5 - Halloween
I don't own Percy Jackson.
Annabeth's POV
After Hera leaves we decide we should bring Percy to his cabin, it's getting late and he needs sleep.
"Ok," I say. "Time for you to go to bed."
"I'm not tired."
"Well, I am, so go to bed," Piper says, using a little bit of charm speak. It doesn't work.
Percy laughs and runs around the cabin, making it more of a mess then it was before.
"Piper!" I yell, hoping she will understand what I want her to do.
I get a nod before she yells at Percy, "Percy! You have to go to bed right now! Tomorrow is Halloween and you don't want to be too tired to go Trick or Treating!"
Percy looks at her for a moment before running to his bed climbing in and falling asleep.
The rest of us quickly and quietly leave the cabin, "we should take turns checking on him," Jason says. "Like every hour or something."
"Yeah," Leo agrees. "We don't want him to wake up and not know where he is."
We set up a schedule quickly. I'm first, so I will check up on Percy in about an hour. Then we set alarms on our Monster Proof phones for every hour we have to check on him. Finally, we all decide it's been a long day and we go to our own beds.
I'm looking forward to falling asleep as soon as I get back to my cabin, unfortunately, my siblings have other plans, like fighting. I walk into the cabin to find my thirteen-year-old half-brother, Steve, fighting with my seven-year-old half-sister, Lily.
"What is going on in here?" I yell.
Malcom walks over to me from where he was sitting on his bed. "You missed a lot today," he informs me laughing.
"What?" I snap.
"Well, this morning Steve told Lily that her dad wasn't very smart because he didn't go to Yale and Lily didn't like that, obviously, so she told Steve that her dad went to a better college and is smarter than his dad will ever be. Steve asked her what college her dad went to and when she couldn't think of one he laughed at her," he recaps for me quickly.
"That's what they're fighting about?"
"No, that's what they were fighting about at breakfast. After breakfast I took them to practice archery," he continues. "They were still fighting, but I had only just found out about it, so I split them up. They continued to fight whenever my back was turned. At one point Lily shot an arrow at Steve, she is really really good at archery, and it went past his head. She acted like she didn't mean to, but that didn't stop him from shooting an arrow back at her, he's not very good at archery, it went past her and hit Daisy. She was fine, but Lily was really mad because she and Daisy are best friends, as you know, so she hit him. They get into a real fight, so I broke it up and sent them both to Chiron. He told them to spend the rest of the day apart. Lily went to the Aphrodite kids and Steve stayed with me. Then at dinner, Lily had to sit with us and they got into a fight about the best book now I think they are fighting about who Mom loves more, even though I told them you were the favorite until you started dating Percy. Once you did that I became the favorite. They told me to shut up and Lou laughed at me. Now you're here, so if you could work your Annabeth magic and fix this, that would be great. I'm going to bed."
"Lily! Steve!" I yell. "You two better stop fighting and get your butts in bed right now! I have had a very long day and I have to be up in an hour. Tomorrow is Halloween and I already know that it is going to be very stressful."
They stopped fighting long enough to look at me before they started blaming each other.
"It's not my fault," Lily says, smiling and using her sweetest voice. "Steve has been mean to me all day! I don't do anything," She promises, trying to get out of trouble.
Steve turns away from me to face Lily, "It's not my fault! You tried to shoot me with an arrow!" He turns back to me, "it's her fault!"
They start yelling at each other again. I hit my hand against a desk to get their attention again, "stop! I am so over listening to you two fight! If you don't go to bed right now you will both be washing dishes for a month!"
"You can't do that!" Steve yells.
"Watch me!" I glare at both of them and in less than a minute they are both in bed. I grab my pajamas and go to the bathroom to change.
When I come out Malcom is waiting for me. "You want to tell me what's going on?"
"Nothing," I lie, "I'm fine."
"You never yell," Malcom points out. "So, you must be pretty stressed over whatever happened this morning with Percy."
"Can we talk about it in the morning? I'm really tired and I have to be up in," I look at my phone. "Thirty minutes."
"Ok," Malcom agrees. "Get some sleep."
"Thank you!" I get in bed and try to get some sleep. Thirty minutes later I wake up to my alarm and go to check on Percy.
When I get to cabin 3 I knock softly in case Percy is awake. I open the door and unfortunately Percy is awake and swinging Riptide around.
"Percy!" I yell.
He looks at me, "what are you doing?"
"I'm sorry!" He quickly apologizes. He drops Riptide and jumps into bed.
I realize how angry I must have sounded. "No, it's ok. I shouldn't have yelled at you." I slowly walk over to his bed. "why aren't you asleep?"
"I can't fall asleep."
"Why not?"
"I don't have Mr. Blue and I miss my mom!"
"Who's Mr.Blue?"
"My teddy bear. I can't sleep without him!"
"Oh, ok. It's ok. I know I'm not Mr. Blue or your mom, but do you want me to stay with you until you fall asleep?"
He gives me a small nod, so I pull one of the chairs closer to his bed, so he can see me. Before so sit down I make sure he is tucked in and ready to go to sleep.
It takes him a while to fall asleep. I text Hazel because she was supposed to be the next one to check on Percy, to let her know that I was with him and he was asleep.
I don't know I fell asleep until Jason wakes me up about two hours later. I look around confused, "what's going on?"
Jason shrugs, "I don't know. I came in here to check on Percy and you're asleep in the chair. I figured I would wake you up, so you could go back to your cabin."
I thank him and the two of us go back to our cabins. The next time I wake up is for breakfast. The rest of the day goes by pretty well. We try our best to keep Percy happy. We also have to try our best not to get annoyed with Percy for asking if he could go Trick or Treating yet, every five minutes.
When it's finally time to bring him Trick or Treating, Piper brings out his custom. It's a fish. Percy loves it and Jason helps him change into it. Luckily for us, the camp does cabin Trick or Treating. The kids love it. I have to help my own Cabin, but Jason says that he can bring Percy to get candy and the two of them can hand out candy after. We agree to meet in Percy's cabin when Trick or Treating is over.
A few hours later we are sitting and listening to Percy talk about all the candy he got and how he tried to get Jason to eat the ones he doesn't like. Jason however, didn't want his candy. It turned out ok because Leo did eat the candy he didn't want.
It takes a while to get Percy to settle down and fell asleep after that. Then, we stay and talk for a little while.
"Ok, I love little Percy," Piper says. "But how are we going to get Hera to turn him back?"
Everyone looks at me, "I don't know." I say honestly. "I really don't. I've been trying to think of a plan since he got turned into a five-year-old."
"Well," Jason says. "We need a plan and fast."
Before anyone can respond Percy starts screaming.
Hi, I know I said I would update but never did, I'm really sorry about that. I was going to post this chapter a while ago, you know like on Halloween, but my dad took my phone, so I couldn't. I got it back about a week later and wasn't sure if I should keep it as a Halloween chapter or not, then I was going to post it last week and thought I did, but when I check today it turns out I didn't post it. Sorry again, I'll try and post something for all my books before Christmas!
- Alex
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