but I knew he was looking at the pain showing in my eyes. He nodded and he layed the chair flat because there wasn't a medbay aboard. He took care of my wounds untill the sleep took me over.
Zuko's POV:
I was looking at Ezra's wounds until I saw why he isn't able to move his legs. His spine is broken...
H-he i-is p-paralysed!
I fell on my knees...
He... He is paralysed... Because of me! I pushed him against the wall in that cell! And then I made it worse by hitting his legs...
"This is all my fault!"
I didn't realize that I yelled that last phrase until Ezra woke up.
"Uh... Sorry Ez-"
"I know Zuko... I know I'm paralysed. And it isn't your fault"
I stared confused at how he said that.
"Ezra... This is bad... This isn't just a scar or something... This is serious!"
"I know. Now it's your turn. Sit. I'll help you."
Ezra said smiling and trying to change the subject, but I knew... Every time Ezra smiled... That he cried on the inside. I did what he told me and he started to treat my wounds... I didn't had more wounds than him. But it took him longer to treat them.
Ezra will go through a hard time... But I will help him!
"I know you will."
"Reading my mind, Bridger?"
"Always, Brother!"
We shared a smile and then I carried Ezra to the cockpit where the girl was waiting for us.
Now it's time to see who she is!
Kanan's POV:
I tried to contact Ezra but he didn't answer anymore!
Is he... No!
I walked in the kitchen and I saw the crew waiting for me, including Ahsoka and Rex who were standing beside our newest crew member spectre 7 known as Lissyene.
"What?" I asked.
"News about spectre 6?" Sabine said with sadness in her eyes.
"No. Nothing..."
"Where do you think he is?" Hera asked worried
"I have no idea... I guess not even the force knows..."
"Try to meditate?" Ahsoka said.
"Already did..."
"Try again, here." I nodded and got into my pose.
I focused and felt a hand on my shoulder. Ahsoka's. She gave me strength and we both searched for Ezra.
"Ezra? Do you hear me?"
"Yeah." "Thank the force!"
"We're doing this together, Ez."
"Ow okay."
"Where are you? Are you okay?"
"Above Lothal.... And well I... I'm... Fine... I guess..."
"What do you mean with I guess?? Ezra what happened to you??"
"Kanan... I can't..."
"Why not?"
"I just... Can you pick me and my two friends up at my tower in 30 minutes?"
"Sure! We'll be there!"
Then the connection broke.
"And?!?" The crew asked at the same time.
"To his tower Hera!"
Everyone smiled.
Finally... Ezra will be back after more than a week!! I missed him so much! I hope he's okay! He didn't sound okay...
Zuko's POV:
Ezra got out of his trance and looked at us. Ezra was so happy to see who the girl was that he forgot about his legs and just fell above her while hugging...
Flashback to before the connection between Ezra, Kanan and Ahsoka
I carried Ezra to the cockpit and placed him on the chair.
"We have to ask it. Who are you!?"
"Someone who needs help."
She turned her head so I could see her face but I saw nothing... Literally nothing! There was no face! I heard Ezra gasp behind me and then he spoke.
"What do you need?"
"The necklace from my mother. It helps me to live again."
He asked immediately after she finished.
"Yes. I lived like you two, but I was killed. The force gave me a second chance because I wasn't ready for the death. I had to find something. And that's the necklace."
I looked at Ezra and he grabbed something out of his pocket.
"I have this?"
He gave it with curiosity in his eyes. The girl looked at it and yelled.
"This is it!!! I knew you would find it!"
She did it on and then I looked away because a lot of light came from her spot. After it was gone we looked at the girl who was now laughing.
"Remember me, Lothkitten!?" She said playfully towards Ezra.
Ezra jumped towards the girl and they both fell on the ground, because Ezra forgot his disability. We all laughed when I picked him up and then hugged Dawn too.
end of flashback
The ship landed in the desert because we didn't want the ship near our location so we walked further... I mean Dawn and I walked... Ezra enjoyed the ride on my back. It made me think about the times we had in the past. I always saw en treated Ezra as my little brother. And I like that. We made it to Ezra's tower and I have to admit, I was tired. Not because of Ezra! He weights nothing... But it was soooo cold! I was happy that we were there! In the night it's always cold on Lothal and I hate that! We took the elevator and entered his home. I placed him on the couch and settled beside him. Dawn was walking around and looked like she searched for something, I then looked at Ezra, but he didn't mind at all.
"Dawn? What are you looking for?"
Her head disappeared in the closet.
"For this!!"
She took out a wheelchair that was painted on both sides with the same logo Ezra has on the back of his jacket.
"Is that yours?" I asked to Ezra.
"Yes. I used it to race with Millie... Remember?"
"Ow yeah! Now I don't have to carry you anymore!"
We laughed and I helped Ezra in his 'racechair'. That's what he called it some years ago... I heard a noice from outside and looked at Ezra to see if he heard it too, but he said no.
"Don't worry. That's my crew. You have a choice... Come with me and the rebellion or stay here..."
Dawn and I looked at each other and then back at Ezra to say:
"We go where you go."
"Then let's go!"
Ezra's POV:
I rode in the elevator and then back out when we were down. Zuko wanted to push me, but I gestured that I could do it.
"But your arms? They're sti-"
"Shut up Zuko."
I looked at the Ghost where the crew was waiting. They were all smiling and searching for me until I came from behind Zuko... Their smiles disappeared...
"What??? Not happy to see me?" I said joking.
"Ezra... W-what happened?" Hera said walking towards me and kneeling in front of me.
I looked at Zuko and Dawn and we all smiled.
"Too much..."
"We're not in a rush because you stay on the Ghost for a week!" Zeb growled at me.
"Whaaaaat? Why do I stay on the Ghost? Is it because of the time travelling..." I asked looking at the ground.
"No, because you ran away and left us alone for a week with all our worries!"
After Kanan yelled that he kneeled next to Hera and hugged me thight while she did the same.
"Don't you ever do that again." Hera said between tears.
I rested my head on their shoulders and hugged them back.
"Come inside kid. You're cold." Kanan said rubbing my back.
"Can they come too?" I pointed at my two friends.
"Sure!" Hera said.
We all entered the Ghost and went into the common room, only me... I struggled with the elevator in the Ghost. They never used it so... I never knew how to use it... After I think 15 minutes I finally managed to get upstairs! But not with the elevator! I pulled myself up on the ladder... When I entered the room everyone was staring at me.
"What?" I said throwing my hands up.
"Where have you been?" Sabine asked.
"That elevator you told me Hera.. Doesn't work!"
"Then how did you get here?" Zuko replied.
"If I told you, you would kill me." I smiled at him.
"Anyway? Zuko stays on the Ghost and sleeps with you Ez." Kanan continued
"Then where does Zeb sleep?" I asked with an eye on Zeb.
"With the boss." Zeb answered.
Kanan sleeping in the same room as Zeb?
"GOOD LUCK MASTER!" Kanan ruffled my hair and I heard the 4 ladies chuckle.
"By the way I'm going to sleep guys!" Sabine said while yawning.
"Wait! What about Dawn?"
"I sleep with Sabine. So if you wanted to get rid of me... Too bad, Lothkitten."
She grinned at me with that smile I fell in love with... Everyone started to get up and went to their room while Ahsoka and Rex slept in the common room. Zuko said I couldn't sleep on the top bunk, but I did anyway. When I lay down some thoughts came rushing into my head...
"Will the crew change around me?"
I hope not... I'm still the same Ezra!
"What about missions?"
I can still protect myself!
"What about just walk- ... riding in and out the Ghost and around the base?"
I am strong enough... they don't have to worry for me. But deep inside... I know that I'm still broken. The things I call myself aren't true... maybe I'm not strong enough... I will need help...
It isn't that I don't trust everyone around me! I trust them with my life!!!
I think I just...
don't trust myself...
{okay! This was really hard to write... but I did it!!! I hope you like how it came out. And I'll say that this is the last chapter.
BUT!!! Before you attack me!
!!!!!SEQUEL!!!!!! ????
Comment please!!...
I like to know what you think about the chapter and about making a sequel.
Author out.}
Omg... 3093 words!!!!!!😱😱😱
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